Tuesday. October 12. 1020. THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER. OREGON I PAGE SEVEN 5 LEGAL NOTICES NOTIC E FOR rniLK ATIOX Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, September , 18, 1920. NOTICE is hereby given that john J. Mcdonald .' of Hardman, Oregon, who, on Au gust 2, 1915, made Homestead En try, No. 014698, for SN, Lot 4 NE SE1, Sec. 5, Lots 1 and 2, SWVi NE1, Section 6, Township 6 South, Range. 25 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed noti'ce of intention to make three-year Proof, to estab lish claim to the land above describ ed, before J. A. Waters, Clerk of County Court, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 17th day of November, 1920. Claimant names as witnesses: W. A.' McCarty, C. H. McDaniel, Raymond Steers, Robert 'Steers, all of Hardman Oregon. H. Frank Woodcock, Register. First publication Oct. 12, 1920. Last publication November 16, 1920 amount thereof. office at Heppner. Oregon, on the Any person claiming adversely the 12th ?ay of November, 1920 above-described land are advised to file their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated for sale. C. S. Dunn, Register, i Nolan Skiff, Receiver. First publication Aus. 24, 1920 Last publication October 12, 1920. Claimant names as witnesses: Julian Itaueh, and Frank Ayers, of Echo, Oregon, Harve McRoberts, of Lexington Oregon. V. L. Vincen, of Lena, Oregon. C. S. Dunn, Register. First publication September 21, 1920 Last publication Nov. 9, 1920. Notice for Publication-Isolated Tract PlTiUC USD SALE Department of the Interior, U. S Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, September 17, 1920 NOTICE is hereby given that, as NOTICE VOK PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon. September 10, 1920 NOTICE is hereby given that RUBEN W. VOLLE of Heppner, Oregon, who, on August Frank Ayers. of Echo, Oregon, Harve JlcUobens, of Lexington Oregon. W. L. Vincen. of Lena, Oregon. C. 8. Dunn, Register. First publication September 21, 1920 Last publication NoveniDer 2, 1920 "You'll Always Find" directed by the Commissioner. of the PISh' lllv.c, u.mei j"vi- Township 4 South, Range 28 East, sions of Sec. 2455, R. S., pursuant to the application of Peter Farley, serial No. 021603, we will offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, but at not less than $3.50 per acre at 10:30 o'clock A. M., on the 14th vember, 1920., Willamette Meridian, has filed not ice of intention to make five-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before United States Commissioner, at his office at Hepp ner, Oregon, on the-11th day of No- day of December, next, at this office, the following tract of land: NW NW, Sectionl4, Township 3, South Range 26, East, W. M. (Containing! 40 Acres). Claimant naines .as witnesses: Dick Robnett, Otto Robnett, , John Voile, and Joe Mahon, all of Heppner, Oregon C. S. Dunn, Register. NOTICE VOK PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, September 10, 1920. NOTICE is hereby given that HOWARD J. CULICK of Lena, Oregon, who, on March 3rd, 1916, made Homestead Entry, No. 015237, for NWV4NE4, SNE, SE, and SESW. Section 12, Township 1 South, Range 28 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make five-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before United States Com missioner at his office at Heppner, Oregon, on the 9th day of November, 1920. Claimant names as witnesses: John Keegan, Gus Ayers, and Mason Duncan, all of Lena. Ore. W. F. Pettyjohn, of Echo, Oregon C. S. Dunn, Register. First publication September 21, 1920 Last publication Nov. 9, 1920. Notice for Publication-Isolated Tract (Not Coal Land) PUBLIC LAND SALE Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, August 18, 1920. NOTICE is hereby given, that, as directed by the Commissioner of the General Land office, under provisions of Sec. 2455, R. S., pursuant to the application of John C. McEntire, Heppner, Oregon Serial No. 020010-020180, we will offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, but not less than $2.50 per acre, at 10 o'clock A. M. on the 14th day of October, 1920, next, at this office, the following tract of land: NWNW Sea. 26, T. 3 S., R. 27 East, Willamette Meridian, and The sale will not be kept open, but first publication September 21, 1920 Hii KQ rfQi ij ,v, 4, M-asL yumicauuu iuv. J, u.. present at the hour named have hiin. ti,. n,. NOTICE FOR, PUBLICATION tv,c ,ni ,...., . Department of the Interior, U. S. . uo lcyu.,Cu Land Office at La Grande, Oregon immediately pay to the Keceiver the September 10, 1920 amount thereof. I NOTICE is hereby given that Anv nerffnnfl plnlmlnf nHvorapIv HARVE G. COXEN n, .h,. ,n f Echo, Oregon, who, on September uw., .c u,i0 9th m5 made Homestea(i Entry, ed to file their claims, or objections, No, 015203. for SEM, and SW on or before the time designated for I Section 14, Township 1 South, Range mm says the Good Judge That you get more genuine satisfaction at less cost when you use this class of tobacco. SN A sma11 chew ,asts 1 so much longer than a big chew of the . ordinary kind. And the full, rich real tobacco taste gives a long lasting chewing . satisfaction. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Put uj) in two styles W-B GUT is a long fine-cut tobacco RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco I" iM'il 'l 'H ' 1 1 IWI'I'II W Hlil HMWIWm B . Ml W I'll n iim iMjvrTiTK wiBwir : - sale. First publication November 2, 1920. Last publication December 7, 19.20. L. A. Booth, Receiver. NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, September 4, 1920. NOTICE is hereby given that HARVEY HARSHMAN of Hardman, Oregon, who, on June 26, 1917, made Homestead Entry, 28 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention o make three-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before United States Commissioner, at his office at Heppner, Oregon, on the 8th day of November, 1920. Claimant names as witnesses: Julian, Rauch and NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that ' the j undersigned has been appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County admin istrator of the estate of Wni., H. Hall, alias Hayes, deceased, and that all persons having claims a gainst the said estate are required to present the same, verified ac cording to law, to me at Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice, said date being September 21st, 1920. 21-25 Sam Hughes, Administrator. r Subscribe tor the "Herald" and get all the county news. No. 016811, for SWNV, N NW14SWV4 Sec. 26, T. 3 S., R. 27 SW, SWSW, Section 28, W East Willamette Meridian. The sale will not le kept open, but will be declared closed when those present at the hour named have ceas ed bidding; The person making the highest bid will be required to Im mediately pay to the Receiver the amount thereof. Any persons claiming adversely the above described land are advised to file their claims, or objections, on, or before the time designated for sale. C. 3. Dunn, Register. Nolan Skiff, Receiver. First publ. Ausust 31, 1920. Last publ. October 12, 1920. NWy4, Ny2SW, Section 33, Twp. 4 South, R. 24 East, Willamette Mer idian, has filed notice of intention to make three-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before J. A. Waters, Clerk of Circuit Court, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 28th day of October, 1920. Claimant names as witnesses: Evan Stoneman, T. H. Williams, James Burnside, all of Hardman, Oregon, Joe. Woods, of Eightmile, Oregon. H. Frank Woodcock, Register. First publication Sept. 14, 1920 Last publication October 26, 1920. NOTICE FOIt PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grands, Oregon, July 29. 1920. NOTICE Is hereby given that JAME3 HIGGINP. ... whose Dost-offlce address Is Lena, Morrow County, Oregon, did, on the 27th day of August, 1919, file in thi3 office Sworn Statement and Applica tion, No. 019994, to purchase the N WU SEU, Section 5, Township 4 South, Range 29 East, Willamette ii,iinn nnH Urn timber tllf-ivon. under the provisions of the act of June 3, 1878, and acta amendatory, known r.s the "Timber and Stone Law," at such value as mlsht be fix ed by appraisement, and that, pursu ant to such a. pl cation, the laud and timber thereon have been appraised, at $160.00, the timber estimated nt 100.000 board feet at fl-00 per M. and the land $60.00; Hint paid ap plicant will offer AnM proof in sup port of his application and Rvorn statement on the 15 day of October, 1920, before United States ConniU s'oner. ut his office, at Heppner, Ore-tun. Any pew.n In ft Ubivty to Vu-m this t urcluiH" N fore n'ry. or initiate a contest nl any time before p: tent Wku-. bv r.lins a ron-bniate.l affi davit In thin office. i.Uln fait which would def.-at the entry. C. ?. IH'NN. li-nl.-ter. Flrrt publication Aupirt 3. 10 20. Lact publication Octo!). r 12. 1510. Notice f.ir PuMlcMloii-I-oliHcl Trnrt font Mud) pi ui.ic i.m s.u.r. Department "' In"""' Land Offic- at La Grand-. Or. -on. August IS. V'-(- NOTICE U hereby Riven uiu.. directed by the C.mminer of ", CenerU l.nd Offi--. unl-r piovlrb-n; ,f .. 2 S3. . l'U'""l to th" awliration -f Ton Ilyl-n Jr.. i:". Ore.on. H.TI.1 No- 020391. cff.r l public K to t" Uht t.ld l. r. but t not thn 1 4 00 per ,p t 10 eviork A.M. nlh H'h day of n.i..!..-r. ' l ,h" .fflr.. h" fll'" ,rJ" "f li,n.'V NWV.NE' .nd N'-jNW1. T. 1 N . U K- W1113"""" M"r' lillnn. .... Tb M',, .ill ti" I" k'P r''n- bul will b- dlr-d tlo-M h-o ,ho prnt .t th. hour B.fi-H r.l biddin. Th Pt-n ... .-w.. kirf will b rlirl o NOTICE FOR I'UIHJCATION Department of the Interior. U. S. Lnnd Office at La Grande, Oregon, September 10, 1920. NOTICE Is hereby given that CHARLES f. DYKSTRA of Heppner, Oregon, who on July 9, 1917, made Homestead Entry, No. 018424, for SWNEVi. SENW. SerHnn IS Tnwnqhin A South, TInni?e 27 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice or intention ro matte Ihree-venr nroof. to etnbllsh claim to the lnnd above described, before United States Commissioner, at his oftlce. at Heppner, Oregon, on t lie Kith dav of November. 192!). Clalmnnt nuncs us witnesm: Sam M'-Cullough, It. A. ThotnpHon, A. W. Dykstra and George W.Itykstia. all of Heppner, Oregon. C. a. Dunn. Register. Fin-t publication September 21, 1111:0 Last publication Nov. 8, 1920. NOTICE TOR PI BUCATIOV Department of the Interior. V. S Land Office ut La Grande, Oirgoti September J'), 1V20. NOTICE I I" ieby given tl-at DKI.IA G(jXI-".N formerly Hake) of Echo, Oregon, who. on Septet. ile r 20, l'ir., iniiilo llome!.tei( I.ntry, No. 01 f. 2 2 2- for NE'i t"i'l NV',, Her'ion 14, Town: liip 1 South, K; ni'e 2S E.i-t. WilliitiieM"" Mi-rldiiiii, hue tiled no'ire of irter.tiiin in m.il.e tdi- ye: r proof, to e.,uM':!i claim I to til" 1 it'll iiliove (livenbed, belote Unit. 1 ;-';if.i ("iiiiiiiilff loi'.'-r, at r 1 1 The Moral Risk When the time comes to seek credit, a bank will want to know what you ARE as well as what you HAVE. That's where the moral hazard comes in. And you can't establish credit over night. Rather, It Is a matter of becoming KNOWN at your bank, of es tablishing confidence by the way in which you have kept your account, regardless of the amount you have to your credit. Get acquainted that's the first thing. Then develop that acquaintance Into friendship. It will stand you In splendid stead when the time comes. Remember ing also, that this bank offers you a complete bank ing service. . Farmers & Stockgrowers National Bank HEPPNER, OREGON. The Moore Hospital Mrs. RAY MOORK, Prop. V V V V V V V V V V V V AMrM:Mi:T Thin In 10 announce li nt I have t.iiiuht tl; Ih-ppn-T So.l i , Work outriclil and will rn. . tlnuo the bllill" In lln- fu' i ut.-. I re;e If 'illy folirit a hif" f if your pntrnnaRn itnl puurante .iiinf:irion. Jo-KI'll ."NYliLll. Prop, . ut i i'M u wiiti mi;ks EVERYTHING NEW, CLEAN and SANITARY BEST of CARE and ATTENTION assured all patients. LARGE, MODERN SURGERY Private Rooms When Desired All i;iticnts jiiivilclctl to choose ihcir own physicians and surgeons Prices and terms on application. Phone Main 94 1 It -ppiu-r, Oregon : : : : AN Mil N I Ml NT I tiv tk-n w 'I'" lr" ! bn.n- forni'Tljf f.pett! In ri.unif Hon wi'h th !! r ,..la Wotk nd stn pt'pated In ft'xr ril.tntlift With K"fl. pur" Ire on hrt notfi", J An ir rrd in our ifii)o 1 ill ft m' ! , Your pironi; U rt't ' 1 fully 'iiirji'4. J j JAMES CO WINS 44- 4 l F. R. DROWN n'tiit for GUARANTEED LOW COST LIFE INSURANCE; FIRE. HAIL. ACCI DENT AND HEALTH INSURANCE TWO G4M.li HI sini NI I .H IN Ml PPM U I oil Hl i:. PI1IO I) I'.H.MT. A LIMIT! I AMOl'.NT III' I UIVAlll MoNl Y T MttN. Office Upstairs in Roberts l!uilhnj Phone Heppner, Oregon Fine Ranch Bargain 160-acre creek ranch, 40 acres ditch, good 7-room house, good barn and other out-buildings. School adjoining. Bargain if taken at once. Easy terms. ROY V. WHITEIS REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE We Say to You As We Say to All E. tone decide which phonograph you buy. Listen to different instruments, ask to have different records played. Compare The Brunswick with other phonographs. Insist on a phonograph which plays ALL records, such as The Brunswick, lie not con tent with a phonograph designed for but one make of records. The Brunswick plays ALL records, what ever make. And plays them exactly as they should be played, with the proper diaphragm, needle, etc. And our all-wood Tone Amplifier gives them greater richness. The new Brunswick Method of Reproduction is the motit advanced and finest way of playing yet de vised. All old standards are now discarded. We will be glad to prove to you that The Brunn wick is the one phonograph you want. And to offer the same way of proving that Brunswick Records bring new standards. We abide by your decision. jar; j:m;.-7T7:'. si;i I'mrvmi. z-m.i tzik& Mi ill, li Si' v n Just Hear The Brunswick and Be Convinced Oscar Otto Music House