Tuesday. September 7th. 1020 THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON ! PAGE SEVEN - - 1 "There's Mare Real Satisfaction" ALASKA XOTKS says the Good Judge In a little of the Real To tin A PRACTICAL CAR FOR ALL LIGHT HAULING AND DELIVERY A CARLOAD OF DODGES ARE DUE THE FIRST OF NEXT WEEK. IF YOU WANT YOURS YOU SHOULD PLACE YOUR ORDER EARLY. QDGEBRDTHER5 ' BU5INE55 CAR 0 n the Perm The word "EFFICIENCY" means PORDSON TRACTOR The FORDSON will do your plowing, weeding, seeding, hauling any and all of your fall work requir ing motive power quicker, better and at less cost of operation than any other type of power. We will be glad to prove these statements by an actual demonstration of FORDSON merits on your own farm. . LATOURELL AUTO CO. JUST NOW WE HAVE FORDSON FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Alaska is about one-firth the size o the United States. The Brhm Canal timber unit, on the Tongass Forest, southeastern Alaska, has a stand of approximately one billion feet board measure, of which 88 per cent is spruce and hemlock timber, all suitable for pulp wood. Alaska is not all snow and ice. Potatoes, turnips, beets, sugar btets, carrots, parsnips, celery, rhubarb, radishes, onions, cabbages, cueum 'bers and peas are grown in Alaska. Pulpwood will be sold from the Alaskan National Forests with such provisions lot future supply as will assure tho premanence of the in dustry. illl till! According to Government estimat es it is believed that a complete ex ploration 0? the National Forests in southern Alaska will show thai there is a quailer of a million horse power 0 undeveloped water power possibi lities. The records ej the Weather 13ure in Alasl-'a show that the average winter teiuperatune of the ports of Prince William Sound, 30 degrees above ?e."o. is the same as thai of New Yoik and Boston, and that of Nome (i'tro) is' similar to that of Manitot a and Montreal. bacco Chew, than you ever got out of the ordinary kind. The good rich taste lasts so long you don't need a fresh chew nearly as often that's why it costs you less to chew this class of tobacco. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew wiil tell you that. Put tip hi two styles W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco RIGHT CUT is a short -cut tobacco r It is of interest to note in connec tion with possible pulp plants in southeast Alaska that labor inAlaska is accustomed to work on a piece basis rather than on a time basis, and this would probably be reflected in the employment of labor for log ging operations of pulp timbors. AGiucvin n.vL viiodvcts NKKI NKWSIWI'KK JiOTK'H Average of $200 Worth to Farm Should Find Special Market Through Local 1'i-ess An average of $200 worth of sur plus Oregon farm produce per farm should find its way to special mar kets, largely in the community through advertisements in the com munitv mess, pointed out C. J. Mc intosh to the members of the state press association at Astoria, August 14th. "Some of this produce is allowed to co to waste." he declared, "and tome of it Is sold as Htaples in the general market when it is entitled to much higher prices as seed oi ii...,,.,..i, v. ,....(! im niuteiial. "For I1VI. luvn ... u,,t,." or "disDlay" ads in I he home paper would find this market In tli most economical way known. It takes but three per ten, of th total volume of 1 usim sr to ":rry out the advertising policy. Th.u mal.-s nn tieruge of $6 a year to l.nd buy ers l fir the I20U trifle. It was also shovn that the aver ate newspaper in this Mate n-iv 2MI farm. The advertising tevenu of the paper that gets thin business would thus be f 1 COO a year. Thin would be legitimate business for the paper, because It would be dolne ft distinct community service. In fact, the farmer needs the service more than the editor needs the bu Slnehf." Two columns of the Ncwberg Gra iihlc were exhibited, carrying 3 damned ads. The same Issue car rl.d three display farm ads. A I' I ter ftom M. C. Wire Son, large ! poultry breeders, was nail to show I that thn advert IslnK py- Fine Ranch Bargain 160-acre creek ranch, 40 acres ditch, good 7-room house, good barn and other out-buildings. School adjoining. Bargain if taken at once. Easy terms. ROY V. WHITEIS REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE i The pessimist will not ll-sl mom y In t!ie town and be tries to ilU-mirage those who do. If b sees ! a good new building going up be sy: "Tke It ftom me Hint man ni never gel mom than 2 per rent on .n,.f iinn'i voii know?" tlilriK a pi'y of gy like Hist Kx. OIU4.0N KTtTK KAIU Fifty ninth Annual Oregon Htate Fair. Halem. September 27 to October .i.u.mttil agricultural, live- Iirh and industrial exhibits, excel lent rant, superb horseahow. high class arnusementa greater and bet i,.r than ever before, 14 "1 A. H. L'a, secretary, S-'alern Thrift tiro , liefttnn county farm ers, did some d.ep plowing mi run ,lMn land lt tall, and this )'f ran ie',1 to the v-ry drill row hr.' hi. l,v It.e bfttef rP. Tl. .nnuslly Md " " r!,,v,f ,, the Ilenton I' arm Bureau Ns t '!i!i! f l jk l) f, . if . '"If .;''. f i 1 1 r - I A' '...,!. Reproduces All Tonal Beauties STILL the very latest and most advanced in phono graphs ia The Brunswick. This remarkable instru ment has attracted nation-wide attention. Chiefly because of the Brunswick Method of Reproduction. This new development brings finer tone for every record, what, ever make. No other instrument hat these advanced idcat. Now Brunswick Records We bring now at further contribution to the phono graphic art our own make oi records. We include all the fine standard of today, yet add what we consider a vast improvement. And tins we know will be the verdict of the t.ublic. This is the sreret each Brunswick PecorJ is inter preted by noted director or an arcornplihcl aitiit tech nically trained in the art of recording. 1 hits we unite the UUnt of the aiti&t with the genius of the composer. We feel ture that vott will recognise the betterment brought out by this Idea. We want you to judge Bruns wick Keeords by those same severe testa with which people have judged Brunswick I'honcigrapha. And that la by comparison, Kemember Brunswick Records will play on any phono, graph with tteel or fibre needle. Juit Hear The Brunswick and Be Convinced OSCAR O TJT0 Music ifouse !M I.JM'MHM MlTTl.tl I admlr th man ho taugbs at danger, don't " " No, I think h bi mlrbtf V" cm. of burner." Boston Tranaerlt t