Tuesday. August irth, 1020 THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE THREE I oiuhion statk chamrkk ok commkih 1: xkws The shipping problems of the Tu cilic Northwest are becoming acute and demand the serious thought of manufacturers, merchants, farmers, and in fact all who must avail themselves of shipping facilities. The high freight rates in the past have Vorkcd seriously against the North .vest shipper, and now with the new increase effective on the 2 5th of this month, the whole matter is present ing a problem of starting a movement that should resident because in the end it is the offer relief. To discuss the situation and outline plans for a solution of this problem, a convention has been called to meet jn Portland, October 4th and 5th, 1!)20. Present at this I convent ion will be the rc-presentativ- es or the Northwest States in Con- press, a representative of the Na- tional Rivers and Harbors Congress, i delegates from all of the railroads land shipping lines of the Northwest, ! delegates from the port bodies, com i mercial organizations, wholesalers, j industries and many other prominent I business men who are interested in ! the development of our territory. consumer who pays the bills. liKi SI ILL llISt'OVLKKIl the seriousness of , ; b which can only be contemplated. PV. u.u.uuns The railroads are handicapped on!? "viduals invitation account of the lack of equipment, fended to then, to be present and ...v,,.. ...,, t 0.,.iP0 0,.o itake Part m the dehverations. vet unable to handle the situation v. i., on me second Monday in De- Sheriff Orr and Deputy Sheriff Hooker from, Dallas unearthed one of the most complete moonshine outfits ever found in Polk county last week while looking for bootleggers in In dependence. The still, patterned af ter those of the mountain sections of Kentucky and Tennessee, was declar ed capable of turning out one quart of whisky every six minutes. The operators of the plant, when they "heard 'a noise outside, bolted through the front door and made for the timber, eluding the third man, who had been posted to watch the front exit to the building. Besides the still several barrels of mash were found, together with a quantity of the finished product. It was evident that operations had just started for the night, as but little fresh liquor was found in the build ing. This is said to be the second still found in Independence within the past six months, the other having been operated by a Japanese worker. Subscribe for the "Herald" and Congress convenes, in, Washington either in the matter of transporting products and raw materials to and , cember; the National Rivers and Har from this section or to provide a rate , bi'S Congress, the second week in that seems satisfactory to the North-1 December. It is desired as a result west shipping public. of the work of this convention to If there was ever a time in the have definite plans outlined for pre history of the Northwest when the sentation, to those two bodies. Only business men should be alive to the ; by full cooperation of those inter need of the development of maritime ested can results be achieved. While shipping and to cooperate on the this is a matter that effect primarily nf such development or to the shipper it nevertheless should de- consider seriously these problems , mand the interest of every Northwest get all the county news ' vhich mean so much to the business I nf this section, it is now. A relief for merchants and industries of the Northwest can be secured through the development of steam ship lines and harbor facilities which will be able to handle the shipping of this part of the country, giving the advantage of both rail and water transportation. The future prosperty of the North west business demands action. The lumber industry is dependent upon the ability of manufacturers to make prompt and expeditious shipments of lumber to eastern markets and other trade centers. Farmers must have better transportation facilities for marketing their grain, livestock and other produce. The life of our industries depend to a great extent on the ability to secure the cheapest rates combined with prompt service for the shipment of raw products from the east and for the distribution of their manufactured articles if they are to compete with other industrial centers of the world. The Oregon Slate Chamber of Com merce has diseuwed tills matter tho roughly with C. W. Hudson of Port land, Oregon's representative on the Rivers and Harbors Congress, nid Mr. McLain slates tiiat it is highly necessary that immediate and drastic action be taken to Improve our har bors and increai-G our shipping facili ties if the Northwest expects to keep pace with other sections or the Unit ed Stales. The biggest men in this Northwest territory are a unit in be lieving that something must be done. The Oregon State Chamber of Com Headquarters for The OCEAN BEACH RESORTS at the Mouth of the Columbia River are a Glorious Delight for residents of the interior and are at the height of their glory just now yNorth Beach Resorts Clatsop Beaches Tillamook Beaches are all spendidly equipped and afford the keenest of beach pleasures. The Round Trip Tare to Any of them is C 4 fl QC r Plus 8 War Tax jJ I TTtO J ' The added pleasure of a trip through the delightfully picturesque Columbia River Gorge is assured if your ticket is purchased of the McCormick 1 Dcering Binders lowers, Headers and Rakes i in i i mi iiiiii ; i 11 i UKIOH PACIFIC SYSTEM (Oreuon-Wiishingtoii Ilailroiul ii Navigation Co. NorthBoach visitors have the option of rail or river route from Portland, but choice sh mid be made when ticket is purchased. Let mir agent explain nil particulars, tnnke uwrva-' tion and arrange your dip. VM. MrMl HKAY, ienral Passenger Aent merce has assumed the responsibility i ywiMg.ii IJHIIIiUraiBfa'iHMF'im'lr"im'gMa We carry a complete stock of rep air parts for these machines, Bin der Twine, and all small tools an d equipment needed for your Harvest. GAS ENGINES I. H. C. and Fairbanks- Morse carried in stock. Larger sizes up to 15 h. p. ordered on short notice. Farmers and stockmen from Ritter and other northern Grant county points are invited to make our big, new store their head , .quarters when in Heppner. LU u E : ft "We Have It, Will Get It Or It Is Not Made". t ' VUi!i.A..jjiA 1 - - , V" 1 ' ""- 'VSi'Vf We made this ciga- vpf rctta to meet f3 sTw l rur taste! p 1 .H 18 fc) v r - CAMELS have wonder-r-'V- ful full-bodied mellow- mildness and a flavor as refreshing as it is new. Camels quality and Camels expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccc3 win you on merits. Camels tknd never tires your taste. And. Camels leave no unpleaiint cigarttty aftertaste nor unpleasant cigarctty odor! What Carrwls quality and expert blend can mean to your satisfaction you should find out at once I It will prove our eay-so when' you compare Camel$ with any cig&rctto in tho world at any price! i I) 'y.Of Yin 4 t mH trk at it 4t It 1 1iiiH (M HUM M W e j t 1 r . t- "k. tin r WE HANDLE CREAM ICE BEST IN THE WOULD II NOT IE II 0 S. E. NOTSON attok.m:y-at-i,.w Office in court Iloue Heppnm Oregon WOODSON & SWEEK attoum;ys.at-i,aw Heppner OreBon DR. CLYDE R. WALKER I'll YSIC'IAN AMI snt(;i:o. riioiie Conned Ions lone, Orepm SAM E. VAN VACTOR aitokm:y.at.i,aw. H-ppner Ofegon F. R. DROWN agent for GUARANTEED LOW COST LIFE INSURANCE; FIRE, HAIL, ACCI DENT AND HEALTH INSURANCE TWOf.OOl) ItKSlDI Nt ;s III KU nut ham:, i kh i ii ItK.IIT. 1 A M.MITi:il AMOl'NT W I'KIVATK MONKY TO 1X).X. Office Upstairs in Koherts Building Phone 643 Icppncr, Oregon McAtee & Aiken FRANK SHIVEXY .. .1 I'I 'H' AI. MoiiM silol It AT S IIIVM It H lll, hSMIIM Mini "'' " liiirifi iliiKlii.rM i iii'i iiili) i i, ixl.'.l HEPPNER :o: OREGON 1 i (T. 'i 1 Huti" tib Itir Hip llorubl Dr. R.J. VAUGHAN iiiMivr . j Prninnll lortl In 01lfttw' Uunbllnic DR. A. D.McMURDO I'MYHIOAV hi IK. lOI Tlph.n 122 fff;- rtlrr.n'i Ijr R(or OrCOB j F. A. McMENAMIN I MWtl.R Hobl Iildg, . H-ppBor, Or. OffH I kea U4IB (41 I4tnt fkB Mtlt III "PtRMANLNT AS THE PYRAMIDS" Concrete Pipe Company Manufacturers Sewer and Water Pipe Irrigation Pipe Culvert Pipe Mollow Silo Blocks Cement Products 1003 North 10th St Thone 467 Wad VValld, Wash t-iTsryrrrgr-J " r ----- . r- - k j. wrrwiDS toiacco ca i