Two THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesdav, October 10. 1020. GETS UNIQUE PROTEST Antelope Man Wants Coyotes l'l'o lecleil To Amuse His Ios This from lie Weekly News Let ter issued by llip Department of Auriculture, at Washington, D. '.: II 's liar (1 to please everybody. Ev en efficiency lias its drawbacks. Now comes a complaint, from a rancher at Anielope, Oregon, that the Government hunters in that, sec tion of the country are so effectively earning on (heir warfare against predatory animals coyotes, particularly- that he is put to it to find ex-erei.-e for the dogs. Officials of the liureau of Biologi cal Survey, United Slates Department of Agriculture, who have charge of the work of making the ranges free from destructive animals, loo'k upon this knock as a particularly good boost, in view of the fact that this part, of the country is considered es pecially infested with such enemies. II. is an instance of the notable work being done by the bureau's corps of hunters and trappers in the impor tant live-stock ranges of the West where mountain lions, bobcats, bears, wolves, and coyotes have been able to maintain their numbers practically undiminished in spite of the best ef forts of the sett lorn and ranchers. There are between 400 and GOO of these skilled hunters. Last year they captured about. 32,000 preda tory animals and killed at least that many more by poisoning operations. As an example of the destruction done by predatory animals: A Texas ranch owner declared that In less than three months he lost nearly 300 sheep, worth $3,200, through depre dations of six coyotes, which later were killed by Government hunters. N OTITIC OK 1K)M) SAI,K Sealed bids will be received until the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., the A Real County Newspaper m HE province of paper is to give, as nearly as possible, all the news of the county in which it is published every week. To render such service to its subscribers it is nec essary to maintain a corps of corres pondents in all parts of the county. This is the plan followed by HEPPNER HERALD and the steadily growing circulation of this newspaper in Morrow county is the best evidence that the plan is a suc cess. Take a look at page 5 of any is sue of the HERALD and see for your self if the above statement is not true. If you want ALL THE COUNTY NEWS every week in the year You Want The Herald The pi ice is $2.00 a year, $1.00 for 6 mouths and you have to subscribe for the Herald to get it. The HERALD is foivcd on nobody. We want only willing subscribers who want the paper because they 1 i U c to read it and who ate to pay for it because they think it is worth the price charged. II von arc not now a subscriber or if yom Mii)sciipti.m has expired we will apjire-ci.iU- vour check ami order. Thank ou. tieppner Herald S. A. r.ittisnn. ruMishc r, Hrppncr, Oregon 17th day of November, 1920, and immediately thereafter publicly op ened by the County Court of Mor row County, Oiegon, at the office of said Court in the County Court-house in the City of il'.eppner, Oregon, for the purchase of bonds of said Coun ty, issued for the building of per manent roads therein in the sum of $60,000,. tl.e same bein? in denomin ations of $1000 each, sai-1 bonds to bears dale November I, 1919, and to nil! tire absolutely without option of prior redemption November 1, 1 929, said bonds to bear interest at not to exceed 5 percent per annum payable semi-annually on May and November first, principal and inter est payable in United States gold coin at the office of the County Treasurer or at the Fiscal Agency of the State of Oregon in New York City. Said bids must be accompanied by a certified check for 5 per cent of the face value ot the bonds bid for and must be unconditional. The approving legal opinion of Messrs. Teal, Minor & Winfree of Portland, Oregon, will be furnished the successful bidder. The Court reserves the right to reject any or all bids. The assessed valuation of the taxable property of the County is $14,582,795.28. J. A. WATERS, Clerk. First publication Oct. 19. Last publication November 9, 1920. You are vitally interested in Ore gon having a port equal to any port on the Pacific Coast. Initiative measure No. 310 on the ballot to be voled in November will provide Oregon wi;h such a port. The cost will be borne by the people of the Tort of Portland but all of the state must vote on it. Vote 310 YES on the ballot on November second. Tort land Lumber business in Por'hind took a decidedly upward trend !or the week ending September 25, when the total volume of business i cats', .ed 72,190,322 feet, of which approximately 40 percent was rail road material. A portion of the or der of the Chicago, Burlington & guincy railroad for 20,000,000 feet was included. a local county news I FOSTERED IN OREGON Corporation Being Organized In I'ortlaiiil to Market Product Other .State Notes Portland With over 3000 milk goats in the state at the prsenet time, goat dairying is taking form in this section. A corporation is being organized to market the product of milk goats, witht offices in Portland. Pendleton, LaGrande, Albany, Salem, Eugene, Astoria and Southern Ore gon towns have recognized the value of goat milk and more importations of pure-bred animals are being made. Oregon City A brass foundry is to be opened here by J. Rohrberg and will provide a new industry for the town. It will handle, in addition to general work,, some of that for the paper mills. Grants Pass Oregon Malaga grapes are now being shipped from the famous vineyards around Grants Pass. They are marketing at $3 a crate. 1 Silverton A blower system for the fertilizer grinder was installed in tjie Valley Packing company's plant in Salem last week by the Silverton Blow Pipe company. It is the same type of conveying system p'roven suc cessful in handling sugar in jam factories. Portland The principles on which car wheels operate has been applied to logging bloc'ks in a patent, just issued to the F. B. Mallory com pany for a journal bearing logging block. The block was perfected af ter 15 months of tests under actual working conditions and is declared to be the greatest single improve ment in logging blocks since they were first used. They are now being manufactured here and sold through out the western logging territory. Cottage Grove Within a month an iron foundry will be placed in op eration here by James Feeney of Tillamook. It is to be brought from lleedsport ana will occupy a new two-story building. It will be able to handle a casting up to three tons. Marshfield Impetus has been giv en the back-to-the-land movement in Coos county through"fie completion of the reclamation of the Adelsperger and Conrad tract at the confluence of Coos river and Catching Inlet This will add at least 20 percent to the tillable bottom lands tributary to Coos bay. These lands have lain unproductive since the coming of the white man, but will now be trans formed Into two score or more dairy farms. Eugene The Lane County Lum ber company has Just purchased large tract of land on Falls creek and a sawmill will commence oper- ntlons there within the next 60 days Portland An exhibition of Ore gon manufactured goods Is- to be In eluded thlB year In the displays at the Pacific national livestock expo sitlon. according to announcement Just made by the management. St. Helens Two new Industries, a tie and limber mill and a shingle mill, are noon to bo opened up at St Helens. The former concern is to have a dally rapacity of about 3 5000 feet and will eitiplm- 25 men. The shingle mill N to be built on Scnp poime bay ndjnlnlne the creosote winks and will be Incorporated for f'.n.noil. I '! n ei ivator which 'will mine f',0 pen tr more material In n px'n time than :i Htcatn nlmul and will i!i ir Mti.-t for a small frui tion of the pt i e now being pnld ! to be i.umi!.,,-i by the newly ,,,,, ,., a!,, fa,,,,n. r,(j.r.., on..,,,!,-.,! Wniis I v. -,-ntor company. (). Al ( ( All(r,1 ,.,. It.i.k. f. :n - m I, ,. r. en a steel tram- ,l(.,,, , ,.,.,, n. fount Law. :" "" "" '" :. ine to take n ,, ,; ,.k ..,,,,. , ;,,) ,!-, ,. .M 'e.t .lit Ml .,t!l, don to era.l-. H, f ,,, ,,., , . 1.-., h,;: ., I ti dl. -tip eld , t,m , ,,, ,,, lini, ,!.,,.., , ",','n '" '"'I t.ids without ,,.(, ,,,,.,,,... , !.,,, in,! d- ,: " -' " ' ' i-or. nil li i. tiiii'i:u'er ;; S A r. iti-..'i, ' rv-' r. On ir. m 1,1 C.r.iii.!- .!! pl" ll' , T.,. ,. , is S. A. 'f. - '" Oi.-uen I" .n. i.:.Pt.,.r. '. -n '' " l! " " tViet.. r n T.,. i fcm.wp fH.n.Ui.-M -t. "'I ''-in ' . ef this fill ,. ,, ,i.r n.riirt, I i Id ' f''v,.: , 1 !.,.ii.e , ,. ,,, ,! t t-i rent oi t e.,uii? t"!,l .1111. nit, t of 'm.'.Iu .. ti.Oll i-.ii.-ii in i.ii r . . u- ii if; V I! T" I' "' - ' 'i'n. In-- ', .it I ,m I" Van Vi.'.-r. ''of i. i ,. , 1 1, . w. re p..i .,,.,, I..,; n. ti I II. : I."', i j. t.i i. ' . i ; . ,.t fruit I v c..i,!. I i i ' h i . it. ! i lly TV--' 4 rTll'iN'. . -i-.ill ' " ; ' . . J ditot nil V;' 1 ' r S..m 'i rml .nb..'iUl b. ', -re 1. '.n! !..,. iju int li ! if r.P , -,, ,i.-v it'i.t, Jlijo ''" I ti I -i i !i.ui ltiet tin ;;t I IS i niiHl''. t., ii.. I I . , '. ,, n w a".irt 'in ri S,i,- ... r fr Ot..-i ' 1 " 1 ' '.'-; machines, pi r ( Mi rrmn i . ; A" : ; ' 1 ! t't-itiil t niifii- i ii;t Frosty Mo Mean Cold Better take a slant at our window dis play of Canton Flannel and Jersey Work and Driving Gloves before the frost be comes more severe. Something there to meet every cold finger need. 1 Canton Flannel Gloves I MEN'S HEAVY H MEN'S REVERSIBLE I LADIES SIZE y LEATHER FACED (Very Serviceable) I LEATHER FACED GAUNTLET i , I l Jersey Gloves I MEN'S HEAVY JERSEY I MEN'S LIGHT JERSEY f BOYS' HEAVY JERSEY y 1 s turlng company, a local mattress concern. This attachment Is to be sold to manufacturers of this class of goons throughout the United-States. Vale Certain, farmers In this re sell are rejoicing over the millet crop. Twelve tons to tne acre were taken .om a 20-acre field near here. Madras A new sawmill of 15,000 feet capacltyt Is being constructed In Madras. t. Ft'lcns Seven thousand acres of timber have been brought by the Deer i.'lanj Logging company, ad joining Its present holdings at the island. The deul Involved $1,500, 000 and aggregated 250,000,00 feet. KTATKMKXT OK OWNKKSIIIP Statement of the ownership, man agement, circulation, etc., required by the Act of Congress of August 24, 1912, of Heppner Herald, published weeTUy at Heppner, Oregon for October 1, 1920. Slate of Oregon ) County of Morrow ) Before tne, a notary public in and for the state and county aforepald. personally appeared S. A. Pattlson, (who. having been duly sworn accord ing to law, deposes and nays that he I is the editor and publisher of the .Heppner Herald, and that the fob 'lowinx Is, to ihc best of his knowl edge uml belief, a true statement of the o ticiship. inaniiK'-men, etc, of Phelp rnings Grocery Co. LOOK! Mr. Ford Owner You can get your Ford overhauled at our shop at Ford schedule prices Ford Garage p& Suits and Overcoats $30 to $75 We have without doubt the best values in Fall and Winter Clothing ou can find in Morrow County. You find our line the best-mdde. for the money at prices ranging from $30 to $75 LLOYD HUTCHINSON Cleaning Pressing neers I 35c 30c 20c I 65c 60c H I I 50c 25c 40c I si I I X V - i Deing Repairing ues ORE I'umn jin re i iec canst the p ei le. on th almos the f( camp; Mr. C the r least, recen man C'-;nil rel'en ciden the i' All coup nf the t write pecu: in m poeti the v town own been i.-al fiuno advev H( steep ferre and ! com! calle spire the s Tl paigi gerel is be song a pr yet i re ml the we r " The To Tl i : I -, Ot! OLR WORK Oil PROMPTLY ft V