V w I f Tuesday. August 24th. 1920. THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER. OREGON PAGE THREE SHIPPING PKOBLKM VITAL TO PHODITKRS The shipping problems of the Pa cific Northwest are becoming acute and demand the serious thought of manufacturers, merchants farmers and in fact all who must avail them selves of shipping facilities. The freight rates in the past have worked seriously against the Northwest ship pers, and now with the new increase effective on the 2 5th of this month, the whole matter is presenting a problem, the seriousness of which can only be contemplated. The future prosperity of the North west Dusiness demands action. The , lumber industry is dependent upon the ability of manufacturers to make ', prompt and expeditious shipments of lumber to Eastern markets and other trade centers. Farmers must have better transportation facilities for , marketing their grain, livestock and , and other produce. The life of our ' put on your enjoyment. All the Forest Service asks is that you be careful with tire ind. that you look to J he proper sanitation of ovr camp." Not only is this wonderland c'nrnic terized by scene 5 infinitely varied, but as the map shows, they are easily accessible. In the construction of the present highway system the Forest Service has played an important part, having built many miles of the road. When all plans have been car ried out, there will be over a thous and miles of good highway in these national forests. Many well-laid-out camp sites a wait the outdoor enthusiast. Several of these are close by streams where fish are abundant and where hunting is good. Numerous camp grounds are equipped with stone fireplaces. The extensive telephone systems of the Forest Service are available to the public free in case of emergency. Notable among the recreation plac- mdustries depend to a great extent es mentioned are the Siuslaw resorts on the ability to secure the cheapest in the national forest bearing that rates combined -with prompt Bervice name, the Eagle creek camp grounds for the shipment of raw products Columbia Gorge Park, Lehman and the East and1 for the distribution of Hideway Springs, the Anthony' Lake their manufactured articles if they Region, Crater National Park, Dead are to compete with other industrial Indian Soda Springs, Oregon Caves,' An Appeal from the Pacific Coast Kescue ami Protective Society To the Silent Workers of Oregon: It is needless for us to go into de tail and explain to you the problem of feeding 148 women, babies and children. The task is difficult at any time, but a tremendous burden at present. This is an appeal to you to remember the girls and the babies during this coming season, and put up a little extra fruit, with or with out sugar, for shipment to the Louise Home, and the Albertina Kerr Nur sery Home, where we are caring for abandoned mothers and babes. We assure you that whatever you can do in their behalf will be greatly appreciated. We should suggest that you form a club in your town and ship a barrel of canned fruit or can ned vegetables. In fact any kind of farm produce will be acceptable. We will gladly furnish as many glass jars as you desire, and prepay all freight charges. For shipping instructions address all correspondence to Gen. Supt. W. G. MacLaren, 195 Burnside Street. entm of the world. The Oregon, State Chamber of Com ' merce has assumed the responsibility of starting a movement that should offer relief. To discuss the situation and outline plans for a solution of this problem, a convention has been called to meet in Portland October 4 and 5th, 1920. Present at this con vention will be the representives of the Northwest States in Congress, . State officials, a representative of the National Rivers and Harbors Congress, delegates from all of the railroads and shipping lines of the Northwest, delegates from the port bodies, commercial organizations, wholesalers, industries and many oth er prominent business men who are interested in the development of our territory. Congres3 convenes in Washington D. C, on the second Monday in De cember; the National Rivers and Har- ors Congress, the second week In De cember. It is desired, as a result of the work of this convontion to have definite plans outlined for presei.ta don '.a those two bodies. Wenaha Springs, and McKenzie Bridge. The latter is a Mecca for tourists and is .the outfitting point for many campers and hunters in the north end of the Cascade National Forest. Persons desiring copies of this pamplet may obtain them by ad dressing a request to "the District Forester, Portland, Oregon. SCHOOL SVPERINTEXDEXT Qt'ITS Salem, Ore., August 20. John W. Todd, for four years superintendent of the Salem public schools, has re signed his position and will leave for Vancouver, Washngton, September 1 where he will engage in private busi ness. His successor has aot yet been, selected. Subscribe for the Herald, $2 a year, tiOVKKX'M'KXT l'OLDKIl DKS- cituiKS hkchkatio.v area A handsomely illustrated folder, which Inoludis a map of the principal highways for the entire State of Ore gon has just been Issued by tiie For est Service. This is the firs! time this brand, of the United States De purtmint of Agriculture has Issued a map of an entire State. The new publication, should prove of immense value to all persons, particularly to motorists, seeking recreation Jn this nrlon endowed with such a variety ; of natural attractions. The booklet Is entitled, "Road and ' Recreation Map of Oregon", and con tains descriptions of recreation spots , in the national forests of that ntate. ; These picturesque areas, many of j them heavily forimed, are "in every; pense free recreation grounds", nays , the pamphlet, "and do train meki ate j The OCEAN BEACH RESORT at the Mouth of the Columbia River are a Glorious Delidtt for residents of the interior and are at the height of their glory just now North Beach Resorts Clatsop Beaches Tillamook Beaches are all spendidly equipped and afford the keenest of beach pleasures. The Round Trip Fare to Any of them is (T -fl A Qr Plus 8 War Tax v) I 4iO J The added pleasure of a trip through the delightfully picturesque Columbia River Gorge is assured if your ticket is purchased of the ( ( reson.V itsli In K'ton i:.iilrond & Navigation Co. NorthBench visitors have the option of rail or river route from Portland, but choice should be made when ticket is purchased. Let our agent explain all particulars, make reserva tion and arrange your trip. VM, McMlKUAY, (ieneral PuiMHj;cr ARent The Oly mpic IP V.' i V A ( HI Appeals to Your Appetite And Appeases It, Too For a dainty but satisfying breakfast serve (OCfEOS Wheat Hearts." You'll find "The Kleat of the Wheat" in every heart. Let this tasty cereal whet your appetite to bigger breakfasts.' A good breakfast starts a perfect day. 4' If you re using QOZtm Flour for baking, jL t l time you rrirJ iti little brother, Tencake Flout. From the tame reli able miller. It twit th amount you (ed that count- H It th amount tUroilattd that build. lETinr: Stock m4 Poultry Tdt tailfy auimiUtrd trxmtclvtt ma "rtMOcklnc" material out of othtr M ttuffa. FLOUR - FEED - CEREALS tine If rV Headquarters for owers, cCormick 1 Oeesioe Binders Headers and Rakes We carry a complete stock of repair parts for these machines, Bin der Twine, and all small tools an d equipment needed ' for your Har vest. GAS ENGINES I. H. C. and Fairbanks- Morse carried in stock. Larger sizes up to 15 h. p. ordered on short notice. Farmers and stockmen from Rit ter and other northern Grant county points are invited to make our big, new store their head , .quarters when in Heppner. , CjsIIIo Sisbee "We Have It, Will Get It Or It Is Not Made". r tT-srji . U ecs ... WALltf" ( 1 -'"-4 W HANDLE NUl'S ICE 1 ' BEST IN THE WORLD IT 1! TAKE A BUCKET HOME? McAtee & Aiken S. E. NOTSON ATTOKXKY-AT-LAW Office in Court Hnue Heppner Oregon WOODSON & SWEEK ATTOItXKYS.AT-I.AW Heppner Oregon DR. CLYDE R. WALKER MIYSIt r.W AXI SUlMil ON Phono CoiiiM'tiinin lone, Oregon SAM E. VAN VACTOR ATJ'OKX KY-AT-I.A W . H'Ppner Otgoo F. R. DROWN agent for GUARANTEED LOW COST LIFE INSURANCE; FIRE, HAIL, ACCI DENT AND HEALTH INSURANCE I'Oll 8 U.K. I ltl( KI) A M.MITKD AMOI NT OK PIUVATK MOXKY TO 1).X. Office Upstairs in Roberts lUiilding rhne43 Heppner, Oregon TWO tiKI IlKHIIlKXCKS IS IIKI'I'XKIt IUGHT. FRANK SHIVELY in Ai. iioitsKMiorit AT W liUM Il'H lll.At KHMITII SMOI Ijiiiih anil liil ifriliiKliirM tan full)' niicikIciI HEPPNER :o: OREGON SuliM-Mbo for tha H'taM Dr. R. J. VAUGHAN IKXTIJT Prmntly Inratnl In Odilfritow'l IlUAldiOf Hrppf, Orrgoa DR. A. D. McMURDO MIVSK1AM htlU.I.OI Tfl'phon 13 OTf ! Pattwuoo'i Irn Slora llrppcrr Oroa F. A. McMENAMIN Yl ll Khfi tildf. npor, Or. Ollif Mala 14) a !) riaa Mala III "PLRMAMNT AS TMt PYRAMIDS" Concrete Pipe Company Manufacturers Sewer and Water Pipe Irrigation Pipe Culvert Pipe Hollow Silo Blocks Cement Products 1003 North 10th St Phone 467 WUa Walfa, Wavh S i