Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, October 12, 1920, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Tuesdav. October 12. TO20.
I Notes From 0. A. C. j
"YViile-awake growers are wuinu:
-vcrylllin- ready to spii,y their ap
ple orchards- lor tint i arnose control
jus.t us soon as the fruit is off tlie
trees, II. 1'. Iiarss, plant, pathologist
of the Oi-ei'on station, finds. It
would he well for sprayers- to follow
the pickers immediately in all or
chards not having the early fall or
August apj ieationt. JJordeaux G-G-50
is used, and every particle of hark
surface on the tree is covered.
Honey hoes lire doing their host
to relieve the teacher shortage hy
helping out instruction work at O.
A. C. under the direction of H. A.
Scullon, formerly federal bee spec
ialist for the norlhwesl. -The work
' is given for the benefit of students
who want to learn how to handle
bees so had that they are willing to
take a chance at too close an ac
quaintance. The bees are especially
effective in dismissing classes.
Farmers who are having visions of
a big crop of clean wheat next har
vest are planning to give smut the
knock-out on all lale plantings. The
'arly rains have germinated the
smut pores in the soil, and unless
these spores find young plants to
unite willi they will not live more
than six weeks from the first good
wetting. Hence If the seed Is prop
erly treated on these plantings the
rropB may ho expected to he about
Kinut-free. Growers wanting help: in
treatment can get directions by send
ing to 0. A. C.
The hot school lunch is essential
to the growing child. What equip
ment and material are needed to
prepare it, how 11 is prepared and
nerved, and suggested recipes for 25
pupils, are briefly told in nn O. A.
C. leaflet hy Winona Cruise, Instruc
tor. Mothers' and teachers are find
ing the leaflet helful. Copies free
irom O. A. C.
"Kay, dad, here's a lot of apple
leaves all hlistery looking. Wish I
knew what's the matter with 'em."
"Well, why don't you take u look
lit your handbook and find out?
Thai's w'luil it's' for and you have a
ropy in your hip-pocket."
"Hadn't: though! of It, I guess;
I'm not used o having the dope so
handy. Here it Is on page 2!)
blister mites-. You spray the trees
With lime-sulfur 9-11)11 just us soon
lis the leaves fall. Won't have to
Hpray again, for three years If we
ln ta good job. Handbook says
trees must look like they'd been
"Let's take u look to see If you
Vot It right. Sine, you did. The
leaves look exactly like the picture.
How diil you litid II so iiulck'.'"
"Why, you see the handbook's in
three pails Injury to rruit; to
leaven ami hints; ami to trunks,
roots nn,! brandies. So I knew we
fcnt to look for Injury to leaves, on
page Tin n it said. 'A. feeding
on buds'; not that, ho 1 jumped to
Ml, feeding on leaven'; that was it.
fit I started down I, 2, I!, but it
inly to 1 w here It nays, Voiisplcioii'
Mai k or red blisters, or galls on
leaves, lihslcr mite, page 2!l.' So I
was sure It was right but turned to
2! iniil Ktw l ulion s picture of apple
lind pear leaxes that leeks exactly
Jike the leal thine."
It's nlieiil the handle-1 thing
iv I raw iilnnly I hat cart i,,nl
I'tld ee en tell what's Ihe treillle
f I 111 1 t "It I, M.I i.f ill.-. ta t , 4 ,
Km or li nil of ia (i.ei.ui. an. I ati
one i an gel a cip of tin , hip po.-l:. t
ma tin ' ! ! !f.-' -inline lor
it to Ihe , ,. ;, , rv ., 1 "
Ji: !. II I WINs
vni mi: i i i isi
when he arrived here from Ant
w rp, iJeK-ium, last week.
Using the U. S. magazine rifle.
Fisher won the :;oo-ni;ter Free It i tic
Match at the Olympic Shoot last
month against ninety competitors
representing thirteen different nu
bias. His score of out of a pos
sible pjM) was 7 points over that of
liis nearest rival, Larsen, of Den
mark. In this event the use of any type
or pattern rifle is permissible, with
no restrictions as to telescopic
siuhts, special barrels and other ac
cessories which make for accuracy.
Fisher's performance marks the
first time this match has ever been
won with the standard military rifle
of any country, and also the first
i.ime the match has been won by a
member of an American team.
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Don't fail to see the Sherman
county fair, October 12th to jGtli.
Crosfield will show a full line of
Stutz, and Sludebaker automobiles
of the new models; also the 55, and
the 75 caterpillars, also the new
little Ben tractor harvester together
with the new California Special Har
vester. GEO. N. CROSFIELD,
A(lv. Wasco, Oregon.
"Smart couple."
"What makes you think so?"
"Why, they feed the babv garlic
so that they can find it in the dark."
The County Court of Morrow
county wishes to call the attention
of Ihe public to the fact that on its
September meeting, in compliance
with the wishes of the representa
tives of a number of the Koad dis
tricts who assembled in the court
room at that time for that purnose.
did redistrict the County in order to
make Ihe road districts smaller and
more suitable to the residents of the
various districts. A number of the
districts are petitioning the Court to
call a special road meetinir In the
district In order that the people of
the district may talk over the matter
of the road situation of the district
and vote on a special road tax for
the improvement of special places In
the district that may especially re-
'tuire it. The present regular dis
trict money, which is a 2 Vi mill tax.
the same as before Ihe war, is in
sufficient, to take care of the dis
trict, needs and a small special tax
appears to be the best solution! of
the problem. Blanks for the peti
tion may be bad by applying to the
County Headmaster or Clerk. Such
petition the law requires, Bhall bo
signed by three or more freeholders
of the district and presented to the
county court not later than Its regu
lar November meetinir.
Win. T. Campbell, Judge.
K. 1-. 1'adherg, Commissioner.
(Iioige Illeakman, Comm Issioni r
Notice is hereby given that I,
undersigned, under the laws of ihe
Si ate of OreL'on, have taken up the
animals hereinafter described while
running at large on my premises,
on Hinton cieek, in Marrow coun
ty, Oregon, to-v.it :
One unbroke sorrel mare, weight
about 1000 pounds, age about 4 or
5 years, branded B on left shoulder.
One blue mare, about 12 years old,
weight about 900 pounds, Hat brand
on left stifle.
That I will, on
at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the
forenoon of said day, unless the
same shall have been redeemed, at
my ranch on Hinton creek, 5 miles
southeast of Heppner, in snid coun
ty and state, sell each and all of
said animals to the highest and best
bidders, for cash in hand, for the
purpose of paying the costs of tak-
ug up, holding and selling said ani
theimals, together with reasonable dam-
a g
for injury caused hv snid ant-
running at large on said preni-
Dated and first published this 5th
ay of October, 1S20.
The first regular meeting'of Hepp
ner Council, A. O. II., since vacation
was taken last March, will be held in
I. O. O. F. Hall, Sunday afternoon,
October 17, 1920, at which all mem
bers are expected to be present. Very
important business will come before
this meeting for attention. Don't fail
to be there.
Subscribe for the Herald and get
all the county news. Only $2 a year.
DojVtGoHungry Next Winter
We have some choice offerings this week in Fruits
and Vegetables for winter use:
Apples, Pears, Prunes, Grapes, Ground Cher
ries, Cranberries, Squash, Tomatoes, Peppers
( ' - " ... J
is carrying on a strictly lefiitiinnte Real Kstate Hus
iness. He will not offer for sale any land that lie
would not be willing to buy himself at the terms
Bread Li&e Mother
Used to MaKe
You can have it if you use our famous
White Star
For Your Baking
We have just received a car load of Spring
Beardless Barley for Seed
We pay highest cash prices for
Hides, Pelts and Furs
Heppner Farmers
Elevator Co.
Let Us Show You
Our Line of
has bad over 2:1 year's continuous research of Mor
row comity lain! coinlitloiis, owning anil operating;
ranches, anil as tax collector anil business num.
Whenever lie recommends a buy, you can bank on
it. He bus built iii n bin leal estate business by
square dealing ami efficient services. If you have
land to sell or buy, see
I p-stuirs in the Court House. Phone Main
As sure as you
are a foot high
you will like this Camel Turkish
1 r-
ana domestic
i .-,ii
.1 ' m.
M 1 B .
f a y UJW?$ k
tsv vV,-,--i''r'.;v- J
V . .' . . 1 ft- . . . . I K
and other
seasonable farm
machinery and
Peoples Hardware
OU ncv.T j;ot sucli ci.Mrctti?
I contontnu-pt ;is C.tmcis hnnd
you. Cnniv's quality anJ cxpi-rt
blond of chokv Turkic.'; :irA choice
Domestic Tobaccos make thU
KooJivcs no.' sxW.c - c.rulmakr van
pre fortius Camel blend to vi't her
hiiniof tobacco xmoked st rciht!
Camels mcllow-mildnci-.s i.s a
revelation! (Smoke them with
freedom without tiiiiv; your taste!
They leave no unpleasant ci ;a
retty aftertaste nor unpleasant
ciaretty cxior !
Give Camels every test then
compare them pul'f-ior-puff with
any cigarette in the world !
xl 3
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K. J 1-1 VNOI ns
VVinl.. h4l,, C
' II ')-"
-j v p
" .-so r w
i i t"-A
Mm. V f
ait.s ;
Choice Cuts of the
Best Meats
best in Meats to her family.. She can be assured she
i .I....IK m. if !k- l.nys lur Meats at ihU -... !,ich
.,iXu rur y nk i"Urn miM "'
Central Market
iuMiiiLK oc oUKLNSON, Props.