Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, September 07, 1920, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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i t
Tuesday, September 7th. 1020
Mrs. J. W. Stevens was in from
Hal i! mini Thursday.
Mi. and Mrs. V. P. Mulioncy re
ImirJ from Portland Wednesday
oven i riff.
(.'. K. Woodson r.nd family wont
1o I'orLIa ml Wednesday on a short
vacation trip.
Mis. Campbell and Mrs. Hanson
Htifihes were pn-wngers to Portland
Wdii"Silay morning.
Mrs. Pearl Hendry, of North Ya
Vinia, is Hie. guest of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cason.
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Carter were In
front their Hliea creek ranc)i Monday.
Miss Kathryn Pattison went to
Portland last Wednesday for a couple
weeks visit with relatives and friends
Miss Helen W.'iiteis, of Terrebonne
Oregon, who has been the guest of
her brother, Roy V. Whitei.s for sev
eral weeks, has returned home.
' Star Theatre To-night
"Prince of Avenue A"
Joe Anns-Iron?;, of Butter creek,
who helps look afler 13. O. Neill's
sheep business, was a business visitor
In lleppner Monday.
Tom Ollrien, who represents one
of the biggest slieep and ranching
interests on Puller creek, was in
town Sal unlay on business.
Montana where he and J. W. Beynier
summered several bands of sheep,
later shipping them to the Chicago
markets. Prices were not very satis
factory but might have been worse.
Mr. Beymer is now at Chicago with
the last, train load of their shipments.
Star Theatre To-night
"Prince of Avenue A"
Alex Wilson, prominent rancher of
Boardman, was here during the week
visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Wilson and meeting relatives
from Seattle who were here on a visit
while auto-touring the great Inland
Kin pi re.
Married Frank Strader and Miss
Ester (Jraybeal, of Irrigon, were mar
ried at the home of Rev. Livingstone,
last Salurday afternoon, Mr. Living
stone performing the ceremony. The
young couple will reside at Irrigon.
Yesterday being Labor Day the
court house crowd enjoyed a layoff
from their usual daily toil and put
in a mighty hard day's work trying
to decide the momentus question of
who is the best horseshoe pitcher.
The result is yet in doubt, but it Is
said that he school superintendent's
office is several laps ahead of the as
sessor's oflice.
Miss Hello Slaie, who taught In
1h lleppner schools last year, has
accepted a position In the public
schools at Nampa, Idaho, for the
coming year,
James Wilson, whom most every
body in lleppner calls "Jimmie",
tamo over from Pendleton Sunday
evening to visit his parents and sis
ters and, for all we know, some other
fellow's sister. Jimmie used to help
whoop 'er up in Minor & Cos. grocery
department but when Heppner got
too swift for him he moved to Pend
leton where he could get some sleep
4 9 weeks in the year in order to get
ready for the Round-Up.
lleppner has been' darned quit
Hince ihe rain clouds blew away, hut
it bus been a profitable quietness.
Everybody able to do a man's work
in (lie harvest llelils is buBy on some
harvesting or threshing crew.
A marriage license was IhsuciI at
the county clerk's oflice Saturday
iiflemoon to Frank Strader, 18, and
Enter (Iraybnl, M, both of Irrigon.
Mrs. K. M. Shult and daughter;
Miss hssie, who have been spending
some time hi Portland, returned Sun
doy evening.
L. N. Traver, contractor, and John
. I!cnnen. architect of tho Elks'
building and the new lleppner hotel
ranm in Sunday evening to close up
their affairs In connection with the
erection of those bulldliiKH.
Mr. nnd Mrs. S. W. Spencer have
retiirii"d lo Heppner after a trip to
the uorlli during which Mrs. Spencer
visll.'d friends ut Wullii Walla anil
Mr. Sienoer allemleil to business
mailers at Spokane.
Mr and Mm. i '. I,. Sv.H-ek, who
hav I n enjoylm: a vacation at Wil
lam 'He valley ami coast jiolntw, ro
I in n d li ii Siind i They were iir
nniia:i'"d limn IViibnd by hr. anil
Mi i II C. II, an, who cm up for a
lay n it with lleppner friends.
hue Iliad w is in fiiHn Sud Mel
lov. Pn biv and Satinday. Mr. it;
ilnn.- n tr.iM i.f I.oimm III til ll. Vi
li1' ! ihod and he lii'gan Ik lenli.-'
! it a old world this was a
'!- ; r.i ieii evet ImmIv d'
pen. I. . en liof rM.rh for tniinpori
el hi nv. Inn, i the lallroiutn.
I t'ni l,t..n I is returned from
Jim Carty, who owns in fee simple,
the only Tub Springs in Juniper can
yon, and who also owns a small em
pire of range land in that part of the
country, was in town Staurday look
ing for a sheep herder. And Jim
was pretty humble about it too.
Sheepmen generally say that It is
harder to get men who can be trust
ed with several thousand dollars
worth of sheep, than It was In the
bad old times when herders were
looking for jobs at $30 a month.
Mrs. It. J. Vaughan has returned
from Itockaway beach where she was
the guest of Mrs. W. R. Irwin for a
couple of weeks.
J. .. .J. .J. 4. 45!J-flv24 J J J.
v .j.
4. VHtt;jlKVI
This Is to announce that I 4.
J have bought the Heppner Soda
.J. Works outright and will con- 4.
J- tlnue Ihe business In the fut- .J.
J ure. I respectfully solicit a .J.
J share of your patrnnuge and j.
! guarantee satisfaction. !
hi I'i'M it son.i works .j.
j j j j j j j j j j
4. awih i:mi:t 4.
I liuve taken over the Ice
4 liUKlnei.K formerly operated In J
4 runiiortion with the lleppner J
Sola Works and am prepared J
J. lo seive cuslotiieis wlih goed,
iti r-- ice on s'mil notice. .J.
V An ice card in Jour window J.
. will get me. .J.
4 Noiir paliniuite Is reaped- .J.
. fllll) Hollcite.1. 4.
4. j.mi:s cowiNS 4.
: : : : : : : :
Star Theatre To-night
"Prince of Avenue A"
Mrs. E. L. Bucknum. and two sons,
Edwin and Albert, left Monday morn
ing for Mt. Angel, where the boys
will enter Mt. Angel College for the
coming year. After getting her sons
settled at school Mrs. Bucknum wili
make a short visit with Portland
friends before returning home.
We now have on display in our
show room a large and attractive
line of Fall Millinery in the most ex
clusive creations.
The ladies of Heppner and vicinity
are respectfully invited to call and
inspect the same.
19-20 Mrs. L. G. Herren.
Farmers take notice that we make
special quantity prices on meat for
harvest crews. Central Market. 15tf.
Pottland, Ore. Knights Templars
of the state of Washington will no
longer depend upon eastern manufac
turers for their uniforms, as all of
their equipment is now being ordered
in Portland. Oregon grown wool
goes into the coats and even the
chapeau, cap, hat cover, and other
accessories. Even suitcases and
sword- cases are to be turned out in
this city for the Mason3.
Dayton, Ore. Cucumber pickles
are to be put up in barrels this sea
son and shipped from here by the
new Kerr and Badger manufacturing
plant, now getting in shape to handle
the 1920 crop. It will also turn out
several carloads of canned good.
handling pears, berries and apples.
The Dalles, Ore. Crops in Wasco
county aren't worrying the farmers
here this season, for the horn of
plenty seems to have been turned
upside down In this section, If one
is to judge by a survey just complet
ed. The county will produce 1,020,
021 bushels of wheat this year, aver
aging 22 bushels to the acre, as com
pared with 18 In 1919. Alfalfa will
average 2 tons to the acre. There
are 1311 acres planted. Barley will
yield 48 bushels to the acre or a
total of 15,664 bushels. The wool
clip will total 1,000,000 pounds.
Portland, Ore. In the old days
when horse-drawn vehicles were com
nionplace the best-"kept farms were
equipped with automatic gates- so
that drivers could open them by pul
ling a rope. Now the same principal
has been applied to garages with the
result that a Portland man has In
vented an automatic door opener and
Ihe Universal Garage Door Opener
company lias been formed to put It
on the market. Hy means of the
Invention n man may open the door
through applying pressure to an elec
tric plug, while seated In his machine.
Tillamook, with a record of 107.12
pounds of fat. Pal Is In the same
herd as "Pennie", who broke the as
sociation record In June with 115.66
pound of fat.
Redmond, Ore. Morp than 80
farmers of this section have Joined
in the organization of a warehouse
and flower mill company, vhlch In
foon lo furnish ranrhent a local ninr
ket for part of their produce . The
Iti-dmiind Hour mill hut been bought
and will be moved to n location near
the Tum-A'Lum Lumber nuiipunjr's
wai ebuiltse, mIm purchased. The new
company lias a capital t;itk of
$2 j.i'Oii tio.
The IVfoore Hospital
Mi. KAY MOORE. Prop.
assured all patients.
Private Rooms When Desired
AH j .tt u ut s j i i i'cit , to 4 h.niso ihcir i ii
I'lt v 'n i.uii and ourt-KiM
Pikes and terms on application.
Phone Main 94
lUj'j'iur, Orcg'-n
I A paint thai will prevent iliinglin
; f.uiii warpiiu or shrinking and at the
name t.loe al. i pr...il 1 lit ha
1 Joined the rankn of On-con pioducin
riving for lirter ouipui. The Roof
SiM-utlly rninpany, P.ittl.ind. which
iii.iiiol.u niri K the prep.ii al lull, in now
rrectinit new building and installinii
additional I'liulptnent In older lo
double Ihe quantity now b liu made
Cnimci' (roe. Or.--Siting IxMn
n l beirlen n now commit into Col-
UKe llinif r.uini-iy In m h ipi.tnil
ue 111.11 me puni u running on
full lime ba P1.11II1 ally all of
tbo pack h m b n "bl in .n. e,
I'.roaer am teii nlim limn 1 . ; I,
renin for Hlmt benim rUf ..i.
PI M 1 1 I'l lit 11 l
l'nl rul r',!'!, r.il. .) fr,.i i il ti n.
" l' i n ..i'. t- (,;!. k,m in
,J v Tin- r.TI " ..!...! Mrtii
I 74! pound of iniik 32 et
p..un,l of fjt U't ti. i . mil, my
Ihr tip.itl of : It J"it'. r and
O h ' fo'M dijii4ii Hi tler ci
- rndurln nmm lhn ' , ,itld of
I ft 'r numih - ri J1T Tb
Mshwt Tl". ! ,'riw)
row txlinin io . c..l ra of
!j 0-5-e-S-fl-S-0-G-2-S--G-9-S-
Vacation Days Are Over
NOW BACK to work for every one.
School for the young folks. Business for
the rest of us. You will all find that
there are now things to get.
Come Let us Supply your Needs
Just in. Show some splendid values in
the wanted styles. Dress shoes and
business shoes for the business girl as
well as for her younger brothers and
Will prove an economical buy at this
time. Patent leather and gun metal as
well as canvas and all at
Special Prices
Childrens School Dresses
Made from the choicest patterns of Lan
cester Gingham. Fresh colors and made
and trimmed as you would make them
yourself. It is real economy to buy
these dresses and save Mother time and
energies for other things.
For those who wish to make the
childrens clothes, we offer a splendid as
sortment of short lengths, suitable for
dresses, blouses or trimmings.
O Q O Q- C- -3- -$i
I !
I !
l !
-- ...
mato MonsdTTrvr niOot, renorted
many dibtrtoU'btDTjsgulL thig
year, in not a diseatie.
insufficient moisture. It may
rected by proper Irrigation and cul
tivation. Fruits not too badly In
jured may jje used after damafred
part is cuL away. ( ' '
Ex-ervlcp men will be helped to
hold or to renew their was rik In
surance on application to the Ituroau
of war rink Insurance, treauury de-
itortiiK'tit, WiiKhlnRton, D. C. A.O.C
officials will do everything feasible
to IntercM S. A. T. C. and other for
mer service men In keeping up or
renewing their war risk until ron
verted Into government lllp lusur-
ane policies.
!!!! t FOR SALE Modern 4 room, house
4" with Bath. $21.00 If taken at onoe
! Clifled Want Ads 4. Enquire at Heppner Herald. 19-21
. FOR SALE Female Collie pup. 4
months old, guaranteed to make
a good sheep dog and a natural
FOR RENT Two large unfurnished back trller. Price $25. Write
rooms Bujhe for light house- Joe Armstrong, co. E. O. Nelll,
keeping. EBTRHre aJVcNamee Echo' OreK0D-. 19-20
Rooming House, "fWli Wilson
JJotel. -TV-kv 19-20 F0R SALE 1919 Maxwell touring
' -J c Z V .- car; A'X condltln. All new tires;
rpC iat"3' 2 new extra tires; thoroughly orer-
zZT Al hauled recently. A bargain. Call
L 0 3 T omewhere In Heppner. Nor see foreman, Heppner Herald,
bunch of .eyg. Suitable reward V. 7
for return to Herald office. 19tf.
FOR SALE1 A house and two lota.
LOST A 33x4 new Royal Cord Tire Frult 8nade tree ,nd Bn excellent
with spare rim nnd tire cover. garden' Mr- A- E- Blnni. 14tf.
Finder notify Heppner Garage. .
19-20 FOR SALE 1917 Bulck, completely
overhauled, a real bargain. $850
Terms to responsible parties.
FOli SAU: 1JI7 podge, newly overhauled, In
FOR SALE Fine lot of pure-bred excellent condition. Another bar-
llarred Rock Chicken. Call Main gain. $650. Terms as above.
C32. H. ppner. It. Heppner Garage 13tf.
I tt J J J J J J J (
Tlip I lr.1 (lirlMUn tliurrh.
The uual s-rvlc of the Church
will be held on Sunday, consisting
of the llible School at ten o'clock, fol
lowed by Communion Service and
rtearhlng at eleven o'clock.
The evening Services will rnnnlM
of the ChrUtUn Endeavor Service at
seven o'rhxk and song Settle and
l'rri hinK at rUht o'clock. Kvrr-y-one
I cor. I .illy Invited to attenl
thene si rvlcei.
W. O LlvinKione. M'ntslor.
( litlIUll Hi li'lui"
("lirltinn Hit'iirn sen inn ore held
! jr f n.4if imiitiins t 11''
o'tlix-k in I O IV V. hill. Tetl:np)
nixiir. sre h'-U evrry Vidni'.U)
v.-n n at I 00 o'rbx k at th fcoino
of Mrs. Fut"ti Hlorum. All Intel
vIh1 are routia'.ly Inx.t- J to altmU
lhe turvtir.K.
RemodellBI "7s4 I4le TaitnrlBt
Hrt Curra. Cburrh tret S7U
Is What You Want,
You Get It at This Shop.
Cleaning Pressing
Dyeing Repairing
Wc Get Your Work Back on Time
Ahhtu:ti Itnlldlnit, lmr MjUn mm, llrfftwr, Orrgin
TarrW t )nlr fcdlrlte.1 u l ilrn Hfwlaj AllntlMi
. J
j !
t 1