PAGE EIGHT THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday. August ioth. 1020 run 4- v J. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Theodore Anderson was in town S:.tur.iuy looking for harvest han. Q - "FT -n leatre a 1 1 YKDX SDAY, August 1 1 "BETTY OF GREYSTONE" An appe aling luunan interest story featuring adorable DOROTHY GISH and that prince of lovemakers OWKX MOORK THURSDAY, Augu st 12th fi a Thundering across the desert ' jfji cn a stallion shod with fire tne V- " 3 , virgin rod at the head of the 1 1 H ! wild Black Korse Troop to the $i?J sf rescue of her American soldier ' W'j'A if! 1 a :u.. t-..i "... HI human as the call of the virgin's $4 i ft heart as rich with romance v and mystery as' a shutterei ' T ' V I ffjayjf harem. See it now. . v. I j , i W M&W, W W W Jim Carty was in from, his Junip. canyon ranch Friday on business. Ed. U. Huston and family returned Tuesday evening from an extended vacation trip spent at Albany, Ore., their former home. j E. M. Hulden, progressive farmer I of Dlackhorse district reported Fri jday that wheat in his section is run I ning around 20 bushels per acre. J. A. McCoy and family arrived a few days ago fromHormiston and are looking for a permanent location in the Hcppner country. Universal -Jewel .$ 500,000. Production dp Lmxc DIRECTED 3Y TOD BROWNING) Starring ,? ) and 500. All Children occupying seats, must pay. 1'U I DAY, Au rust llh BIG "BILL" HART in "Till. MOXKY CORRAL", an old lime rodeo. SI' X DAY. Augit-t 15 DOROTHY G1SII- -m- 'BOOTS' W tW4 At i i 1 ) . -I '.' aa ;i m m Sam E. Van Vactor drove in from his summer homeThursday afternoon to meet his father and sister who ar rived from Goldendale, Washington, to make a visit. Roy V. Whiteis and Dr. Allison re turned Wednesday evening from a business trip through northern Giant county where Mr. Whiteis has an ex tensive insurance business. Mrs. Mattie Adkins, who has- been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Fred. El der, EnVtett, Idaho, for several months, has returned to her home in this city after enjoying a delightful visit in the Idaho city. Mrs. T. J. Humphreys and daught ers returned Tuesday evening from an auto vacation trip to Portland and Willamette valley points, where they spent a pleasant month. ! Judge Campbell has bought the old restaurant building on east Wil low street and will remove it to his lot on the east side of Chase street. It is understood the building will he used an an automobile paint shop. I i 1 ."";! Mrs. Clyde Wells received a letter from her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parker, who have been visiting in southern Oregon for several weeks saying that they have purchased a home at Gold Hill, Jackson county, and wiil return there this fall to re side. Thy were former residents of the old mining town. George E. Sperry was on the cripple list for a few days last week due to a shaking up a broncho gave him Thursday. While chasing some stock down, a steep hill George's bronk suddenly switched from a run ning start to a bucktnfc finish and George wasn't in (the saddle) at the finish. George says that Is a situa tion that will try a man's soul as well as his staying qualities. You At the matchless style and value of the new models of A Paramount Picture 0:d shoes are a strange place in which to look for rj;:iaiK-c, treason and intrigue, but Dorothy Gish t jund them there. SATURDAY NIGHT, AUGUST 14th CRIST and COSTA ELABORATE MUSICAL REVUE W. B. Tucker, who farms In the niackhorse country, was In town Thursday afternoon and said he ex pected to start heading his crop Fri day morning. Mr. Tucker says the wheat already cut In his neighbor hood Ik a very fine crop and his Is about an average of the neighbor hood. Mr. Tucker will be In no hur ry selling his crop believing the price will be better later It) the fall than at pivnent. Dr. McMunlo has suit his pet badger, "P.U: ter", to Mjiyo Urns., fumou KUigleal specialists at ltoch ester, Mitui. The Mayo's have nn x lersive zoological garden In connec tion with their big hospital plant at Itochestcr and Htister will henceforth cnn.tliMite iir.e of the p-lnclpal at tractions there. Itoe thinks his pet may be more popular at Rochester than he had mown lo be alontChahe street, 11 ppner, (or the way Hunter tin : up Kiwns and tuipcil down i hh l;T'i a 'li't slow. I I 1 11V I I I I I that we are now showing, in both back and front lace models, designed to meet the requirements of every figure type. A wide variety of handsome fabrics in white or pink Contel or Broche. If you desire smart Corsets at modest prices for every occasion it will pay you to see these Corsets. HEPPNER, ORE. - & summer while sacks of wheat every day. hauling come 300 to the warehouse riefore selling your wheat or buy ing your bags, see me; I ant. in the market. Koy V. Whiteis. 2t. SPECIAL MEET PIUCES Farmers take notice that we make special quantity prices on meat for harvest crews. Central Market, lotf. ! ! I b 4 . 4 4 4' 4 J Classified Want Ads ?. 4 j. 4. j. 4. 4. .j. . .j. .5. .. .j. .. .j. , John J. Kelly, welt known sheep man of Hock creek, left this morning for Montana where he Is summering his sheep expecting to ship some 2 500 head to the Chicago market within the next week or so. The special meetings now be!nc held at the Federated church are go ing on with Increasing Interest, the evangelist la preaching on espiclaly Interesting subjects of a dispenwi tlonul nature. The special singing of the evangelistic party are drawing man-.v lo the mectlni s hlch are be ing held each evening at 8:00. Card of Thanks We wish to express our thanks and appreciation for the assistance and sympathy extended by our friends and neighbors during our recent be reavement. Especially do we thank friends for beautiful florr.1 remem brances. Mrs. Allre MrFerrin and family. -l' 'V 'V hu:cii notices LOST Suit of clothes on road bet ween Heppner and Condon, Tues day night, August 3. Elks', pin on coat lapel. Suitable reward for re turn or information leading to re covery If left at this office. 16-17. FOn SALE. One piano In good condition. Cheap for rash or terms. Enquire of Mrs. J. McCol lough or Emile Groshen or phone Main 422, Heppner, Ore. 13-15 Mr. and Mr.- J. tf. (' ' n I'rld.'.y f i inn t le li en Kli'-a rrei and -v.-A i;ill at the Mi laid nil! M ! -. ('alter bate li ri-ii' 1 !'. :,!! trait in neiMi Hi tl." ili-pnt. hi! . I .- . .1 tiiiii-.'" irnl lia r n i '-. i:i (.. .1 l.e!ui- In Id it !n v i ,r. Cir'i-r nv r i a i m.l I .M'.'ll mi l;!'i -l U!i. .1 in i. -i- p.-i !i(.ini-iit lien.e t Men li t: tied f the .1 t ,-r v ete In nrh home U pli tit M :. and li m.-lit a ::-cr. n.-ar t .i t tii'.d I .111.1 have e In t n v ! II. i!" c'eik Is ''ih U it a biiii- lleppmr at r..i h Lieutenant C'has. J. (Jake) Osten, fenner well known Hi ppner boy, was bete fer a few hnu':i Saturday from M.iui a i heie w It h George Pearce, 'nriiii r pnbllsln'r of the Heppner II. ! U. he pu'ilishi s the Madras Pin ner, runs a picture show nnd olln r v. i'e helps tn I like the hi els k. I'.'err,.;. I.l.-ut fti.tli t 0i n dtnve om t fnrii to ti! father's p'..i"e of' ..f !!. p;M.-r Ttini l.iy but hav ing car irmibie he v.m nbllged to lent e ! i car In li M Midi. i by ti. war;'." ill letliin i r r i : r- Christian SiIi-im Christian Si lence services are held every Sunday morning at 1 1 : ti 0 o'clock in I. O. O. F. hall. Testimony mcciiiuM are hM every Wednesday evening at 8:(m o'clock at the home of Mr. Eugene Slociim. All I'lier eted are cntdially I nv i ;-l to nti. r.1 tlien" tneetir.ri. IT IMY.S TO ahi.i;tise k:U "TV... I AlnetM ill ' . n .'. i l li'.M ' linli'l b I ..pp.-.,,...! I . II v I -, V i'!'e ' ." o Till'. DANCING K i: V V 1 i: D 0 L L S '.!. l'.uk cf t'.'.c 15ij; i'l'.ow, fc.itutin i. ill 1.; -vt-llr. Allmt McDon.u.l. Li'.Uan Leslie ;.. ! Domtliy Dcvcic, .mi. I .1 v."!-.-c. NI1TY GIULS In. .' i- !.,i ill. (t.u'i lit! I'.f.n Ui -.. I i ut . r.- Mr i , I I. t,i ; 'i i .i n. .it .! r - .iiii r 1 O. v S:w Paid". I' ll i.f I n'.it . !ri ; ill- S'.u Tli'-'H- t ph.'1- flay " .Ill-lie 1 1 ill t V. l.-ll t i " r n I! . ! e e! "(Ill- Nn A i"! ic. n v iil- f !i i it ! 1 it" 'n .li il.H Hell I!" 1 1 - ! , r. '. I ;! Hi." I t . ry b. I en a M IIM ir lie I' I d '1 : t!- Mi AilllltHMnll . i .i.l. -l inn i. " 11 u- ,.iv ( I'm! I ).iy. v 7,iC. All ChtMicn in i t Imv t i k c t .me t im.Ti i.'.-,l tt..'"' I ,. -tn ii, i ; t " ' -t .. e V 1.1 . .. ,e 1' .) li.). I.l i-ll.t n I Bu.iird . . .,.!,...! .. t . .(( 1,1 be .,! under the leal nr.- li ti I e. i II' t tlC .1! !'' ' . r t,e I i i; . . ('" r.i-t im. n ) 'jtnl t''f !e I, .y I I.l t: 'mIi- f I 1 Ji n. K . i In i. n i n- I ei 1 p V lli'. m ( em his r n.'i tieir l n ii'in i.iuid. y i f l.i V' lUti.ii r!l h nml ft b, rUc un,.-rr fAtlei. t! t J I Km '! r,irl cfi K-h" i.m -icte fi"i I n I pU-e hih I i.etnn '.ituwl t-y Ji.'.i.-ii'i tin. ! a b'.r ru' Is nskln :i hu-b-'s ft "' Mr JmIiod ti!' ' rd re r A i.U r snl in nr.l .itt P ir.-Cen Mil Ir cm ill i '! Brut. If you have a hnn-e or f;ir-n for Silt"-' 111' da to the l:it i.i-.v many c! li ken, din k .i n Vnnr wiiuon. ieik i nnd ei'n-r r.i li "v tn.itiy t-nrs. sie.-i o ir. few. -. Ilitul r an ! tniiwers. d- 'l and p!i, And e lier lldtigs iitinut t !i p'.i' , Onitied !-iri. Inr want of sp.i.--. U'.i t. II i hem 'iere )uiir f. rii,' In r.i !. And v hut pt ire It's talu.iti I. V e ad i ! t,e )nur 1 1 1 up a I'd lien. ' ' eiir rilrel '.itie, fmijs ;tid n. ti i neb. - -T!m ii ct el )o.;t (atm rn'.i ". n. hi it rutin olf ihn ra n. Prri i rt i . any ehtir . of fl ..el r ti - tH" burs n 1 ret 'h- ; u ! r ut" hr Utid-r c .Iiliati in - tid If .-it ti . r sb;pr'nu siateiti Hew nft. h in - ate ..f t .-. And in"' bun"". tii'V.f kn n 'n (in tr 1.i tti.iny rr'S In (lt he' And tf jmi'te li"r th county !. Th nicirsl n( Il ls :ttl Ul Is. h. n. )nn'i nrihia f r TJ'.at u slieuld drtt t. !! f And tei t- H"'i t.ll l. TOIl SALE A house and two lots. Fruit, shade trees and an excellent garden. Mrs. A. E. Blnns. 14U. WOKK HOUSES FOH Hill E Six good work horses for hire through harvest. Enquire of Waller Rood. Heppner, Oregon. 13-14 FOR SALE Thirty-two inch Cai Separator, cook house and otlw equipment for sale at my ranch nine miles nort heart of lone. J. H. Iinus, lone, o.e. 13-15 LOST Fiom running-hoard of car In Sterule canyon. n ar Hector r.tni h. 5 mm Lu.-i r revolver. U. lurn to or notify L. V. Gentry, H.rplier. Oie. Stiltable reward. 13 tf. FOit SALE 1 'i I 7 P.uirl:. compliilely o crhauled. u i. i l b.irsaln. tSEO Ti re s tn .p it'ride patties. I'i17 0'iiU'-. ti. w'.y ovi rhauled. In n.i.' condition. Anmher liar g.iln. KM). T -rins a above. H. ppn. r OniaK,. 1 3tf. rar in fine co-( ..!, Curd till Foil SALE Kurd i:. i T.n. i w tr.eii.iu.. y ut e, ! .mli I reri nt.. C.ri on or ad In m L. Van Marter. lleppti -i. Or-. lltf roii -i .ra,i H diein i tn. dully. 110') . Sirll. I in. Ore . lb i 373 I lifer A 1 Poll ALE Sn gicl ..rk nuitc ih or ithout hirness. . Gur ttny.r. HTpner. Or. 14-1 l AxltlON AlU E !1t ittMlklXJ r.B.e !.-l'Bj sti l Udl'i Tllurlo. Mi Cai-tta. Cn irrh ntL JTtf )