THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday. August 17th. 1020 PAGE SIX ihkatim: m:vs JHIKOTIIV l.!,TO HAS II 10 1:01.1, ix "noii:i;ui; aiu:i:." I 'ainoiis Star Seen us Traveling Sales woman in !!' .New 1'ietiue. Dorothy iJulton has a decidedly new chaiMclcrizatioTi in tin; Tlioiuns Jf. I nee. iiliotoplay "Thi; Homegreak er" vliich comics us a Paramount )f f '-rin K to thu Star tliealre lor next Sunday. She appears as a traveling sales vonian. and the part, offers iter op portunity for some clever comedy v. fill:. Miss Dull on made her lirst, bit? lilt in pictures in a dramatic role in "The Flame of the Yukon", and has established reputation as an emo tional ectress. That, she is delight ful in comedy drama was also prov en in "Hard Boiled," in which she appeared as a I heal ileal trooper. A monf? her other recent successes are "'The I.ady of lied Butte", "Kxtra vaKimce" and "Quicksand." In, "The Ilomehreaker" Miss DalJ Ion is supported by Douglas MacLean leading man, Edwin Stevens, a fam ous musical comedy star years ago, Frank Leigh, Beverly Travis, Nora Johnson and Mollie MpConnell. It is a. charming picture in every respect. tion should not be granted, the same will be taken as confessed and a de cree will be entered according to the prayer of the application and you will be forever barred from disputing the Fame. J. A. Wafers, Co. Clerk. Seal. S. K. Xotson,. Attorney for Plaintiff. Address: Ileppner, Oregon. First publication August JO, 1920 Last publication September 7, 19 20. Besides playing two roles herself, Mary Pickford lias surrounded her self witli notable cast in her latest production for Artcraft, which will be sliown, at I be Star theatre on Fri day, August 20. The photoplay is itdapled by Frames Marion from W. .1. Locke's novel, "Stella Maris", and produced by Marshall Neilan, whose masterly direction of Miss I'ic'kford's last two successes, "Rebecca itj Siltl nybrook Farm" and "The Lit I lel'rin cess" caused much favorable com ment. Miss I'icl'ord plays the role nt Stella Maris and of I'nity lll.ike, two entirely different parts, cac'i car rying a powerful appeal. The characiers surrounding the Artcraft slur in the prod ucl ion, have I n especially well chosen. Conway Tenrly, who lias maintained a not able reputation on the stage and in films for i-ohim years, was eni;aeed tn go to the W st coast studio of Art raft ,tu play the rob' of John It i .en , englli.b Journalist anil uenlleman. who proves an Ideal selection for the leadi.i Mipji'irt in:; role. Cainilb ember of the Larky i.i cast for the difli- .lollll iiise.l'.', wile, a liner sensibilit i. s have Inst Ihrom'.h drink. the eminent years ol Hl.,;-t NOTICE Notice is herby given that I, the undersigned, under the lawa of the State of Oregon, have taken up the animal hereinafter described while running at large on my premises in Morrow county, near Castle Rock, Oregon, to-vit : 1 black gelding weight about 900 pounds, branded T over O connected on left shoulder. That I will, on Saturday, August 2Slh, 1920, at the hour of 10:00 o' clock in the forenoon of said day, unless the same shall have been re deemed, at my ranch In Juniper can yon, about 15 miles north of Lexing ton, Oregon, in said county, sell said animal to the highest and best bid der for cash in hand for the purpose of paying the costs of taking up, hold ing and selling said animal together with reasonable damages for the in jury caused by said animal running at large oA said premises. James Catty. Dated and first published this 10 day of August, 1920. XOTH'K TO CKKMTOUS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, "FOR MOR ROW COUNTY. In the Matter of the Estate of Albert Matteson, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Julia Mattcson has been, duly appointed by the County Court of Morrow County, Oregon, Administratrix of the Estate of Albert Matteson, deceased. All persons having claims against said Estate are notified to present the same to me at the office of my attorney, Sam E. Van Vactor, at Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication hereof, with the proper vouchers duly Verified. Dated and first published this 29th day of June, 1920. JULIA MATTESON Administratrix of the Estate of Al bert Matteson, deceased. First Publ. lune 29, 1920. Last Publ. Aug. 24, 1920. described, before Clerk of County Court, Morrow County, at Heppner, Oregon, on the OtU day of August, 1920. Claimant names as witnesses: T. J. Matlock, Guy Boyer. Ralph Tones, Frank IU'smus, all of Heppner, Oregon. C. S. DUNN, Register. XOTlCH I'Olt PI lil.K'ATIOV. Ankev ieli. a i iloek coinpaie cull pail ol w he: e been lillellv Herbert 1 .1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 : l.nrllali iu'li l ol iiiiinv Department of Ihe Interior, II. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, August till), 1920. NOTICE is hereby given that CIIAKLKS U. SCHMIDT of Echo, Oregon, who, on September IS, 1917, made Additional Home stead Entry No. 019217, for SWVi, Section 2 1, Township 2 North, Range 2fi East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to nia'ke three year Proof, to establish claim to the hind above described, before J. A. Waters, Clerk of County Court, at Ileppner, Oregon, on the 7lh day of October, 1 920. Claimant names as v. il nessess: Mike Sepnnek, of Echo, Ore;, en, W. IS. Finley, of Lexiirrton, Oregon Henry Taf"l, of Echo, Oregon, Carl Matson, of Echo, Oregon. II. Frank Woodcock, Regi.-.tcr, First publication August 17. 1920 Last publication October f', 1 920. Mlilt'i: I (Ml I'l ISI.M WTIOX XOTICK FOU PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land office at La Grande, Oregon, May 15, 1920. Notice Is hereby given that, FRIBDRICH RAUCH, of Echo, Oregon, who, on November 2, 1915, made Homestead Entry No. 015364 for E, Section 20, and on March 8, 1920, made Additional Homestead Entry No. 017354, for SW,, Section 20, and E NW, Section 8, Township 1 North, Range 28 East, WKlamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before J. A. Waters, Clerk of County Court, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 20th day ol July, 1920. Clalmanat names as witnesses: Tony Vey, Price Munkers, Frank Irwin, Julian Rauch, all of Echo, Oregon. C. S. DUNN, 4-9 Register. Stockraising homes.tead entry, Act December 29, 1916, (39 Stats., 802.) NOTICE FOU FUm.IC ATIOX Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, June 15, 1920. Notice is hereby given that GEORGE M. VINSON of Lena, Oregon, who on August 9, 1918, made Additional Homestead Entry, No. 016299, foi'N'Wy, NE , E NW',i and NEVi.SW, Section 22, Tov.ns-hip 1 South, Range 29 East Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Clerk of County Court, Morrow County, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 4th day of August, 1920. Claimant names r.s witnesses: George Pearson, Howard Pearscn, Frank McCabe, Jjr.rsh Courtney, all of Lena, Oregon. C. S. DUNN, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION NOTICE I'Olt PUBLICATION' Mlcee.sis, appears as Sir Oliver I'.leiinl. an I 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 nobleman ami uncle of Stella Marls. Miss Ida Wat eriiiiiu is the ilii.i iiikiiih: ei, yet ninili i tly. Lady Eleanor llliniiit, v.hile Jo seplniie Cinwell appears as an air I net at ir I ln;:ll di spinster. On the eve of iisseiiibliiiK a new ol lil plckeis In gather I fi carloads i II, nil, it peaiM, III e of unknot n ori (Mil destroyed lllsl Week the packilli: limine and iiiehoiise building of t lie Del Klo oil llillilrt, HltUlltetl two miles l.eluw Cold mil. The coliteiilK cull i i.iiid of lien i hook ll nil ether pai V lllg Mippllc fin- the entire Meatmn'a i nip ot 4'i ens of upplcN mid neurit The on h, ii, I i im leal by the F. K. Duel ,iai,. n,l Alfred Wi rkmil Med tunl Temp.. i iry bull. linen mill be leMllcil i a, i, m P'lpplieM old. ml III me t Willi but -It, til il. I. y in I II K the i i up , Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, June 1 5, 1920. Notice is hereby fciven that SI IE It MAN SHAW of Heppner, Oregon, who on Novem ber 13, 191G, made Additional fonie- stead Jaiitry, No. 0 16735, for N'i Nl Vi and N'i NWVi. Section 26, Tp. 2 South, Range 27 East, WifSamcttc Me;-iiliaiir, has filed notice of inten tion to make three-year Proof, to establi; li (liiim to the land above Department of the Interior, U. S Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, June 15, 1920. Notice Is hereby given that WILLIAM F. PETTYJOHN Echo, Oregon, who, cn December 23, 1916, made Homestead Entry, No. 01G878, for SW& NW',i, N SW1, SEVi SW 4, S SEVi, NEVi SEU. SEi-i NEVi, Section 34, Tp. 1 N., R. 28 E and on March 1, 1920, made Ad. II. E. No. 019493, for NE',4 NE Vi . NWVi NWVi, NWVi SEi, Sec. 34, Tp. 1 N., R. 28 E. and Lot Sec. 2, Tp. 1 S., R. 28 E., Willa mette Meridian, has filed notice of In tention to make three-year proof, to establish claim 'to the land above described, before Clerk of County Court, Morrow County, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 3rd day of August, 1920. Cl'iiinar.t nam pa as witnesses: W. E. Wigleswortli of Echo, Oie- son. Ceo. Cummins of Lena, Oregon, Mack Gentry of Lena, Oregon, Fred Coxcn of Lena, Oregon. C. S. DUNN, Register. Stockraising homeitead entry, Act December 29, 191 6, (39 Slats., 862.) Bread Lifte Mother Used to MaKe You can have it if you use our famous White Star Flour For Your Baking We have just received a car load of Spring Beardless Barley for Seed We pay highest cash prices for Hides, Pelts and Furs Heppner Farmers Elevator Co. Machinery LKGAl. NOTICES Depiiiiini nt of the Interior, U. S. Land (iltbe a I 1.:'. Gland', Oregon, .Inly 29. 1 920. NOTU'i: in hep by y!v'n thai JAMES IIIC.CINS whoiie pin-t oil! e iiddre:; 1h Lena, Moiiow Count; , Oregon, did, on the 27th day of Aiicm t, 1919. file In .hU office Sworn Statement and Applica tion, No. 0 19994. (o piirrhnse the N W't SE'i. Section 5, Townhlp 4 South, Range 29 Fast, Willamette 1 Meridian, and. the timber thereon, j under the piimIhIhiih of the art of, June 3, 1 S 7 K , and acta nmcmlaloiy, known iih the "Timber and Stone Law," at hiii Ii value nit mlglit be fix- j ed by upprulxeitient, unit that, pumu- j ant to mich u, d ciitlon, the land and I timber thereon have been appraised, ' ill f 160 tit), the timber cM limited ut HID. UilO bouid feet at $100 per M. and ihe land 160.00; (hat uld op- j plleiint lll offer final proof In up- perl of liiii up. lib ut :on and nwoin "t.ileTiienf mi t tit 15 day of (Vtobcr, l''2". befoH- lulled Stateti I'oiii'iiIh-, neiiei, at IiIk oftiie, ut lli'ppner. Ore- j (mi j ! Any pel si 11 in i t ty ! iteli'nt A SQUARE DEAL IX REAL 1 1ST AT I'.. What lias brought tiie real estate buriness largely Into disrepute Is that all the failures who have tried nearly everything ebe and 111 out ol the profeMf-ional liars ultimately drift Into the real estate game. They would shin their own mothei R-in-law to get a commission. Of course they don't last long, but others come to take their places, and the public has become leary of buying or (selling land through real estate ngentH. There lire wiino Straight shooter In tin IW'ul Kntitlo Imslne the mime an In the mercantile businesH, the bunking buslnesii or In any other legitimate line of endeavor In which men have reputation! oto uphold and defend. As'k my clentii on both aides of the numer ous real estate deals I have made, and In every Instance they are natlsfled customer. It la Ihe only vay. When you have any land to sell or buy, come In and e nie. E. M. SHUTT The Real Estate Man Up-stairs in Court House For the Harvest Season THE NEW DANE MOWER Built by the John Deere Company, is giv ing excellent satisfaction. . Let us show you the merits of this machine. We are agents for CASE THRESHING MACHINES, Are the Best. CASE KEROSENE TRACTORS, Have no superiors. Ask about prices and terms on these high grade machines. , Peoples Hardware Company i , Hi t l;, l eli.iliMii .1 I hi. I I ill.- li'.: r I l III) II 1 l': lli i' , ' i'l I I 1 .1 1 I ' I N i ' 1', .11. .11 1' ," I i'l ! 1 . t U '' ' I I IT 'I Hf -I.i ,i:. tl.e I . 1; 11 ,1 1 .f P. Si I I . ..(! . 'I ttt 1 t I m III.' .l.. 1 null HI. t . .. I.v It 111 . 't W f 1 I I'. t 1 uv l ef. to eiiir). m initiate at ,M llllle bef.ill' p 'trill til I . :l eel 1 bin ,11 e.- lit l- IM- n'i,.". nil i:l!n! f 11 1 . !, .1. .11 I'.,.' rntiy. 11 N. 11. . i-i. r i , . ! i.i -.. 1. 1::ii. . h i o, ii.'h r 1 . I'l.M I' i n . t 1 i' ,. !i e W "1 I'' In ' I! .1. . 1 1 u: 1 !. net I 1. M.I V il.. t"i ii . I 1 i " lil.eli l' III r !.l t!.' Si !' ! t. !' l I It..' II. 1 . n.t U Al t t.t f. n t I ..It. I on I t.. , t 1 k le r ! . m ell I't l!-ll b I . 1 I I .il I f"t PI" MMU I, Ol I IN l. SI MM Nil NT 'in i iir r.-i m y f.-i i;r fi' Tin: j s r 1 r. '' 'i;iii.(.. imu mou j '.ii'A I'ol Ml llil l!,. C.i ,.( J ot ile ef Pitll.1 t b .0 til, li. 1.1,1 i Ne!. . i lnMi tu rum t' nt Ihr iiii't. U t,. ,. A.Ih ,1i jt'.t i.f t!if ll il. , i,i!. .k ',... I'll, ,. , I i ,t ,,. ti'., I I , 1 e. i ai-.-' itil In tin t!lr I'e ut! "f Mie f. C.-etlt) , Oil" '. n. tt . .,, jmj, Ij.lii i( N ti u t. l"i:i. i. the limit of . !l '! k III l'ie f"Tire.'n nf .il, 1 .In an.) lie 1'iiicir full te.u.i in 1 1! . I'.iiiti't i'miif l.eti at .';jti.t. M ,it,., I'leitilt, I'trc.'n. I It.n t li e l'. bin. . ( f,.f t,,. ,tlng uf I , i'l- , . i n I! r.i tn, met t,r . tt!- 1 ii,. 1,1 1!,. .-..( ' I w r m.;i rsw niu 11. Ad" -hiltlor if 'ie I .f l t,a Ifcl. tiMh, l.t .MM'l -i. I'et.l June :. lit ' Sfs? Choice Al I III I I If Cuts of the Best Meats EVERY HOUSEWIFE WANTS TO SERVE THE best in Meat to her family.. She can be assured he i ilninir " il !u- buy. her Meal at thi v which i Cfii.!tictl in cntiirinily with ituulcrn method of .v.unlary marketing. Central Market McNAMER & SORENSON, Propt. The Moral Risk W hen the tittie cote.eii to e k credit, a bank will want to know what yeu Ai:K a w.!l a hnt you HAVE. Thai's h re l!m mural Imtnrd comet In. And you can't rt.ibllh rrnl:! over nkht. Rather, It U a matter of bernininc KNOWN at your bank, nf e tbllhln cenrid.nre by Ihe ay In hlrh you have kej.1 yuur account, n Kidl.- of the amount you have to your ctnlit. Ot acquainted -lhat't the frt tblnj. Then develop that acquaintance Into ft lr.itlilti. It ill aland yu In aidrndid ttal h n th r,-iie rorne. Ilrniember. I uii :. that lhl iiffrm )"U a (an.plrt bank ing ten ire. Farmers & Stockgrowers National Bank HEPPNER, OREGON. 1