Eicht THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER. OREGON VJ lib I Lll ILII C". I'- . j Bv F. (5 HARRIMfiTIM J f) C.CJ, IJ-'J, by .Vf.clure Nt'WHIJ.'i nt-r Svrwll ) ork tlic buililin;; III when with When ymi pit to New show you die W'oolwonli tli; limolilvn hriilc, nnd tjiiiiiMj neci; or miikihc eyes you mere ly cusp mid exclaim "Jly hi.-t-l; !" tliei Jour .Mnnlialtaii friend in,nc!ialantl turns iuvny with 1he remark, "Not 1. hll'l lilllo building." Inst so do tlio iifiMves of Woo-Hidii conduct ihi'ir visiting friends to tin Stafford poultry furm. Si runners in viirintily admire thu ir.nunili'iMit bona .'Hid grounds or the millionaire owner mid lit sight of the liiiii.eiiM! farm just Murk will: poultry houses iiiviinnlil.v their eyes bulge, they gasp mid do elnre, "(hod night!" "It's certainly some place," they Buy, "hut one thine puzzles me. You say this Stafford Is u millionaire?" "Yes, sir, Ted Stafford made, his r'lc nil right," and Cy smiles to hlin M'lf as if enjoying some secret joke. "Well, why under the sun doesn't 1:0. lmy a roul automobile? These fliv vers of his lire camoulbiged with wire wheels and made-to-order hodies so they almost deceive you, hut still they're only flivvers when all's said Itnd done." Aim ! Cy knew that was coming. He licks his chops and begins. For of fill (lie stories that Wooillleld likes to tell ahout her citizens that is the fa vorite. It was eight years ago In the month of .lime. Ted Stafford and Ids mother lived together on their little farm do ing a very prosperous egg husiness, the nucleus of the SlalTord poultry farm. When Ted graduated from Har vard (wo years previous he was en tirely salislied to seltle down as n f firmer. This .tune afternoon, however, Ted was not fanning, .lust afler dinner he look u halh and donned his "clly" chillies. When Iks walked Into (he ll(chen, slruw hat In hhnil, his mother appraised him with fin expression of jiniiKl nilmlratlon. "Dear me. Ted," she Joked, "It's no wonder Itulli likes Woodlield. I cer H si 1 nly admire her taste." "Aw, cut It out, rim . Say, tun, do you like this lie?" Of course she did. And If ma did, then liulli surely would. Just now lie was settliuj out for the Million to meet the ,1:40, which was firlriKlni,' ltutli from the city. It was ahout quarter-pust three when Ted tillghleil from thu depot wiigon. Ho hustled Into the station lind shouhil a Krootlni; to Ira Jones, who performed the duties of ticket ngont, baggage tiuistcr find telegraph operator, and whose ullh'lal title was "station iigetit." Ira was 11m news center of Woodlield, since he picked up the doings of llie KiirroundliiK towns from the agents filling the line. Outside of this, the use of the tele graph In Woodlield was negligible. "Whiit'N new, Iry?" queried Ted. "Well, they isot a new hnrhor down In .lolinsiiin llie, mid there's n bur liMque show cumin' Inter Knstwny Tlnirsd.iy night. Ilcrknn Wooiltleld's male potuihiilon will he klndii ilc plelcd 'I'li'irsday p. in. Think you'll Xo down?" "No, I m ess not, Ira." Here their dialogue was Interrupted by llie rllcklim of the telegraph re ceiver, Ted saimicrcil over to llie gum liiinliliie mid Mirei'd himself iih les 1 uM In Hie lull,' circle of mirror. lie hostoucd n h.'i'hiiiI or two on his lie mi I lean Pi .-uress his mustm-be. rO BE INAUGURATED FRIDAY ext President of the United States Will Ef Sworn In on a Day Con sidjred Unlucky. Whichever of the two pri'sidenMnl '"itidi'ifites tacks his nameplate on. the door of tiie White Mouse next year wiil li'ive to he ii.nugn -a ted on a Friday. Due-third of the 'S: presidents of the I'm'ted Siaies wen- inaugurated on Monday and only three on Friday, one f whom, Lincoln, was assassinated, Hid Fierce failed of re-election. Friday has always seeninl to he a -lurk, drear and lirilit'-ky day for pres. :dents. Tyler, Foik and Fierce died on Friday. Leap year seems to have heen mad. I'n-sideniial offspring of leap years have heen Taylor, who died i-i ofiice: Fierce, who rained neither fame nor n second tcria, and Johnson, the onlv president Impeached. As a season for presidents to be horn in. late -prill.' and early summer are Impossi ble, and the later summer Is scarcely to he thought of. No president over was horn In May June, the only chief executives midsummer has provided the nation being J. Q. Adams, born In July, and Benjamin Harrison. With one excep- lion, aside from the two already men tioned, presidential birthdays have been restricted to tho period between October and. April. ""' " ' " Elephants One Man's Hobby. The late "Uncle John" Brnshear of iftshiirgh urged that every man should have a hobby; and Matthew C. finish, president of the International Shipbuilding corporation, would sub scribe to that dictum. The leader of the vast undertaking nt Hog island has a hobby that Is sin gularly picturesque. lie is a warm admirer of the ele phant. Ho holds that for tin; com ninalliHi of strength, sagacity, (Fgnity nnd fidelity It is the model beast. In his pocket he carries tiny Ivor.? and ebony linages of llie mighty pachy derm. At his apartment there are lit tle elephants to be seen everywhere on the mantelpiece, on the piano. In every place of vantage. It is said that the recent census taken by their own er showed he possessed more than HOO of the tiny figures. Philadelphia Public Ledger. Tuesday, October 19, 1920. wiTh "the hrgTTways to make them cessible from all parts of the county. Bahamas to Protect the Flamingo. The flamingo will be protected by nn order of council Issued I y the gov ernment of the Rnhnma is, amis, the National Geographic so.-iety an nounces. The birds nest in ti e marshes of the islands. The action of the is land government followed :n expedi tion which trailed the flamingo into the marshes and there to-k motion pictures of its habitat. It was esti mated that since 1!H1 the number of the birds on the Island ha- been re duced from 20.000 to nboui 7.000 by the depredations of sponge fishermen, who killed them for food. Extensive Forest Planned. New York state will lead the.nntlon In Intenslvo application of forestry to Idle lands, unifer plans now being formulated In Otsego county. This country, whose hills and valleys, lakes and streams formed the setting for Cooper's Leatherstncklng tales, Is or ganizing n system of county nnd town ship forests, on tho basis of a survey by the New York State College of Forestry ot Syracuse. The plan Is for each township to plant n forest of roughly 100 acres ns a starting point. The several forests w ill be part of the county system and will be connected Wasted. "ny, I think I should h:;ve some thing back on the price of that cough Wrnp I got last week," the customer suggested. "What was the matter with it?" the druVgist asked in genuine surprise. "Why, I'd taken only half of it when my cough was absolutely cured, and there's half the bottle of stuff left, it total loss." WELL EQUIPPEDFOR DEFENSE British Adopt Defensive Measures for Big Aircraft That Have Been Considered Easy Prey, The helplessness of dirigibles In the face of airplane attacks may lie con sidered a mutter of the remote past. Tt seems that dirigibles of llie near future will carry fast single seater fighting airplanes along with them for the purpose of defending them selves against airplane attacks. Tiie liritish, who appear to have taken the lead In dirigible construc tion nnd operation away from the Germans, have been carrying on ex tensive experiments w-th airplanes carried by dirigibles. The giant air ship K-.'M the dirigible which crossed the Atlantic last summer carries an nlrplane suspended below it. Tiie nir plnne can be reached by passing through a trapdoor and down a swing ing ladder. At the opportune moment the airplane, with motor going at proper speed. Is released from the dirigible, nnd after a very slight drop goes forth on Its own flight. The disadvantage, of course, Is that once the piano is launched It Is not possible for It to return to the airship, so that the latter will be ns much nt the mercy of a second attnek from hostile planes1 ns under old conditions. Scientific American. How AboiiS: That New Coat? Why Birds Never Fall. Birds cannot open the foot w hen the j leg Is bent; that Is the reason they do not full off their perches when asleep. If you watch a hen walking you will notice that It closes Its toes as It I raises the foot nnd opens them when It touches the ground. 1 ET Si- iis show you these new models in both lone and short mate. Thpv come in all the popular cloths and color ingsand the prices are very reason- New Tricatine Dresses THESE COME IN EXCLUSIVE MODELS ALL DIFFER ENTAND VERY SNAPPY STYLES. New Sweaters COAT STYLE OR SLIP OVERS - AND FOR LADIES MISSES OR CHILDREN. A LARGE ASSORTMENT TO SELECT FROM. . 1U New Klosfit Petticoats ALL JERSEY NEW MODELS AND WANTED COLOR INGS BETTER SERVICE AND SATISFACTION THAN ANY OTHER PETTICOAT. Al I- tl.ll. .iiue ll.liel ..,IO ruin-I "U ! -I; I I I . M 'lei chill I it WHS IIMI1- bul Were be in t a n! footer f h' . t 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 m i -t - niklii luive I. I.ileer. It !! "Illl M'ly nnd lil.i' nil O'lHi; lliin.:. w a '.-. i, wl-h It h hcM ihi before 1 "' S- tn.-tb'iig In Itn's olce I I ami be lu-l rd to tin vlud. u. I 'o!l!eriitllol wn I on every line of lin't face, i. . 'I -'d, w i it tbele Some of eiirs on ibe II : l.'iV" I ' !'ie Ina : lei "'" hi ii,' in ei i be limit. in:: "t I n r- Seine tnl lip 111 ti'. II l-ld'l-l, I... I b' -Ml (. Inn t V 1. 1 t n. ,..-.l ... d: I. ' wresuim ! ' r a , - y ' ' ' ' '''""' ' -' - " 1 j . 'Viv-N, I i (;';. " ' ' ' . ,,! . -' s i.v, 'J it , V - - -' . . - : , . .f - m - - 1 ' ' III ill : : 1 d ifY -m. . 1! I ivssiiri v-iPaiiiicaiiV ii h y s - I Vs.-rr r, -M I I " " 11 . " mtm m& Match isfei-j' ' . , 1 ' - v S r e Ihliuill ... tl.e - feu 111 ' It i 1 - tiiHtrtiiti. ill. f i all w bile 'I " 1 ' ;l- t -; . n piile ck a lut. in , n I . . r . . "u 1 1 I' u. It l - l it lliey n. ' lb- n lii.'v .( . . u ' t kno (,,r nri't ll.l 1 1 . . - , ..,.!.), -tilt. le ImJui l"i e. Hi .' ...me .1. ,il', - Ii n Ull II ill" ..1 '11 lie I I.. Iful ' I ' ' ' ' I I" pin v the t!....r In II I i f nut ,s. II lie ,e ii . I i.oly t.' ' ! ' - if be could iiidy net! I '.! Ib.k . pel .' . . . M.-.i"! I'.e Il'tle Ii -It iioienl ! '..... I . I, J 'I ,. , u 111 ll.ii.k- ii .. ..,. in n., With it,, " I. of ' . I.ln.; I i . .,! ,.. I ill. - . Ii, ei '..l. i ,,r ,, ,. i,. ,' . I " 'I I ' I " i.c t , I I I i 1 ' Li' M . ,1. U I'!, !,. ., I'' ' I 1 ,-. . tl ,1 I, , . , ,, a ...i.. I '(., ... , ..... .,, I - ' f '. t ', W.,..'! . ,.. I I . I ' t I - W.I e ' -ii.. I .iM f .1... , I . i i,-! ,., . - e I H. J f n.l l rii' I ui - i: . v . 1.1 lit .,- I .h .1, " .?.-.!ir. I "T..,1 i i . ui ,-.i nff I i'i a t f:. hi I.' t. ' a i'e I i it i.u j l I- lion i -i . r " t'-.l : li V.A.i - f .1 -w up'-1 , t 1 XL ' v "4 V, i ' 4 i 4 ' 1)01) N .Slr.ll .atcn NELS JEPSON Champion Middleweight of Canada DODAN SINGH ( hampion Hindu Middlcw't of America Meet in Big Finish Match, Best Two out of Three. Star Theatre Sat Oct 23rd. Preliminaries Start at 9:00 P. M. Sharp Two Fast Preliminaries One Fait Boxing Bout Between Two Good Men. Return Wrestling Match Between CHARLES REASONER and RUSSELL WRIGHT for the Welterweight Cham pionship of Heppner. Best Two out of Three Falls. ADMISSION RINGSIDE RESERVED SEATS GENERAL Tickt-ts vn S.le t Central Meat Market JACK O'NEIL, Referee $2.50 $1.50 .75 NELS JEPSON