Tuesday, October 26, 1020 THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Three Spain's Sporting King on a Holiday HIS LUCKY DAY o By WINIFRED FORD. (, 1920, by McClure Newtjpaper Syndicate.) Dick Morrison was visiting a friend he had met the summer previous at Inglewood. Inglewood wns a favorite summer resort of Dick's family. Ned Greenwood hnd rescued Dick from drowning at Inglewood bench one morning when Dick was seized with cramp. Friendship had developed from this incident and now Dick was at the Greenwood farm having the f time of his life. "And will you ever forget that gypsy fortune-teller at Inglewood and the things she predicted !" laughed Ned. "Come to think of it, now, she did predict that Thursday would be my lucky day. By the way, Thursday Is the day I return to town I'm going to be on the look-out for luck," and at the mere thought of ever being super stitious over lucky days or fortune tellers, Dick smiled. It was Incredu lous to both Dick and Ned that any of the gypsy's predictions would ever come true. . The 8 :14 was late, as usual, Thurs day morning, and Edna Walton paced up and down the platform at Newfall station mentally criticising the rail road and all connected with It. On her manicuring parlor windows In Whltton City was written, "Open at 8:30," and now It was close on to 10:30. She had spent the week-end with a girl friend at Newfall and was In a hurry to get back to the city and her business. Edna Walton conduct ed a manicuring parlor called Mine. Walton's manicuring parlor. She was twenty-one, rather small, hnd large laughing brown eyes and a wealth of curly brown hair. Dick Morrison jumped from Ned's racer at the station and grasping Ned's hand, assured him of the de lightful weeks spent at Newfall at the Oeenwood farm. He hurried to the platform, deposited his grip on the sound, and signaled to a passing news boy for a morning paper. The boy did not notice Dick, as he was busy -counting his money at that moment. In the meantime Edna saw the train approaching at a distance and unconsciously deposited her grip close to Dick's, and took a tiny mirror from her pocketbook and made sure the curls were all tucked In neatly. She, too, saw the newsboy and went after him for a morning paper. Dick re turned, and with his eyes on the ap proaching train, picked up a grip and moved forward. Edna, with the pa per under her arm, also picked up a brown leather bag, nnd as she entered the trnln she secretly thought how light the bag hnd grown since she last carried It. When she was seat ed In her chair she looked at the hag, and alas I In place of her travel-worn tag was a beautiful leather one with the Initials D. M. printed on the side. "What have I done and where Is my crln?" was all she could say. nnd tears of vexation appeared In her eyes. In the meantime In the smoker Pick was surely blessing the gypsy who had produced all sunshine and Rood luck for him on Thursday, nnd here before his very eyes was nn un familiar bag. "Of all the luck how am I going to Ept thnt bag hack to Its owner and how the deuce shall I recover miner and Dick's thoughts were any. thing bnt pleasant. I'pon leaving the train Dirk Imme diately set out for a newspaper office and Inserted an ad (he left the bag at his home to be called for), stating In the ad that he would like to recover a certain brown leather bag. "C.riMit Scott ! I enn't go Into the office with hands on me like this and tnv tmlls are nnythlng hut pli-onnt to took at." 80 at a few minutes be fore noon he Mopped at Mine. Wat ton's nmnlrnrlng parlor Bnd after a short wait Mme. Walton was carefully trimming his nails. A gi'titlemnn cam In at the same moment and told Kdns that lie had been there at lOiM for a manicure. but the place was locked. Yes Mr. Frtnihf unfortunately It haw-ned to be Thursday, my tin lucky dny, and not only '" 'he train Inte but 1 l"-t my bn and run aray mitli some one else's," and Kdnsj n,n,l as Mr. F'rbiih snM "that would never do." and left the shop. rrk henrd every word, and s'ld drnly the band that F.dn h-ld JertM Itwlf say. and Kdiia looked up to see what was the tdsible. "Pardon R er er 1 believe I made a similar mUfike this morning. I I also ran assy with a bag that 1I1 not W to ne. Do io you twns n would be tsi!l that you took my t.n mid and " -Why. I hsve It riiht her I mesa be ot.e I tk by ttiUtnke." And Kdns n t -r-lti.-"l a bs. thnt lookiil eer M fnti mar to Ilk. lie t'""t'"l "w fc. i adsertlsi-d her bus nnd tts It a nt ! I'1"- AUi '' ,. . ... but llieti. but she i?! r.d t -r it ltr m ''"f -Hit I I'll sf'il! grn'e'ul to hsie ,: n"nn..-l. Won't n. n t )m) j ,,: ,.. f 'at. J -I to I'll- t. S"d j V ' tn ti I :.' i I I j I 't " I n"t I Ixssss fflgL ! UP TO $20 I " weW'TO'' i - .VW 4 I V v I on your Fall suit or over- M stTT n" itei-. & . Thru lar.e purchases V ftiife Ittfel tofel Universal Tailoring 1 V - " w u U&zr aq Mfk ml r YJfkV Company '-r-TO'S?1 ; llljJVA The All Wool Line 'a8 f i ttT'fl MiVvS' "lakii'K stupendous re- U i I III Mm ductions on Fall and Winter f 11 m 1 BAW VZ suitings and ovemmthiK-s. II II EJ tl MMra HTJkiWT : , Alfonso, king of Spain, is an all-'round sportsman. He Is here seen at the tiller" of his favorite yacht at Sau- ft itander during a recent holiday. A I : I ters, wfiTch the Hoinans Invented for I t Ha$ a 6ood Nam8 1 1 I RIVERS TURNED INTO SEWERS Streams That Onca Were Famoua Lon don Thoroughfarea Now Are Fir Under th Ground. The river Tyburn, which, along with the Thames, helped to make Westmin ster, In London, an Island In Snxon times, can still be traced from the Mar ble arch neighborhood to Westminster. It originally flowed through Hyde park and St. James' park at a time when these were marshlands. Several feet below the pavement In Great College street are the remains of a bridge which spanned the Tyburn nt this spot just before it entered the Thames. But the most famous of all the bur led rivers of London Is undoubtedly the Fleet It flowed through Jack Ketch's warren, where dwelt nt times such notorious characters as Dick Tur pln and Jack Sheppard. It was a fa vorite dodge of the highwaymen and other thieves who Infested the district of Saffron hill and Hatton garden to drop through a trapdoor to the Stygian banks of the Fleet, pull a plank after them and so escape capture by the Bow street runners. The Fleet ditch ran Into the Thames at Blackfrlurs, and small craft used to put Into It with merchandise. In the middle of the city wns the Wellhrooke, and on the enst side the Langhourne, and In the western suburbs the pleasant stream of the 1 Oldbourne, also deep enough to accom modate good-srtJied craft. Other Lon don rivers not yet wholly sewers are the Boding, the Lea, the Bavenshourne nnd the Wandle, but the Brixton ts no longer visible anywhere. of wild-beasts and other spectacles The repetition of arch beyond arch and story over story gives this amphi theater its imposing grandeur. . This principle of reduplication of parts, of which the Gothic architects after wards made so much use, is carried to a greater extent than in any other Bo- man building. It did not have a roof. The upper story Is not arched like the three lower stories, but solid and with pilasters. Some architects think It was meant wholly for the purpose. of supporting and working the great ve larium or silk awning that covered the arena during the representation, which may not have been attempted when the amphitheater was first erected. It Has a Good Name. In the yellow adders' tongue, which John Burroughs has poetically styled "fawn lily," there Is a twofold appro priateness of name, says the American Forestry Magazine of Washington, for the erect leaves have well been likened to the ears of a startled deer, while the mottled colors, with a distinct fawn color more or less In evidence on the outside of the miniature yellow lines, easily suggest the name. is making stupendous re ductions on Fall and Winter suitings and overcoatings. EVERV FABRIC ALL WOOL 'Come in as soon as you can and look over the big display of fab .ttija, ,''rs at reduced prices. We are also making a 7 per cent reduction on our own stock, made up here. Heppner Tailoring & Cleaning Co. Main St. G. FRANZEN Heppner M I The Passion for Haste. A Japanese baron visited the Uni versity of California, and on leaving was put aboard a partly filled local car. At the Junction the party transferred to a much-crowded through car. Jap anese courtesy weathered the test eo far as mannurs went, but the baron could not resist the question: "Why did we leave the comfortable car for this one, which Is so crowded?" He was told: "Oh, we save two minutes getting Into San Francisco.' "Ah, said he, "and what will we do with the two minutes?" Needless. Can your little baby brother talk yet?" a kindly neighbor inquired of a small lad. "No, he can't walk, and there ain't no reason why he should talk," was the disgusted reply. "What does he want to talk for when all he has to do Is yell a while to get every- ing In the bouse that's worth hav ing?" New York Evening Post. HER IDEA OF LUXURIES Middle-Aged Negress Tells Mistress How She Will Spend $600 Insurance Left by Her Husband. A middle-aged negro woman of Richmond was left some $0K) Insur ance by her .husband, and shortly aft erward, when asked by the lady for whom she had cooked for ninny years what she Intended to do with her monev declared that she meant to spend It on luxuries. "Yo see. Miss Mary, Ah done wnck hard all mah life, an' ain't had nuffln' hut des needcecsltles, an' Ah'a gwloe blow In dls money," she explained. How ore you folnfe to spend It, Mandy?" "Ah Is gwlno buy sne a phoneygraf, an two silk dresses, an a, nimmu ring, an' marry Jack Thompson," Mandy declared Impptly. "Marry Jack Thompson? Why Mandy, he Is nothing but a worthless loafer, n drced-up dudo who tries to be 'sport I'" 'YnKsuni, Ah knows dat." Mandy agiwd, "but, hick Ah said. Ah wants some luxuries. My ole man was good nlgzer, but he sho' was sorry to look at. Now. dls Jack Thompson, he gnlne be Jest plumb ornnmwitul, sit- tin' round de house all diiy. The Roman Coliseum. The Riiiiuiii coliseum was the lsrget and most splendid of the buildings known In anhlti-rture a aniphlthea- Wasn't Open, A rather green countryman hnd Jnst returned from his flrsf visit to New rorK. "Well, SI," said the postmnster, "what did you think of the metropo lis?" "Wat say?" gawked the other, stumped by so big a word. "I asked how did you like the me tropolis?" "Oh, that 'twan't open," snld SI." Boston Transcript. Crowning Triumph. Little Norman nnd his two play follows were boasting about thi-l parents and their belongings. "My fu tber," said Norman, "Is going to build a fine houKe with a steeple on It." "That's nothing!" exclaimed Willie tcornfully. "My father has Just built a bouse with a flagpole on It." Conrad, who hud been listening In tently, was silent for a moment, tbet. hurst out triumphantly: "Oh. that nothing! My father Is going to build a house with a mortgage on It!" "PERMANENT AS THE PYRAMIDS" oncrete Pipe Company Manufacturers r MATKRMTY HOME I am prepared to take a limited number of maternity cases at my home in east Heppner and assure best attention to all patients. Write or phone, MRS. G. C. AIKEN, Hepp ner, Or., Box 142. Phone 396. 23tf Sewer and Water Pipe Irrigation Pipe Culvert Pipe Hollow Silo Blocks Cement Products Seed Rye For Sale Best quality seed rye for sale at both Lexington warehouses at 4 cents a pound. 23-26pd. Phone 467 1003 North 10th St Walla Walla, Wash. Honesty Prevalent In China. Honesty Is s prevailing virtue among most Chinamen. Hume of them In their native towns and cities lesve their places e.f huxlnens unguarded while they go off for sn hour or more. Should customers srrivo In the mean time they I. ml the prices of goods plainly marked, select what they" want and leave the money for tlietn. Kentucky Grain Drills MaMaBBVBnBBBBBHBBBBWIIMWMB Play THe Game! Live Up To Your Opportunity Ntvcr before in the history of Morrow county have conditions been more favorable for seeding. Soil and weather conditions are ideal and it only remains for the farmer to sow good seed, in good time and with good im plements and he will be practically asured of a bumper crop next summer. The Kentucky Light Draft Grain Drill is a triumph of mechanical genius and manufacturing skill. Every feature has been tried out under many varying conditions and has been proved the best possible to meet the requirements of Morrow county farmers. Come in and look the Kentucky over and let us show you that our claims are well founded. A French Invention. A Frenchman bus Invented method" of enlarging records to obtain In creased or dliiiltil"bHl aound Intensity. Their House on an Auto Truck -- -1 ,-! r t lrfi 11 fi t ! . .1 s f The P.&O. Gang Plow Good plowing is the basis of successful farming. The P. & O. gang plow is perfectly adopted to Morrow county soil conditions. Let us piovc it. m h'' t ' ew.-t . V- Ml.' ,trt M' S a lm. ;. oi- .-y ,. ....-. t II' err ' t I r r. ! i u" ii r. I , ". r I' - h u I If. 1 1-1 I- t II s I I i . t I r I ! f e'i'l ' I ! I rt i frt;, . , ' ' I n ;t ' ; Tr " r s I I. . ' . i )"' "I i.ftf fit'ti for t-rMt. I.- I ,r , ' i-. r uri , i ',!. , f s i 1 ft i -- i t r Gilliam & Bisbee I 1 i U I ! "