Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, October 26, 1920, Page Two, Image 2

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' T.
Tuesday, October 36. 1920
' 1 " ill,- 1 l' ij u M L 1 1 x u 1 . 1 1 r 1 -. r w 1 v 1 . 1 v ivuu
I n r. niirrHuix niiumi 1 -
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7W V
itluiiyiUhl. l-'JU, WK.rtci-n Niwupulier Llilcu.l
The women guests, were chatting '
tin; veranda of Chuvmont house us the
".strange girl" approached.
"The .Strain''; Oil 1" is the name they
pave the little creature, gossiping
iimong themselves concerning the nl
fairs of folks who patronized this
exclusive V Isido inn- Nan hum
ming softly, ami unmoved if aware of
their hostility, changed her intention
of passing anion',' them and made her
way In her checked giic-ham frock to
a rear door. She curried a hamper in
her arms and waved aside 11 friendly
!:!t.. iu1:i!it who would have relieved her
of the hunleii. Mrs. Van Vourt leaned
excitedly toward her neighbor.
"It is 11 iv opinion," she said, "that
the girl is working out iter hoard
,re a r,inil relative or something of
the sort of .Manager Hastings, else why
should she he allowed to eat at the
. K'lcwt tables in the great dining room?
"I will tell you something," she said.
"This morning as 1 went out early to
the garage with my husband we were
going away In his car there, hack in
the baniyurd, was your strange girl in
her short gingham dress, feeding the
"Kenny!" Mis. Van Vourt exclaimed.
r.hir-ltens'" hoodied Madame Xtensaler.
"I must go and tell Homer," Miss Van
"Vourt mild gleefully, und was off. A
tall man, who had heen silently smok
ing a cigar around the bend of the ve
randa, arose wrathfully. How they
picked her to pieces, the gentle, shy
creature who slipped In and out
through all their display so unobtru
"Tends to her own darned little busi
ness, If It Is feeding chickens," he mut
tered, and strode hastily past the rock
ing chairs and across the lawn.
"Such an Interesting personality!"
Mrs. Van Vourt whispered as he
passed ; "decidedly western, of course,
hut picturesque."
"It's Ids money, my dear, that Is pic
luresoiie." Madame Kensaler dryly re
marked. "They suy this Jim lirent
lino made his millions."
Tlio westerner reached the barn
yard an the strajige girl. Nan, was
"bending over two white hens hungrily
engaged In disponing of their dinner.
. 7 4
A l !
1 Moan fcVhtd FifllffftrS'
A remarkable uirphine iihotograph
of the statue of Liberty on Bedloes
sjTT- "hair looseiieTI "the tight-pinned
braids from her head, and they fell re
belliously waving, red gold, to her
waist. ' Startled, her soft eyes glanced
nn nt him.
"Sav." Jim Brent said awkwardly
"let me do that for you while you go
In and get on that white dress for din
ner. The bell's going to'ring in a mm
The L'lrl smiled.
"Why, that's nice of you, she said,
"hut I can't trust Ilhldie's feeding, or
Jerry's, to another person. You see"
she caressed the white fowls "they
are about all 1 have to love. I brought
them with me."
"llrnnL'ht them!" gasped Jim; "from
vour home farm?"
Nan arose, strulghtenlng her ging
hum skirts.
"1 hnven't nnv home or folks." she
said wistfully.
lie waited later until the strange
girl was properly seated at her own
place In the great dining room. Then
Jim Brent crossed the floor and paused
with a bow of deference perore tier.
"T wonder,'" he asked, "if you d lei
me sit here with you. 1 am lone'y and
1 reckon you are. They" he im iioued
toward the fashionable assi mhled
throng "they don't tit, some way.
i Hastings will tell you that I am lII
"And I wish," Jim Brent wn saylnu
to Nan the following morning, "that
vou'd let me carry your hamper for
vou to wherever you are going, j
Wherever you go every day youvork j
too hard. Vou looked white and tired j
yesterday when you returned, and
your gingham dress was all torn.
"Nan little girl" big Jim gulped"!
wish you'd stop it all and come away
with tne. T love you, Nan."
The strange girl lifted a responsive
white hen into the hamper. Then she
closed its straw lid.
"Jim," she said quietly, "you may
carry the hamper today, if you like,
md come with tne."
Recklessly she unpinned the bright
braids from about her head and let
them fall to her waist, as together the
two crossed the Claremont lawn.
"Did you ever!" cried Mrs Van
Vourt. "Actually going marketing
with her." Madame Uensaler said.
"I am taking you," Nan told the
westerner as they walked, to our
ninvinff nieture camn lust over the
rldL'o. We are doing a dear farm pic
ture there. Jim. I am 'Mollie of Mill
Vnttr.v nnd nn old white hen is about
the onlv friend I have that Is, at first.
1 blossom out wonderfully toward tne
end of the nlay. The billboards say
that here I am Nanette Willis at her
In the center of the woodland path
.Tim stood still
"You," he said unbelievingly, "Nan
ette Willis and 1 never guessed.
Used to follow your scenes just to see
you smile. And 1 dared to ask you
tn ho mv wife. Great gosh !" lie added
adly, '"how you must laugh to your
But I nm not laughing, Jim," Nan
s-ild. "I'm a strange girl, you know-
on sometimes when 1 feel happy I cry
almost. I want to cry now with love
for von. Jim. and happiness."
And when they went on again flown
the path the forgotten Biddy, escaping
her hamper, sedately followed.
Better take a slant at our window dis
play of Canton Flannel and Jersey Work
and Driving Gloves before the frost be
comes more severe. Something there
to meet every cold finger need.
eal County
RUE province of a local county news
mtier ia tr five. 3S nearly as possible,
all the news of the county in which it
is published every week. To render
such service to its subscribers it is nec
essary to maintain a corps of corres
pondents in all parts of the county.
This is the plan followed by
and the steadily growing circulation of
Wie niivcmnpr in Morrow countv IS
..... o'-v -
the best evidence that the plan is a suc
cess. Take a look at page 5 of any is
sue cf the HEKALD and sec for your
self if the above statement is not true.
If you want ALL THE COUNTY
NEWS every week in the year
You Want The Herald
The pi ice is $:.oo a year, $1.00 for 6
irontbs and you hue to subscribe for
the Herald to t?.rt it. The HERALD
is fnrct d on r.wbody. We want only
williin; M'bsctibcrs who want the paper
biv.-.u-.c they like to tend it r.::J who
.11 e willing to pay for it because they
v.: Ah it is worth the price charged. It
cmi aic not now a subscriber or if yout
sutisciiption has expired wc will nppte-ti.-i:
your check and order. Thank you.
Iris, or Fleur-de-LU' Wa Originally
Called the Fleur.de-Louls Valued
for It Medicinal Purposes.
The Iris, or the flenr-de-lis, Is the
national flower of France. It was
nrli-lnnllv enlled the fleur-de-Loi'Js.
The ancients valued It highly for me
dicinal mmioses. A powder made trom
the root, mixed with noney, was uscu
for broken bones, and It was also con
sidered beneficial for snake and scor
pion bites. A valuable perfume and
oil was also obtained from the iris.
The legend ns to how the flower re
ceived Its name goes back to the
Greeks. Iris was the messenger of
the gods, and the rainbow was dedi
cated to her. On her birthday, Juno
Invited all the flowers to celebrate
tbo occasion. They all came In
their prettiest frocks. Among them
were three sisters, gorgeously
dressed In gowns of purple, yellow and
riKl. ami who were unknown. Since
thev had no name, they were called
Iris, beenuse their gowns were the
color of the rainbow.
Since Iris was the messenger of the
pods, nnd conducted the souls of dead
women to their final resting place, the
Creeks deconited the graves ot ineir
women with purple Iris.
This flower was widely used In old
rwiitliin architecture. It Mgnmeii
Dower nnd ebullience to thrt Egyptians,
nnd was, therefore, carved on the brow
of the Sphinx, and upon the scepters
of their kings.
Canton Flannel Gloves
LEATHER FACED (Very Serviceable) 65c
Jersey Gloves
ielps Grocery Co,
of tnat"bne oh fiU esfate. So" proud
was he of his wood chopping ability
that he even had himself pnotngrnpa
ed with his favorite ax at his beloved
pastime; and so great was his reputa
tion nnd so nrdent His nnmirers mm
he was frequently being presented
tilth nn nt ns n ninrk of esteem. At
one time he had more than 30 axes
In his collection.
Sleppner Herald
S. A. P.misMi, Publish r, llcppncr, Oregon
Dr. Petti of Buenos Aires Performs
Remarkable Feat on Woman Patient
Who Recovers After Long Fight.
Iwtor I'ettl of I'.tienos Aires wns
hocked en making an Incision In
voiHin's nbdomen to file! that no
1. 1. .i l thme.l ii ml that Ms patient s
till MIr 1. She hml rolhinsed under
the chloroform. Artificial iw'.rntlon
lmd no cnVi-t. fafiine Injected
I nth under the l.!n ami lu'O the vc'in
lib no r-n1t.
The !ir -.-..ii then exl'-mVil the In
e'si,.n he lia-1 innde li-rn-d Ills hnixl
in i h-'hl i f II e woman nc:m
... -,. it II,. ,i n-.- i t the heart
h l-.ith h-n.U. l.'H at hi" II did not
i-.. id. All at otii-e n powerful con
t nn. f. !. fol'o i I by ether-.
- i !!!:!.:. viis :ot."cl. hut lmd I"
r.- ir !! :! i-n.-o. The c.-ntrnctloiis
r.-;ip'""ei I ot tie inn ! Coll
t!mi..,l in d lid ah ith.i.s of ,.i vi-.-n Were
K'M ti At hit the piitiiid was out of
M e ii-'iimIih-I nm-i I'c1iiii for B
l.-i; ii-e. and ol.cn chc rwnvi-ri!
I id ! -. hh tl ! he I nd bee" l'
I ... iit. II. r r-.oi t cr
.',.. u-:: cm. tM --i'i-I h vli'lcnl ile
I'riiiin. t-ol !' K"l nl I il.
I! -I
Tl .
I .
It Needed Attention.
He had been sent to a certain mb-
nrh to time s nlano. He found the In
strument In good condition, and not In
the least need of attention.
A few days later his employer re
ceived o letter from the owner of the
piano, a lady of would-be musical pri-
cllvltles, Ktatlnu thnt the piano nan not
been properly tuned. It was no better
than before.
After receiving a rcprlmnnd from his
employer, the hnplos tuner made an
other trip and again tested every note,
only to find ns previously, no mull
with the Instrument. This time he
told the lady so.
"Yes." idie suhl, "It does seem lit!
rlt;lit, doesn't It. when "ii play It. hut
as soon as I begin to ln It gets all out
of tune." London Tit Hits.
Mr. Ford Owner
You can get your Ford
overhauled at our shop
at Ford schedule prices
Ford Garage
"Our wind lender vpcciH t" co-rnl
nil The feminine Votes In The pr'nmry."
"Ilow Is lie going to initiia-f ItV
'I'e !.ns i-n!i'"l It to g-t nil around
tl.nt n' the poilititf ;dtn-e ate to ha
mirrors In 'tin.H
-4ic zc za z r-jK --r zr: zzzz-z .
, I
Creit 8tatmn's H?bry.
i-Uii.iie la Ids il.iT " I'll' n
ii. H e i-r. ftt I .' ! min U"-! (
nwiiy fro: l the inn of '! 1
hi i ..-:f i.iiT To hi estate at j
IU..I I.
It mnrd. n. wli The luift of his IPis'T
n Bud let The ", li'p f id M r thrt
I )." To h'm tie n.-r. attoMrd
,,. plant Ca'IIU'li-te tl elitnl r'-'t That h
ouM l.t.. Wuh coal eT uml shirt-
.!.-. e r.'He. lip ' pTHfv minister
otihl n kH- trve seirfnl faet In di
ameter, ami t at It ut lSI ! ! re
dil.il It lo i-ordal 11 S forrlrt
I ram.uttlni Ma frirnds a I h !
lt.'r vt cuttii 4 ih'n this tre
Tlie : lr (liil-lnin (liuith.
The usual service of the Church
i will be held on euml.ir, rrnslstinR
of the Htlde HchiHil nt ten o'clock, fol-
Inncil by Communion 8me niol
,rrearhitif at eleven o'clock.
j The ea-i,(ng Sarvire wi'.l r,nlt
of the Christian Endeavor Sene t
; -ven o'll.x-k and ons S- tvire and
lr.-aclnns; at eltht o'rhx k. I'i v-
:nii I cordially Jnv it. to att-n 1
these earrvlrr.
. W. O I,lvintione. Minlnt.r,
tlarlsllnn ts lnir
i Chtlsilan Science .-tvlc- are ro-ld
rvery flun-Uy puiftiins at 11.00
o'clock In I O O f. hall Hun-lay
HsIkh'I at :4S a. w. T"U.i ony
tneetln are helj try .n..l,i
erenlni at I 00 o'clock at th horn
of Mrs. Ku-n Hlocum. AH lnlr-
rsteal sr ford. ally bvI4 lo lten4 (
Suits and
$30 to $75
We have without doubt the best value in &
Fall and Winter Clothin
ou can find in Morrow County. You
vil find our line the best -made (or the
money at prices ranging from $30 to $75
Cleaning Dyeing
Pressing Repairing
! I
1 1