Tuesday, October 1020 THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER. OREGON LEGAL NOTICES 1 Any person claiming adversely the above-described land are advised to file their claims, or objections, on or before tiie time designated for sale. n c- n T. . . . . t, V , m'KA"' I Nolan Skiff, Receiver. Department of Intenor, U. S. Land, First publication Au-t. 24. 1920 io T, lame res011' August! Last publication October 12, 1920 ; NOTICE is hereby given that ' .FRED HOWE of Heppner, Oregon, who, on Feb. 20th, 1920, made Homestead Entry No. 019522, for SWNEVi, Nff4 SE, and ESW'i, Section 9, Tp. 4 S., R. 29 E., Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final Commutation Proof, to establ jj I1 claim to the land above described, 'tore Clerk of Circuit Court, at his office, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 11th day of October, 1920. Claimant names as witnesses: Phil Hirl, John Kegan, Phil. Higgins, and Jacob Pearson, all of Lena, Oregon C. S. DUNN, Register. First publication August 24, 1920 Last publication October 5, 1920. Notice for Publication-Isolated Tract (Not Coal Land) PUBLIC LAND SALE Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, August 18, 1920. NOTICE FOR PVBi.K ATIOW Department of the Interior, IT. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, August 6th, 1920. NOTICE is hereby given that CHARLES H. SCHMIDT of Echo, Oregon, who,, on September 18, 1917, made Additional Home stead Entry No. 019247, for SW, Section 24, Township 2 North, Range 26 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to intake three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before J. A. Waters, Clerk of County Court, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 7th day of October, 1920. Claimant names as witnessess: Mike Sepanek, of Echo, Oregon, W. B. Finley, of Lexington, Oregon Henry Tafel, of Echo, Oregon, Carl Mataon, of Echo, Oregon. H. Frank Woodcock, Register. First publication August 17, 1920 Last publication October 5, 1920. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given that the NOTICR is herehv p-Ivpn thnt net llnrlArtio-nd Iiq hoon nrtnnltn 1,.. directed by the Commissioner of the 1 the County Court of - the State ot vleei'neral Land office, under provisions ' Oregon for Morrow County admin I ip, Sec. 2455, R. S., pursuant to the I istrator of the estate of Wm. H. v -Application of ' HalV alias Hayes, deceased, and John C. McEntire, Heppner, Oregon' Umt fa", pers0"s having clail!W a" Serial No 020010-020180 I Salnst the said estate are required , ' , 2189, I to present the same, verified ac- we will 0Ifer at public sale, to the cording t0 law to m; at H highest bidder, but not less than Oregon, within six months from the $2.50 per acre, at 10 o'clock A. M. date of the first publication of this on the 14th day of October, 1920, notice, said date being September nexi, ai inis otnee, tne following "Mi j-u 20, 1915, made Homestead Entry, No. 015222. for N IZ 1:i and NV, Section 14. Township 1 South, Ranpre 2S East. Willamette Meridian, lias tiled notice of intention to make three-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before United States Commissioner, at ii is office at Heppner. Oregon, on the 12th day of November, 1920. Claimant names as witnesses: Julian Rauch, and Frank Avers, of Echo, Oregon, ' Harve McRoberts, of Lexington Oregon, W. L. Vincen, of Lena, Oregon. C. S. Dunn, Register. First publication September 21, 1920 Last publication Nov. 9, 19-20. NOTICE FOR Pl'HIJCATIOV Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, September 10, 1920 NOTICE is hereby given that RUBEN W. VOLLE of Heppner, Oregon, who, on August 23rd, 1915, made Homestead Entry, No. 015169, for NWi,i, Section 32, Township 4 South, Range 28 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed not ice of -intention to make five-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before United States Commissioner, at his office at Hepp ner, Oregon, on the 11th day of No vember, 1920. Claimant names as witnesses: Dick Robnett, Otto Robnett, John Voile, and Joe Mahon, all of Heppner, Oregon C. S. Dunn, Register. First publication September 21, 1920 Last publication Nov. 9, 1920. tract of land: NWy4NWy4 Sec. 26, T. 3 S R. 27 East, Willamette Meridian, and NWUSW14 Sec, 26, T. 3 S., R. 27 East Willamette Meridian. 21-25 Sam Hughes, Administrator. NOTICE FOR PUJMCATIO.V Department of the Interior, U. S. T.nnH nffino of Tk Ti,.ll r .ast Willamette Meridian. uC uura, uresun, The sale will not be kept open,' but SuI)tell'b,- 1920. . -vrvTinm i i 1 j. """'jJi is iiereoy given mat HARVEY HARSHMAN of Hardman, Oregon, who, on June 26, 1917, made Homestead Entry, No. 016811, for SV4NW, NV4 SW, SWSW, Section 28, W NWi, NMsSWli, Section 33, Twp. 4. South, R. 2 4 East, Willamette Mer idian, has filed notice of intention to make three-year proof, to establish will be declared closed when those present at the hour named have ceas ed bidding. The person making the highest bid will be required to im mediately pay to the Receiver the amount thereof. Any persons claiming adversely the above described land are advised to file their claims or objections, on, NOTICE FOR VVRLIK ATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Urn rule, Oregon. September 10, 1920. NOTICE is hereby given that HARVE G. COXEN of Echo, Oregon, who, on September 9th, 1915, made Homestead Entrv, No. 015203, for SE14 and SWy4 Section 14, Township 1 South, Range PAGE SEVEN ,Eas!t- V.'ilh,,, etie Meridian, has tiled mn,,. f int.-ntion to make thrce-ye r proof, to establish claim o the 1,,:,! ubove described, before Inifod Sat,.s commissioner, at bis ottiee at Ilei.pn,.,-. Oregon, on the Mb. day ot Ninvnihcr, 1920. Claim Julia: Fran! HarM Oregon. W. L. Vincen. of Lena, Oregon. ('- S. Dunn. Register. 1' irst publication September 21. 1920 Last publication Novemoer 2, 1920 m "'t'bos as witnesses: Hsmch and -y vs, or Echo, Oregon. Mcltoberts, of Lexington NOTK i: FOR I'l Rl.K ATIOV Depanment of the Interior U S Land Oillce at La Grande, Oiegon. September 10, 19 20. NOTICE is hereby given (hat HOWARD J. CULICK of Lena. Oregon, who, on March 3rd 1916, made Homestead Entrv No' 015237, for NWViNEU, SNeV SEM, and SEi.4SWV4 Section 12,' Township 1 South, Range 28 East Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intern 1011 to make five-year proof to establish claim to the land above described, before United States Com missioner at his office at Heppner Oregon, on the 9th day of November! 1920. Claimant, names as witnesses: John Keegan, Gus Avers, and Mason Duncan, all of .Lena. Ore. W. F. Pettyjohn, of Echo, Oregon. C. S. Dunn, Register. First publication September 21, 1920 Last publication Nov. 9, 1920. Chief Seat of Iron Industry. In the early days Massachusetts was ine chief seat of the Iron Industry In He American colonies, the first suc cessful blast furnace having been put a operation at Lynn in 1043. In 1700 I'eimsylvania became the leading iron 'reducing state, and maintained the supremacy for upward of a hundred (ears. or before the time designated for sale. , claim sale. C. o. Dunn, Register. Nolan Skiff, Receiver. First publ. August 31, 1920. Last publ. October 12, 1920. NOTICE OR rriHJCATIOX Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grand3, Oregon, July 29, 1920. NOTICE is hereby given that JAMES HIGGIN? . whose post-offi.-e address is Lena, Morrow Count;-, Oiegon, did, on the 27th day of Augur.t, 1919, file in thl.i office Sworn Statement and Applica- to the land above described. before J. A. Waters, Clerk of Circuit Court, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 28th day of October, 1920. Claimant names as witnesses: Evan Stonoman, T. H. Williams, James Burnside, all of Hardman, Oregon, Joe Woods, of Elghtmlle, Oregon. H. Frank Woodcock, Register. First publication Sept. 14, 1920 Last publication October 26, 1920. NOTICE FOR l'l IIMCATIOV Department nl the Inn.rlnr t a tl.,n. v. nionaa . .-x. ' ... . ' ' .nin.ie. Oregon, ' 1.1c .1-1 .-epif iniM-r 10, J920. W' SE'i, Section 5, Township 4 NOTICE Is h'-n-ny civi n ilt.-it South, Range 29 East, Willamette 1 CHAIU.i;:! :'. DVKSTUA Meridian, and the tinibtr thereon, i w "''l'l"1","-- ' gon, who on July S. tinder the provisions of the act of l'sW SK, SEUNU-' June ?,, 1S78, and iictr. amendatory, J Section 1 5. To-vnuhlp 4' South Range known as the "Timber and Stone 27 VZ:ii, Willameiie M.-iidian, has Law," at Mich value 11 s miul.t b" flx-i !lIort '"'"""''n to make ed by appraisement, and that, pursu-' i,r;ry,;f.J,,.'r,.f- "', ,s,ll!,,i11 ., h""1 ... .1 " ii'"criiie,i ueiore ant to Ktich a, pi cation, the land and United Stat.-x ComtulsHioner. nl his The Moral Risk When the time comes to seek credit, a bank will want to know what you ARE as well as what you HAVE. That's where the moral hazard comes in. And you can't establish credit over night. Rather, it is a matter of becoming KNOWN at your bank, of es tablishing confidence by the way in which you have kept your account, regardless of the amount you have to your credit. Get acquainted that's the first thing. Then develop that acquaintance into friendship. It will Stand you In splendid stead when the time comes-. Remember ing also, that this bank offers you a complete bank ing service. Farmers & Stockgrowers National Bank HEPPNER, OREGON. tinibi-r thereon have been appralnrd nt 1160.00, the timber estimated at 100,000 board feet at $1.00 per M, and the land $60.00; that nald ap plicant will offer final proof In up '!'t of hid application and sworn wal jieiiK-nt on the 15 day of October, CtT:20, before United States Coninls Hioner, at h! office, at Heppner, Oregon. Any ppmcn la at i;be-fy to prelect office, at Jl.-ppner, Oregon, on the ivin nay or November, 1920. Claimant names as witnesses: Sam Mr-CulloUKli, It. A. Thompson, A. W. Itylcura and George W.Dy'kstia, all of Heppni-r, Oregon. C. S. Dunn, Register. First publication September 21, uto Last publication Nov. 9, 1920. The Moore hospital Mrs. HAY MOOKK, Prop. Notice I nit l-l lii.ici iiuv this rurchane before entry, or Initiate ', n7"rl!!V''M "T ,n";r",r- '' " ' '" j M-pieintH r jo, !-ji. ii-ui-t. by nuns a corroborated arfl- NOTICE Ix luii-hy ttiv-n lint davit In thin effice, alleging fuel whlrh would defeat th entry. C. S. DUNN. K-Klnter Flrrt rubllratlon' AttRtlnt 3. 1920. Xmt publlcoilon October 12, DELIA COXEN (Vonm-, lv Hake) of Echo, Oregon. S'-piei.iber v v ; ; Nollif fur I'nlilli ( lii I lalfi Trmt ANNOl M I.MIA T (Not Coal Mini) I'ini.ic i.wii .i.k Id'Pinnn-ni of tln Intrlnr, t. S. liml Offic at La Cund". Ori-Kon. ruiut 1, 1920. . l f-OTlCE l hrrby given that. ctd by inr Coinmlimloni-r of l he C.i-neral Land Offlr. under proviidnn of 24 S3, H. C. pumuant lo th application of Ton Iloylen Jr., Echo. Oiiioa. Serial No. 02039 1, t lil ff-r at public ml, to th hUhnt bidder,, but ai not lea than $4 00 pr tic", at 10 o'clock a. M . on Iht 14th Sf of Ortoir. 12. BMt. at Ihli fiffif. lh followiag If art of land: NWHNE4 and NHNft'U, f'f 14. T. I N., It- 27 Katt. WUUmtt Mr Idian. Th toll -war 11 1 ool t kpt tpn. but will b derlarH tlo"d whn !! pfBt at iBt bour Bam4 tbo etM4 blddlB. Tb prva mtaini tb hinMi bid will b riir4 lo ltnnillalr PT ' Rwiiff Ibt amount tarof. . ! Tllln l lo utltiouiKr- thai I . ; Imvc iK.gi ht Ih Heppner Soda Wcirkii ouiriKlit and will con- J. Ilntu- tin- bUKlm-ii In ib ful- .!. J ur. I r-i.peri!iy nollcil a J. J. hr i,f yiiiir piitton.ii- and ; K'luratii' i. natlnrarion. JO.-iKI H SNVDKU. I'n.p. I III I I'M II mi) WUKKH .'. 4. 4. 4 4 4 ' 4 4 4 4 "I 4 4 4 4 4. ANH CKMKST 4.! 4 I ! taken orr lh lr 4 4 buntnewi frrtnr!y pfai4 In 4.! 4 fwtinwiloii iih Ih llrppncr 4! 4 Sola Work and am prepared 4 4 lo efir rulomira wilh ood. 4' 4 PU r on ahort noflro, .J.) 4 An k rard In your window 4v 4 ul ( m. 4.I 4 Your patrunic la rpn. 4. 4- fully aobritd, 4. JAMK.4 COW1NS EVERYTHING NEW, CLEAN and SANITARY BEST of CARE and ATTENTION assured all patients. LARGE, MODERN SURGERY Private Rooms When Desired All patients privileged to choose their own ph sitinns and surgeons Prices and terms on application. Phone Main 94 Heppner, Oregon 4-4 ' F. R. DROWN agent for GUARANTEED LOW COST LIFE INSURANCE; FIRE, HAIL. ACCI DENT AND HEALTH INSURANCE THO(.M) RIMUKM I HIX III I I'M II Foil H U.K. U( KD UIOHT. A MMITI l AMOI NT OF I'ttlVATK MOXFY TO ltS. Office Upstairs in KoUrts iJuil.rinjf Phone 643 Hrppner, Ort-gon 77 "Here's Real Tobacco says the Good Judge That gives a man more genuine chewing satis faction than he ever tfnr ------- o out of the ordinary kind. Smaller chew,lasts longer so it costs less to chew this class of tobacco. ' And the good, rich to bacco taste gives a world of satisfaction. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Put up in two styles W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco RIGHT GUT is a short-cut tobacco Fine Ranch Bargain 160 -acre creek ranch, 40 acres ditch, good 7-room house, good barn and other out-buildings. School adjoining. Bargain if taken at once. Easy terms. ROY V. WHITEIS REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE ij"s -a 'r ' j If . , i ' v - .v -v, , i if S , '. " i C'i--U -v'i ' ' ' V 'x ' ' 1 5 Reproduces AH Tonal Beauties QJTILL the very latest and most advanced in phono graphs is The Lrunswick. This rematkable initru mcnt lias attracted nation-wide attention. Chiefly because of the Brunswick Method of Reproduction. Thi new development brinRS finer tone for every record, what. ever make. No other instrument has these advanced Ideas. Now Brunswick Records We bring now us further contribution to the phono graphic art our own make of records. We include all the fine standard of today, yet add what we consider a vast improvement. And this we know will be the verdict of the public. This is the secret each Brunswick Record is inter preted by noted director or an accomplished artist tech nically trained in the art of recording. Thus we unite tht talent of the artist with the genius of the composer. IMIIIIIIIIHIIiMIIIIII 111 We feel sure that you will recojjnire the betterment brought out by this idea. We want you to judxe Kturit wick Records by those same severe teMs with win, N people have judged brunswitk I'lionograplu. Anl that is by comparison. Remember Brunswick Records will play on any phono graph with steel or fibre needle. Juit Hear The Brunswick and Be Convinced OSCAR OTTO Music I louse