Tuesday. August 24th. IQ20. THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER. OREGON PAGE SEVEN v News t si Portland, Ore. While a large proportion of the woolen mills in the east are either shut down at the pres ent time or running slack on ac count of lack business, those in this territory are running their normal capacity and some maintain double shifts, a-report presented here shows. Throufeh the establishment of a local market it has been possible to recent ly develop a large yarn and knitting industry. As an experiment, direct trade with both South America and China has been opened up by an Ore gon mill and it has been ascertained that these fjedls are practical, ofer desireable business and that the mills on the coast hold advantages in reach ing them. ion i I Manufacturing rights on the Paci fic coast for a new stoker with auto matically feeds the cheapest grades of coal screenings in the fire box of furnaces have been secured by the Portland Wire and Ironworks, which is now turning out this new product. The secret of the stoker is a worm that feeds from the hopper into the fire-box. It is particularly advantag eous in apartment houses, hotels and industrial plants. zation of Bend business men has been formed and will operate a quarry. This will turn xut building blocks. Bend, Deschutes county, prelent3 a good opening for a mattress factory There is a by-product from one of the machines of a slat factory of excels ior made from Juniper timebr. It is superior to ordinary excelsior which enters into the manfacture of mattresses. Write C. S. Hudson, Pre sident, First National Bank of Bend. Tillamook, Ore. Made-in-Tilla-11100k products are to be played up at the county fair to be held here in September. The exhibits will include the first Oregon products display shown in the coast town of this sec tion. ; Albany, Ore. Many growers in this vicinity pronounce the hop liop crop the best in many years. Numerous yards will double last vear's yield. Picking begins about September 1st. Hood River, Ore. Complete recov ery from effects of the extreme cold is being made by the Wasto county orchards, investigation has proven Damage was practically limited to cherry trees. Portland. Ore. Another step in foreign trade expansion from this port was taken by the steamer West Nivaria, the first to load with a gen eral cargo for north China points She is carrying, in addition to lum ber, wheels, trucks and stringers .for railroad cars on lines being built in Machurian territory by the Japanese occupants. Salem, Ore. Loganberry growers in this vicinity will clear no less than $8 58,000 from their crop this season, according to the estimate of a local buyer. This income will be higher than any previous season because of higher prices paid. Hood River, Ore. R. P. Loomis, New York apple merchant, who is one of the chief owners of the lava bed orchard, a large upper valley tract, has arrived with his family for a va cation on the upper valley resort place. While in. the Northwest, Mr. Loomis will study crop and market conditions of Yakima, Wenatchee and Ugue river, as well as in Hood River Ashland, Ore. Even the old hen is doing big business this year, for the Ashland Ashbellent Egg society has disposed of 6245 dozen eggs dur ing July. These brought prices up to 51 cents. Portland, Ore. Not only is the donkey engine getting its chimney muzzled these days by Jhe Adams Spark Arresters company, but the concern is just now beginning manu facture of a similar contrivance for locomotives. The new device sepa rates sparks and smoke through cen trifugal motion. Salem, Ore. Approximately 1,- 500,000 pounds of evergreen black berries will be marketed in Salem tohis season, according to W. G. Al len, of Hunt Bros.' cannery, who has completed a survey of thelocal berry situat'on. Based on the prevailing pricq of 6 cents a pound the berries will net the growers $90,000. Two lrilHon pounds of the berries were handled in Salem last year, but be cause of heavy frosts in January, many of the vines were ruined ami thj production decrjiistd. Hood River, Ore. Sixteen mem bers of the X. P. U. club, composed chiefly of women who attended Paci fic university at Forest Grove, will assemble this week at Sunshine shan ty, the Dee homestead place of Mrs. Edith Tozier Weathered and brother, Albert Tozier. The party will remain ten days. Sunday the reunionists will visit the Devil'sPunch bowl, near Winans on the west fork of Hood river, for a picnic. A sumptuous dinner is planned. Mr. and Mrs. J, F. Watt, local pioneers, are members of the Pacific university alumni and will join the reunion party. ry It Out Yourself" says the Good Judge MJ .i 'And you will find how much more satisfaction a . little of this Real Tobacco1 gives you than you ever got from a big chew of the ordinary kind. The good, rich, real to bacco taste lasts so long; you don't need a fresh . chew nearly as- often. So it costs you less. Any man who uses the Keal lobacco Chew will tell you that. Put up in two styles , W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco RIGHT CUT is a short-cur. tobacco Service Hood River, Ore. Fifty-nine full carloads and several smaller addit ional shipments of strawberries went out thjs year from Hood River, figur es just compiled show. The fruit brought record prices ranging from $4.05 to $5.93 a crate. Portland, Ore. Much to the sur prise of officials of the West Coast Specialty company, they have found that people in West Indies like knock down kitchen furniture and a mark et for such goods has unexpectedly developed there in the past few weeks The company is already shipping to the Orient and New Zealand, having solved one of the secrets of economi cal packing by turning out goods that lie absolutely fiat In their crates. Forest Grove, Ore. About eight tons of logganberrles and an equal number of cherries are now being turned out daily by the Brownsville Canning company . here. Since the season opened it haB been running almost full capacity. Bend, Ore. To ' provide a steady supply of high grade building stone to meet the local demand an organi- Is What You Want, You Get It at This Shop. Cleaning Pressing Dyeing Repairing Wc Get Your Work Back on Time LLOYD HUTCHINSON Aslibaugli nnildlng, Jiower Main Street, Heppner, Oregon Tareel Post Orders Solicited and Given Special Attention Fine Ranch Bargain 160-acre creek ranch, 40 acres ditch, good 7-room house, good barn and other out-buildings. School adjoining. Bargain if taken at once. Easy terms. ROY V. WHITEIS REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE ROB Astoria, Ore. Oil and gas resour ces in this vicinity are to be investi gated by the Lower Columbia Oil & Gas company, organization of which has Jus been perfected. Its first well will be driven In the Lewis and Clark river section. Hermlston, Ore. Forty thousand dollars will be distributed this year among the farmers of the Umatilla project through the sale of one of their by-products, extracted alfalfa honey. Banks.Ore. In an effort to arouse Interest in construction of an Inland highway from Portland to Astoria, passing through Forst Grove, Banks. Manning. Buxton, Scoflelrt and Ver nonla. a highway association having Ls-w nun hers has lust been orgaulied J ' jin this section. A big meeting has m'heen called for August 18 when state t officials and representative of Htute- wldo organizations will le present to hear the plan discussed. la de ieppner L :l.it Hvrmisinn. Ore. A new, modern $12,0ort moving pirtut" house built liyloeiil riijiitul, l nearinu completion i at lleriiiiston. I Asliliind.Ore. l-nr t !-l;l!u Is now In progress In li.e Itoirtie rlwr nll -jr. The green ft nil ore t. lnt! prepared, for shipment by "h" fi'" parkin phnis of the Ahlaml runt nd J'i ilure asMirlnt in. i 10 cents a Loaf Products of the Heppner P.akery arc all made right here in Heppner and in pia lity and healthfulncss they are the epial of the Host Maker's I'roduct anywhere in n egon. About io cents of every dollar we take in is spent in Heppner for rent, taxes, materials, fuel, light and water and scores of other commodity that go to make ii) every day business and living expenses. 11V not hell) t( luilld 111) VOIir OWTl tOWII hv l.uvinrr I I el, till, r. in-,, I,. I'.r,.-.,l III. . .' - , '"I I ......iv other laker s products instead of patronizing dealers in outside irodu is who send to cents out of every u of your hrcad money to Portland to help build up that city at the expense of your own little town. Wha t do Portland bakers do to help build up ) Icppner ? Nothing. Then ry continue to send them your hrcad money when by so doing vou are helping ' pull down a home industry that is doing what it can to help build up Heppm-r. Think it over. '1 ry a loaf for your morning toat. It's only to cents a loaf at Thonw,n ;r,)V) phtlps (irorcry Co. or at The Heppner A HOME INDUSTRY Hood Ktv. r. Ore fifteen thaus ', and dollar I" being spent this suin- 4 'Vt.er In repairs to the areu.u-e of , wh ,pjiie Grower's assiwiHtiiin. Thin .lll Kieatly IfiTeaie their rlu.lt ( r La Grande. Ore - 1". ;p'-t i.. In' oil. Tl raPntls il II ftl'IU f e.f.ll B'T'e Hurt will n-t h e:.l f.iri'i- r s n.i.i. Inrtlib!.- Mill!. IIS l) ha Ii'-' n l.freteil i' ( K.1.'.!l fur it 1 he ' 'III t.lun'H .ni- a '.t t.ims i.ii a( ii.n"h In ll. .tf!" tt''l" ile) I i I'ot'l.ir.d. " Hr'ne li.arirsrs for uiotnr Ir irks u d In hiiuiina iia rine. lusting fctid SiiMiill mtirhlnerjr lire miiong 'he pr"l'K "f ' Notth vr.i. tn Ili fmmdty. Mrh hs ni.n rerrn'ly mnimrted to ti k a sp-risl tif ftin f"r tni!k run-J.-ner and varttum tanks. Ih main product of tbe plaDt la btotil labl'ta nd n.ei.l -ttr. Bakery Interpreted by Noted Directors K :i iTt i MJ!i Bf i-i w i i-rr-ra The Greatest Record Idea FTER long preparation we announce Brunswick Kecordi. With the lirunswick history of musical achievement before you. it ia assured that thrv An not follow the ordinary. Noted director! interpret the musical theme of each record. Thua we unite the talent of the artist with the geniua of the composer. We bring a new guiding hand into record making. The application of this fundamental necessity has made each Brunswick selection a beautiful musical picture. Kach is developed as it would be directed by its creator. And the individuality of the artist is skilfully emphasized. No one who enjoys beautiful music and wishes to hear eminent artists deliver the composer's version tan fail to become enthusiastic over this newest Brunswick accom plishment. Remember Brunswick Records will play on any phono graph with kteel or fibre needle. I'raise ii instant when one bears The Brunswick. Come in and hear the new Brunswick and Brunswick Kecor . it H ' 111 ". ' T !, ' '.: .. ' I ' f" , ' OSCAR OTTO Music House