,1 PAGE SIX THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, September 14th. 1020 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICK OK MKKTIXG lioaiil of Kquulizatiim Meeting of the West Kxtensiim Irrigation District Notice is hereby given that the Board of Equalization, will meet at the U. S. 11. S. building in Hermiston Oregon, October 5, 1920, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock a. m.. for the purpose of correcting and revising its assess ment and apportionment of taxes levied on land within the bound aries of the said West Extension Ir rigation District. West Extension Irrigation District, It By Chas. E. Glasgow, Sec. Notice To l'liililing Contractors At any time prior to Seven (7) o'clock V. M. of Wednesday the 22nd day of September, 1920, the School Board of School District No. 10, of Morrow County, Oregon, will receive at the office of M. F. Wadsworth.j Irrlgon, Oregon, sealed bids (1), for the materials and labor necessary to and for the erection of a one- or two Btory school building, In and for said school district No. 10, Morrow Coun ty, Oregon, as provided for and di rected in certain plans and specifica tions, now in the hands of M. F. Wadsworlh, at Irrigon, Oregon. (2) For furnishing and the installation of a heating sys'em. (3) For the furnishing and the installation of the plumbing for the water system. And (4) For the furnishing and installa tion or a light plant, all to be in ac cordance with plans and specifica tions now in the hands of M. F. Wadsvvoi'th. school dork of the afore said district. Kadi and every bid must be ac companied by a check in an amount equal lo ten pur cent of the total a mouiil. of the bid submitted certified by a responsible bank of account. . The board reserves the right to re ject any or all bids, and to waive irregularities in the bids. liy order or the Rehool board of District 10, Morrow County, Oregon. A. If. Allen, Chairman. M. F. Wadsworlh, Clerk, Daled August 25, 1920? 18-20 Notice of Kliuil Settlement I Till', cok.nty COl ItT OF Tin-: hT.VI'K OF OKK.tiON KOIl MOItKOW rot NT Y I You are hereby notified that Mich ; ael Whitney, who gives cjo. F. A. McMenamin, Heppner, Oregon, as his post-office address, did on July 9th, 1920, file in this office his duly coro borated application to contest and secure the cancellation of your Homestead Entry No , Serial No. 016530, made June 26th, 1917, for SESWtt, SSE, Sec 27 ENE, SWUNE14, and W SE, Sec. 34, Township 1 S., R. 29 E., Willamette Meridian, and as grounds- for his contest he alleges that said Annie McCabe has not lived on, and has not maintained a resid ence on said homestead since March, 1919. That said Annie McCabe has totally abandoned said home stead since March 1919. That said Annie McCabe has not performed the cultivation requir ed by law on said homestead. That said Annie McCabe has not been ab sent from the aforesaid homestead account of being engaged in farm labor pursuant to the Act of Decem ber 20, 1919. That the absence of the Baid Annie McCabe from said homestead has not been due to her being employed in the military or naval service of the United States of America, and the entrywoman's ab sence from the aforesaid land was not due to her employment in milit ary, service rendered in, connection with operations in Mexico, or along the borders thereof, or in mobiliza tion camps elsewhere in the military or naval organization of the United States, or the National Guard of any of the s-everal states. You are, therefore, further noti fied that the said allegations will be taken as confessed, and your said entry will be canceled without furth er right to be heard, either before this office or on appeal, if you fail to file in this office within twenty days after the FOURTH publication of this notice, as shown below, your answer, under oath, specifically responding to these allegations of contest, to gether with due proof that you have served a copy of your answer on the said contestant either in, person or by registered mail. You should state in your answer the name of the postofflce to which you desire future notices to be sent to you. C. S. Dunn, Register Nolan Skiff, Receiver Date of first publ. August 24, 1920 Date of second publ. August 31, 1920 Dato of third publ. Sept. 7, 1920 Date of fourth-publ. Sept. 14, 1920 No. 019522, for SWUNE14, NWU SEK, and ESW, Section 9, Tp. 4 S., R. 29 E., Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final Commutation Proof, to establ ish claim to the land above described, before Clerk of Circuit Court, at his office, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 11th day of October, 1920. Claimant names as witnesses: Phil Hirl, John Kegan, Phil. Higgins, and Jacob Pearson, all of Lena, Oregon C. S. DUNN, Register. First publication August 24, 1920 Last publication October 5, 1920. Notice for Publication-Isolated Tract (Not Coal Land) PUBLIC LAND SALE In Hi.- Matter of the F.Htate of Annie I. Mullock, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the tindersiiuied, AdmiiilHlralrlx of the I Willi of Annie I. Mu'lurk, deceased lias It U'1 h.-r final account 111 the County Coin: of Morrow County Oregon, and that Wednesday, Hie 'Jfllh diiy of September. 1920, at the Imiir of ten o'clock in the forenoon rf sk day, ami the County Court room In the County Court llmino nl ll.'iiiioi-i'. Morrow County, Oregon, l.t I N Line an. I plaie net for the hear im; oi n!i (( ions thereto, and the h"ltl 'i.o'nt Iheieof. I.o'ha A. VallevKon, Adiii ni',11 ilrix of the F.Mtalo of An- 111 1 Matlock, deci ,'iHcd. Fii ii i ilili-"ilion August :t Int. l'.l'JO l..ift h'i'iIk i'!on September 2S, 1920 MM H i: iK OVI KM" I) 'ii it hu.'iit of the lntei lor, 1". S 1 nil 1) tic-, l.i C.isiiiiU', Orison, Ail r:' I I'll. 1M2D. 11 n i..- McCain' of l.i lui, Oregon Coir .in-: Department of the interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, August 18, 1920. NOTICE is hereby given, that, as directed by the Commissioner of the General Land office, under provisions of Sec. 2455, R. S., pursuant to the application of John C. McEntire, Heppner, Oregon Serial No. 020010-020180, we will offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, but not less than $2.50 per acre, at 10 o'clock A. M. on the 14th day of October, 1920, next, at this office, the following tract of land: NWUNW14 Sec. 26, T. 3 S., R. 27 East, Willamette Meridian, and NWUSW14 Sec. 26, T. 3 S., R. 27 East Willamette Meridian, The sale will not be kept open, but will be declared closed when those present at the hour named have ceas ed bidding. The person making the highest bid will be required to im mediately pay to the Receiver the amount thereof. Any persons claiming adversely the above described land are advised to file their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated for sale. C. S. Dunn, Register Nolan Skiff, Receiver First publ. August 31, 1920. Last publ. October 12, 1920. 27th day of August, 1919, file In thi3 office Sworn Statement and Applica tion, No. 019994, to purchase the N WU SE, Section 5, Township 4 South, Range 29 East, Willamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the provisions of the act of June 3, 1878, and acta amendatory, known as the "Timber and Stone Law," at such value as might be fix ed by appraisement, and that, pursu ant to such ai pl'.cation, the land and timber thereon have been appraised, at $160.00, the timber estimated at 100,000 board feet at $1.00 per M, and the land $60.00; that said ap plicant will offer final proof in sup port of his application and sworn statement on the 15 day of October, 1920, before United States Commis sioner, at his office, at Heppner, Oregon. Any person Is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or initiate a contest at any time before patent issues, by filing a corroborated affi davit in this office, alleging facts which would defeat the entry. C. S. DUNN, Register. First publication August 3, 1920. Last publication October 12, 1920. NOTICK lOK Pl'llUCATlOX Department of the Interior, U. S Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, August 12, 1920. NOTICE Is liereby given that JOHN W. HARRYMAN of Monument, Oregon, who, on March 8th, 1920, made Additional Home stead Entry, No. 018208, for Lot 3, 2 and 1, SViNE4. Lot 8. Sec. 18, Tp. 7 S., K. 28 E.. and N V4NKVI, and NUHNWli, See. 13, Tp. 7 S., R. 27 I'., Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three -year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before United States Commissioner, at his office at Monument, Oregon, on the 28th day of September, 1920. Claimant names an wltm-saeB: James Wilks, Frank Wilks, Chauncy WChoii, and Hubert II. Hurt ) man, all of Monu nienl, Onmm. C. S. DUNN, Register I'irst publl.-uilon August 24ih. 1920 I.a.-t pulil c.itdm Sept. 28, 1920. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATIOX Department of the Interior, U. S, Land Office at La Grand i, Oregon July 29, 1920. NOTICE is hereby given that JAMES HIGGINS .... .. whose post-office address is Lena, Morrow County, Oregon, did, on the Notice for Publication-Isolated Tract (Not Coal Land) PUBLIC LAND SALE v---.'.-;.-.-:Vh!'SH Department of the Interior, U. S Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, August 18, 1920. NOTICE is hereby given that, as directed by the Commissioner of the General Land Office, under provision of Sec. 2455, R. S. pursuant to the application of Tom Boylen Jr., Echo, Oregon, Serial No. 020391, we wiU offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, but at not less than $4.00 per acre, at 10 o'clock A. M., on the 14th day of October, 1920, next, at this office, the following tract of land: NWNEi4 and NNW, Sec 14, T. 1 N., R. 27 East, Willamette Mer idian. . The sale will not be kept open, but will be declared closed when those present at the hour named above ceased bidding. The person making the highest bid will be required to Immediately pay to the Receiver the amount thereof. Any person claiming adversely the above-described land are advised to file their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated for sale. C. S. Dunn, Register. Nolan Skiff, Receiver. First publication Auc;. 24, 1920 Last publication October 12, 1920. Heppner Herald only $2.00 a year. or UNlVr.IiSITY OREGON- U inniulainril tijr the slut la rir that lliv ? on 11 4 pro tl ol Orrion may iniiiif, wiiIikuI nl, brnrlil ol a tibf-ral education. 1H Utfltv In IbtU lK ( ,41rfrl L. tttt inm And 1H Aft It IJ4i'ii 4 lk .n,lwl 1 t,it nl U Mrtl,in l r..H!pl A fctlr. lnf, l'.iiwrt, .t.Mjmaham, t Li Ium ftr 4 Mxatt M- ! tat'' lf . k. .! f (M I i I " .li . J 11. !... f l 0 fcr!lk J ' -I Il '..- I mmm aifit an mtm ml I.... ....I...... ..4 .....4.4 44.i IMK MI,ltHH I ..tl. l . tt .., Mt ...a SuliBcrlbi' for llm "Ui'iuld" and cet all the couiily new. No I U K Kolt I'l ni .lCATIOV. A SQUARK DEAL IJf REAL ESTATE. What has brought the real estate business largely into disrepute Is that all the failures who have tried nearly everything else and most of the professional liars ultimately drift into the real estate game. They would skin their own mothers-in-law to get a commission. Of course they don't laat long, but others come to take their places, and tho public has beconx' leary of buying or selling land through real estate agents. There are Home Strulgbt Shooter In the Real K.sUt business the same as in the mercantile business, the banking business or In any other legitimate line of endeavor In which men have reputations oto uphold and defend. Ask my cl-ats on both sides of the numer ous real estate deals I have made, and In every instance they are satisfied customers. It Is the only way. When you have any land to sell or buy, come in and see me. E. M. SHUTT The Real Estate Man Up-stairs in Court House Bread LiKe Mother Used to MaKe ' You can have it if you use our famous White Star Flour For Your Baking We have just received a car load of Spring Beardless Barley for Seed x We pay highest cash prices for Hides, Pelts and Furs Heppner Farmers Elevator Co. Cutting M achincry For the Harvest Season THE NEW DANE MOWER Built by the John Deere Company, is giv ing excellent satisfaction. 1 Let us show you the merits of this machine. We are agents for CASE THRESHING MACHINES, Are the Best. CASE KEROSENE TRACTORS, Have no superiors. Ask about prices and terms on these high grade machines. Peoples Hardware Company net .1 !ciat ' im 11; of the ln'i-rior, 1. fl. l.iiul Oitii-i- at Tin- D.ilies, Oii-Kiin, AiitnH r.th, t'O), i No l'liT. H In r. liy du n that CM K1.KS II SCIIMIKT nf Krlin, on fun, hn. on Heptembi-r H. l'M7. ih.1. Ailililioii,.! ll.Min" .i.,ui mi i u, tMiiJIT, for SV4. S'l-tiim ;i. Tiiiliip I North, l:,ini;e .'it I'.i-i. Vil!,uiu-ti Mi-ililian. ha n u-it unlit t- i-f Ititt-ntdin to make threti i-,tr I'ti i-t, In 4tatllnh rlnliii to the I. nut alum- ilenrrltxtl, l'fiirt J. A IW.iii't. Cluk of County Omit, at 1 1 I't-tii r. Otiuum, on th" "ill d.iy f o.-tntii i . i;i;o Cl.tn ..nit it.imett a itnt'K'i-mi: M.kt- St s-.im k. of K'li. Otf .i-n. It In!:. , (,f l,fUituii, or. -fun I. ft K. hn. Om Kin. II, t-f I . "i... 0:.-lin. H l!41ik WiM'itrnt k. 1;. k l it. pi ; ti i.n e,.-i-' IT, I .' l.i .! ,u'.li. ..-ri t. i. l . t , i": ' tilll I Ol l-l III l V I l't !.!-. -it -1 .1 rf tr.-..f. f ! t ,,n. tl.f pi t .i .itnl t'if:t.n. Aii;'it 1: !: NiTt"i: i t. rt-'-r . n that t Ul U ISOW K tf ll I't'K' t. O'lki.ii, hii. on IVb lllth. 1 9 J ii, t. U ll.iHiPHlraJ Kntif II, e- T . C..H ! . Choice Cuts of the Best Meats KVEKY HOUSEWIFE WANTS TO SERVE THE best in Meats to her family.. She can be assured she is li.iinj; ...t if -he buy her Meat at tbi which i ci'iuiucu-tl in conformity with modem met hods ii sanitary marketing. Central Market McNAMER & SOKENSON. Props. The Moral Risk Whn h timt romri to trrk rrdlt, bank will want t. know whut you AUE well a what you HAVE. Tbal't whire the moral hazard cotix to. And you ean't wtabliah credit ovpr nlttht. Ratbr. It I a matter of twcomlnit KNOWN at your bank, of -Ubtiohlnc conf!dcnr by th way In wblrh you bat k'pt your account, regard lt-a of tn amount you bav to your cinlit. (I'l arqualntd -thal'a th firnt thlnf. Tbn dftflop ttiat aciuaintane into frli-niUhip. It will utand you tn il-nlid t4 wht-n thf tliti com. liPtnmibfr In a!. that thlt buk nffrn you a comt l.-i bank In n ir. Farmers & Slockgrowers National Bank HEPPNER, OREGON. 1 4 7 I"