PAGE EIGHT THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday. September 21st. 1020 V. . A I McMurdo performed adnoid opera- LOCAL XKWS ITEMS ! tions nn the youngsters. A fine son was born to Mr. and ViM. w. C. (Kit) MrOarty at Port I V ! !- ! ! land on the 1 3th inst. Mr. c.nd Mrs. Will Hvnd returned from Portland 'McCarty were former Heppner resid Friday where l.emai lieted a shipment , n1s !in,i have many friends here who of sheep a few days ,u;o. i will join in felicitations. Rev. and Mn. Living! one were' W. II. Moore left Wednesday morn passengers to lone last Wednesday I Ing for La Grande to take charge of I James Farley's sheep on summer irnnee near that olace. The sheep Mrs. John C. Will, or lone, was the : ... . ,tnrnuA tn f,,e Morrow coun- morning. gust of her sister, Mrs. C. C. Chick, for several days last week. ty winter range next month. I Mr. tind Mrs. Franklin, of. Cecil . 1: .Manoney anu .)o:in j. neiiy:, , inl ti,B T.nekHvnd house returned from a :-'hort business trip to Portland Saturday moniir.t,. Jasper Crawford left Wednesday morning for Corvallis where he will enter as a freshman in O. A. C. for (lie coming year's school work. Mrs. Eugene Campbell, who has been visiting in Portland for several weeks, returned home Thursday evening. t Miss Virginia Curran, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs.W. P. Cox, for several weeks, returned to lier home at G regnant, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John C. MeEntire had two of their children in the Moore hospital last week when Dr. near the school building, where they will reside during the school year. Miss Annie Hynd, who is a senior in the high school, will live with them during the winter. Leo Nicholson, who spent the va cation season here in the harvest fields and shearing camps, has re tiirnprl to Seattle to resume his studies in the U. of W. where he is a lunior. Mr. Nicholson is taking a Law course. A fine son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Carlson, of Gooseberry on Friday, September 2nd, at the home of Mrs. George Aiken, in this city, and everybody is reported do ing fine. The Moore Hospital Emmet Cochran went to Portland Sunday morning. Cattle shippers to Portland mar et Sunday morning were: Frank Hall 2 cars; Carl Ballance 2 cars; Klakely & Winfield 1 car. Mrs. Emmett Cochran returned from a pleasant sojourn at Newport last Wednesday where she spent a good part of the summer. J. II. Luper expected to start seed ing on his Heppner flat ranch today. He says the summer fallow is in fine condition for the work. Everett Pattison left Sunday morning for Seattle where he ex pects to register as a freshman in the University of Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Chas Renoe came in from Grant county Sunday and wil spend the winter here. They will reside on the Vaughan-Parker ranch near the depot. A marriage license was issued Saturday to Mr. C. A. Nelson and Miss Goldia Warren, of lone. The couple were married the same ev ening by Rev. Livingstone of the Christian church. Mrs. R. G. Zeek, of Rhea creen, who has been with Mrs George Aiken for several weeks, returned home Sunday taking with her a fine son born recently. 92021 Chas. Renoe Miss Vear Mahoney, who has been spending the rummer with her par ent, Mr. ai.i Mrs. W. P. Mihoney, left this morning to resume her stud ies at the University of Washington, Seattle, where she is a member of he senior clas s. Mrs.. RAY MOORE, Prop. EVERYTHING NEW, CLEAN and SANITARY BEST of CARE and ATTENTION assured all patients. LARGE, MODERN SURGERY Private Rooms When Desired All patients privilcdgcd to choose their own physicians and surgeons Prices and terms on application. Phone Main 94 Heppner, Oregon A X XOl'X CKM.EXT J. This is to announce that I J- have bought the Heppner Soda J Works outright and will con J. tinue the business in the fut J ure. I respectfully solicit a J J share of your patronage and J guarantee satisfaction. ... J. JOSEPH SNYDER, Prop. .J. J. . HEl'PXKIl SODA WORKS .J. .!. j? j j j j ! j j A.VNOCXCEMENT J, I- J I have taken over the Ice J business formerly operated in .J. I- connection with the Heppner J- .. Sola Works and am prepared J J. to serve customers with good, J J- pure Ice on. short notice. J I- An Ice card in your window f J. will get me. J J. Your patronage Is respect- J .J. fully solicited. .J .J. JAMES COWINS .J. J. I j j j j j j j j j j COME TO US FOR SHOES Every Pair Solid Leather Well Put Together Kf. PETERS-DLCK DIAMOND , ,rw,. VS. Your money back and a new pair of shoes free to the wearer who finds paper in heels, soles or counters of a pair of ...A. A. Cutter & Peters Diamond Shoes-.. E,. N. Gonty Shoe Store I I I I I I I e I I Vacation Days Are Over ' NOW BACK to work for every one. School for the young folks. Business for the rest of us. You will all find that there are now things to get. Come Let us Supply your Needs FALL SHOES Just in. Show some splendid values in the wanted styles. Dress shoes and business shoes for the business girl as well as for her younger brothers and sisters. MARY JANE PUMPS - Will prove an economical buy at this time. Patent leather and gun metal as well as canvas and all at Special Prices CKildrens ScKool Dresses Made from the choicest patterns of Lan cester Gingham. Fresh colors and made and trimmed as you would make them yourself. It is real economy to buy these dresses and save Mother time and energies for other things. REMNANTS For. those who wish to make the childrens clothes, we offer a splendid as sortment of short lengths, suitable for dresses, blouses or trimmings YOU WILL SURELY FIND THE BARGAINS HERE. MINOR & CO. HEPPNER, ORE. I. I I 3 1 ! i ; ; I 1 I 1 - - - -- - 30 STAR THEATRE TO-NIGHT Tuesday, September 21 Harry Cary in "MARKET MEN" from story by Peter B. Kyne.i "Tim Three Godfathers." Also Major Al len's "Tiger Hunt" and Pathe News Weekly. 20c and 30c. 14 HAVK TtHKItCtXOSIS Fifty per cent of the men and women presenting themselves for ex amination during the first day of the tuberculosis clinic held at the Young Men's Christian association In Bend, Oregon, under the auspices of the Bond chapter of the Red Cross, were found to have the disease, but In a majority of these cases the patient's condition was found to be Improving In the high, dry central Oregon climate. A number who believed they had The First Christian Church. The usual services of the Church will be held on Sunday, consisting of the Bible School at ten o'clock, fol lowed by Communion Serrlce and Preaching at eleven o'clock. The evening Services will consist of the Christian Endeavor Service at even o'clock and tong Service and Preaching at eight o'clock. Everey one is cordially Invited to attend these services. W. O. Livingstone, Minister. Christian Science Christian 9clence services are held every Sunday morning at 11:00 o'clock In I. O. O. F. hall. Testimony meetings are held every Wednesday evening at 8:00 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Eugene Slocum. All inter contracted tuberculosis were found ltei ara cordially Invited to attend to be merely suffering from the after the meetings, effects of Influenza. 28 persons were examined. MAIUNK K.N I.1STM K.N'TH WANTED Kxperienced women for general housework. Call or ad dress Moore Hospital, phone 94, Heppner, Oregon. 20tf. LOST LOST Somewhere in Heppner. a bunch of keys. Suitable reward for return to Herald office. ltf. FOIt SALE LOST On main road a short distan ce below Lexington small fair leather suit case containing child's clothing. Please leave at Leach Bros. Store at Lexington or notify Harvey McRoberts, Lexington, Ore eon. . 20-22pd. FOR SALE Modern 4 room house with Bath. $21.00 if taken at once Enquire at Heppner Herald. 19-21 FOR SALE Female Collie pup, 4 months old, guaranteed to make' a good sheep dog and a natural back trailer. Trice $25. Write Joe Armstrong, co. E. O. NelH, Echo, Oregon. 19-20 FOR SALE A house and two lots. Fruit, shade tree, and an excellent garden. Mr. A. E. Blnns. 1 4Lf. By an' order of Major General J. E. Lejeune, Commandant of the Ma rine Corps, all units of the former Marine Brigade of the Second Divis ion have been thrown open to en listment by men who have bad prior service In the Army, Navy or Marine. The Fifth Marines were reorganited a few tnonths ago and the ranks fil led so speedily that the Sixth Regi ment and the Sixth Machine Gun 1 Battalion are now to be recreated. The Fifth and Sixth Infantry regi ments were cited three times by the French high command, and the Sixth machine gunners twice, and all units wear the coeted fourraeere. Ia ad dition to reviving the Fourth Brig ade the Tenth Artillery regiment Is also to be reorganised at Quantlco, V. i NOTICE TO cnKDITOUS Notice Is hereby given that th undersigned has been appointed by th. County Court of th 8tat ct Oregon fcr Morrow County admin istrator ef the eitale of Wm. H Hall, alias Hayes. (lecsed. and that all perons having claims a- gainst the said estate are required to present the same, rlnd ac cording to U, t me at lloppnor. Orrgon, within six months from the date of the f.rt publication of tht n.illi-e. Mid date being HT'iMnber :wt. i:o. Q :l :S fint Administrator Suits and Overcoats $30 to $75 We have without doubt the best values in Fall and Winter Clothing , you can find in Morrow County. You v ' will find our line the best-made for the money at prices ranging from $30 to $75 LLOYD HUTCHINSON Cleaning Dyeing Pressing Repairing WE GET YOLR VORK OUT PROMPTLY I