Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, October 19, 1920, Page Four, Image 4

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Tuesday. October 19. 1920.
S. A. PATTISOX, Editor and Publisher
Entered at the Heppner, Oregon, Postoffice as second-class Matter
Terms of Subscription
One Year S2.00
Six Months $1.00
Three Months $0.50
(y. lyO, by AlcCluie Newspaper Syinllcute. )
Ann Vruimen liad been a week now
lit Cousin Alllf's In the city, and with
"ucli BiieccudliiK day Ann felt windier
and inure awkward. Her hair had til
Folnloly refused to "hoh" at her ears,
cily fashion, mid there were times
Unit, despite her efforts, her tongue
would slip hark Inlo the country
vernacular that she had spoken for
the eighteen years of her life. Sub
stantial she looked, substantial she
felt, and, besides all this, there was
the terrible name of Ann fur n handi
cap and as for the nicest ynimjc inau
Who lived upstairs bow could she
ever net acquainted with him if one
dured not speak V
These were the thoughts that were
runnliiK throuk'b the back of little
Ann's head, iih she threw the nn;s over
the piazza ralliiiK mid attacked them
Vigorously with the carpet beater.
She made n pretty picture there In
the innrnlnt; sunshine, tin- sleeves of
her pink smock rolled up to her el
bows, and her cl kx Hushed with the
exercise, anil as she worked an old bit
of doKKerel that she had learned us n
child ciime Inlo her bead, anil she
KniiK, because the rnoriilnj,' was so
lirlulit ami the youny man upstairs was
bo handsome No! That wasn't what
fdie hail meant to think at all, hut she
kept NiiiKlni; and keeping time with
the carpet hc:ilT.
"(loud morning, Jenny Wren! Will
you kindly slop your housewifely nc
tivlllcs Ioiik enouuli to allow me to see
lay way down the stairs? Your creat
clouds of dust have blinded my eyes
to everything oxci pt the comeliness of
)ny Industrious neighbor."
Ann slopped 1 in hi 1 li open, Just ns
Mil' liad been about to carol forth the
Jilchcst soprano note, and carpet beat
er raised, lie was speaklni,' to her. but
Jie was only JokliiK with her. for even
nt her most vigorous swlnes only a
fii'lilo trail of diM llunteil out on the
11 ir; but the Inst 1 1 1 1 1 1 : he had sold
Ann's eyes sooiihl tin- toes of her
hensllile round toed shoes before she
looked across at him shyly.
Tin" ynuiiu man from upstairs was
looking at her, and It seemed as
thoiich If he really wished to navigate
Hie stairway In such u terrible storm
of iln-d there was nothing to hinder
Ids dolni; so. Instead, he leaned
liiralnst the raillnu.
"Till Is 11 line chance to cet n,..
Ctin I li t '!,' he Kit "late sends me
old 011 an cnand while you nre on the
oroh and as we nre iiolni; to lie mhIi
lieiir iielKhbors. It's all ncrfcctly nop
er. I'm Andrew 1 enimrd. Andy Mil!
me lutler, and joii're Aim Vralineii. I
mw jour luiiee on your trunk In the
cellar, and you re not yet obi nioiiyb
to be culled Ml-.s Vriiltnen."
Ann. t bo miiso'i obi ctimurh lr lie
mlliil Mm Vraliuen. found lii ri If
tnil.tti hiitnti with Ainly. uIiomi. slie
Ihini.'M. H.is old etintieli o know- lnl
1i r. 1111 I utter Hint It was eny.
W lull vm' I it I belli Inn k the relni'i
IlltO ttie fie.. lllnl (lie ereelllll s oll
Ihe ii i.-. Nmi I'l'ed one of the r!i
linn II In. Ml li e r:ili nod liitv ill,...,,l
ell ll'i Iih,. Mid Il 'III! til feld II "I'll
deft loi'i- i.f U VllMt.
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Ann laughed. How could she tell
hlrn that all the time she had been
planning to change t only for him?
"I. like Andy for a name; It's so
so substantial." and then slielmiKlied
npaln, for was that not the very qual
ity that three months no she had
most hated?
"That's It." Andy nodded, "a trnnd
substantial name, just like Ann. Why.
I knew you could do housework like
nil possessed the minute 1 lamped the
mi mt; on your trunk."
He drew her down beside him on an
old fallen tree trunk.
"Ann and Andy," he mused, holding
her close, "a pond combination. Don't
you think we ought to make it n sub
stantial one, Ann dear?"
In his pocket dictionary lie found
the word substantial and pointed out
to Ann Its meaning "actually exist
ing, not Imaginary, true, strong."
"Iion't you think we could be all
that together. Ann girl?"
Ann's heart was so happy that she
essayed just one feeble little word,
which, evidently, pleased Andy.
"(lee, honey," he whispered, "that's
Stippling by Clock Work.
The stippling effect which many art
ists mnke use of in the working up
of their pictures, especially those In
tended for reproduction, has been
heretofore secured by laboriously go
ing over the picture by hand, hut
the operation has been greatly slm
illlied recently by the Knglisli inven
tion of a stippling pen which Is oper
ated by n clock work motor. The
work is done evenly and quickly.
h Foi.nd in R
.lie !;;is its illlllleue,. ..
ii- iii Kiirope. In France, i,.
e' -ialists hnve recommended it
rts i,f Ilritinny and N'oruiniid.v
ng time insteml (,f the hot aiel .
ig S'Hids of the southern coasts.
s the choice especially for chile
mil for persons over fifty whose sii
is growing dim. T,c,Ss attention in
been given the matter in England, i...
preference for places on the en si mi
west coasts Instead of In the sTjiitii I
growing for people with weak eyes.
Practice Kindness Now.
There are kindnesses, hospitalities,
public and private duties, and fellow
ship in the civic and social life of one's
calling and station which help to make
our sojourn here satisfying and gratify
ing. These should not be postponed
nor stinted. "I expect to pass through
life but once. If, therefore, there bo
any kindness I can show or any good
thing I can do to any fellow-being, let
me do It now, and not defer or neglect
It, as I shall not pass this way again."
This always timely text Is usually at
tributed to William I'ena. Humphrey
J. Desmond.
Deliefs Concerning Teeth.
There are curious fancies nhont
eili. To dream about teeth was held
'i lie h warning that sorrow was nt
'and. and It was still more unlucky
'I ilieam of one's teeth falling out.
dnny people still throw on extracted
'i'.li into tlie fire for luck, and this
s observed specially lu the case of
oung children to ensure that the re
minder of their teelh will come prop
rly. Teeth wide apart Is said to lie
i sign of future prosperity and hap-
Lightning Struck Twice.
Lightning strikes twice In the same
place. In spite of the old saw, for at
an Inquest Into the death at Chertsey,
England, of ti man killed while shel
tering under n tree in a hnylield (luring
a thunderstorm, It was stilted that the
tree, one of a group of five of the same
height, had been struck by lightning
before. In the recent Instance tlif
lightning followed the course of th,e old
Democratic National Convention Rulft
The two-thirds rule was established
by the Democratic national convention
In Ihiltlmore In 18X2" that nominated
Andrew Jackson for a second terra.
Ills running mate was Martin Van
Iluren of New York. The rule has
heci fnmous and Inflexible ever since,
though efforts have been ninde to de
stroy It. ltepublicnns operate under a
majority rule. In the Baltimore con
vention Jackson was nominated on the
ninth ballot. His running mate four
years before had been John C. Cub
mini of South f 'nrolltui.
Star Th
eat re
T lie Roosevelt Hoy Scouts in
"The Littlest Scout"
Sliowitijr tin- exploits of two imaginative and clever
"The Curse of Eve"
and HARRY LLOYD in '
"From Hand lo Mouth"
Our I'ridav and Saturday programs are confused,
1 ui t there will he oud pictures each day. Come
early on Saturday so as to see all of the show lie tore
the wrestling match
Charles Rav in
1 ,
"Hay foot Straw Fool"
one of Ra 's lust picture
Thi i ' -..id to
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I I 'I ,. 1. .M, n 11 .. .
Il i . v . . r-u.- lie ft' V l.i !
AtlV ' I b' '"t ti" I" t e ' 1
fii,.lin..ii,iT 1 t iiiiik urn "'t in I 1 .1
nt 1. it..- - t-i.'i Tin i..-i ,!, n'
rat. li I- t i!"i. hum t M I f... I
Pirst Lyceum Number On
October 29
i- nut- attention to the fact that I'n.'.n ,
l V..!i. 1 ). w iii he the in t iriti'.'n r of th.- i . .
1 '.pit nt our M,i-"ti Ihkils n. u lor thi i 1 1 ,
it i nil 1 1. i'ii' 1 ill v 'I he 1 e at e liv e ui v, ' , .
i 1 " I : ihe bmliT, the eaoll tlikit hi wh.hs.
' ; tot ,1 1 . ' 1 1 t il m .it tor 1 ,tc'i pet ('.: rv.tvv, , .
.i;;.in-t S ; 75 11 p;:ichad m p.tt .it 1 ! . Sal v.n '
t -1 1 d ,i! any time. 1 i:t t in cai h for the p;,
Star Theatre
Singular Miners
"Sir One uf our openiiors Is quite
hoarse. 'The doctor tells me.' she con
fided, 'that my larynx are affected
whatever they are.' We told her this
was a singular affection, but unless
given prompt attention might become
pleural." Correspondent of the Chica
go Tribune.
The West.
The younger Michanx, In his travels
west of the Alleghanies in 1S02, says
that the common inquiry in the newly
seti led was, "From what part of
the world have you come?" As If these
vast and fertile regions would natur
ally be the place of .meeting and com
mon country of all the Inhabitants of
the globe. Henry David Thoreau.
Preparing Isinglass.
The best qualify of Isinglass
comes from the sounds that are dried
In the sun. After drying, the sound
I9 again moistened with wnrtn water
and the Interior shiny skin is re
moved by hammering or rubbing.
Finally, It is rolled between two
polished iron rollers.
.5 God roir.t.
Many un...nd things are said of the
telephone, but one of its redeeming
features Is that you can't lend money
through it. Boston Transcript.
We'll Say Th;y Are.
"Mamma," said five-year-old
Charles, looking up from his story
hooks, "what does this story mean
about a great-grandmother? Ain't
all grandmothers great?"
Pest Works Its Will.
The Mediterranean fly (karatltlt
capitata) has for several vears caused
considerable damage in Greece to the
fruit and vegetable crops. Oranges
apples, pears, peaches, apricots, plums
and tomatoes have been especially af
fected. No remedy has yet been dis
covered, and there seems to have been
in tie attempt to prevent the spread of
this pest.
Ha Dyes Not Needed.
Hair dyes are unknown among Chi
nese women, as their hair Is uniform
ly black, becoming gray only In ex
treme old age.
Lights Eional Time.
Time Is signaled to vessels In the
harbor of Lisbon by two lights, which
ere automatically illuminated Ave min
utes before the hour and extinguished;
at the hour.
To Clean Papered Window. i
To remove stained paper from glasa
use lye. Dissolve In water and apply
with an old sponge, being careful not
to burn your hands. Leave on for
a few minutes and scrape off with a
knife. Another way Is to wet the pa
per well with common ammonia or
boiling hot vinegar.
French Guiana.
French riuiana Is the penal settle
nrnl of I--ran ce. Its surface rises grad
aill.v from the unhealthful coast to
he tnoiinniin border on the south,
inly 11 small part of the country Is
;nmvn. Fevers, particularly yellow
:'eek decimate the region and have
unveil so futiil to French convicts
hat white prisoners hnve long been
1 m elsewhere., The He du Dinhle, off
lie coast, became famous through the
mprisonment of Alfred Dreyfus.
Wanted to Re "Parked."
Mother, aunty nnd little Fata were
downtown shopping. Ettn was quite
tired, nnd they still had many places
to go to before they had finished their
purchasing. 1'resently they happened
to pass through the restronm and the
leather-covered chairs looked Inviting
to Ktta. Turning to her mother, she
remarked: "Couldn't you pnrk me
here while you and aunty do the rest
of your shopping?"
ft IVI -
t Mi fcl1 ES "Il tl
r-4!-i-.-:.:' Fm 8i'
li UJ U H 1 InS i
FOR SALE 6 5 horsepowere catter
pillar, 8-bottom Mogul plow, 10-ft.
double disc, at a bargain. Address
W. T. Wheeler, Heppner. 2 5-26
FOR SALE Good piano and com
plete Ret of household furniture.
All good quality and in good con
dition. C all or phone Mrs. II. J.
Vaughan, Court street, Heppner,
Oregon. " 24tf I
r r a n o .1 , . . ...
-( J o 1 ouinew oei e in lieppner. a j M
bunch of keys. Suitable reward '
for return to Herald office. 1 9 If. !
FAUM WANTED I want to hear
from parly having farm for sale.
Give price nnd description. John
W. Wait, Champaign, III. 24-25 I
WANTED Experienced women for
general housework. Call or nd- !
dress Moore Hospital, phone f!4, '
Heppner, Oregon. 20tf.
FOR SALE A Utmm and two lots.
Fruit, tdtado trees and an excellent
Kit: den. Mrs. A. E. Ilinn. 14tl.
LOST Lady's black fur scarf.
Finder will be suitably rewarded
if left at Thompson Ilnm.' store.
Remodeling and Ladies' Tailoring.
Mrs. Curren, Church street. 2 7t f
Old Si Chestnut said: "My foresight is never
as good as my hindsight not by a darned sight."
We are all troubled that way more or less. Fore
sight usually paints a rosy picture that hindsight
proceeds to smear with a drab tent. If we knew
what was going to happen even 24 hours ahead, we
would all be rich. But we don't know. The only
way to judge the future is by the past. The men
who work and save, get ahead, especially when
they keep their money at a good Bank. Try this
plan. .
Protection and privacy are
afforded by our Safe Depos
it Boxes for the keeping of
your Notes, Deeds, Bonds,
Contracts, Insurance Poli
cies and other valuable papers.
Heppner, Oregon
That Ncxartly wliat you will lu-lp to ., if y.-u ,1 n,,,!,;,, , . . , .
pa-.-. ..I im-aMtr,. N. j, , an, ji; on the XovanU-r hallo i-ntitlc. "c n
M.u.l.nnal .Wmlmcnt i ixiii- l.a! Kate of ltm.M i Or,,,,,."
l!n nu'noirr ;.i.-pusV s to limit the rate of inter-j ()!V,r,m , , . .
cent. on ,;ni. Uy l.ue. f-v Ow rate of interest in Ore-, n 1.t vu , ,., I,tT
la. f.,rc, tin- l.,r":; of inoi.ey in this ,,:e. ulu aiu-', l!'
M-nirol elM-ttlw're. The jue of il,i, meagre wn!,l furee'u u i I, W 1
I ju- Vf f..r.-iKn capital uhKI, j. t,,iy ane,l o faeton, U
an.l ,eal estate in the Mate ami mul our local inmicv owner, u
tate to Letter i;i eMinent . 01 iuc
I'asv ue of thi nuiMiro woM ,man f..rec!oMire of tl, .;,;, !. (lf ,.','
jrai oul rv.,!t ,n tn; .ne.nl paralvis ami u ,.!,, nu, ,.,,,,1 in!:
Von. no ilonl t. iin.!ert;m. the vieio'ine .f thi n,v,, 1 , 1 '
talke.l to jour luhl, ami fncn.l a!.,.,,, r We v J V , h'
eMn-ent le.,t;t, lh., thi ttua-nre Le owrwln Iniit-ly ,e;eate.i.
and rur.i: voru i kimnds to do liki: isi:
(Pai.! A.!v.)