Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, September 21, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Tuesday. September 21st. 1020
' " Ifir fin " iiH
1 0 li ii ;
i.cj. l:t-, by M:
.Snip, si 1 In -r.
:iure Ni u.spap- r S niltrate. )
(Tick, (TH'-k. Went
liliicklo I'.ny's pislnl, st 11 '1 tlie pea-shut
liit tin' su.ne wiill underneath the. blue
mid yellow turn1'.
"ShlviT, shudder, rpilver, Pake,"
went. Jlia-kie Kny's lrl mother, st;'"'1.
iii III: Ike l;ilch"n window with tie
heaviest water (mil in her IuhhIs, self
liit.vliiK witli 11 vim, because father
1i;k1 fnrcnlten to fill it.
"Coocl for you, son! Aim like thin'.
See!" boomed Illaekie Hoy's lioy fa
ther from the side linns under the ftp
jile trci'.
I'.lackie Hoy aimed. Then It h-.ip-Iiened.
I'.lackie Hoy hcjrnn to yell, then lie
yelled hnrder. III! filing his pistol info
the k'' ap'-vines, then himself on the
Kroiirid, iind kicked. He screamed I
And Hlnckle liny was jrathered Info
Iilunii, while firms, mid mother's
voice and her yellow Huffy linir and
the ureeti kniss were nil around him,
while father stood on one foot am!
prowled, like thunder high up and
"What's the mutter with the kid?
Can't find a place where he's hurt.
You Kot him nervous watching him!"
The lips that were saying soothing
things to lilackle I'.oy, as the hands
searched for the hurt, shut hard. "If
you hadn't Insisted on tlie pistol, Tom!
"It killed me, .les' like muvver said
plllles kilded folks," sobbed lilackle
"When' did it hurt molher's boy?"
"T won't not tell you," bawled
I'.lackie I'.oy, silling on his fat hands.
"Von go "way." Sturdy legs kicked
Into mother's square chin. "I'm
kilded." Then lie drew a long breath.
"Thai's the stuff. He a man," ad
vised fa I her. "He a man, I'.lackie
The boj subsided sobfully.
"Yes, a man?" breathed mother,
palling every Inch of the round little
body. "A nice example yon set your
son on a holiday and on our fourth
wedding anniversary, that ought to
lie holy to you, taking him nway nnd
leaching him to use firearms, The
year he came you were kind, and
ynnve bad spells slnct. and I was
free to do as I liked."
"This Is the year of the dependence
of Mrs. Hlack, and of the Independence
of the TI. S. A., the One Hundred and
Korly-foiirf h," mocked Tom Hlack. Sr.
"I lock of an Idea being married on
the Knurl It of July, anyway."
"Or any time," said Hlackle's moth
er crisply. "And now you've lost any
pride about talking like this before
Mm. I want my freedom, I tell you,
nnd I'm going to have It. nnd I'm go
ing to take I'.lackie Hoy with tie
now I He's lust scared of the
naughty pistol. Mother knows."
lather tinned on Ills heel nni'
grumbled himself Info the house.
And all the lime father knew that
Inlely be bad been getting Irritable
iind bossy and unreasonable
"M iking n fourth anniversary rake
Just I lie same, is she?"
I'ovn nnmiii the yellow daisies
lumber win saying to a rcn-aniahly
iini.-l I'.lackie liny. "What made ym;
hi ream 111 e that ? Tell mo."
"I won I tint tell yon. I was a man.
v-iitd I'.h'cl.li. r.i.v. Ilmislliig his I
Half of Battla Is to Have All
Equipment Prepared and in
Readiness for Use.
I hliill.i.
Ilillnl 111
1 ;,- II
I IM.c tn
c Il-iic?"
"I won't
it's kilded.
pllillic In
trn away wild
w lil-peivil the
1 i
lulletin Teaches Methods of Pre
serving Life of Various Piecas
f Wearing Apparel.
Many Peop'e Prefer to Can Jui;es
Unsweetened, as Individual Flav.
ors Are Best Preserved Many
Utensils Needed.
Fruits can be successfully canned
ilhout sugar, and vegetables require
none. So the wise housekeeper is
limning to can as much or more than
usual (his year. Plenty of canned
vegetables reduce grocery and doctor's
ills and add pleasing variety to the
diet in winter. Fruit canned without
sweetening can lie sweetened when it
used. Fruit juices, too, can be
canned without sugar. Indeed, many
prefer to can them unsweetened, inain-
ainlng that the individuul lluvors are
thereby best preserved. Part of the
aimed juices can be made into jelly
next winter. Making jelly when the
weather is cool rather than when the
mercury lingers in the !)U's appeals to
many housewives us a sane and sensi
ble procedure.
Getting Ready.
If one waits until tlie fruit Is half
ripe before making any preparauoo
to take care If it, there is loss of time,
and the season of that particular prod
uct is likely to pass before all the
equipment for cunning is in readiness.
one of the first slops is to order
a calmer, It you are planning 10 use
one this summer. A wash boiler or
lard can with a false bottom will hold
the cans and process them efiiciently.
Tlie work, however, can lie done more
easily with one of the commercial
types of runners. As the stock Is
usually low when the canning season
is under way, it is well to select the
kind you want In advance when there
is a choice. The steam-pressure type
Is usually preferred for general can
ning, hut the wafer seal and water
bufh are both popular with those who
want a dinner which costs less money.
If Jars are needed, a supply should
be laid In early. The tops of both
the old and new jars should be gone
over carefully nnd all the rough edges
' A 7
Fliminaie Necessity of Spending Large
Sums to Replace Wardrobe by
Giving Immediate Attention
to Rips and Tears.
(Prepared by the United States IVi-urt-ment
of Agriculture.)
Men as well as women can help re
duce the high cost of clothing. A tit
tle care on tlie part of the wearer will
do much to preserve clothing ulremly
on hand, and thus eliminate the ncres
sity of spending large sums frequently
to replenish the wardrobe. This is
brought out in a recent publication
of the United States department of
agriculture, Farmers' Hulletin 1089,
Selection and Care of Clothing.
Immediate attention to rips, sewing
on loosened buttons and hooks, rework
ing worn buttonholes, and "preventive"
darning are recommended as means uf I
'-olonging the life of a garment. The
i-iter repair measure consists of rein- j
forcing a worn place with rows of 1
fine stitches or by laying a piece of
cloth under it and dSrnlng it down j
with raveling of the material. The :
heels nnd toes of stockings" and socks
especially may be treated this way .
before a hole is entirely worn through.
Shortening sleeves or trousers a lit
tle to do away with a worn edge, or
putting new cults nnd collar or new
trimming on a dress may often add
months to the life of a garment.
To keep clothing looking "as good as
new" as well as actually preserving
and lengthening its life, it is neces
sary, to keep it clean. Brushing with
stiff brush for woolen clothing and
with a softer brush for velvet or silk,-
is necessary to remove dust, and spots
and stains should be carefully treated
with cleaning preparations as soon as
possible. In most cases this can he
done nt home, but It Is more economi
cal to have professional cleaners han
dle very delicate garments, Farmers'
Hulletin 801 gives detailed Informa
tion on the removnt of stains from
different kinds of textiles.
Pressing Preserves Garments.
Preserving the shape of a garment
lengthens Its service. Almost anyone
can learn to press clothing neatly.
Woolen clothing should be covered
with a thoroughly dampened cloth and
pressed with a moderately hot Iron
until nenrly dry. If the cloth become
absolutely dry, shine is likely to appear
J 1'''
ill in " in
mir"' I.-.-i.
el dU t I.
k l.ini, U.-.
IT Hbi.-Ur
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II -ii. nn p..
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'I I ..- M Itf.t -..k-.-t..T
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in.; i -ike no. I
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Inttvv et-V "
'Wnill.l mi
liinilier ell t!
litlln tllil Clnlller Coll..! Illll
Ini t:ili H lc filer llll.l n-l lnl
In in lie v.iiv she n-i-il In nnd but
ti diii"i t-.r If nkle I'.nv, and even
il if w i-'-l lei- e ii iilc '"
And nil Hie time P.lin-kli' Pov'
i'i.iil,. r -:i- t liking !n' w:i tbluklir:
V'Hv silly iio-l leiiimis iiild iiiiri':isiiiin
I I." -.lie I.M.I I-.-.-II liiS-ly.
'Weill I tml like M (hp tt! Jis
l.lllttt':" ll-l ed I'.lll.'Mi' ll.iy'n I'mllier
"I Im innttt im' I luv f.ivr" N..I
Hliokle I'.nv. "All' fnr two wim I llnv
IMIIttiT Mil' 1 "ll.ev f:ler lot llllll'llll'
I -i it i-i iii. imni-T. an' I ill dii'l ln-1
rviv iinl iii-i. It. I'. -iin no' lln' f.i'wr"
'I b. v f.-iiii-l f-il ii r w -isleiic ilii- c.w.k-
llK' .li.lli--.. villi R k'ii-i j.i-Ii I .pre-- n:l
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"ttl i i' Iti l J.i'i nk l ie Im f irt 'Vr
- I. .in- .i H..H... I m r, nni. n
tllim U In-'lrl If nil Ulnl K- ) , , f
I t "' ! n i . t r!i .!?"
" 4ii' fmiit i '-i- nu' tn-iiirr'
.In in,," l 1 liv t..j "Alt' t' t
An-I Id !-- fn l.rr nt f ir1
ti.'t.r U-liil i I ( mid e'lint
r.w.lt-1 (lysi'l, ;-! IIUi ki ll.
Pure Groceries
Promptly Delivered
According to our idea, there are two things which
make a Grocery Store PURE GROCERY and
A trial order placed with us will prove to you that
we have realized our standard of success.
Our prices are no more than you pay elsewhere.
Buying your Grocery needs here brings more than
a monetary saving. It brings a saving in health
and strength as well as added values in energy,
Purity is the watchword of this store. All the food
stuffs we handle must measure up to our high
- standard of quality or they do not reach
our shelves.
We pay trie highest market price for Produce of all
kinds. And yrm will be pleased with the prompt
attention we can give, as our facilities have been
made ample to care for.our rapidly increasing
You are adding to the prosperity of this town when
you trade with us.
Grocery Co.
Spots and Stains In Clothing Can
Removed at Hoot!.
r nil f'
1 i-'i r-i i ii i
HiMli'l l.l fill
id I I Met I l "
With a Knife or Soma Similar Imtru
mrnt Smooth Away Any Siiarp Edgii
on J.ir Top.
nnn.iiln.il i'.iiuii wlih ii knife. There
is n- . 1 1 1 1 -1 r lie n llml llii-v will cut
the rulilier. Thin l wmii-ililng llnil
mi be ti-'f''i out "f the tiny In-fore
the oi-.isiiii npciis.
Tt Rutbera Carrfully.
(li.e nf Hie liinl.e nf riilil-iTM which
ii to be ii!--! Imiil.l be li'-teil. A
i!in-l riil-li-r in- Unit wl'l ' i:p
llinli-r tie beat whiili lolii CiH'kllig
In Hie inn iiiiiil . iinil pn-.i i-lii-r.
lu in.ini.li In .illmt ll lu-ln fnbl-
i-. ii lid plin Init '.nth-ill! 1-n-nkintf. )
hh-i iiill.i nf the I nlli-.l Sln ct ile-
prrf ii.i-itl nf iifc'iii'iilttiri. Ann'lier
lil l Il 111. 11:11 1.1 linld PI ,.lll.U'
wi-'i.',! f l-li. nit l-r.-.iU'li 4 ts!n ll !lii
I I ! It I ! ll.t lide-l 1. 1 It Imnk from
Uf tnl'i-r r 1 1 tr ,
Uliiii-trr iti' i-f iii iirniii l iii.
f.-r irM i",tiir nr t -r t ', ? , n j. a iniiiit-er
ii-i n u im- ii.-. .!. . f..r i'ii.;i-rly
I 'i.' - it j lln- i rn.ln. i, T'i'-- Im -ltl.il'
l it ir -it w----l ("-I. e'ii-ii .ia.e p'in
i. r lh.-. i.f ..lnl' li:l'il;tl Ifnt !
ii . -1 . 1 nn..f, wl-h r..irti f.-r lii' In
l-it.-l':i-iS pti-l l imn liliii! m l-1 frii'i.
i n i ii.'i- .hnii. i.it.. if .'i-ti'ir
I-,; (.m.- inn tilri- l-iti.i-! .-r . ti-ni!
i,i'-l i f i lui-i- I. nil f--r ii-ii III
1. 1 in. In r --. ' l-Oii; i '..it. I w.i l-iin-1
I. .rl. Lln' .lui let f -t V !--r llf:lliT
h i ),ir iin-1 t-i-f-il ! ii -p punei
II. !i 1 U i'iT t. er ei , HO. I
. . If .. l.ntc lln HI 'n ' k.
It It ll'r1e-r WH M.f- W-IH
C'"n C" ( ncpr4 Nyta
May B Addtd
Ti-f a rl " h-r i.,t ii.-n.ti
rhr.- ni l .-t b...i- i'h
errant rhf an 1 fin f-f
f1 pr I o f at (" 1f M I miii. I
H-a. tliit ll tint rna t-o I )1
U Uir ttonrf a4 cb If diml.
Subsribcfor the Herald, $2 a year
nil Hie L-nrmelll. Silk ji tit- -li 1 1 should
be irr'i very cari-fiill;. ; In fai
Kiiiiu-ilim it Inuiu'lnii 11 nIIk drewH over
a tub uf Hti-aiiilinr wai.-r ttlll n-iimvi
wrlnkli-t wlibniit ncti:il Inmlnir.
Wii-luibli' while ptlk uiirei ntn "iuinlil
be wimh.-il nnd rln-u-il I Inki'warm
wilier, w ntppi-il In ll Inwi l, Hid pri-iwil
wlih ii warm, nut lint, Ira i. Handled
In lb! way ihey will tint mm i-llw
SIiim-1. iniir t tin it many .1 her nril.-li'n
nf cliitlillitf, luiil In be thiirnllKhl)'
iiln-il nfii-r tti-nrlni:. tn pr-.i-nt pi-r-pl
rnllnn frmn rnttlnu the bi liiif. K-ip
Inif hIiiii- mi rIiih' trrt-a ir M11IT11I wlih
imiM-r when nni In ti-i pr.t-i rti" lh--lr
iriiilnnl 1ihm, h-i! 1 i-p.t billy neivn
mirv If tin' ulim-i liati- r.iiitiu' wit
Iti'i-ii"!' belli la llki-ly in iin k b'littii-r
tlii-ref..ri' wi-t Ihn- h..ij' ni-ti-r b
drtiM miiti-r the nr on a n-ij'.'ti r
or ru liiitnr.
Cltanmg Hjtt and Clovea.
A liil that In with ilii aflir May
limN "pi 1 Inl ran- tn ki : 1 It I.M.k n.'
li.nl. tiietiil lriilili i! i-e In tin' "
uf mriuv ni!. wlpini; t Hi n linlh
l p. I In ili-iniliiti-1 r.1.1 nl will re
ni. iii ilnt nnd fr. ln-ii t. A In 't
I. iui l nil a lliliti'K I II' l.-il) t t)Min ti e
II. ,, .. t nf Inn. im a it hut fur
m-iii'l.. Tr'tniiiitifc mi itiin'ti'a I111H !
it nl t i-.i.tni" ,.n.n 1 t.tr 1 liul or wenr
li. 11' I Pi' i-.-. i 'iii-i n f..lnw;
Tbr. n l a I..111! im. I i' lth f.i-trai'
Itiiiinl i-r '.k nf n't In. in 1 pl.-ii.'U oil
er I'r ia in n.-i-1 frnii tin rnnil
i.lo llir.-i.li tin' but l.-. ttiii !..
pii.-I t r 1 s ii 11a". Iiin'i.- r S lnibf
of It t.-sid i n t'te nr..- ; r ; thi"
ni. in. an. I ilim. r.-in !!ii trim
ndii an I I.' li- tuf.na" a'-U nf
thr Iii: I nil bf I i" I t-riiiuh. tie
Itii' ln ft l r.ti'i-:!! ne f .-tit ihmil a
q-mrt.-f -f an In. ti l-r ..1 I J, krtnt.
iii ii.'timt nf .'.-.i t 1 k. g'.nr
la lit rub l! anilr.1 Tr- -Ii mm
ItM-al, m-t,',i"t.pl al'h nt. t th failltt
tit kwjt ih" ntrl f-.-.i, airh:nt lb
ft.itra t!.. n i1rr (h.ir..u.' In th It
T1. tit:iriln rnrfi'!-- r-l trvata (i
nf aaia i.f 'ti.wlt'n In ti rlttn
nf rli'tMi. h-na tn trt ttll r"l.
aa I t "bf ati(riinr. f valaa.
1A 2.c
It's a cinch
to figure vhy
Camels sell!
.ua Vou shoulj know why Camels
lire SO lirMirilrJl f'fhmrr e
w w aua. kv IVltVIUI,
satisfying. First. qvuJity second,
Camete expert blend of choice Turkisli
and choice Domestic tobaccos which
youTl certainly prctcr to cither kinJ
smoked straight I
Camels blend makes possiV.a th j t
wonderful mellow mildness-yet ull th
desirable body is there I And, Camels
never tire your taste I
YouH appreciate Camels freedom
from any unpleasant cfcarctty after
taste or unpleasant cicarctty odor I
For your own satbfaction compart
Camels puff by puff with any ca
rctto in the world at any price I
I 1 r kjr S am
mrnt,, . I ia mw-m
P 1 - -1 i j ir . 1. 1 11 1
I a ' IM M twmA.