Tuesday. October 12. 1020 ?AGE TWO THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON WILL CENTER WOOL site and the warehouse building, con struction of which is to be com menced within the next two months. The balance of the capitalization will be made available for loans on wool, livestock, grain and commercial pa per and by the use of rediscounts. FARMING AREA OF IRE I NORTHWEST INCREASED It is expected the company will be Oriuon Capitalists Organize Huge Warehouse Company at l'oitltiml Idaho Is Second State in Union In ISute of Agricultural Growth In Past Ten Years enabled to loan up to $10,000,000 to finance the woolmen of the North west. ! TSie Season Is Here 1 I IVt Rv calif act 1 : v For the purpose of putting the wool industry of the Northwest on a firm foundation, to center the man ufacture of woolen goods in the Norlhest, and to provide an inde pendent and unconsigned warehouse, an organization was perfected in Portland Hie first of the week under the title of the Western Wool Ware house company. A capital stock of $2,000,000 has been authorized by the state corporation commissioner. $500,000 will be expended on the sixth pi;xi).i:to.v jail- imi:AKi:u gkts 4 years Pendleton Albin Lindgren, who walked out of the Umatilla county jail with the five jail breakers con victed for the murder of Sheriff Til Taylor, has been sentenced to four years in the state penitentiary for forgery. Lindgren was not connected with the plot to break jail. It is estimated that the trials- of the six jailbreakers has cost the state close to $2500. .'. ewspaoer Va WISE business men are alive to the fact that the actual advertising value of a newspaper lies not so much in size, circulation or rate charged, as in its news value. The local newspaper that gives the news of its town and county is the paper the people want to read badly enough that they are willing to buy that paper and pay for it in order to get to read it regularly. Ileppner Herald makes a spec ialty of giving its readers the news of Morrow county every week. It maintains a capable corps of correspondents in all parts of the county and is con stantly adding to this service. The Newspaper That Counts As An Adver tising Medium Is The Newspaper That Gives Good, Honest Service Service To Its Sub scribers Every Issue. Ileppner Herald Is That Sort of a Newspaper : i" :' , ; s : .. ". I a t(t . , , . , I- Washington, D. C, Oct. 11. Fig ures on the agricultural growth of Oregon, wasmngton and Idaho an nounced by the census bureau this week show that the gains in the number of farms are quite uniform ly distributed throughout all sec tions of the three states. Here and there a county has slip ped back from the showing made in the 1910 enumeration, it appears on the face of the returns, but the cen sus bureau explains that in several cases in the three states the figures are not strictly comparable because of changes in county boundaries. In the case of Idaho, which is se cond state in the union in, rate of growth in the last ten years, many counties show a loss from ten years ago because they have lost large areas by the creation of new counties since the census of 1910. Lane county leads in Oregon with a growth from 2876 farms in 1910 to 3279 in 1920. Yakima county leads in Washington, growing from 3341 farms in 1910 to 5755 in 1920 and Twin Falls county is- ahead in Idaho, jumping from 129 5 farms in 1910 to 2746 In 1920. Oregon has 50,188 farms in 1920, as against 45,502 in 1910. r i ' ' cereais. - j Cooked and Ready1 to Eat CORN FLAKES, KRUMBLES, POST TOASTIES, GRAPE NUTS, SHREDDED WHEAT, PUFFED RICE, WHEAT AND CORN. MOIlltOW COUNTY ItOAl) PIS- TIUCT SITUATION DISCUSSED (Communicated) For many years the road situation in Morrow county has been a source of much concern to the County Court. While it naturally occurred that in the course of the County's devel opment the call was for more roads while the road money was insuffi cient to build and maintain them The result was that roads had to be built in order that the ranchers could get to market and not having the money to pulld properly many roads had to be built in the cheap places rather than where they really belonged. For the same reason much of the road maintenance had to be neglected until the entire sys tem became In a run down condition. At the present time, the tax val uation and regular road levy (which Is 2 V4 mills) is about the same as in years gone by. Thus the regular road fund Is about the same while the purchasing power of the dollar has fallen off more than one-half of what It was before the war. This is especially true In road matters since the demand for road machinery and labor Is far In excess of the sup ply, while the call for more roads and hotter roads Is much greater j than ever before. I With tin Increase of demand on i tin one hand and the decrease of ' the pt:ri'h:.si'ig power of the dollar on the other it Is found that the regular road money, when spread out iae Ulymmc You Make the Final Test fi C'lu-r.il .! .'in our lilvrstory and avk 'J, in our kitJuns test clViltf Hour at cvity pli.iM it't!ie millm;;. Lull .s.ul; must U'ti-tcr umtonn l!.:wr aiul Kikitv qualities. In order Ui a pri i.ste this (lour v Mij'ot V'ti U: t it in your own kiulu-n. i I tut ;v ;m.l strength are m:;;-!;i1 in t!t Ut nMucntr.md nuuiti.'ti it licit lliati. lt'i t!u i U.iI 1-nukt.i-t I.hI. N X. I'll l l, lL I.I.I. ij.' Hr!lh orjltht; Uimrrv A fxJ . iL num I14U, hi.ililiv hatmiidt air tt.t trxilt i f 'iliJ.'.'J.' fcuntilu jilt M.nJ.J Hmk iiJ fs'iilliv (. 7Arrv...v lit.- T't.. a v. yi s FLOUU - FEED - CEREALS II 1 1 7 7 A I 1 HE AND CORN. To Be Cooked ROLLED OATS MOTHER'S, GOLDEN ROD, KERR'S, ALBERS. ROLLED WHEAT GOLDEN ROD, ALBERS. WHEAT NUTS, PEARLS OF WHEAT, CREAM OF WHEAT, CREAM OF BAR LEY, GRANULATED HOMINY, TWO MIN UTE OAT FOOD, ROMAN MEAL, RAL STON'S BRAN, KELLOG'S KRUMBLED BRAN. PheiDS rocery Co. over the county Is far too thin to do much good. In fact at the pres ent valuations the State Highway Commission estimates an annual maintenance of $200.00 per mile on their roads after they have cut them to grade and rocked them and cail them permanent roads. The regular road tax levy fur nishes the county with $19.00 and a fraction dollars per mile for both maintenance and construction on its roads that are of common dirt and nck ;iul sand and mud Just as the soil happened to he where the road was made. This together with many other facts which the County Itoad Offi cials have developed and ohrerved b'ad.i them to the conclusion that they will not he nlile to maintain the roads as roads should be maintained entirely out of their regular road levy. The court at Its September meet Ins rel!trictcd the county, iiiatcins - . r -fc n LOOl ! i nmst i f the liftricts mnaller. They i , th.nk li no dolni: the result will be , bittev and more K.it!sraetory both for ' f'.e Court and fur the tehidents of I 111" .1 r ; ti : 0 r t ; ii t. M inv of (In (!: trietfl l'ne nlre.i.ly tV. u t;'.m-h inii rest In nmir i-tiil h no a;kMl I'n' tlD.ulmaster t' fiil'llv them wiih I'LirV fi.Ni.n that t!n y may p' il ,n tie dirt .it l: lhe.uri; in N".inbr third to r.i'.i (l fleet : tie in tl.eti lespieiive tl. III." that the peeple of the iliMilet , ei.'V y i t together iin.l t ilk o".,r the le.'d nit ;iat!ti ef llie'r local it y end to i'!e on the matter of a fpec!;,l to. el t.i lillM Will tie lee, on I 1 1 IliVlWe I'topittV e( t!u d::tiet r.ne e p. inted rniire'v In the !imrt n:nl ' on i n t ro.'il or re.nl or p irtu "t ro.-.S d"t. n..t. 'I In the p' tHii n I ll utri .i " t.i it It. is rj ii-i.i I tax plan li an etii'liiit one in eviiy rent i it!," I .it tnete) ti 111 S'l on the t.-.i-t I ; 't ti.at l lb i.-ited hy t'ie ot- l It lij'pe l '"' ',;' "ltl j .'!1 ef tile dl.tt.it pru' ii til (ur tin ie IK ve. ir 1 he l.i mi pro. !.! tlu' In nntei itn c.i'.'i iwb a e i" tie Ciiint r. Ford Owner ! frr rret- t.m.iim f- J i uu v.au jci. yuui IUIU II overhauled at our shoo r at Ford schedule 'prices ) Ford Garage ?(P t-.uit t" pi-ntioneij not Liter tt-. n ti-kitLir t n- nt In Nine tn-r Prt.!nn l.',ii) for t!'l p irM i mi) hf t j, 1 y mi'ly ne to the Cn'in'y I'lnii er l.i.i! '1' nt -r :.n h rn ul uu r in mi h durtd-t hi ii! I ! Infreptcit In thm mutt'-t fur , tinner fmt for ti 1st prote mtit ! W ni"0 pen( fur 4 n it tll pfoilnr unit return p any fn'.J :f prefer!)- ippllnl. Suits and Overcoats $30 to $75 We have vithout doubt the best values in Fall and Winter Clothing ou can find in Morrow County. You will find our line the best-made for the money at prices ranging from $30 to $75 LLOYD HUTCHINSON Cleaning Dyeing prcssinS Repairing VE GtT YOLR V0RK OUT PROMPTLY