PAGE FOUR THE HEPPNER HERALD. HEPPNER. OREGON Tuesday. September 14th, 1020 THE HEPPNER HERALD AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER ""N , n r r s ' . r - i r ii i. ! ! f Jo.-; - M Pi 2 J .1 f- t'l If l :r;;Hicn t' ' - -'0 .o2.CO . 3 1. 00 ' . - Tl You can set your I on! OVI"!lHAV!.!-:f at our si. on M the I'ok o'k'dule I'Hce. 1 Miosie ary 1919, and many staunch republicans were the leaders in the movement. The rock-ribbed Oregonian was the foremost spokesman for it. It was only when it was seen by astute politicians that BEFORE THE LEAGUE ENTERED POLITICS The League of Nations has of late become the bone of such partisan political strife that the- average reader is apt to forget it was not conceived, fostered .mr! snnn;nr hi.- the tu-mocratic party. It was in no sense born in the minds ! the joining of the League of Nations as formed at 'the peace of the democrats of this country nor were the democrats re- ! conference would so entrench President Wilson that it sponsible i,,r the spreadof the idea over the country for its would be almost impossible to unhorse the democrats that strong endorsement or for the very general longing for its ; violent objections were made to the articles of the covenant attainment. ; j and bogeys set up to frighten the American voters. The 'I he league idea was born amid war of a realization of' JenSue nas 1)ccn made a political issue by politicians and so the barbarity and futility of wars and of a world-wide hope : !1,1Uch has ')ccn a,x,ut it t0 arouse prejudice that it is and prayer that there would never be another such holo-i a'rnust impossible for the average voter to get a true per-cau-t to visit the earth. Men and women of all nation Top -Ictivc of it. blast Oregonian.' all creeds ami ot ad political oyinion joined in urging the tonnation of s;,-h a union uf nations" that war would be? Loth unnecessary and inmossible. Here in on,- -,- .,,-! try 1 'resident Wilson champioiieil the idea but be was !r- - , . " "- ' I " -oih il IIH' loretp.o-t le'.'tO-i ((.ni.risr. ,he vocation-iind rvocaii' i! V. sT(i:i:v(; KVKNT IN" H?-J'l- Mod-sm. I!e has writt.-n nnW(.rou" M-H niSTOUY RKCALI.I-.H r-'-n.s on Montana subiccti. ineluri- ers 01 t ic republican party were most active in crealiiv '"f luv.-ay s:i-ncpi-, ero..! ,, S( 1 1 1 I 1 n . .1 1 I t", ,t- O ' ' 1 1 ' a . . IT 1 I .-. , ! .... ' ...1 - . - 1. in;: ue: on 0!d Fort 'Jt-ie.on, at ,! ,,' Mifyonri, anoihur to Suipiiur S'prinLrs and ano.ini' ward La ft. ex-president, was sentini.-iit for it. William 1 1 ..... . 1 .. . I .' lMl' m'- '-on-pu-ious worker tor it as president of m. !. ..ue to r.n.orce t'eace and most 01 the men as,,,-i-i ,.,1 ,,0 1, 1, 1. . .. 1 - . , . . . ' M OU(!V,Ct Ot till-: or-amatl.,n were !h.-U ot vc!W, and o.rried with u iron;!i!etu repttl.licaii-. r.ven Senator l.od're before K ' not y ',JP natcii-s of vprse he i.a on topA1. (u ii si to that ptato. ".u 01 Mori) ana." who is in ;vl s'.miiv rer, .- ii, ri, . si ,..i . j !(!" today on one of his wg'jlar fl-.l at Hcppner, in V.:)Z, .Mr. Sp n- travi-ljnc salesman, has written loin saw that it was bad politics even if o;(l( iiatrioti-m io -.nmv ro,llt'os !, b'u mar'' compiimt ; in- i'os , .,mu, m join tne fgue. spoke iulilicly lior it. Here ;n ( )rc'''oii it win iln- Lot.' ('.,, v.. m,"..- ;, . v . 1 1 1 ' 1 n Mia'itllin, s,o s q e oac I ' DOWN TO THE LAST "RED NICKEL" I Stubs to individual bank checks are I arranged, like this: ' B I Balance brought forward I Amount deposited 1 Total ; " I I Amount of this check I Balance carried forward I By making the proper entry on each 1 I check stub, you can know at all times I I the exact amount to your credit in the 1 I bank. The record is complete and re- I j liable. It can be kept up-to-dat easily I each entry at the time of transaction. 1 ' "' ei'. o H'Ooi;: of the - L. sl.ijhuiocif andiediry, who sown oppo. ii, . ruifi of Willow - -ill' y 10 warn of toe ioipend- .nr. sn: iter eivp i h. ' publications, says joast Orei. - : w v- a,,- y;,;st r u.niun thi-- '"n- joioiroivo 10 pnbla-'h. It is p.; foliov s: .-,.,,,,1,1:,..,,, ,,1,,. ,,,,,,,, 11.- .1 - ,' , i" . One of tlie few eonipositions wlo, li i ' e i iepner t ( jnihl.i ,m. xsno sent out a call to,- the Northwest Congress ,. sold was wrften f.- ,h, tr-ory w.-i-es , ji -m. .r the League 01 .sat.. -is winch met in Portland in Kebru- -f toe hroadwate,- i,tei at n, u,v.n. flood t!.;a rwept if -. d..7., 7;-rj i'aino shall stand l.y, whh ci'dod p.-n. ': And .. .:', ! n ... ,., r NATIONAL BANK I eppner, Oregon r; DON'T WORRY About gettin.or ycur Fall Seeding Done LET FORDSON DO il 1.0 n. riio foiCi ad of 1!... J 1 ! !"w,i that i"..'.. forth i.m y to sav.' '! 'i' 0 t ..,! 0.0 Tw , t:,;t! ) ioi ;li w i.o lost tin it , C 'il at d';:y'.; eai;. y t'o'oaaa io?. r Mm THAT MOCK THE II. C OF L IMO A COCKED HAT . ! n.-t.-ixL' i: - e ..... .. . .. . . I ' -d .,,,. ij Wh'l . :. r-. roar, d t- l.-'i, i,, , iala i il i I (.- .-j. 01:.. 1 , j,; w !.. I.,,,... 5 . i -j And s!oo. k..d in :;looai on h- Wil'.ow ei 1 ,; load. You'll give a vital blow to old High Cost-of Living when you order your suits and overccats here. 1 offer The l.iii.l w, ,r In t .n.r lon.hOoii for MVtltnii ind ).m I. .11 111.l1t1.H5 !,! 1.. ,., jh 11( . ,,,,, , ( a mi)k '..iilii.l pi ,l tr,.,, 1 1, . iv lnt. 1 ..I, . 1 !' .:,i K. ..,. .11. n i .niil 1 h.ji in jriir. FORDSON ei ,.,r.i , .... ,. !,,. ,. (,,,., r ,,., ,1,,,, 2, i.Mr"77n '.. . 1 ). N.i h..t- ,.r imile ,lt. I.I 1 .111 .1 1 1 1... 1 i; la' ill. Mi- I.X.irt !.( ,.i,Um j, r.iHil.p ol on II,.- w... I.I 11. .l.t.H.i.lrl.. r,.,.!,-, ,. ,r ,, ftniK 1.11.I, ,., ,,t ,.r,u. wl ,.., )lM,r ta,niU. ril1. l)lt..l. Hll.l M.l,,. ,r ,mn wrtl,,. ,,,,,. J.IM M. Ph,l.;ilvlVS ..t l,r,! ,. .(. lu.r,. Latooref! Auto Co. Wc nlso have Pord Trucks for immediate delivery. On lik- tlio siornielonl the rid.Ms fame 1'ritiqir jheir horses apain and npaln Above the lenipei-1 I heir words ranK rl.-nr; 'Fle for your lives, the cloud burst's- here!" How many mothers with pliftpnliiR eye Now Raie on their l.abe for thai timely cry; How many hunbands hav clanped i their wived. And t.leod those men who dfiv.'d their live. f 1 Two that rod- f..r-'i nheail of th. l;.f. Tv o I'm. t..d. f: , . , , , Tn tt .11 o o fi.'ih 10 ,1 ,i . all Tw r..l . ; .!, a- i ,.,., ra:i 1 t Th. r.- are !,....- ,.f ,:.rt In II. pp. n.i 1 c.vt n, If ttuth ktiotin. ho d-.-ne' renon. ttui "t,!! mrbehand-d from f.uh-' er to mn , Ho h. n.y and NUilnrk ave ,, . ; Ineion. THOMAS Mt ltUAY SPKNCKIt. ' t'liriland. June 22. !93. ( a 7 PER CENT OFF l li.HTMII I; riltMMt III . Ttt lloMK 1 nd".n. lmon 'Ve . r lf t! ',.lTO lo, ,'., I ,., .1 T' i"-! f..r the or. " ,,f ti, ft t'0r"'V In o!!lh Hefter te- "M'-T hy in M M 4ohn...n h. b"niii the iri.ti-lr tat princ ; The !.ainn i.-t!rt.!e otm ff i a Mi..ii-n h...-!" it-,,., !,f, ,a ! " of Unl (or. 'h ., r J Uf, fr. et.niietit a tn H ,i. on. Andrr. n i to feme lam.r.l.: enn. It i n.rt.j rr tnt Mm John ia thelt home Is toyib et Califor'.. on SUITS and OVERCOATS until September 18th Make your selection while our assortment of new weaves is complete. P.e measured, tod a. We STEAM CLEAN and DRY CLEAN anything in Ladies' and Men's wearing apparels. Hcppner Tailoring and Cleaning Shop G. FRANZEN, Proprietor j EDUCATION PAYS I Till" IM.IMin U. AM. I on TW. WXTt'. T"tM'n ',J n hi,, h, one Chance l3 no,0i.j to Kemler MMinruidl..j s. ,v!,-e lo the Public. Hh Common Kdictn 4 Chanrn WMh llih School Kdurauon .... t1 n,anr With Col!.Ke Kductlon ,00 ch,nc... Arc You Giving Your Child His Chance? THOSl- 8TATKS AUK WKAt.THIKST THAT HAVE INVITED MOST IN t;MCATtON Oregon Agricultural College ful Cv,,,n .hip ml ..r,.f, c,tf,,rt n 'tUlu. The Trmif!f ln.!ii,!. i-it v.,-., ,..,. . !Uii.!if4 Tixhntr., c.,;;, Ccu, 1H Trrrn )in.d fkrfHwiU-r 8t. iuj,. ' , ' Tulllim , m I or Infonmtion .