Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, September 21, 1920, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Tuesday. September 21 st. 1020
NOTK i; 1 Oil I'l lil.K ATIOV
7J('I,,-:i i merit
September JO,
XOTK'10 is
of i!k 1 11 1 I-i(.r. r
1. 1 draici". Op
'l 'Mjy civ 11 I lifi t
;,i i'. DYK.-VTHA
of H'.'Dimcr, Oregon, who on J'l
3 917. liiiide Hoiiirs!'-;id Kntry,
(11842 1, 1 0 r . V , N K 'A . S K V., X V Vi .
Section Townsh ip 4 South. Ranve
27 KiiKt, VHl!im'tlo Meridian, lias
lili'il notice of iiit'iilion to mnke
three year proof, to establish claim
to land above described, before
United Slates Commission! r, at
office, at Heptmer, Oregon, on
3 0t.h day of November, 1!)20.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Sam MrCullooKh,
It. A. Thompson,
A. W. Dykflra and
fieoif-'u W.by'Kstrti, all of Heppner,
C. S. Dunn, Keisler.
First ptiblica; ion September 21, 1920
Last publication Nov. !), J fl 2 0 .
! Section 11, Township 1 South. Range
L'S IOast. Willamette Meridian, has
tiled notice of intention to niake
three-year proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before
i United Scales Commissioner, at his
' office at Heppner, Oregon, on the
; 12th day of Xovember, 1920.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Julian Rauch, and
Frank Avers, of Echo, Oretron,
I liarve JlcKoberts, of Lexington
! Oregon,
i V. L. Vincen, of Lena, Oregon.
' C. S. Dunn, Register.
! First publication September 21, 1920
! Last publication Xov. 9, 1920.
Subscribe for the Herald and get
all the county news. Only $2 a year.
Department of the Interior, 17. S.
Land Office at Lit Grande, Oiegon,
.Septembi r 1 0, 1920.
NOTICK is hereby given that
of Lena, Oregon, who, on March 3rd,
1916, made Homestead Kntry, No.
016237. for NWU-NF. VI, SMNEV4,
SK'4, and SKSW1,, Section 12,
Township 1 South, iiange 28 Fast,
Willamette Meridian, lias filed notice
if intention, to make five-year proof,
to establish claim to the land above
described, before United Slates Conir
lnissionor at his oflice at Heppner,
Oregon, on the 9lh day of Xovember,
Claimant names as witnesser:
' John Keegan,
Gtis Ayers, and
Mason Duncan, all of Lena, Ore.
W. I'. Pettyjohn, of Kcho, Oregon.
C. S. Dunn, Register.
First publication September 21, J920
Last publication Xov. 9, 1 920.
.VOTK'li I'OIt iTisi.ic.vno.v
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
September 4, 1920.
NOTICE is hereby given that
of Ilardman, Oregon, who, on June
2'i, 1917, made Homestead 'Entry,
No. 016811, lor SWWi N
SWV,, SWy4SV4, Section 28, W
NWV4, NVjSVVVt, Section 33, Twp.
4 South, It. 24 East, Willamette Mer
idian, has filed notice of intention to
make three-year proof, to establish
claim to the land above described,
before J. A. Waters, Clerk of Circuit
Court, at Heppner, Oregon, on the
28th day of October, 1920.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Evan Stoneman,
T. H. Williams,
James Burnside, all of Hardman,
Joe Woods, of Elghtmile, Oregon.
H. Frank Woodcock, Register.
First publication Sept. 14, 1920
Last publication October 2(5, 1920.
Department of Interior, U. S. Land
Office at LaGrande, Oregon. Ausriist
12, 1920.
NOTICE is hereby given that
of Heppner, Oregon, who, on Feb.
20th, 1920, made Homestead Entry
No. 019522, for SWli'NE, XWVi
SE'-,4, and ESW, Section 9, Tp.
4 S., It. 29 E., Willamette Meridian,
has filed notice of intention to make
Final Commutation Proof, to establ
ish claim to the land above described,
before Clerk of Circuit Court, at his
office, at Heppner, Oregon, on the
11th day of October, 1920.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Phil Hirl,
John Kegan,
Phil. Higgins, and
Jacob Pearson, all of Lena, Oregon
First publication August 24,' 1920
Last publication October 5, 1920.
.Notice of Final Settlement
xoth i: i'oi: pi itLiicvnoN
Department of the Interior, 17. S.
Land Office at La Oral de, Oregon
September 10, 1920.
NOTK'E is hereby given that
if Echo, Oregon, who, on September
!lth, 19 If), made Homestead Entrv,
No. 015203, for SK'i and SWVt
Section I 4, Township I South, Range
28 East, Willamette Meridian, has
tiled notice of intention ( make
1 hree-ve-.r woof, to establish claim
10 the land above described, before County
In the Matter of the Estate of Annie
I. Matlock, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned, Administratrix of the
Estate of Annie I. Ma' lock, deceased,
has tiled her final account in the
Court of Morrow County,
United Slalis Commissioner, at his
oflice at lleepner, Oregon, on the 8th
(lay of November, 1920.
Claimant names as witnesses: ,
Julian Ranch anil
Frank A vets, of Echo, Oregon,
liarve McRoberts, of Lexington
Oregon. I
W. L. Vincen. of Lena, Oregon. I
('. S. Dunn. Register. j
First publication September 21. 1920
Last publication November 2, 1920
Oiegon, and that. Wednesday, the
29lh day of September, 1920, at the
hour of ten o'clock ill the forenoon
of said day, and the County Court
NOTKi-: I'OU I'l Itl.K AiiON
Department of the Interior, V . R.
Land Office at La Crande, Oregon.
September 10, 1920
NOTICE i- 'ici-el-v clven that
of lleppm-r, Oregon, who, on August
23rd, 19iri, made lloiiieKlead Entry,
No. (I If, lii'l. lor NW'i, Section 32.
Towmdiip I So-.'lh, Range 28 East,
Willamette Meridian, lias llb-d not
ice of Intention to make live year
proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before United Slates
Comniije .-Inner, at IiIh oflice lit. Hepp
ner, Oiegon, on Ihe 1 1th day of No
vember, 1920.
Claimant niiincH lis wIHu-kkcs:
Dick Itobnelt,
Olto Robllott,
John Voile, ii ml
Joe Mahon, all of Heppner. Oregon
C. S. Dunn. ItintWier.
First public-allot) September 21, 1920
l.nxl publication Nov. 9, 1 ! 2 1
room In the County Court House at
Heppner, Morrow County, Otgon, is
Hie lime and plate set for the hear
ing of objections thereto, and the
set: lenient thereof.
Letha A. ralterson,
Administratrix of the Estate of An
nie I. Matlock, deceased.
First publication August 31st, 1920
I Last publication September 28, 1920
.Notice for Publication Isolated Tract
(Not Coal Land):
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Oflice at La Grande, Oregon,
August 18, 1920.
NOTICE is hereby given, that, as
directed by the Commissioner of the
General Land office, under provisions
of Sec. 2455, R. S., pursuant to the
application of
John C. McEntire, Heppner, Oregon
Serial No. 020010-020180,
we will offer at public sale, to the
highest bidder, but not less than
$2.50 per acre, at 10 o'clock A. M.
on the 14th day of October, 1920,
next, at this office, the following
tract of land:
NWVtNWU Sec. 26, T. 3 S., R. 27
East, Willamette Meridian, and
NWSVi4 Sec. 26, T. 3 S., R. 27
East Willamette Meridian.
The sale will not be kept open, but
will be declared closed when those
present at the lioui- named have cens
ed bidding. The person making the
highest bid will be required to im
mediately pay' to the Receiver the
amount thereof.
Any persons claiming adversely
the above 'described land are advised
to file their claims, or objections, on
or before the time designated for
C. T. Dunn, Register.
Nolan Skiff, Receiver,
First rll. August 31, 1920.
Last publ. October 12, 1920.
NOTICE is hereby given that
JAMES HIGGIN? .--whose
post-ofti.-.e address, is Lena,
Morrow Couny, Oiegon, did, ca the
27th day of August, 1919, file in th3
office Sworn Statement and Applica
tion, No. 019994, to purchase the N-.
WU SE'i, Section 5, Township 4
South, Range 29 East, Willamette
Meridian, and the timber thereon,
under the provisions of the act of
June 3, 1878, and acta amendatory,
known as the "Timber and Stone
Law," at such value as might be fix
ed by appraisement, and that, pursu
ant to such avpi'cafion, the land and
timber thereon have been appraised,
at $160.00, the timber estimated at
100,000 board feet at $1.00 per M,
and the land $00.00; that said ap
plicant will offer final proof in sup
port of his application and sworn
statement on the 15 day of October,
1920, before United States Commis
sioner, at his office, at Heppner, Ore
Any person is at liberty to protest
this purchase before entry, or initiate
contest at any time before patent
issues, by hung a corroborated ain-
davit in. this office, alleging facts
which would defeat the entry.
C. S. DUNN, Register.
First publication August 3, 1920.
Last publication October 12, 1920.
Subscribe for the "Heiald"
get all the county news.
Noun: run ii in it A i ioN
Dep.nlii-ciit of the Interior. V. S.
Land or lire at Lit ;riinl, Oiegon.
Kcpti-inhcr I'l. 192D.
NOTICE h In uliv clven thai
DELIA COX EN (foinieily Make)
if Echo. Oregon, who, on Septi-mbcr
rilfi. made llomi-Mii-iiil Entrv.
No. 01. r. 2 2.' for NK' nml NW.
i ttmilitilinril hy llir utrtle
lu vrlrr ihwl llir young r
lllxnil ralatli Itmrlil !
liberal rluraliUi
I h I ' tf In, it CaU ..I
ltr'u IK Arl
It'll . vk . V vt... I ,.' It...
U t l.l.afn .4 lt , .' !
Vk. U..a. M,.t . ,i I
A'-t-lr.eo t ...t, .l.,Mf
I .1 . (.. Mult
tCffc t.lJ .) ,t,..'..at.
f - I V n l I. .. ,
r . i v i ' .1 ; t.. ..t
t ' - . I K ,!
th a 'tM4 li4Na
- .i.t. aa.a aa
f t'c ! -..
I atvataltft at (aaa
NOTKi: FOIl I'llll.K'AiiON
Detiaitinent of Ihe Interior, U. S.
1 .ii ml Oflice at La Grande, Oregon,
August 12, 19 20.
NOTICE Im hereby given that
of Monument, OrfKn, who, on Mroh
Klh, 1920, made Additional Home
Mead Entry. No. 018208, for Lot 3,
2 ami 1, SW4NI-;i4, Lot 8. See. 18.
Tp. 7 S., 11. 28 K.. ond and
NEUNWU, 13. Tp. 7 8.. II. 27
E , Wlllumette Meridian, hill filed
notice of Intention to make three
-year Proof, to entubllnh clului to the
land nboe dewrlbcd, beforo United
Staten CoiniiilHKloner, at hl offlca at
Monumenl, Oregon, on the 28th day
of S pteinber, 1920.
(T.iliiiiiut name u wltneiiii:
J.ime WIIkH,
Kiatik Vllk.
tiiuiiicy Wlbon. n n. I
Itebeii It ii.ii rj man, all of Monu
NoTK i: ion riiii.ic.vnox
Department of the Inferior, U.
July :
Office at
9, 1920.
La Grand 3, Oregon
! x . i , '
Notice for rublication-lsolated Tract
(Xot Coal Land)
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at La Grande, Oregon,
August 18, 1920.
NOTICE is hereby given that, P.3
directed by the Commissioner of the
General Land Office, under provision
of Sec. 245 5, R. S. pursuant to the
application of Tom Boylen Jr., Echo,
Oregon, Serial No. 020391, we will
offer at public sale, to the highest
bidder, but at not less than $4.00 per
icre, at 10 o'clock A. M., on the 14th
day of October, 1920, next, at this
office, the following tract of land:
NW Vi NE Vi and NNWii, Sec 14,
T. 1 N., R. 27 East, Willamette Mer
The sale will not te kept open, but
will bo declared closed when those
present at the hour named above
ceased bidding. The person making
the highest bid will be required to
immediately pay to the Receiver thf
amount thereof.
Any person claiming adversely the
above-described land are advised to
file their claims, or objections, on or
before the time designated for sale.
C. S. Dunn, Register.
Nolan Skiff, Receiver.
First publication Aun. 24, 1920
Last publication October 12, 1920.
a sou.uti: deal in i:i:al kstatk.
What has brought Ihe real estate business largely Into disrepute is
that all the failures who have tried nearly everything else and most
of the professional liars ultimately drift Into the real estate game.
They would skin their own mothers-in-law to get a commission. Of
course they don't last '.ong, but others come to take their places, and
the public has becomu leary of buying or Belling land through real
estate agents.
There nre wuiie Straight Shootern in the Real Estate bunlnesn
the name a In the mercantile business, the banking business or in
any other legitimate line of endeavor In which men have reputation
oto uphold and defend. As'k my dents on both sides of the numer
ous real estate deals I have made, and in every Instance thejr are
satisfied customers. It is the only way. When you have any land
(o sell or buy, come In and see me. I ':- a ' ' '
The Real Estate Man
Up-stairs in Court House
Bread Lifte Mother
Used to Mahe
You can have it if you use our famous
ite Star
For Your Baking
We have just received a car load of Spring
Beardless Barley for Seed
We pay highest cash prices for
Hides, Pelts and Furs
Heppner Farmers
Elevator Co.
For the Harvest Season
Built by the John Deere Company, is giv
ing excellent satisfaction.
Let us show you the merits of this machine.
We arc agents for
Are the Best.
Have no superiors.
Ask about prices and terms on these high grade
Peoples Hardware
I !
,,:,,,. ! mm 1111
fT?- I :i
' r- a Im .( -!, x7S-A 1 i
V.. I AVV l i Jl 3 I II I Wh-n H. time ronir. to e,-k credit. . b.nk will want I
1 i
1'. piMim nt of t tit
l.-iiel u:,.. n The
An ii I r.tli, i;o
Ni' l h-i: l lien t.y n thai
'llUl.r.4 II S(IIMIIT
t'f I't l.n. (in Kim. hn. nn pti-rihrr
M. PU, ma. In Ail.liH"ti..l ll.imi--
i i.l lntt N,. ol!:7. for HV.
S.itien ;i. Ti'nhlp I Nn'th. lUitve
l:-i. W il!iitei tie Meiiili.in. .Ia
fMi -.1 n -tii r nt Inti nlmn li iii.im- Ittri-n
. .ir I't'M'f, I'l iliilHh rl.itm In Ihe
l.ni.l -. ieitll'ii, l !nie J A
V.i'i-?. ("Ink of Ci'iiim ('..ml. pi
It- Cl'ii i f . (iti in. nn the 7ih tUjr f
l. letu r.
Cl e iri njiin- (ini.i-
l V- f.m k, nt ho -. i n,
H I mli . tr t i-,nr'en. ("ti i.in
ll-mr Tfi-I. t'f l'i hit. "ien.
Call MjUi'H. t'f I'.ilin. Ciruen
II. rnk Wni'ilinik.
Ilr itil'tlralUin Au(ul 17. 120
Irfttt fuhlUli CH-li'tef I. 1120.
Choice Cuts of the
Best Meats
best in Meats to her family.. She can be assured she
m dfing it hc !iis lu-r Meat at this .slin which
ciiinhuMctl in conit'tinity with intuKrn tnuhods of
sanitary tn.irkctinej.
Central Market
The Moral Risk
When tin 1 1 nit. rouicii to pt-k rrmjlt, hunk will want
to know what you AUK a wrll n what you HAVE.
That' whrrp the moral biaril rotmi In.
An4 you can't mtobliiih rrllt ovr nuht. Il.ithi-r. It
In ninttiT of U-cominc KNOWN nt your bank, of
Ubllhln conflili-nc by the way In ylch you hat
kupt your arfount. tfRardlp of th amount you
ba to your crrUlt.
d't ((jualntKl-thaff lh firM thine. Tha Oovrlop
that aciU4lfiUnrf Into frlrmUhlp, It will Hand you
In ii.l. n.lhl arm! whrn th tim nm. n-mmbr-Inc
ali. thai M bank off. rt you a coniplt tank
ing il-tVlcil,
Farmers & Stockgrowers
National Bank