Tuesday, September 14th. 1920 JTHEHEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE FIVE it. I i. i i h -ut i i it 1 l h e 1 tn t H - t ot ru , ou-at into C -oil. l'l ' 'in 1 mg niumao. Local Manns I 11 1 I H -4 V, g f, D ... i ." k . J n h J' c ;' r'l . fill en From t i 1 ! pu; I e in. 1- ; to i 1 oarnnian, ore, Sept. 7 The G range picnic held on Labor Day va:, a fine success. The entertainment began with a ball game between the married and single men, and showed a comparatively close score of 16 to 21 in favor of the latter. Keyts and Llayden were battery for the single men and Rand and Nizer for'thc mar ried men. Then followed a picnic dinner on the Columbia beach at Coyote. Farmer Smith was prewtit and delivered an address upon Home, Health and Happiness. In the evening there was a recep tion by the Parent Teachers Associa tion for the teachers of the school who had assembled for the opening on Tuesday. The reception was fol lowed by a very enjoyable musical program by the DeMoss family, fam- 511 s throughout this country and ;Wope. Mr. DeMoss stated that he was making only the important ci ties of the country this season,. which of course made a hit with Boardman. i o win rxr, .i the !; fed tov; ' lit'IO -ree of Uctcimhiati aure'.s. Ke nmai a pupils do net r.-c v.ul tiieir school work' a people of Portland wore ropresv'stcil in a recent issue of the Tel!r;ta:, Irrigron boys and girls aie g!ad to get back to the -work which is to mean so much for them in all the yours to come. ID'. N. Seaman's new residence is almost enclosed, and work is pro gressing rapidly. We' shall soon find his family at home on their acreage adjacent to the town plat. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Strader, re cently married, are at home in the Doering property. Mrs. Strader was formerly Miss Esther Graybeal. The Rev. Mr. Harper, S.S. Mission ary, visited this part of his field last week to see what he might say or do to advancethe work the church has placed him over. Messrs. II. L. Everett and C A. and N. A. Mn comber, have purch ased the Cumins Garage on the Co lumbia Highway in Boardman. These gentlemen come from Filot Rock where Mr. Everett was shop foreman for the Pilot Rock Auto Co. They are assuming the contract for haul ing the school children on the East side route and will put into operation a Federal two ton truck for the pur pose. They will also do a genera! garage and repair business. ; llU'JGOX ITKMS The enrollment in the Irrigon school shows an increase of a lill'.e more than 32 p;-r cent above that of a year ago. That of the high school, a little more than double that of Inn year. Principal Andoivon inform; us Rev. J. W. Hood, pastor for Irri gon and Boardman, with residence at Irrigon, preaches regularly at Boardman each Sunday 'morning and at Irrigon each Sunday evening. He and his wife, opened their home to the young people of Irrigon last Fri day. We understand that one pur pose of the gathering was to con sider the matter of organizing a Young Peoples' Society of Christian Endeavor. CTXHi XE1VS Miss Roxio Yont of lone spent Saturday and Sunday at The Last Camp as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Krebs. Miss Zella Kelly of Hood River ar rived cn Saturday and took up or duties as teacher on Monday at the Cecil school. Fourteen scholars were enrolled. Vv C. I'almaleer and daughter Miss Cleta of Winlynook arc busy hauling their wheat to Minor Hyntl Weclnc" day, Sojiltiiiher irt'i Ins Hulette in S:;i'w's famous nu-iii story Glycli High Speed" a full blooded, vinoroiis tlramn of Action Incident Passion i'nutv. fiii 'iauteed to twine jotir puNes biiii. Al-o two red Comedy Ii:iill.S OK Till-: I'Aitiv" Thin M.iij, roptenibi r I (i "The End of the Road" A photoplay tlmt loll our Imijh mill (.Iris what their mtviiU uiiKht l leach them, unit every parent idioulcl m- this picture. lindoi-Hcd by thirty slate Hoard of Health, (see reader) lrlduy, September 17th Lillian Gisli In D. V. Griffith' Great Picture j "True Heart Susie" The olory of plain gli-l. A Griffith MuMerpIere Saturday, Septemhcr IMtti . If you thirst for Nome lonjj. ItiiticriiiK l.iiighl.-r M'e the I rein h Waller Max Under "Tlte Little Cafe" in 0 e Had"! ) Sllild.l), V-pl luiicr tilth Dorothy Gisli "Peppy Polly" She (lelilHTHlily went to Jail to wvc a friemt. If you know llorothy iiMt jou will rrl url Ihal oiiietlilng liprnei. Moiulnjr, sertemlMr i JACK DEMPSEY "Daredevil Jack" N"W t'Bt Jark lm Wrrrfulljf !efrnifi lil title to l.ra. Wi IkIiI rliiiMiploii ami h lieen rnmrrail of iharyn hronuH KalnM hi in fr npilr. joit will waul In we Mm In tM wrlal, which hi Imh-h nwiliit H ii' nil c-r f country. lh for niHiunc rnient f Ut Ik ofiere In rnmUiin wild thi pli lure. i Star Theatre B. 0. SICSntB. SOLE OWM B , m n ' ill 1 t o K i . i T t ( t bee::, aceideni 1 was n vorni." Name unknown" who was know purchase several yards of stout and when arriving at ihe lonely where he had decided to end his found out he had lost the rope his courage also, fled at the i time. Wonder where the rone w R. E. Duncan of Bus-v P,ee. ranch and friend S. Leverett of Boardman made a short visit in Cecil on Sun day. Glen Kestersen and Lester Goode- rich who are working at Fairview ranch for Everett Logan spent Sun day in. lone. e oi CSLO ere It foot )m c man n to rope spot fate and rame ent? Cecil depot was the scene of a large crowd assembled at train time last Sunday morning the following passengers leaving: Mrs. Fred Buch anan and son and Mrs. Barney Ahalt for Echo, Mr. J. Forkner for the Wil lows, R. Pope for Walla Walla, Mer ille Logan, for Arlington, Mrs. Mel vile Logan and son Gene and Syd ney Willomett, Minnie II. Lowe and Robert Lowe for Portland, and Geo. W. Wilson for The Willows. Mr. S. Quale of lone,, also Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Vinton of the same town, were callers in Cecil on Sunday. Mrs. Weltha Combest spent Sun day afternoon visiting at The High way House. J. M. Mellon of The Lookout vis ited at Windynook the home of W, G. Palmalecr on Saturday. Miss Lois Easterly of Parkdale ar r'ved in (Cecil on Monday to take up her duties as teacher of the Four Mile school. Dwighf Misner hft on tiie local for Portland on Tuesday, where he will visit for a short, time, but will rush back at the first call for 'Drums' for the Slenders Lawn Parly. i.eon L.ea'i ot t r::,! -..V"-' j; " 1 ) d i v n Vih o an l , th c II 1 i . - t , , , ot u mn it , tl , i i s ,u v.ai-enouse wuen lie begins to haul his wheat. Mis. Phil Brady of lone and. friend Mis.v M. Cherry of Portland were cal lers at The La i Camp on Fridav. Herbert Everrett of Pilot Roc'k was visiting with J. M. Melton at the Lookout on Friday. Mrs. Henry Springer and family of The Poplars were visiting at Buiterly Flatts on Tuesday. IOXE SEWS Gray One's r V ' 1 '5 k WW r,. ?. , ,1 E.ic'a Po.t Paid or ''Kouovat i warranted. DO XOT confuse iheNO with "Reeinhnrd" Every blanket offered here is NEW and s reasons if for no others buy .mow Blankets. I". S. (Hive llrab or Khaki 'Blankets Everyone new and guaranteed an woot: warranted never used. The very best quality for home or ?o.?5 each, postpaid. V. S. ('oimncirial Klanket Xo. 5l)S New Woolen Blankets warranted never used. Orders tilled from original bales bearing U. S. Army Quarter master stamp. Heavy grey blankets ideal quality for home use $5.95 each, postpaid. d" Blankets. For sanitary camp. . T, C. B. Sperry was a business visitor in Heppner Thursday. Miss Hazel Brown left Monday for Walla Walla where she will attend school this year. W. J. McXabb was a business vis itor in Heppner Saturday. He was accompanied by his niece' Miss Lovev Wartield. Lee Spinkle one of the local bar bers spent Sunday at Heppner with his family who are visiting relatives at that place. He returned Monday. Mrs. G. F. Hughes and little son returned home Friday alter a ten days visit at the home of Mr. and us. C. W. MeXai ier. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Sappington and little daughter of Glenwood, Wash., came Tiit rhchiy and are guests at the horn" of Mrs. Sappinglon's sister Mis. Kminith Blake. Miss Georgia Summers of The Last Camp visited at the home of Mrs. Phil Brady near Tone on Saturday. Miss Mildred Ilenriksen of Rhea left onThursday fur Can by where she Miss Catln iine Jones left Sunday for Corvaii::; vlnrc- she will alter.il school at the o. A. C. this year. Miss J ones will be rnntly missed among her lone friends. Now Mess Kils ! Frying Pan and Plate of alumi num; ideal for pampers and Boy Scouts; all new. 55c complete, postpaid. Xew Canteens Something every Boy Scout and camper should have. U.S. Army Aluminum Canteens, (new issue with screw top) 75 c each, post paid. Old Tssue Canteens; oval shape with. canvas cover. 50c each postpaid. Vnbroakablo Mirrors, measuring 3 by 5 inch., each in case; tine for hunt ei's or Scouts. 35c each, poslpaid. Barracks Bags for clothing or laundry; slendid, big bags. 65c each postpaid. Cloves Knit jersey gloves; every pair new and perfect. 3Uc pair, post paid. Overseas Caps All new; eve 'y one perfect. (!5c each, postpaid. BKiii i nv rns'r-oKCirrc Cniou-Ails Complete suit (.jumper and over alls combined) of heavy denim; not a hole in them. $2.25 suit, poslpaid. Saddles Now full rigged stock saddles with horn, western type; weigh 40 pounds' each. New and perfect. $54.50 each . .Cenniiie McClollan Saddles as used by U. S. tCavalry; guaranteed in ser viceable condition. $19.50 each. Traveling Cases Army Traveling Rolls for comb, brush, shaving articles and toilet re. quisiles. $1.50 values, 75c posl paid. Xew Full Longlli linfs Men's Trousers, lull length, o all wool Olive Drab worsted; excellently tailor"d; every pair new and guaran teed perfect. $'j,15, postpaid. Khaki Breoches The genuine Amry Khaki Breeches; a limited quantity al $1.50 pair, postpaid. MOXKY OltHF!!, KM'ISKSS MOXKY OIlDCi;, IUXK liX( I1CH A (. K Oil 1 ASI II I li S ( II C( K You run no risk everything guaranteed exactly as reprerenled. Satis faction or your money back. Order at once the supply won't last long. FEDERAL DISTRIBUTING CO. I.Al-GFST niSTBllSl TOBS OF A KM Y TI NTS 1 X I'MTI'I) STATliS 359-361 E. Commerce St. SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS jiq r;,yi,r-i KV.AJWiiatr.M.-Miitajliti Glen Burroughs who bus been spending the summer with his pa rents Mr. and Mrs. French Burrotigh of Rhea creek left this week for Ohio where he will spend this winter teaching. among the lone people who went to Hi p poor Sunday and attended (he funeral of F. N. Frye. Dr. Clyde Walker. C. B. Soerrv. j lohn Lou 2 and M. R. Morgan were. Miss Ruth Howard, formerly of Heppner. now of Arlington, arrived Sunday evening Miss Howard will leach school this year in the A. A. McCabe dish id and will begin her school Monday Ihe 13th. G'lan Rivera, who has been har vesting the p.ivl lew we'd.:: m ar lone lefl Monday for Columbus-, Ohio, when- he will enter Hie Sinle l'ni versity. Mr. Jjivera is preparing him self for a "Sfledical missionary and when his course is completed will re turn to Ihe province nll.uy.oii to work with ills fellow men. Word has been received of (he ar rival of a son on Si pli'inbei' 3rd lo Mr, and Mrs. Ceone W. Imuran at. Fereiis Falls, Minn. Mrs. Duncan be (Coti! in u ed on page ii col. 3 ) Roping i !Rachig I Bucking II! - TWlMD-ir 1 Septcskr mi 23, 24, 25 1920 PENDLETON Oregon n Kit Make this Week PAY-DAY at Our Office and Receive Free Tickets to "ROUND-UP" lor nil H'.uiitil-. paid In lull on or liel'ne -l l'l I MKI II Jl I S 25 to Si co we will j.;ivc I Ticket $100 to $200 " " " 2 Tickets $200 to $300 3 Tickets $300 to $400 4 Tickets S400 to $500 5 Tickets : $500 to $Goo " " " 6 Tickets ' S600 to $700 7 Tickets ' S700 to S800 " " " 8 Tickets ; $800 to $900 " " " 9 Tickets $1000 and over " " 10 Tickets Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. HEPPNER LEXINGTON lONE P. S. We arc Choke Full of Good Suggestions FOR FALL BUILDING