4 Tuesday, October 5, 1920 ii:i:i(;.TioN ri:on: is ai;k NO (iAMIil.ll SAYS HOISK Spendim; mnnoy tion j roj. 1 1 s is mi lion or a gamble. tO (h lor,.! but vt p irro::i ; cuhi- llUrfllUv'S llem-e 10 L. i!oi: o, proposition which p-aj s it) 1 urn. , aec-rti;r.s to Whiitn in a talk the other day on "Irriga tion ar.d Yhni it Means in Orrpon," before tilt' inonibrrs' foruni of tlie Chamber of Commerce, says tluj i'olo.urain. He told of the various irrigation projects in Orecon and said that fully developed they an annual return of liltl brinsc if A-e than :; $:;iiii,ihoi,ooo in products. He aUo p tul 08 that in the Northwest (hero ate 3 0,0(10,000 acres which can be placed under irrigation, and if this land is as productive as thai of (he Yakima valley it will mean, bil lions of dollars in increased wealth to the nation, (he home of thousands of American farmers. He said (hat while congress has been willing to lend millions to for eign rations in time of the fvreat war, it should be willing to lend the farmers of the West a half billion lo develop irrigation, all of which will be repaid with good interest in ad dition to developing the wealth of the nation. He urged the members of the chamber to urge large appropria tions from congress. In addition to , development of farms, he said 'v.ieiense water power may be ustil SiPtl so (hat factories will rise to make into finished products the raw products of (he soil. VIM 1 I iS.sK N A u v.Mim DR. R. J. VAUGKAN nii.vns.T Permanently located in Odd fellow's Building HEPPNER, OREGON DR. A. D. McMURDO PHYSICIAN and SlIUiMOV Telephone 122 Office Patterson's Drug Store HEPPNER, OREGON F. A. McMENAMIN i ayyi;i: Office Plume Main 6i:S Residence Phone Main CG", Roberts Building HEPPNER, OREGON S. E. NOTSON attokxi:y-.vi'- I..WV Office in Court House HEPPNER, OREGON WOODSON & SWEEK ATT llt.N KYS-AT.I.A W Masonic Building HETPNEU, OIIKCOX SAM E. VAN VACTOR ATTOItXKY.AT-I.AW 1 National Bank Hide. HEPPNEH, OREGON WATERS & ANDERSON run: ivm i: am t: SllrresMM to C. G. I',i:tei..on IllilTNKU. oi!i:t;ox DR. CLYDE R. WALKER I'lll -K I ml l IK. I OX Phono Ciitiniftionii IONK. OliVXioN i THE BRICK McAtee (Dl Aihrn, Props. Confectioneries, Cigars Soft Drinks II II POOL YOU ARE WELCOME ;i:ts thi" ijkst si:i:i coi:x Only in the field can the best seed ears be solected. sa-s W. S. ! Carpon'er, extensicn st.i cialist in until crops at u. A. L. taken lrotn I he bi-i, a good ea'- may he lu'ni simply hcoTtiwo it had moiv than i' : share of room, pirn; food, nioiyiar-. land sunlight, itistiad of more lh I normal pro-', act ion ability. If th. best ear is taken from a hill of throe stalks whose neighboring hills are al.-o norma!, then it is tlie best ear because of native ability, may be counted on to produce the next season. and well CAP 1WIX I'.KST Y.WTS imiiyati; WHIST hakim: Washington, Sept. Captain Newton Rest, a company of Marines 3 0. When commanding at the Pearl Harbor naval station tn Honolulu, Wurst had Gen. Smed- read that Private C. 1 been declared by Brig ley D. Butler as (he smartest sea soldier at Quantico, Va., he immed iately filled out. a requisition blank for Wurst. The form followed, al though not strictly according to Gen eral Hoyle, read: "It is reuesled that Wurst be put in Best's com pany." Now it is to Wurst whether he wants to serve a few thousand miles from his home in Elizabeth, N. J.. Out in Honolulu the ukeleles are tuning up to the refrain, "The Wurst is yet to come." "AS A MAX TIIIXKKTII" If you think you are beaten, you If you think you dare not, are; you don't . If you'd like to win but you think you can't, It's almost a cinch you won't. If vou think vou'li lose vou're lost; 0' For out ef 'he world wo find Success- begins with a fellow's will, It's all in the t.fate of mind. Life's battles don't always go To the stronger or faster man; Hut soon or late the man who wins Is (he one who thinks he can. Selected. XOTK I! TO IlIiil.llNIWS Tlie lirst regular meeting of Hopp nor Council, A. O. H., since vacation wan taken hist March, will be held in I. O. O. F. Hall, Sunday afternoon, Oc'oVu' 17, 1120, at which all liiem !,( rs are expected to be pr.oent. Very important blooms:' will c:im bi-ftiro litis moi.ing for attention. Don't fail (o he there. J '3.-EPU KENNY, Prcahlctit Pr-.nkos tire elas.d as ov,!rmrom those which lay co'i; ate! oveviv; "us, or those which hear livTng y . or par img iroin nil eio.' which Is hutched before or lit the time It I laid. Tin' egg-lny-species of serpents generally be long to the consirictin' group, which kill their prey by Miuec.lng It; while most all ovovhipiirmH serpents are 'pedes which take their prey with their mouth, and do not kill by con strlctliiy. pr liistnnce, the hlacksnake belongs to the egg-lnylng croup, while the copperhead sniike produces living young Instead of ecus. CHlltCH XOTICKS .j. 4. .j. .j. .;. .?. .. .j. .j, , Tlie First hrUtlan (liurt h. The usual nervlcen of the Church win be held on Sundny, consisting of the niblc Srhool at ten o'clock, fol lowed by Communion Service and Prenchlnft at eleven o'clock. The evening Services will conslt of Ihiv Christian Endeavor Ser'ire nt seven o'clock and sons P-tvlce nnd 1'renrhlnn at U:ht o'clock. Eveny one Is cordially Invited to uttend thPM Services. V. O. I.lvini. oone, Mini. tir. lll ltl.lll Hi lenee "htl M.m Science m rue ar- held very f-'ttnd.iy innrnin.' at 11. '10 o'clock in I. 0,0. V h ill. T fth'.f.Tiy meet tuts are held every Wedn" dny eietung at S,mi o'clock nt the home of Mrs. Kuiien Sbiftim. All inlet esti (I kf eoldiKlly Invited to nttind the lucetitil-n. THE HEPPNER HERALD, WATCHES GiVLM SEVERE TEST i Diirenu cf Standards ?.t W.tshinfjton Will Gie Cort.ficjta cf Accuracy to Any TimepiCie. Co that too ton I Hies y pi mvau r test as a ttg to lit dosig; The watch privi! mantt id toils u- te;;ted timepie eer. ifaate. To ascrlain (he n "curacy cf a time piece it is poo-oil i 1 a lar:'c glass-fnmt refrigeatoi', eiinippeil viiii auloiiiniie devices that keep tiio temperature nt a fixed point, in which the watch "runs'' fur slated periods at various degrees of heat a id cold. When Ihe regulator has been set, the flow of cold air from die ice chest above the watch chamber is controlled by a thermn s(a;ic device, and, when necessary, warm air is introduced from lite out side. The three femperaiures at which ail watches undergoing the test are kept are -13, 70 and 'Jo degrees Fahrenheit. To qualify in "Class A," a watch must not vary more than four or live seconds from correct time, and, in addition, it must be able to repeat its performance in a varie!y of positions and under varying conditions. In all there are eleven specifications in the test, some of them involving technical calculations'. Any variance nitde by the watches under tost; from correct time is re corded by means of a chronograph. HUGE PYTHON "RAN" Littla Doubt That Reptile Was in Su preme Command, at Lesst for a Fev Hours. How a huge python took possession of the P.rilish steamship P.ollon Casile for a brief period during her recent trip from Singapore lo Victoria, P.. C, was related by ollieers and passen-. gers of tic 'vessel on her arrival at the. Canadian port. Three of these monster serpent were being shipped to Cue P.ronx zoo In New York', and in some unaccount able manner one of them managed to make its escape. The whereabouts of (he snake was n mailer of anxious coti- Joctio"' among the crew for a couple of days, until In the early hours of the third day out the quartermas ter was precipitately driven from his post nt the wheel by tlie appearance of (he monster in tlie pilot hotisi wav. The . II coup' every : hers of raid, in snake I into tie o-.d was i.l of la.urs. vallaMe Ihe crow mi liv ed t i drift for mod Willi til, a on, s"i.m mcni rlool; a slealihy time to see Ihe hmise and g'ide eat uro was said riving just ivc the iC. "A. T'ce to m IMl! '.O feet C! Ficvvcrs for Hsrcoo. In th's com, try the loi ,g-hiM rig little flowTs ea'h'd "hiiMorteUes" a:o com paratively little known. In Franco, ( bowioer. they ale grown in enormous I iiant It !es for Cue decoration uf graves. I Nearly all of the Immortelles pro- J dnoed In Prance are grown . In the j neighborhood of the village of fllll- I miles, which is In the South, not fur from Toulon. The harvest begins In May and hist ten days, n period call- , ed the "decnile of the Immortelles." They have to be picked very early In the morning, when hiilf-opcn. lest i they wittier, t'siuilly they nre sold by weight. The war hns brought pros pertly to the vlllnire of Ollloiiles, he. ciiue of the increased deiunnd for Im mortelles for the graves of soldiers. Where Silver li Plentiful. The stiimhinl of (nine In l'ntnl, I'.o llvln, for everything from sweetheart to cities Is the SilT Mil f the Thun derer. Willis Kiuoip .tones In Travel gives n ploturvipie history of the won derful r.'itlvliin si'ver ml'.p imd tlie town which spent f) is n i i e. le'.rat- lt; of tie tlie coronation of l I: ; Spain. As the legend enr'v Indians -ini'ted da ",'ver the iit"iiiiiaPi Philip II es. w tnei ;iiig there ! ... inel fir ,'vi theich'. Il I., tie . ho. r" wa on. I "T! loll Is I e V h i .it f .r yt. i - ill i ,..,. th oi I r. Are Women the St'ergsrT That A'aerP .ill W..I., en Ion., lh t.or'.tg arit nml are b-arii.tig true n -U flfl f lOTS l?l tl.e t'O'ie of life Is .!,,!.. II Iv ti e colotneli's '.Hid.. .vetal ef thelii In re.ar.l to the roc lit dil iafol of the w.imin of Parts f..r separate curs in the siihwnys. Oae WmIiciii, iind ti, n o . (..-, V.-w ,.ie or by profe. l.i'V er b id II n Yoil rin. wl, si r. iiUv !.!: es I I r (I f. I I i fil.'e in !!. I i t l..r I -iculoir.-r, in ll 'it sal.w ti v e Pes. i In n i re s'.. ..f a; '.! et, I n I a' in nml that m It sM ntel ef .e tit th '! 11 . OM tl In Net Se Ay Mo'e. JTsfTV rr.f le.oi" Hleoif fixe ,' pielf. 1 nn1 b bin els iel foe u-n iry flmit. t. I I, is t nlr si.e on . r 1. , B.it. f t' k "li" i'"' met Inttoe ; "llcrrv I I..I.1 jo'l I" S' i ii,ii,:n' I i-i. P.... !:..." i -11.., y..'i Ift n Hi v' Rski . " r rt, el i tl t I bn ! Mnrr'. i ti.l.l Mr, toil I i knm tl st mj . brs-ii sltnmln'," f r-l.l "I li mot let. J Afr " llsrry td: Til Jit.t 1' twi fnii tntt,lt, tht Mr l!oa ar t.r tl.l ftn)oo rnl yoq n1 1 lira ttina t4 thtt oaila boerij out, tiling ,ov . ,:. , ifi,!; , ,,..v ; , few people ke-vr project." p.-. .; ',: 0 j 9 tii send v.i.-h to Otvconb .. Vil Laii a:ioar,N at Washing-! I( is . . ,. fc! 1 ioia'e nt the highest . ' " 'a oil as "1 Piss A. 1 1 t; e is used ehi.'lly ,y , sreat C o! : .','a b.oon. v ;;i ;5 0 kj Hirers, the liiusirateu sil;!o ,h;': : IVmP, ;...;,.; .V,".:M who accompany each j expect lie .;. 10 oppr.-c a 1 !aa.:-.1 ioa e '.villi a government , pian wnic : iin.:in t.-mrint:,,!. !, HEPPNER, OREGON o .on,i i i' Ai.oxi-: I 1011 "-pap.-rs are r,-;, mltj K'w ara 1 Ct tir .is-. 1 ir 'vo can ' - ,.. ; : ,. , , , . . f H I' U g V "." . . nailers o; ; , ,, . 1,,,,.: 1 , ,. .. ., x I and giov h tor a .nrn;y .E-.vdy Ee(?ilVMnr Fri(b jtnou'ary 10 Cos c iy. Tie' o,,;,- ' . ' , Uiuostion -. ;s ,.. c.o :eas;i,e;:v of ft while they last 1 the Colin- Sig l!-.s!i. e-.n-rpri:-.-. li '4. gains ill Hats. is untUmS-ve'v pr.oo ini b- t .0 o S " fa will cos! a ..tree rum of no :, y. li u U more s!xe should ho no !..;, j , o- U vided the "ostth's are sure lo be com monsurate with iho lnertfu;r. ! ' . TllC experience of ."Irp.-im v-ill. i,a ' i. reclamation aorviee of the gocin- N DURli ment has not been nluc'ether siitis- fj. factory or fori una 1 0. The sense of ; j p neglect and il iscrimina 1 ion voiced liy the Pendleton paper is strong. Mil- tfj lions realized from the sale or Ore-! 3 L-Ollie 111 gon lands have been expended else-i H where, here are projects, like the S f John Day, which deserve consider;!-iK IWi fiC tion, and tin y have not had il. i M I VI B v3 But they have had support from H ri. ... 1 .. . 1 1 01 lid 110 , What is to he done? Shall each state or community make its own fight for recognition? Or shall they ! ftf- join with others in the same general M J territory and make the interest;! of ; j fllla 1 wiit. im.: (.uitiinuii unci i'm (i 1 an; nit1 SKIP 1 , , .. .. ,. J siaie oai-i oeeii going 11 alone 101 j j years, and lias got nowhere at least ! j not anywhere commensurate- with its j j d,eser;s. Possib'y a jioolinc of iullu- ; j ence, of method, of propaganda, of J effort will have better results. If Oregon goes it alone, and Wash- ; inglon goes i( alone, and the 01 her i slater, of the Pacilic northwest go it alone, there is no prospect that reclamation as a national enter prise, now in Cue doldrums, will soon get under 'hi advvay again. On gon-j .; Ian. j (i Robins. ' ! ! P.oblns seem alum t always to run j lllong when they want to gel any where. P.ut now and then tlmy lake pretty strung hops that cover tlie ground much fa-tcr. When iliev run I thev lift their le ails hi-li as lluiech I Phon.. 4fi7 ' they were very proud indeed to go at : III tmeh n nace. . W . ill swtMiuw';r':'jfiRsfct,..';TC cviwb&a j.Ti.j.aau-. ii-,n"r r i;nc i::j Play TKe Game! Live Up To Your Opportunity Never before in the history of Morrow county have conditions been more favorable for seeding. Soil and weather conditions are ideal and it only remains for the farmer to sow good seed, in good time and with good im plements and he will be practically asured of a bumper crop next summer. The Kentucky Light Draft Grain Drill is a triumph of mechanical genius and manufacturing skill. Every feature has been tried out under many varying conditions and has been proved the best possible to meet the requirements of Morrow county farmers. Come in and look the Kentucky over and let us show you that our claims are well founded. V. V Gilliam tosses n n a FORMERLY $9.00 to n-G THIS SALE THEY GO PERMANENT AS Concrete Pipe Company Manufacturers Sewer and Water Pipe Irrigation Pipe CuSvert Pipe Hollow Silo Blocks Cement Products 1C03 North 10th St The PAGE THREE sEKr.sr.'vraaiSEs ajr Cf: iilren s w3 y , October 1st, and continuing am offering a choice lot of bar- PRICED $16.00 AT 5100 to $7.00 early and make your selection THE PYRAMIDS" Walia Wa!ld, Wash MS 1 p.&o. Gang Plow Good ilowiiie is 1 1 to basis of successful f ninin;;. The I I.; O- '';: plow i; "I Italy ab)tcil trj Morrow county soil conditions. Let ua prove it. Bisbce