- - . - .. 7- K. Tuesday, September 7th. 1920 THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE THREE ri NOTICE Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, under the laws of the state of Oregon, have taken up the animals hereinafter described while running at large on my premises in Morrow county, near Castle Rock, Oregon, to-wit: 1 Buckskin gelding, 8 years old, 1000 pounds, branded camp stool on left shoulder and quarter circle W on right hip. 1 Bay mare, 4 years old, spider, brand on right shoulder. 1 Bay mare, 3 years old, 900 pounds, spider brand on right shoul der. 1 Bay mare, 8 years old, 800 pounds, branded LD on left hip. - 1 Roan mare, 3 years old, 900 i. r itounds, spider brand on right shoul "QrIer. 1 Gray stallion, 4 years old, 1000 pounds, branded KF on right hip. 1 Black stallion, 3 years old, 900 pounds, spider brand on right shoul der. 1 Brown stallion, 3 years old, 900 pounds, branded quarter circle three on left hip 1 Sorrel mare, 3 years old, 900 pounds, spider brand on right shoul der. 1 Bay mare, 8 years old, 800 pounds, branded HI on right shoul der. 1 Blue mare, 2 years old, spider brand on right shoulder. 1 Bay gelding, 6 years old, 900 pounds, spider brand on right shoul der. 1 Bay gelding, 6 years old, 800 pounds, branded HI on right shoul- c y 1 Black mare, 2 years, old, spider brand on right shoulder. 1 Buckskin gelding, 5 years old, 900 pounds, branded bar above tri angle on right hip. 1 Bay gelding, 6 years old, 850 pounds, spider brand on right shoul der. 1 Roan mare, 4 years old, 900 pounds, branded HI on right shoul der. 1 Chestnut mare, 5 years old, 800 pounds, spider brand on right shoulder. 2 Brown mares, 2 years old, spider brand on right shoulders. 1 Blue mare, 3 years old, 900 pounds, spider brand on right shoul der. 1 Blue mare, 6 years old, 1000 pounds, branded HI on right shoul- 1 Black mare, 2 years old, spider brand on right shoulder. 1 Roan mare, 6 years old, 800 pounds, Bpider brand on right shoul der. 1 Blue mare, 4 years old, 900 pounds, branded HI on right shoul der. 1 Gray mare, 15 year old, 900 pounds, branded 37 on right hip, has sucking colt. ' 4 Colts, 2 years old, (1 bay, black, 1 sorrel, 1 roan) branded small 6 or L on left hip. 1 Gray mare, 6 years old, 900 pounds, branded bar above triangle on right hip. 1 Gray mare, 9 years old, 950 pounds, branded HI on right shoul der. 1 Blue yearling, spider brand on right shoulder. 1 Sorrel mare, 4 years old, 900 pound, branded JTL connected on left hip, has bay yearling coll, no brand. 1 Hay mare. 10 years old, 900 pounds, branded III on right shoul Uer. 1 Sorrel (folding, 7 yearn old, 800 pounds, blotched rplder brand on rlvht shoulder. That I will on Saturday, September 15,1920, at the hour of 10:00 o'clnc In the forenoon of said day, unless the name shall have been redeemed ii! what Is known a the Miirxhn corrall. In Six-mile canyon, about four (4) tnlli-n went of Castle Hock, In nald comity and s'nte Ml each and nil of iinld animals to the hlthest and .et bidil'T f'r raih In hand for the purpose of p.iylnn the rout of ink ing up. hoMlnit and Mlint; unM anl t.,l teothT with rpamnabl da-f.iaK- for the Injury rauwd by alt animals running at largn on laid premium. M. C. Marshall (4) For the furnishing and installa tion of a light plant, all to be in ac cordance with plans and specifica tions now in the hands of M. F. Wadsworth. school clerk of the afore said district. Each and every bid must be ac companied by a check in an amount equal to ten per cent of the total a mount of the bid submitted certified by a responsible bank of account. The board reserves the right to re ject any or all bids, and to waive irregularities in the bids. By order of the school board oj District 10, Morrow. County, Oregon. A. H. Allen, Chairman. M. F. Wadsworth, Clerk. Dated August 25, 1920. 18-20 to Dr. W. J. Kerr at once. GOOD SEED COKX SELECTED To start a good corn crop right for next year, the best growers are planning to select their seed in the field this fall. Farm bureaus, county agents, and farm crops extention specialist, W. S. Carpenter, will con duct seed selection demonstrations in some of the leading corn counties. Board of Equalization Meeting of the John Day Irrigation District Notice is1 hereby given, that the Board of Directors of the John Day Irrigation District, acting as a board of equalization, will meet in Room 6 of the Roberts Building, Heppner, Oregon, on Tuesday, October 5, 1920, at the hour of 8 A. M. for the pur pose of correcting and reviewing its assessment and apportionment of taxes levied on land within the boundaries of the said John Day Ir rigation District. John Day Irrigation District By F. R. Brown, Secretary. Notice of Final Settlement THE FARMERS' KICK Freight rates have been increased 2 5 per cent, which means that it will cost about $44 more to ship a car of wheat to Portland than fermerly. This means that 88,000 pounds of wheat will be worth just that much less at the warehouse in Condon than under the old rate, for the buyers will figure that way and they set the price. Yet when the farmer goes to buy his implements the price will be raised by the amount that it costs above the old price to get them here. All of the other things he buys will be raised in price by the increased freight rate. In this instance he gets it in the neck both as producer and consumer Other producers set the price for what the place on the market, and pass the increase along to the buyer. The farmer is the sufferer by both of the increases. And after he has received a lower figure for his wheat on account of the Increased freight rate, doubtless the mill again raises the price of flour and collects the increase again. This collecting of the bill that the farmer paid is doubtless an endless chain and the sooner a week link is found in it and business brought back to a semblance of honesty, the less chance there will be for the bol shevists, the non-partisans and oth ers of their ilk. Condon Globe. draulic engineer, has been selected to head that work at O. A. C. and aid in the water power development of the state. He was trained in a western university and was for three years professor of hydraulics and irrigation work at the University of Washington, Seattle. He knows western water development conditions. Subscribe for the Herald, ?2 a year. IRRIGATION MAN OBTAINED Harry Roggers, a highly trained and experienced irrigation and hy- T. R. BROWN agent for GUARANTEED LOW COST LIFE INSURANCE; FIRE, HAIL, ACCI DENT AND HEALTH INSURANCE TWO GOOD RESIDENCES IN HEPPNER FOR SALE. PRICED RIGHT. A LIMITED AMOUNT OF PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN. Office Upstairs in Roberts Building Phone 643 .Heppner, Oregon IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MORROW COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of Annie I. Matlock, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, Administratrix of the Estate of Annie I. Matlock, deceased, has filed her final account in the County Court of Morrow County, Oregon, and that Wednesday, the 9th day of September. 1920, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, and the County Court room in the County Court House at Hpnnner. Morrow County. Oregon, 1b the time and place set for the hear- Ine of obiections thereto, and the settlement thereof. Letha A. Patterson, Administratrix bf the Estate of An nie I. Matlock, deceased. First publication August 31st, 1920 Last publication September 28, 1920 3 ' A PROFESSIONAL CARDS A, J t J ? Dr. R. J. VAUGHAN A DENTIST A A Permanently located in Odd- - A A fellow's Building A A Heppner -:- Oregon A J J J J 1 Dr. A. D. McMURDO PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Telephone 122 Office Patterson's Drug Store Heppner -:- Oregon V A ' HORSES IN DEMAND I HANDLE NORMAN'S ICE OHI BEST IN THE WORLD II NOT TAKE A BUCKET DM McAlee & Aiken FRANK SHIVELY ' PARCTICAL HORSESHOER AT SCRIVNER'S BLACKSMITH SHOP Lame and interfering horses carefully attended HEPPNER " :o: OREGON "PERMANENT AS THE PYRAMIDS" Concrete Pipe Company Manufacturers Sewer and Water Pipe Irrigation Pipe Culvert Pipe Hollow Silo Blocks Cement Products The demand for mules to work in in the Taxas oil nelas has neany denuded Kansas of mules which are selling at phenominally high prices Montana and Nebraska have been drawn upon heavily and now Kern county is shipping horses to compete with the mules In the new oil fields, With the rapidly mounting costs of fuel, oil, rubber and machinery th economic factor of the horse cannot be ignored and the more trucks and are put in use the greater demand there will be for the horse. Each have their uses, and each is supple mental to the other. With every sec tion of new land brought under cul tivation, with every new oil field op- ened up, with every new enterprise established by trucks and tractors, there is an Increased demand for the horse that can do the work. Tho lines are sharply drawn be tween drafter and Inefficient, the weaklings being incxoribly scrapped the demand being for bigger and weightier liors- with more quality spread and bottom. II O O S T (Anon) Booul your city, boost our friend. Mount the Indue ihut you attend, Mount i'io mreet on which you're dwelling, Moort the good that you are Fclhnc Mount 1 lie people round about you. They ran M't along without you, I It) l men,. will quicker hill! lll'MII If they know that you're behind Ihem I!oit for eery forward movement, l!o!t for evt-iy new Improve-men', IIookI the man fur whom you labor, tlirtmt the niritifr and the ni'lit! hor. iVnue 10 be a chronic knocker. Pat-.! and Or.t put-li-h-d thli 24 ,avl "'- .. .1,.. ..t a,....,,.! a n. ii?n I7.it 'I' I""''1 "",h" ,,,ir b,,,l,r Vire T't MulMIng Coiitrai tor II110M It to i.r final li iier. Conn llHoKIs Mlii,AI. IN l'IMM Api-li' r I:Ii'm.h u!' I'X iik-h of !!, 0. A wo'ild l w ! Mini il by Ihr f nt,,!H!""'. l'I'if. C. II Ai any I'.itm p lor to P'-von (7) f'rli.rk I. M. of Wtil-imlar th- 22nd i' iy tf .'pti-tl.W. l-'Irt. 'he H tirwil ll.it-. I of . tmnl I'iclri"! No lft. of M'lfnw I'tumty. ii: HI ri - Rt tin of M t'. Wi:nh rrlrn, f ' sli hi : (I). f'T i!. : !' mi'l labor 6mit to n4 fr ihf rfrio n f a 'f.' 't ! iot k'ivI Im Mine. In (or .-d ,rt ol d..'i!r' Vi 1" M"o Clin- )!"". " "f '' tr 'n.rron. m movM-I for tnd 4I-' lt.rn 11 :i -l r.4 in rr.uin ..l.n. M -$.-inr. r.o-r Th-r mu.i r l,on 'in the h.ftdi of M. r. ,'. coli-,.- fr,otii,.nd.iu,n. M V...ortn. t l'rirc-5, (nrtnn C) ,"" ff"'l 'f ' 'i'l'D for furn hiM InmtUtlon rommut. Winn.f may M.nl 0 ' t h-t f .T'-m 3l K-r th- ford, .nl.nd. for Ihr. f i'....i.ii.ii4ihii.-u;iaH..i.f th fiir r-' Th"" "' K , r'ili u" . I .1 fl r l lf !.! )'' h p tr r.,t glum t k h il.tr- I'Tt'll) (imf, -rf tmy. No 1 1 ! k i r"iiir l ,r! p, KMl ply ft ty. At t 11 1 A .J. A .. .J. A .U A A A A A ! A F. A. McMENAMIN A I 4 LAWYEIt A (--- -- - J A 1 A Office Phone Main 643 A I A Residence Phone Main 665 ' " " - ' ' I A Roberts Bulldine A III! A Heppner -:- Oregon 4 III .;. U A A A A A A A A A A A A A A III " " " A A A A A A A A A A A A A A ! S. E. NOTSON .J nil J. A TTOIl.V E Y-AT-LA W A 111! f ... . -M J urtlce in Court House A I III A Heppner -:- Oregon A 1 1 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A. I llll WOODSON SWEEK .J-j A llll I -t. ITTiilll'L'V T tm llll A M.ionlc Duildlng A i III ! A Heppner Oregon A ' A A A A A A A A A A A A A A ' ' ' i' : : : : : : : j ; J. PAM E. VAN VACTOIt A A ATTilt.M;Y-.T-I.AW A : A fimi Naiional Hank llMq. A A Hrppner -:- On gon A - : ! A A A A A A A A A A A .J. A A j W-X-H-X- : -J- .X-K-K-xJ J. iiiti; iNstittNo: a; ' :j:f UIBlldm a irrpnir : Oft-on a I III x-x-:-x-:- : -x-x-x-x-; is Dee j A I'llV.-lflAN and Ftli'.KON A !: "We Have It, Will Get It ' Or It Is Not Made". I a iom: fifrfin . Phone 467 1003 North 10th St Walla Walla, Wash THE HEPPNER HERALD, ONLY $2.00 A" YEAR Headquarters for McCormick 1 Deering Binders Mowers, Headers and Rakes hVIII -mm, i uylit.,.IIIUIUa We carry a complete stock of repair parts for these machines, Bin der Twine, and all small tools an d equipment needed for your liar vest. GAS ENGINES I. H. C. and Fairbanks-Morse carried in stock. Larger sizes up to 15 h. p. ordered on short notice. Farmers and stockmen from Kit tcr and other northern Grant county points are invited to make our big, ncwstore thcirjicad ,(ti.irUr when in Heppner. V JMk. OPCBATC3 ON HCROSCNC i s Jt J s bs !