I Six THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, October 26. 1920 S. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office in Court House HEPPNER, OREGON DR. CLYDE R. WALKER THYSICIAX and SCUGEON Phone Connections IONE, OREGON PKOIDSSIONAL CAItDS BYRON Let Us Show You Our Line of V 1 By LOUISE M. ADDELSON. DR. R. J. VAUGHAN DENTIST Permanently located in Odd fellow's Building ' HEPPNER, OREGON DR. A. D. McMURDO PHYSICIAN' and Sl'KGKOX Telephone 122 Office Patterson's Drug Store HEPPNER, OREGON F. A. McMENAMIN LAW V Kit Office Phone Main G43 Residence Phone Main 66 5 Roberts Building HEPPNER, OREGON WOODSON & SWEEK ATTOKXEYS-AT-LAW Masonic Building HEPPNER, OREGON SAM E. VAN VACTOR ATTO I tXE Y-ATVLAAV First National Bank Bldg. HEPPNER, OREGON WATERS & ANDERSON 1 IKE INSCKAXCE Successors to C. C. Patterson HEPPNER, OREGON Moving Done by Porters. In Tunis there are no moving vans ior carts, many of the narrow streets eieg impassable. Household belong ntrs are changed from place to phire ' y porters, who most any day may he ;ee staggering under chests of draw rs nnd other heavy pieces of furni ture. On occasion the porters will "vcn transport. In huge baskets, per sons who may be sick, or otherwise incapacitated. , Many Changes for Grasshopper Falls. Valley Falls was originally named Grasshopper Falls. The legislature of 1863 changed It to Sawtelle Falls. It was changed back to Grasshopper Falls the next year because Sol Miiler dubbed It "Sowtall Falls." And it was Grasshopper Falls until 1873. when the name was changed to Valley Falls, and everybody lived happily ever after. Corning (Kan.) Gazette. It's dollars to doughnuts no man ever smoked a better cigarette at any price! CAMELS quality, and their expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic XJbM Wfwvw tobaccos hand yu a cisarette that wiU sat r 4 - -j ' j , isty every smoKe aesire you evci capu. ill nreffir this Camel blend to either 'Jf - T-K-j, kind smoked straigmi m H'A n nnUl to vou. The "body" is and 'kk'l: appeal to you. The "body" is all there, iHsJ that smoothness! It's a delight! ri Go the limit with Camelsl They will not -i r.vH jJ f retty odor! mWHil tire vour taste. And, they leave no unpleas- f ' f'Xi V ant cip-arettv aftertaste nor unpleasant ciga- Just compare Camels with any ciga rette in the world at any pricei J Cm r tod vrrrhr n efenMlcair MMtod pc)i of 30 c(ree for 30 cenf ; or n pack- (300 ciri(IB) in a aaiina ptptr-coyertd carton. Wo atrontly reeommmnd thit carton for . i l. ... A.fia iiinDrv or wnen you B. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO.. WinMon-Salam, N. C flfl ympi A Tip to the Men Foil lj How wouKI yen like r.olJcn bun-n -fl- p.nuakcs it putty waffles every morn ifu - Then try briivin) lionie a package 'Ol.'n-rlw r.nuake Hour. Sueot it he mivcl w it H vijti.il parts water or milk ;:nd put i'ii the riJdlc. You'll be surprised mi will every one cUe. Takes but a jiffy to make a royal batch o( pancakes. j Oiuc the luwakc Hour n"t t V'er vaL j-autty it m.iki way tor asr;i,a: !kur anj ili7-l:lt; Wlu.it llr.ltt'., ttm. 4 Tt jit.r.m; tin u. iinu..i.t th (..n.mina ,w J. tnhlHjttr fftMcl H'Hk anJ v,u!lT!f UtA: IMMIlHIHIl HiiKvftMtl mk;iih MKMI MUM 111 1 1 I K I 1 t mm Mitt sin HiH.1, iIihi cvir mi l o h o ciLine ft Si) FLOUU - FEED - C!::x L 4 (. 1920, by McCture Newspaper Syndicate.) Elinor Worth, rushing downstairs In nnswer to the furiously ringing door bell, found her chum and next-door neighbor, Alice Gloring, In a wild state of excitement. "He's coming !" panted Alice, thrust ing a slip of yellow paper into Elinor's hands. "Byron?" breathed Elinor, quite awed. "Byron! Isn't it wonderful? Elinor, you'll just adore him. If I were not engaged myself I'd he's such a dear !" Elinor did not doubt it. For two years she had lieard praises of Alice's wonderful cousin. For two years she had listened to the recital of his many perfections, the tales of his heroic deeds; of his kindness, his generosity, his good looks, until in her youthful Imagination he had become a god. Even his name appealed to her roman tic fancy. A man named Byron, she felt, could never be commonplace. "We'll Introduce you tomorrow after church," promised Alice. And, as her friend had predicted, the following day being Sunday, Elinor was introduced after church. Mrs. Oloring performed the ceremony with a little flutter of pleasure. She was fond of Elinor, and matchmaking was her hobby. "My nephew, Byron, clear Elinor, just returned from service. Byron, darling, Alice's best friend,. Miss Worth." Elinor lifted her eyes. She tried to say something pleasing and polite, but her tongue refused to obey her. Some thing was wrong with the world. The sunshine became hateful, the songs of the birds a mocking chorus. For By ron, the Byron of her Imagination, the poetic creature of her maiden fan cies, had taken unto himself wings and lied ; and In his place stood an odious, long-limbed, quite un-Byronic creature with sandy hair, light blue eyes, a wide mouth and a nondescript nose. "Isn't he Just too sweet?" murmured Alice in Elinor's ear. Elinor flushed, not so much at Alice's words as at the sudden twinkle in By ron's eyes. The days wore on. Elinor survived the shock she had received. She met Byron frequently and even learned to like hlra. That gay twinkle in his eyes seemed to relieve his plainness. But she felt that Fate had played a cruel joke on her, nevertheless, and that she would not be the same again. The real Byron could never attain a truly By- ronlc place in her Imagination. But he had been in service and it was her duty to be kind to him, so she helped Alice entertain him. She walked with hltn, talked with him, drove with him nd felt herself very magnanimous In doing It. A few weeks after his nrrival a rench army olllcer came to see Byron. The girls were curious as to the object of his visit, for Byron foretold nothing, merely smiling with that exasperating twinkle In his eyes. And the surprise of the Indies was great when the young Frenchman pinned a medal on Byron's chest as a mark of favor from the French government for unparalleled bravery nnd fortitude on the Held of battle nnd for chivalry and kindness to French widows and orphans. That night, when Byron Invited El inor out for a walk, she wa strangely shy. It had come over her suddenly that Byron was a personage. Elinor," said he, after they had walked a few minutes in silence, "don't you think you could like me a little, though I am Dot all that you hod hoxd for?" All 1 hoped for?" stnnimercd Eli nor. "Yes. Vou see. I know my aunt and Alice have (I way of raving over h?. pie, and I could tell they'd Riven you wrong ItnprpRslon of me. Also, my name lias boon a stumbling hlook all my life. I don't know what my parents had ngitlnt me when they named me Byron, It Isn't bud with men, but K'rls have hud a liahlt of Judging you by inline. Confess no', ill'ln't yon rather rwet to liitn-t a shncity-hBlrwl MM-t. tuatrnd of a lnln John Jones?" 'Who lias Imi-ii decorated by the French government, snld fcllnor, soft Iv, "and who never snld a word about It. though he knew the decoration coming '." "Oh. n for thnt " "As for that." said Kllnor. "1 rfallre thnt rHH-ls could never have won the war for us, and ttiut I'm a vwy foolish pemon." "If you'll forulve my being un Hy ronlc." wild Byron, with his humorous twinkle, "I'll forgive your being foolish. In tsct. I'm trHty well pleased with you as you are." Kllnor stopie nnd made him an old fashioned ciiriy. "The sentiment's mutual." she said, said." Which pleased the un Byronlc Bynm very muih. Land Clearing baewn In Pictures. Mot Irs of the flft land larlrii limit vrt held In tli t liiti'd fclnlrs. Iht MmdiKU'd by ' MlHleite ruunty WI lnl riiiMttg .isii,n. and H e I ttivrr.ii 01 i .. I...U In. I " S Rl "'". I" Vl;ir'!iete eun". are I" ' inn ii y ? i h'nn 1. 1 . ! i ( ihv i iii. n Ti.-" I ' ' inLi n ! ') 1 1' ! I'-e rl'i '!. ti,.l . u nm.rf mtn-s i-it I" ,-lon tj ! Iir-lter"). Ti-r ! I ...I.Hli feniiera S.Ul l- ( r..rm,t g i... . e( . -rati. M S .Urr.IrM l y I' -t li r lie "f tsnit ' "i . Plows Drills. eeders and other seasonable farm machinery and implements B r& e sua i Bif reoo cs i earaware t. 1 B Company SHUTT is carrying on a strictly legitimate Real Estate Bus iness. He -will not offer for sale any land that he would not be willing to buy himself at the terms offered. SHUTT- has had over 23 year's continuous research of Mor row county land condition, owning nnd operating ranches, and as tux collector and business nuui. Whenever he recommends a buy, you can bank on it. He has built up a big real estate business by siuiire dealing and efficient services. If you have land to sell or buy, see E. M. SHUTT The Real Estate Man Vp-stalrs in the Court House. I'hone Main 022 Choice Cuts of the?) Best Meats EVERY HOUSEWIFE WANTS TO SERVE THE best in Meats to her family.. She can be assured she is doing so if she buys her Meats at this shop which is conducted in conformity with modern methods of sanitary marketing. Central Market McNAMER & SORENSON, Props. BURLAP SACKS For Potatoes at Sam Hughes Co. ONLY 5 CENTS EACH Better Come Early SAM HUGHES COMPANY