J PAGE EIGHT THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, October 12. 1020. '1 Are You One of the 21? Uncle Sam says that there are 121 fam ilies for every 100 dwellings in this coun try. Think of the doubling-up; the dividing of families; the breaking of home life, made necessary to give each person even a shel ter. Such a condition is a menace to the welfare of individuals, of communities and of the entire nation. Most people who build must borrow at least part of the money, and loaning mon ey for building homes is one of the safest of investments. We shall be glad to talk it over with you at any time TUM-A-LUM LUMBER COMPANY Heppner Lexington lone wo colts he was breaking got him down in the barn and kicked and stamped him. Mr. Howe received terrible injuries and for a time his recovery was considered doubtful, but he is now reported mending nice ly by Dr. McMurdo, physician In charge. Mr. Howe Is at the Moore hospital. Mrs. Bartlolomew has returned from an extended eastern trip dur ing which Bhe attended the national encampment of the G. A. R. and W. R. C. at Indianapolis, Indiana, spent some time sight-seeing at Chi cago, visited friends at Omaha and Lincoln, Nebraska, and In a general way had a most enjoyable trip. Mrs. D. E. Gilman, who represented the Oregon chapter of Women's Relief Corps at Indianapolis, will visit friends at Boston, Massachusetts, for some time before returning to Heppner. Frank Monohan and J. C. McEn tire were Condon visitors last Friday. t j j j j j j j " .j. IM'AIi m:vs items I- ! j. .j. ?. j j j. j ? j t. j ?. Mrs. W. G. MoCurty is visiting rel atives at The Da'les tills week. Mis. Douglas and Mrs. Bert. Clark of Arlington, were here Saturday vis iting friends. Mis. Sibyl Wells left Thursday miirning for a visit with relatives at Butte, Montana. Mrs. Charles Ames, of Rock Crecli, was a guest at the Shurte home last Saturday. Mrs. J. H. Wyland, of Hardman, was the guest of Mrs. W. O. Bayless for seveial days last week. Miss l'oaii Wright underwent a miccesslul operation for appendicitis at Hie Monro hospital a few days A little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clark Davis, of Lexington, under went u minor operation at Moore hospital last week. Mrs. P. A. Anderson, who has "been visiting her sister, Mrs. Mo Curly, at The Dalles, for some time :rruti tied home Thursday evening. Arthur in I It Is improving hi: resldi'iiie pvmieity wllh a new fnun dullm. uni an aiUition lo the build In;. NOTICE! Party who took ladles traveling bag from automobile In front of James Farley's residence on Gale street Friday night Is known and will avoid trouble by returning the same to Farley residence. No ques tions asked. work in an Iowa college. Gun ITale left the latter part of last week for Spokane where he will make an extended visit .with his mother. Students of Heppner high school hold a tally last Thursday evening which included a bonfire at the ball grounds and a serpentine stunt through the principal streets and the Star theater. The enthusiastic youngsters were advertising the Heppner-Lexington football game which was played here Friday. Mrs. J. H. Hayes, of Pendleton, was here several days last week vis iting friends. The Hayes family were well known residents of Hepp ner for many years, moving to Pen dleton about a year ago. Mrs. Hayes says they are not well pleased with their new home and may decide to returuo to Heppner. Fred Howe, of Lena, was danger ously Injured one day last week when A MEASURE THAT SHOULD CARRY One measure to be voted on at the coming election in Morrow coun ty that should carry without ques tion Is that providing for an in crease In the salary of the school superintendent. -The office is one of the most important in the county because the incumbent is the head of the school system and the public school is the most important insti tution we have. It is. really a dis grace to a county like Morrow to ask any man or woman who is qual ified to fill this office to do so for the present salary of $1200. The work requires all of the time o.f the superintendent for the entire year. High school feirls are drawing $12 5 per month for teaching in several country districts while the highly trained and long experienced educa tor now holding the superintendent's office receives but $100. The con dition should be remedied. Vote for the Increase. FOR SALE Good piano and com plete set of household furniture. All good quality and in good con dition. C all or phone Mrs. R. J. Vaughan, Court street, Heppner Oregon. , 24tf How About That New Coat? LET us show you these new models in both long and short coats. They come in all the popular cloths and color ings and the prices are very reasonable. New Tricatine Dresses THESE COME IN EXCLUSIVE MODELS ALL DIFFER ENTAND VERY SNAPPY STYLES. New Sweaters COAT STYLE OR SLIP OVERS AND FOR LADIES, MISSES OR CHILDREN. A LARGE ASSORTMENT TO SELECT FROM. New Klosfit Petticoats ALL JERSEY NEW MODELS AND WANTED COLOR INGS BETTER SERVICE AND SATISFACTION THAN ANY OTHER PETTICOAT. M inor & Company CHAMPIONSHIP latch Mis. !'.U".'':' SIihmi'ii, who Iii'p Ih'.-ii lir'liir her d.ni:',!iler, Mr-. V C i'.ouli'H, it Dill, Mill, lev .1 milpli nf ' n "u.ii d Ilium- WYdtu : da in inn .. John C.i .1'! I-, ti ,iii.-.:h"I tin ml I lirs;- in limn Saturday and hili lieie m. ill" a i all lit Hi." el l ii ' si '!) JniiH 1 t U i ' nidi a ill i, r;. i'i' ! . f II. i aid . iv j Mv Aithii" h.-nUinu..' . i f . r 1 1 II i-1 ia, in a ii ni'.iiiiiil by tn-r twin dali .M'ii. Alia ami Alien, wen- i ti Kin1 I i't Ml ' l.in.i Sni'll Sliitrte fin H ll ,y I I I .'. I- I.l I II i'i k. .1 .' li li v hat i I in ni'il 1 : mil Ma , i w ! . 1 1 I w i nl t "mm' 1 i"ii' a I-" !!.' cIlU',,;. Ill I ' I I- ll'l 'il' I I ! il I in I ll I !' u I . V I , ... I ... ; ,. '' ..' i. I . .!m .! i a I ! i; I.l tl ili V. 1 I I 1 , , I ( ! .. . i i . ' I- ' ' v i ,i t . ' AM ! ' ' "i ' " - '' i.. ii I . i 1 Vi . I 1 ; - ! t- In. n i I., i in hi- in'- d it "' It .nl ' . I' I I M, I I ..I I'i 1'lir '. I i " i 'i i" "I ' i' ""'i it l 'f!.d fir t! &2Wb ...... -wf s v.i' j .r .' t i 5 NELSJEPSON Champion Middleweight of Canada MEETS TED THYE Middleweight Champion of the World in a big finish match, best two out of three falls Star Theater at Oct 1 6 Siartins at Nine o'clock sharp I A : 1 4 Ti:t)TiiYi: Two Fast Preliminaries Own fast baxir.; lout between H.irrv Sclhy (Young McCoy) and Kid Gro sl".cv.. A fast go between two good men Ck1 wrcstliiiR match between Charles kdsonrr and Rnscll Wright for t!-.e v clu'wcibt champ;en.h'p of Heppner Two bej.t out of three. ADMISSION KINGSini: S.wi ! im:s!:uvi:d seats si.50 GKNKKAL 75c Tickets on ale at Central Meat Market JACK O'NEIL, Referee ni:ls jicrsoN Champion Middlweight of Canada