'-way PAGE FOUR THE HEPPNER HEKALD, HEPPNER. OREGON Tuesday, September 7th. 1020 THE HEPPNER HERALD AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER S. A. PATTISOX. Kditor and Publisher Entered at the Heppner, Oregon, Postoffice as second-class Matter Terms of Subscription One Year $2.00 Six Months $1.00 Three Months So. 50 n .7- H Tm.i THE MIGRATORY BIRD LAW Politics and outdoor sports have become badly mixed in Oregon. The fish and game commission has been fre quently on one side or the other of controversies and the Jaws concerning fish and game have numerous jokers. The migratory bird law is an example of this situation which right now is timely. Most of the states in the union have submitted to the federal law regarding the shooting of migratory birds. Be cause of the treaty with Canada and the habits of these birds, zones extending across the United States have been designated, with uniform game law which is in conflict with the federal law. The federal law, according to constitution, takes pre cedence over a law of any state in contradiction. The state law, however, is not ignored. The federal law opens the season in this section on September 16, but last year hunt ers who had ducks were confronted with state authorities and told that the state does not open the season until Oc tober ist. The federal law closes the season December 31, but the state makes the close January 15. Persons hunting during ibis season violate the federal law, those who hunt between September 16 and October 1 are in danger of arrest by the .state officials. With four weeks thus in the danger zone, hunters in ibis section feel thev must be unduly wary. They are us ing all influV'tice they can bring to bear to have the state acquiesce to federal sovereignty and follow that this season As yet the state has not bowed and stepped down. Pend leton hast ( 'reonian. 0 DECENT PROFIT WILL REVIVE BUYING You Can't Get Away From 'Em 0 11 . '"' Z '--v weks op rest cowsoar rQ k v-Ti awv r" tHkT T"3 M" ll!!IMIIHIIIIIIIHlllll for the next twenty-five years exercise constant diplomatic, economic and financial pressure in Europe and Asia to check militarism, restore production, revive trade and sup press hatred, not in the Wilsonian manner of lifting eyes to heaven in a fine frenzy and leaving the open pockets to tally ungarded, but through the Roosevelt-Hoover manner of applying quiet practical pressure in the most vulnerable spot. September Sunset. -VA LET'S NOT BRAG LET'S ADVERTISE ! The depressed state of mind of the average laziness man is due to the fact that he was caught with large quan tities 'f high-cost goods, in stock ordered, and with an expensive organization in a falling market. The courts at present are dogged with actions brought bv linns which sold goods at high prices only to find that the buyer re fused acceptance be cause he found he could get them much cheaper, l'.ieilic coast linns, for instance, suffered large losses because Cuban importers refused to pay for rice that they had ordered for eleven cents when the price dropped to m cents. I'.ut these linns did not complain when thev bought six -cent rice eight months ago and sold it for eleven cents. Still, the situation is not serious. Lower pries had to mine sooner or later. In several lines, as lor instance wol, hides and beans, they arc entirely too low at the prices quoted in July. The demand for clothes made of wool and for leather shoes has been temporarily diminished below normal because most of the manufacturers and dea lers in these commodities profiteered so outrageously that the diguted public ceased buying. When the average man is convinced that manufacturers and dealers will no longer skin him. but will be satisfied with a fair, decent pioht, be will lesume his purchasing, for he needs the goods and be has the money to buy them. The full extent o the outtaged fuling was revealed by the short livid vet all crac. It was merely the country wide spoiit.ui eon, o -m' u-tion (, accumulated wrath an I indignation. September Sunset. o "BUNK" IN PLATFORMS ABOUT PEACE TREATY When you have smashed the line, or saved the nation, When you have climbed the icy Matterhorn, When you have hit the bulleye of Creation, . When you have grown the record yield of corn, When you have skinned the crowd which tried to skin you You naturally want the crowd to know. When you have scooped the .orld, there's something in ycu As hard to smother as a rooster's crow, Cut take my tip however much you prize it, Don't brag about your stunt, but advertise it ! How many a 'man you've known both wise and witty, But wasted wit too much in bragging of it. How many a favored woman would be pretty, But loves her face so much you cannot love it. None of us like this being told forever That wit is wit and beauty beauty. No; We like to think we, too, are somewhat clever At finding two-times-hvo is really so. Then the rcmfcdy let me advise it Boast not your chiefest charm, but advertise it! Now, I know poets who would give an eye-tooth To write, well, say, as I do if you please. It's not their fault they cannot paint a high truth In words which stick and stay with you, like these, Nor is it my fault that I have the" fashion Of putting in this punch the way 1 do; It's merely that I know your own pet passion, because I m just a common dub like you. mi see 1 do not brag. No, I de.-pise it; 1 merely write the stulT and advertise it! Edmund Vance Cooke I'M KM K KM 111 Y SOIHail M Mll.l, Kiirni bureau members of Hen tun emi Ply hnve buuKlit a sorghum mill, wliii-h they export to Mart up early In September. No announcement of a ''molumeH bee" bai been made all that In needed to make things look aa they do "back east." TIIK HOIND-IP Pendleton. Or., September. New relay string from California. promis ing even faster relay and pony n presa races than heretofore. - be seen at Hie 1520 Hound l p which open Thiii-ilay, Pi pietnher 23 and ho for three il.tyn. These Milng will compete aiMliiKt the old f,i..ite who have thrilled ttotind t'p audien ces for years past. Indiana of theUmatilla reservation In spite of the hlfch cost of getting Indianx to perform, will be in the parades and much In evidence at the show this year. There will be at leant GOO of the natives and their cayuHca In the parades, lending that element of savage finery that la so appealing to those who come here to see the real west. Koads leading to Pendleton are be ing put in the best possible condition for auto travel and each will be gen erously maiked wtih signs to point the correct way to the Kound-t'p city Special efforts have been made to ptiiVlde ampin accmiuidntlois for auto tourists and they are also to find enouch gasoline here to start them homeward with a full t.ink. - - DOWN TO THE LAST "RED NICKEL" Stubs to individual bank checks are arranged like this: Balance brought forward Amount deposited Total Amount of this check Balance carried forward By making the proper entry on each check stub, you can know at all times the exact amount to your credit in the bank. The record is complete and re- liable. It can be kept up-to-dat easily each entry at the time of transaction. I .0af FIRST NATIONAL BANK Heppner, Oregon iiiiiiiii:iiwiiiiii!niiin:!iiiii!;i!iii;!!iu !i;;iiiiiiii!'iiiniiiiiiii!iiniiiii:iiiiiiiiii,iw'' The Rcund-Up feat sale opens Mon day, September 6. HACK TO TIIK I'KI.MITIVK Mr. Vrbanky "I see your buy:' are avim; a great time up there on the hill aignuling playing Indians t suppose?" Farmer lieini 'riaylng nothing! They're signaling the price of eggs to the next farm our telephone service is so dolderoed punk." New York World UK MMMi:i) SO I.AIU.K Just as the train was about to start, a very stout man struggled Into a carriage and sank Into a seat, breathing heavily. A small boy who sat opposite ap peared to be fascinated. His ardent gaze eventually began to annoy the fat man, wtto demanded, angrily: "What are you.'taring at n e forTV "Please, sir." replied the lad. "there is nowhere else to look." Answer HOKTUTIITKAL A teacher in an Englcwood school asked the other dny: "How many kiii'ls of (lowers aro there?" Three pupils held up their handr-. She chose one to reply. 'Well, Isidore, how many kinds of flowers arc there?" 'Three, teacher." "Indeed? And what are they?" 'Wild, tame, an' collie." Phila delphia Lutheran. Subscribe for the Herald and get nil the county news. Only 12 a year. lDUTICMIi POINTS 'And whom did you vote for. Miss Sophy?" 'Well, you see, the Republican was simply stunningly good-looVlng. But the' Democrat had always been perfectly splendid to his family, so t marked both ballots, closed my eyes, shuffled them, put one In the bm and tore up the other. Not Kb a; could be fairer than that." Mfe. The pkitt'oti'iN ot' lu.ih panics were designed with a low (old purpose, lo s.iw t1H. i.u'c of the party leaders and to -pte.i.l the votc'cttinn hotu-y of in c a u i u 1 c s s protnisis (.tr as lai-jc a miH.ui' as possihlo. Nowhere ln-s the iuahty of lliis face-saving, vole-catching plat foim hunk hccoinc more apparent llian in ihe planks de voted to the leading issue, ihe League of Nations. I he I K'in.'t i atic platform builder profess to believe lh.it Mr ilson's policies and actions would have brought the M 'luunum tf the wicked Republicans had imt lacked Ins lues .oid dt.uned bis gasoline tank. Knowing f.,' vvell that llu-v can't g. what thev ak for. thev demand ratio rati, ti . the Tte.ity practicallv in its pte'seiit form. The KtpuUu.ins, on the other band, tiv to phase all nrictie .f Ifeatv opponent by deiioucing the Covenant in am btgoiis phrases tlevotd of meaning Neither paity touches the be.itt of the problem which lies in the conditions ,,f the impel ialitic peat e tte.itv vv bt h the I .eigne of Nait. tis is to ttph..h. Neither patty promises to use America' limitless economic and financial power to redeem the brok- n pledge of the l oiuieen Point. Neither p.utv seems to t .iho that Ann ma, whether it wants to or tut. tnu.t EDUCATION PAYS IOK TIIK IMUVIIU VI, .M t'Olt TIIK HTATK A Person with No Kilucmion has but One I'hanre In ISO, 000 to llt nd. r I'lstlnKiiUhed Service to the Public. With Common (" ho.il Kducatlun 4 Chunr.-s With High School Fducntion .... 7 Chances With Colli ge Kdurallon i0 Chance Are You Giving Your Child His Chance? TIIOSK 8TVT1:.-? AKK WKVt.THIKST THAT HAVE INVESTED MOST IN EDfCATlON Oregon Agricultural College ThtoiKh a l.ltx rjl and Practical rducalli-n" pre paira h Voutig Miin and Young Woman for f ful Citiirn hlp and S iccessfiil Onrrert In vi. itu 1 1 ti in", t vi.ivi i itiii. vii mm;, ikimi: iniMiMioH. ovivii iu r. nivuMViv. nmt iuv. x VTiovw. I lt CATION. The Trlnlrg In. tu.!.- rilSI-'Al. l:tCC.T10. MfSr. I NCI.I II Mopt UN t.VN.a-V:k. .vur and the Othrr .... nt..u of a Stuh.l. rd Trshtiirsl foil. g Coufe tail Trrin o,. .irtnt-f 8, li. Tuition U I me, IVr tofotii atloa write to THE llM.loTllVll, Omt.Ni .igrirultnral ( wile, CmJli. trr.m. CLOTHES THAT KNOCK THE H. C. OF L INTO A COCKED HAT ou'll give a vital blow to old High Cost of Living when you order your suits and overcoat I offer 7 PER CENT OFF on SUITS and OVERCOATS until September 18th Make your selection while our assortment of new weaves is complete. J'.c measured toda. anvtlun, iJf1 ?L,N DRY CLEAN anvthmgm l.ad.cs and Men's wearing apparel. Heppner Tailoring and Cleaning Shop C FRAN2EN, Proprietor 5 t 1 :1 s.