PAGE SIX mm desigij ; ? 2 Mi 'i !Jn"J 1 Lis!,-n;cr:; Of HAS AM ATTHACTIVc pcncn This Hems 7:i. A.-.. ron-i.-.-k.-te a Cocj Sized Family and Can E'e Eui;i ;it a Pi i. . iraum C- ::i Mod ern feature-. By WILLIAM A. RADFORD. Mr. Wili;:! in ft Haitf' v'I, .insTyor '":;Mori; ".-'i l't liiv will., .is-imi (,,,. :i;. f'-blnr, aim ,r ,,,) ai;,,ii,f:i..; , is, Wl!l;.,t .J.,..!,..- tl,(: hih...l aiithorily to Willi;:, A Iholfrirri, ,n 157 Praiiln wvenue, :i.iv.-.(r. ill. mm only enclose two-tent aUi!P. (or reply While il is unpin, ii-Miil' Ilio Inonilis 11:. 'i-,. slid is pi, .,ily ,,l' lime to llllilll l!,;S li.-y ,,. si i Ullll it will lie ready I'm- nr.llpaiioy before I he win lor n-ls in. II, nr,. vol', il' II,,. house is 1" iio furnished, mi liino slimiiil ,o lust in m looting ilio jiliuis and lolling; Hie ci. lit rncf. '''.'IN of building iiaVO liolMI I'o "lllocil lil;..'l'iiillv since lust spring. The iiriivs i.r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . -1- linvo ('(line down noil contra, -lors will soon have nlioiil; finished Hi), ooiii facts ti,,.v iiiidi'i'hiiil: early in I In- year, ('onseipionily now is n very jiooil liino In g,, ;,,( ad willi Ilio Inline building iliins. ' 'i'li" mosl iiiiii,rl:uil phase of Ikiiiio building Is solo, -I in- iM. ahs. The design shoiihl ho ilociileil up,,,, viii, oiiro, us il is epciish. id iinsatisl'ao- '.'"'.V to I.f changes aflor M. huild- l "pei'al ions aolnally are hettim. The rigid soil ol' a house will milium Just enough I'oonis to iioooint late Ilio Ilietiihors ol' Hie family ; il siloulil nol &KS.SSI ! T, ""-I 1 ' tllf'l d i- ' ' Ml III,' heiiie I'liddcr svol l. ahle I,, ,.j, and h l-hoilhl he m i-iii::, ,l ,rii ,. ,,r, (if caldll- I.. r it ,MI1 ho llol , in the Ill'i-I sal I i a. I i IS , ( :n ,. ,, I'-o l-llollld I M'li Ked hi sole. Hol' the t.M f cxleiiol', clillilliiinir.' ii liillol, iis possihle any out of t linur ef feels. I Shoun in tlic iicioiiip.injli,- illns 'U'lillnns Is a icsli;u f,,r mi elthl room Imhimo ihiit Is modern In riot ny - ii'stciior iiiiii inn- hili'tior nr. riiiitt'iiii'iil mill mic llial .:ni he creel. I'll III h mini in cos!. h..ue Is of friltnc colistinetloli, set nil a ,., crclc foiindailon. the lAIi iIoI' l.clim of I'lHinl (.hliin: Hllh slit, hi iihuc (he M-i'lillil Hour. U Mil the cccillon of Hie iil'iiiitio nl 4 lo.if, hl is a oolotoill lies j, T, ninth c i.f the cololiliil W iiuiili'al t IhliMI.'lo.llt the . lellol- I the In'e roil, mtil tt,i' .el h, with It, s,nani .Ots 111'. I llllied IsilieU ,, III. ,ll,. r t in ti that t- iih.o, f Ho' -tit in. i o in I,,. I "' f ' .el,:.. I U 1' l ',. el-Is I ' i -1 i I, t. r j j I- I i: i nt- . - it. In- o rw-i 1 I ! II le .' .,;..-..,. . , , t the I . ni . t '.'fl .. i.. .1- ' . f s . , tag ' I ' l..l ' " - . ,. , f ll I" ' - fc.l'l ' .f . 1 II.. . f of ft... I , i , th.. inti.g ,!,. tnl .. i'. , ,r Vb,n I iiniii -. , i ,tslr rf il.e lltilig fiHjiu, 1 tt,r Mt.t, en my 'if us It throtiph a good-slzei pan- L 1 , , li.o 11'. m:l- rootri is large 1:5 .y 21 o ll!,'!,!-:. in toe ooii'iol' u; j lie ''" v. nil a larg'' open ti.'op'aee. "Ii i-:: I. or so',' ;i ji 1 at 11." frol.t ' iii-'vioriiit' easement wiu '' io Vag !,.. ,., ,,, Ughr ami a : i'y. I 1 .V ' ! le.-t. 1 loom (. i.. fj. I' 'I . .Hi i o -' loi :!; v.iiiilie. s, a tr..i;p I'o'ir -i I 'i.. i'i-::;- and two at the 1 i'l" i a'.'),- i: a In-i-iii and ohiss-y l-i. o o. 'i'iio I J I !; " to II. o l'i-ht of Ilio iv". :.:..: I. ail i.- !:; feer s.piaiv. an.; .'ooi'i '.. i'y t;a o!y ho inado iu!o a too? mm- 2 Sscond-Floor Plan. ;:in s hoilniotn, if roiiuired. The kitdi- eli Is 11 hy 1,'J feet, ullll Oiotis info a roar poi'i li of p,,a size. The stairs lead In n lai'L'e eenlnil Itall on the seemid Hoot', mil of which "I"'" Ho1 foul- hi'ili'iiouis, haili i-niini ni'l Newinu r i. The hillor s a room of -oiid size for ils type, boiii N liy II foot, s 1 1 1 1 1 can he made ,j se-Vo Ilio purpose of n ohililrrn's piay I'ooin. I'laoli of the hodrooiiis is on il corner, and is as hir-o as the llv 1 " '-" rooms, or "parlors," in Ilio old fashioned houses. Their loealion .1. ' '.X 1 ... j ; 1 j I "I i '' N 111 I'lell'V ol ( in, ol Ihe re. :., h,.,e rooms ,,f , '''''' '''' I'i'" i Ihe an-iiiii , I Ill's speed:,., vp.,,-,. ,,n i,, i'o. v 'I ! I levels 11, cllimodatl' III MliMl is 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 cariiienis as the laru'er lark eh, sets foiiml in inai.v I, ..i, are cipiipped with liatuers which keel the cliches I,, the best of c litiott' and ". noil the owner In withdraw lln It.', t:t;ors fruiu ihe chisels when n tar '"'"I Is It led. These closets sne a fool or inure over the ordinary elo ets mill add Just (lint much fo the size of the room. inler Ihe house Is n full basemen! Mulshed llh a l oin tele floor. II.ti' are pimhled separnte rooitm for Ihe hciillloi plain, Ihe fuel, f himidry. mid n mnnice rnnm for fruits, i:t' , , , , , t i bibles , ,,', .Mods. The la,,,,. , dry l l..n,,., so that the rbuhes have In be mri-fcil the leat .is,i,-,.. , Is '"'it'ii-'cd so thai It will ,.oo i n,, i 11 ' !' n l.ilior a Ins unsiiiio; tint 'bine, loalii'le im.l ilrv.-r il.,i ..p., le i In ,1,,. faiioU of ; .. . si.-,, in .' of Io I, Imiii.lry labor b" I. rt "hi. M .... I k . .! . '' . . II. " . ! I t - i , ! . I W .,,' !' . 'II 1 I ,. It.f ..I .,. i .. -. . . 1. 1 ' I I 'I , - .. i tin- !1, j IC. ' i i- !e t--4 , , . r i eh t' i i .( ni i I l . t .i.i,-, s. .. ,. i , (1 I,. j,, .l'iip(.ii f iihtlt.ur tstt rt a rtnl gm.!in '(.) to t.'i-. . i : i . Y Led R-. I mm mm i pr rt r: I Balcony THE HEPPNER HERALD. HEPPNER, OREGON I PUZZLE TO SCIENCE ! r.j Cri-'n cf This Rncc Hans on i;-,3 Talc of a Snail. mrtfr? of S'tlien, Stumps H r. d,ca u-'-"r;5 Who' Are in Quest of Polynesian Data. r-'otiohi'ti, T. II If oortain vnrie of S.'U il, lilO MaM-aii,,, i,.j,. ,....-., , . , ' M'nrteil , n;..)iW in ,i,o ; ; '. . wohl ,.. cioso to ' l'" -n:i'of the ',,!;,- ''.'r: :rV'U'i "' K,'i,,m,s,s ! r' 7 ''" 1 i'""' sciL'utilic co:i- ?ress in ses-ion Ino-e ,., . . "' ' ' I'Miird f ii htindrod of the timst iiiiie,exp,.,.S ! miKt of the countries ," U"' -'tin litive dis- '.'iissod tiio possihle or-iefn of the I'oiy- iH'sians .lurliitf the sessions, d o I' they nl! ii-reet-iiev k;",w yi;t wliui-u I he J'olynusians ori ''in(lt"' llavins failed In wv nn u.r .. ' i".' Il'..r iiooiuia Hon mi: of tho snaih tlie t.iu,!.,, turned to t lie common or iranlon vnri- cl.r of chicken. This useful bird is " Novell to have hcen domesticated by the I'olynesiiins ahout I',. C. Ac- '"ftlinf! to scienliik' data the chicken reached Ku'.vpt iiboitt 70(1 I!. C. It i3 liclli'vod to have originated In south ''Hi Asia, hut how did it get to I'oiy-' ucsla? Another impasse. P."f:oiiia seeds and those of about TOO oilier plants found In the Hawuii iit) croup furnished a little more infor mation than either Hie snail or the chicken, aeenrdini; to the scientists. Ocean currents n re said to have brought them here. Kiiintnrial cur rents llowiut; across Cenlral America from the Atlantic are believed to have forced the Pacific currents westward. carryiitK driftwood and seeds. The process of transportation and cormina tion appears to have been fairly letiKlhy, sitii'e it is estimated that per haps one seed arrived from the Ameri can continent and bore fruit within the period of n million years. (Irasshoppers furnished their nnota oiseiissfou wiuon tei'ininateii about where It had hcfritn in the j known facts that the Polynesian race came out of tin' unknown and, beint: a rapidly ilyin race. Is fast passing to the uncharted shore where it was born. Ci-cchet:d Wool Flowers. If you i rochet, and have an Idle summer hour mi band, why not make some very si iiuuiir.r :.ay wool flowers? S. altered loorrih ev r a hiaek tnffeia 1 1'i -k they in Ai.d !in v ai I am lr...-',s , .',ll 1 noil I so,,,,., - r - Prcuy on Bi,:! poM :-: Pc s-ure -o 1 .... Mj , ; ,.f ti,.. cine, p-i :o Jade or iilbt. . . ' Ld.e Silk Ruclu-s. Silk ,ml,..s a- well as ,! f or- lie arc 1 IO :, the o,a,h,r ouiiihi r . rap of I here iirt. s that r-ape cud in-', he- IoIi'Iiiiil: lillle tall'.'la i about the 1 Idei-s a low the w a isl line, Th l",Kll l'l llUlli- llll'h it of tilt- Slil Hard to Get and Keep. Years before he had always titi fo Atlantic City to spend his sum mer vtictiibm. lhp the other day In the lobby of Ihe MnHoii club, some one 'ii hi fo Idtn: ".Indi'e, lt'n lihoiit (in. time joii always pi to Atlantic City to speiid llie rest of ihe Rummer." The lude replied: "Hut 1 d,,n't think I'll he able to make It ihl ii-nr. Tlic wife says : 'Tin mnhl bus the liny feer. ami w luive Just Kt to take Ur uiid ro up In Michigan.' " 1l)iuMhit f Ihii 1 1 ...... I.I - .. f A iiT- KM tin- iiri itui nun pen a ,,, c , , ' , . . SHUTT- I muting on .ulill) leu illoiii, . ;tii I si.u.. Ilns. In.-.. Me , f,,.r fr ,,. , ,, i,., wool. I not Ii,. willing ,i but bun,, i;. f criiiH nlli ml. SHUTT- Ii.i b.i.l mit lit )ciit, r.'iiliiuioi,. ir..,nib nt Mnr m n.iiiilt l.u.,1 ion, lit, mis, i.iiiiig mill i.m ruiiiig i..inb.s. ,in, us m ndbsloi mid business nun. Wliemwr lie l . i.oiiiii lids i but. lltl lutnk oit It. Me li.ts loolt a liltf tvitl i sl.ilr bnsin, s. I.) il,ne iliiiling mill fill lent u it,. i. ),, line l.iiol l.i s l or I n, ee E. M. SHUTT VZ,Jli I " M.lii-. Itt ,l,r , .,i M"ll, I'lloIH' M.llH Zi Wii m mm mint .awrr&wJWwwKiawrttM Hcppner Tailoring and Cleaning Shop Make, Clean and Press CLOTHES G. KRANZKN. Proprietor REAL THING Peculiarly Mcr.n Thst 1 Sjid to Have E.jt Fiaycci on an Indiana Chsriff. ".' :y. " -aid n votn? over the :,'l' i ''! to ti." sia-i-:;';' , f ;i noaiTy iii'!,..ii ootu, ly a l'.-w nays n-.i. -i his i ! I ." Sliihloos, Woii, Jim Siuhliins, a ta i-ri:!,r f mil.,, thai I hoc, haviif " ' ' ins way in town t:,:;al t ow wit, f 'white lull!.'.' He's troin' ,y tiio rornhivad i-oad and if nil inirrv von in,,! viii.r rii.., win , Itiiv.. nloii'y of tiic to kcldi him he- ; m, all coyorod np win, a canvas ta,,:alin on U back , , lis wapm." T- sherilT sw re in two deputies ' and went to the ( 'omhrcad n,-,l r,-, ,,- ' " ' : I lie odiocrs saw apin'oaciiin- (hetn ! In U'lsmvly fashi,,,, farm i tlmwn It.v two hor-os that were driven ' l'.v u mini niiswcrin:: the description of t Siiilil.lns. -i!n!l, in tiio name of the law!" , onh',-,., ti, sheriff. "II11V(, voll ,,ot a I 10:1,1 of 'white n.ui,'?'" j "I sure have. I gotta admit it," re- ; Plied the farmer who' hv this time I ! moused that sotiiehodv was heiiiL' mailt ,ho vi,il11 "f n .1 lc "look for yorself, sherifij, tuider the cover there. The sheriff raised the tarpaulin and Kazed on the melancholy form of a real while mule which had passed away followint; an attack of colic and which even then was on its way to a reduction plant in Hie nearby city. Indianapolis News. FLOWERS THAT GIVE LIGHT Fact Not Generally Known Is That Many Common Plants Have a Distinct Luminosity. Most people have seen the plant colloquially called the liurnitij; bush, and have si ruck a mutch and applied it to the feathery Howci's and leaves in order to see the delicate Ihinie run over tiie surface of the plant: without iin'oetinj; hurtiii',' it ! lint it is not so well known that there are a num ber of (lowers which throw off lumi nosity all their own, and anionu' such I ' ,m' 1110 ''"liimon marigold, cor sons ol lilies and the oriental poppy, as well as that familiar and popular favorite the nasturtium. It is related that on a warm sum- I mer evenio- in the year the clev- ! er dutidiler of (lie famous Swedisl, ; botanist. I,- us, noticed tiiat some i misiiirliiiins n ,. fat hoi 's cardon , wore eniittiii!.' tiny but distinct Hashes . ol bdil : lirsi one Mower then anollier would Ihrow out an evane i.-etit bcain. 'I'hoii::!, at lirsi her as-eriion was re ived v.llli doiiM, o'licr invest iaatn.-v S"" 1'1'ovcil It to be till,.. il it is i '"7 ",;",y llllililiosily. I ', t only ii..Miirt:mii e.v: rs , l!is ias f.:e ,i.,.i, si., u;i'e'l:,i!;atlrc. ' j Hio.oric r ic cf r : i n...-t,...V 1 rvi f the I T'! T'-"" '-" ' ;1 'U1""' '1;":i" "! the following , i", 11 HIM 1 1 ! I j H ' 1 l J 1 1 1 1 , I,';!ori!ial .on : "A p'e.e of beef cool,,, s, -, j still beiti'' careliiliv o:eservi il ill a Mill silver pitch, r by i: iward p.. .Mmnvar- Inn of this city. This Is not bei,i' kept j It, antlcipailon of a funber increase I III Ihe cost of beef, but Is a p'hllllle heirloom. "Setvt. .Tosepl, H. bblns of the Ptl tisl, lioyal niarincs saved the piece of beef, w hich he Was rut lug whin as saulted with an ax by a conk on n French vessel which had been cap tured hy l.oril .Nelson nt Trufalcnr The cook missed Ills aim. hut the "iTk'eilllt gnl the beef. Sergeant Ilnli hlus wim the great great grandfather of I.leut. Col. Kdanl I!. Maiiwiirliig of the I'lilteil Slates tnarlnu corim." From the Oullook. an l-r.i.ii.t.l HAU 1 I - . A t , ; hj Bread Lille Mother v Used to MaKe You can have it if you use our famous White Star Flour For -Your Baking We have just received a car load of Spring Beardless Barley for Seed We pay highest cash prices for Hides, Pelts and Furs fieppner Farmers Elevator Co. L. Let Us Show You Line i m i jtj j p fi If! Plows fyu a a .a and other seasonable farm machinery and implements Peoples Hardware Company Si lVj l Choice Cuts of the Best Meats EVERY HOUSEWIFE WANTS TO SERVETHE best in Meats to her family.. She can be assured she is U..intr m. if she hu lur Meat at this ,,,. n w!Vh i coti.htctol in cunf.Tinlt y with nunkm method vi sanitary marketing. Central Market McNAMER 4 S0RENS0N, Prop.. Tuesday. October 5. 1920 of rs ut Sit UK O 0