PAGE EIGHT THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday. September 14th. 1020 local m:ys items the f-'rain was farther advanced they si.y the crops are even better than j win expected before threshing commenced. W. J. I Sund.-v Wf'Ilf to on a Ijti Mrs. Blanch Watkins and son. Dale ' of Irnoii, loriiicr residents of Hetip Portland I ' ' "r! 'lt,f' today (,n business. trip. f. IlniMp W'iihum-i 1 fl en i r-on Roland, iniio trip through alley this week. Mi fro. fiil-moer. J. V. ev.-por lteyinT lieie has returned he spent the A. V. flammell, prosperous young l;irinr of Ihe L-xinton district, was a im.-iiK-s visitor in ffeppner Saturday. rain clouds have blown away ry of tin; thres-hinp crews ex 10 1 c -liiiic- work at noon today The and in; pect'd John Kilkenny left Friday for north Idaho to look after his sheep interests. Mr. Kilkenny will not ship any more of his sheep to Ihe eastern markets this year but will return them to his winter ranges in Morrow county. Chaii'-s Thomson, president of the ll"ppner Commercial club, who has been i u;;t icat ir.K in Portland for a lew weeks, retained Friday evening. Sain K. Van Vaclor went over to (loldendale, Washington, Sunday to visit his lather and look after some business matters. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Campbell, of Medicine Lake, Was'iinctou, :,.re visiting at the home of his brother, Judge Win. T. Campbell. Tno. Judge and his brother enjoyed a deer hunt at Penland prairie last week and the judge says that while they seen lots of deer tracks they got no deer and that tho' they didn't see any fish tracks they got lots of fish. Hieh School. Mr. Donald graduated from Kedlands High School and was a student of the University t lands. Ke ia now foreman for Cone Com. Co. Mrs. Donald attended H High School for three years i many friends here. Her fatie-t Brown, was a wheat farmer Pluck Horse section and liv many years in Heopnor. The moved to Walla Walla, Wash, years ago. point; from there " fcrnia. ' Red K. M. 'pner id has I '. J. C. I (,i the A for h-:i.i!y ', 1 CP , .J.ili- &.o- a o OLD TIME RESIDENT PASSE WANTKD Experienced women for general housework. Call or ad dress Moore Hospital, phone 94, Heppner, Oregon. 20tf. Mr. R. Potter and Miss Agnes An derson, both of the Eightmile section secured a license to wed at the Ciiun ty clerk's office Saturday evening. Dan Han shew, who for nearly three months lias been laid up with a brok en leg, was in town again Saturday. His injury, which was a serious one, rceni.'i to heal slowly. lOmmett Cochran left for Portland Sunday evening to join Mrs. Cochran who is there on her return from New port. The will spend several duys in the Rose city. STAR THEATRE TONIRHT Frank Mayo with Ora Carew in "THE PEDDLER OF LIES" Itotn flie SaturdayEvening Post story "The Peddler", by Henry C. Rowland It's great. Mike Oman, has so far recovered from his recent operation for appen dicitis at the Moore hospital that he was able to go to his home Thursday morning. Paul Hisler and W. H. Moore re turned Sunday from a four day visit at Pendleton. Mr. Hisler went over to Walla Walla Friday to hear Gov ernor Cox, democratic nominee for president speak. Covernor iCox is ex pected to be present at the Pendleton Round-Up where he will also deliver an address. STAR THEATRE TONIGHT Frank Mayo with Ora Carew in "THE. PEDDLER OF LIES" from the SaturdayEvening Post sloiy "The Peddler", by Henry C. Rowland It's great. S. J. Ritchie and Harry Duval were in from their ranches north of Lex ington, Monday. That section has had copious rains lately and the out look for next year's crop was never better. Their wheat is making a round 20 to 2 5 bushels per aero this year. They still have several days combining to finish the season's, run. W. J. lieymer has returned from Chicago last Thursday where he re cently took a train load of sheep from the Montana ranges. The sheep' market is still somewhat uncertain in the eastern centers, Mr. Ileymer Bays. M,iks M'.iry Notson nnd Robert Not ion, who have been spending their vacation with their parents, Mr. find Mrs. S. E. Notson, left for Salem Saturday morning to resume their studies at Willamette University. Their brother Ed. Notson left for the same lust Hut ion Sunday. Ed Clark, who is engaged in the fancy chicken business a short dist ance below town, suffered the loss of a couple of dozen thorobred Bar red Rocks the other night at the hands of chicken thieves. The birds were valuable ones and Mr. Clark is hot on the trail of the fellows who lifted them. Freeman L. Frye, an old time re sident of Heppner, died at his home bore last Wednesday morning at, the age of 56 years. Mr. Frye had been in poor health for some time but. his condition was! not considered serious. The end came suddenly, heart disease being i the cause. I lie is survived by his widow, one daughter, Mrs. Harry Brown, ofLena, and one son, Maurice E. Frye, of Evanson, Illinois. Mr. Frye was a highly respected citizen and was prominent in the In dependent Order of Odd Fellows. He served as city marshal for some time and prior to that time was engaged in the transfer business here. The funeral was held from the home Sunday afternoon under the auspices of the Odd Fellows lodge. Rev. Livingstone conducted the ser vices and interment was in the Ma sonic cemetery. SKIDDING CAR HITS LIGHT POLE While driving out the.Hinton creek road Saturday evening Ralph Jack son, well known young wheat farmer of Rhea creek had a mixup with a Light&PowerCo. polo when his car skidded on a turn near school house The pole was broken squarely off and in falling carried, two other poles with it. The car, which was a fine new machine making its Initial trip was badly damaged but fortunately the occupants were not seriously injured. I5EXGE BUYS IttTTLEIt HOME Ralph Benge has closed a deal for the purchase of the B. F. Butler re sidence in south Heppner and will take possession in a few days. Mir. Benge left this morning for Salem to bring his family back and Dr. Butler and family will leave in a few days for Salem to make their residence. Miss- Ruby Corrirall of the First National Bank force, Is learning the tnysterloi of a Dodge car thin week, tho line new machine being a present from her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M S. Corrigall of Ilulter creek. STAR THEATRE TONIGHT Frank Mayo with Ora Carew In "THE PEDDLER OF LIES" from the S.itunluyEvening Post story "The Pe ldb-r", by Henry C. Rowland It's great. Cha.i II, Latourell, Ihe Ford find Fmdsoii man. relumed from n flying trip to Pullarid Sunday. Whenever t'liulie Iiim lu make a particularly il'.uok trip to I 'oil Li tul and back be In ns into t'." little Fold coupe with wh wlie-'l i and (.in ns 'er Ionic Ho iliiins to n uke Ihe O. W. It. & N. m h -d-i!.. 1 ;; like :iu rents. Mnule.' - Mr Walter L. Mil tenon, i f Inn i . v and Mm. Mn'id Jordan. if I'll; t I.iii-l. were united 111 marriage ut the i ent hoii ie Vondav ni'iei noon A I. I'm licit performing the leieii o r The weddtim took place 111 I lie citti.e of S. E. Nolsnn Willi ii f 'w fin nil piesenl. Mr. unci Mis. Mum ti tt.ll reMde In Heppner. E;lieit Young and bin brother, well known KIkIiMiiiIk farmers, were in limn it tinl'iy. Tin V repint Hie wliMt i'l I'lelr Immediate hit! Inn vi'iv pond I. i;t n little liiiu liiil by llie bn w.'iil'.-r ti mil what It iiiIkIii have liieii. I iioilli, lini'iir, when- Nat Shaw, ai loneer of the Clarks canyon country, and one of the lead ing farmers of that section, was in town, Saturday and met up with his former neighbor. Ralph Benge. Thereupon Nat and Ralph proceeded to hold a little mass meeting at which It was unanimously voted that away hack when Ralph and Nat and Bill Padberg and Bill GanimeU were about all there was to the communi ty It wan about the best neighbor hood on earth. If the two Bills had been present the motion would have curried unanimously which it did anyway. NEW STAR OPENING BIO SCCICKSS The new Star theatre, in the Elk's building opened last Saturday even ing with a record-breaKing crowd in attendance. Manager Sigsbee gave the big audience a splendid evening's entertainment and everybody was pleased. A short circuit in the wires- left the house in darkness for half an hour Just before the show started but the fault was soon repaired and the crowd remained in excellent humor. The house was filled to capacity many extra chairs being added to the regular seating capacity. EOILMEK HEIM'XKU GIRL WEI) (Communicated) A beautiful lawn wedding solem- lr.ed ut the home of the bride in Red lands, California, at eight o'clock the evening of September 4. united Miss Clara Brown and. Mr. James Donald. Tho bride Is tho youngest daughter of J. 0. Brown, formerly of Heppner. nnd the groom Is the oldest son of Davis Donald of Red land, Cn 1 1 Torn ia. The ceremony wan spoken by Rev. Nathan llusliiincllyn oii, piihlor of the First Presbyterian church. For the occasion the home was beautifully decorated with ferns, pink and while asters. The lawn was lighted with ptnk nnd white Ja panese lanterns and the young people were married while Mantling under a bower of greenery tastefully decor tiled null pink and while asters. The bride wore n beautiful gown of white net over i.-atln. Her long veil was i-aiitilit with lllh-n of the vuley and orange blossom. She carried shower bomiuet of white carnations and luiliv brent h. ller brother W. F. Itiown was bev.t niiin while Mrs. W K. Drown was matron of honor for Ihe occasion. She wore pink oritnn ii.. nnd rairleil pink carnations. Mrs Donald Is a graduate of Walla Walla 31 i I m 1 m I I I I 9 I 9 I I v .T. 4. .? ! 4 IOJE U)CAL NEWS X f j j j j j j j j j (Continued from page 5) fore her marriage was Miss Schrtver, and dnughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Schrlver of lone. Mr. and Mrs1. Dun can were former residents of lone nnd their many friends are glad to learn of their new arrival. Miss Lillian Alllnger returned home Tuesday from Forrest Grove where she spent a few days attending the fj. E. convention. Miss Alllnger reports a delightful time and only re grets more of the C. E. members of lone could be there. She was nc- rloinpanicd home by her mother who "pent few days at Wtishougal with her brother Arnold Balsiger. E. I-. Vinton, State Highway Engi neer left Saturday for Pendleton. While there Mr. Vinton experts to purchase a new Oldsmoblle roadster and the returned trip will be made by auto. Vacation Days Are Over NOW BACK to work for every one. School for the young folks. Business for the rest of us. You will all find that there are now things to get. Come Let us Supply your Needs FALL SHOES Just in. Show some splendid values in the wanted styles. Dress shoes and business shoes for the business girl as well as for her younger brothers and sisters. MARY JANE PUMPS Will prove an economical buy at this time. Patent leather and gun metal as well as canvas and all at Special Prices Childrens School Dresses Made from the choicest patterns of Lan cester Gingham. Fresh colors and made and trimmed as you would make them yourself. It is real economy to buy these dresses and save Mother time and energies for other things. REMNANTS For those who wish to make the childrens clothes, we offer a splendid as sortment of short lengths, suitable for dresses, blouses or trimmings. YOU WILL SURELY FIND THE BARGAINS HERE. MINOR & CO. HEPPNER, ORE. I I I i; 9 I I I I I I J I! 1 1 I 9 I e: I: : I I; I : I I r i i w tH in. I Ti The Women's Clubs have endorsed It, ministers have favored It and phy sician have praised It. The company Is composed of lead ing artists of the film stage and the many players are headed by the bo dutiful Claire Adams and talented R. Bennett. PiaVS WITHOUT A VILLAIN' It doesn't seem, possible, but the new Dorothy Clsh Paramount picture "Peppy Polly", which Is being shown at the Star theatre, Sunday, Septem ber 1 nth. Is a screen play without a villain. For onre there Is no dark haired, sijulnt-eyed backguard to grit his teeth and miike faces at the her oine. Mies Glsh says it isn't needed. AT THK HTAU S.UTIUUY, hKITKMUKU lHlh Christian Science Christian Science services are held every Sunday morning at 11:00 o'clock In I. 0. O. F. hall. Testimony meetings are held every Wednesday evening at 8:00 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Eugene Slocum. All Inter ested are cordially Invited to attend these meetings. FASHIONABLE PRESS HA KINO Remodeling and Ladtea Tailoring. Mrs. Curren, Church street. 37tf W'OMKVH t LUIS L'MMmsK he Moore Hospital An exhibition of uniixual Interest will be (he widely discussed flint story on venereal contamination, written by Dr. Katherine Davis and entitled The Knd of the Hoad" to be presented at the Slnr on Thursday I In all cities where Ihlx reiuarkuble jPlrtur ha been exhibited the Inter enl In Us I Msons has been most kei n. Ja a 4. Claud fled Wont Ads 2 J J J i Max Llnder has been absent from I KOIt ItEXT the screen entirely too long, and It Is with pleasure that rathe brings him FOR RENT Two large unfurnished rooms suitable for light house keeping. Enquire at McNamee Rooming House, formerly Wilson Hotel. 19-20 LOST LOST Somewhere In Heppner. a bunch of keys. Suitable reward for return to Herald of flee. 19tf. LOST On main road a short distan ce below Lexington' small fair leather suit case containing child's clothing. Please leave at Leach Bros. Store at Lexington or notify Harvey McRoberts, Lexington. Ore gon. 20-22pd. KOIt SALE v 1 Mrs. KAY MOOUK, Vr. KVKKYTHING NEW. CLKAN and SANITARY NEST of CAKK and ATTENTION assured all patients. LARGE, MODERN SURGERY Private Rooms When Desired All '.ktii'Ut i'iiiu't!ol to tluMKf their own Mci.itis ami MireiMit Prices and terms on application. Phone Main 94 Heppner. Oregon Awoi m i:hknt M--M This Is to announro that I have iMiimht th" Heppner Pod 4 Works outright and will eon- J. ttnue the buslneu In the (ut- u i e. I respect fully solicit a share of your pstronnr and guarantee nit lf art Ion. SNVDKIl. Vrop. Ill I'I'M U SODA WlMlk V .;. . . .j. .j. .j. .j. .j. 41 4. m 'I'M i:t I have t.iken Mrr th Ire tuln'a fiitmrrijr ep.-rnled In ci-nnm-tlon with the Heppner Kols Wutk nd am prrpared J t -te rlltemnr with Rood. ) pur Ire on stutrt notke. 4 An Ire rrd In your window i Will l-l me 4. Vour pttnn is rwswl- fully illlt'lted. 4 jASr..i cowtvs 4 bark to their progrom In a Ove-reel feature comedy of the typ of "The Little Cafe." Llnder was one of the earliest of screen comedians, and his name was among the first of fun makers to be come known to the public. A nstlv of Krance, Mr. Llnder fougli1 In the war and was wounded at Aisne and discharged as unfit for further ser vice. He then came to th-1 I'nited Stales and mace several rotne-lies. but roiupllcatlori resulted ftom his wounds and he wa forced to live up picture making and re'tirned to Kranre. "The Little Cafe" U his flrsl screen rt'a'nce In seveial )a'S. FOR SALE Modern 4 room bouse with Oath. f21.00 If taken at onoe Enquire at Heppner Herald. 19-21 FOR SALE Female Collie pup, 4 months old, guaranteed to make a Rood sheep dog and a natural back trailer. Price $25. Write Joe Armstrong, c!o. E. 0. Nel'sf Echo, Oregon. IX) R SALE A house and two lota. Fruit, shade tree and an excellent garden. Mrs. A. E. BInns. 14tf. bl'KClAL MEET HUl'EH Farmer take nedce that we make special quantity prices on meat for harvest crew. Central Market. 15tf. 4 4 l '! I "l I l t S l f 4. 4 4. ( III IU II SOTU L.H 4. 4 4 Y V i V V T Ttie lrl ChriMlM (liurrh. The usual services of the Churrh wilt be held on Sunday, consisting of the Illble School at ten o'clock, fol lowed by Communion Service sol Preaching at eleven o'clock. The evening Service will consist of the Christian Endeavor Service at seven o'clock and song (Urvlc and. Preaching at lhl o'clock. lry eae It cordially Invited to attn4 tbM service. W. O. UvlDtaa. Minuter. Service Is What You Want, You Get It at This Shop. Cleaning Pressing Dyeing Repairing We Get Your Work Back on Time LLOYD HUTCHINSON Asbbauffc ntlUiB. Iww Mala Mr, HepfiMr. Orfo fat I'M OrtWr oV4lrUe4 d Crva SfweSaJ AtOrwUoa