Tuesday. August ioth. 1020 THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE FIVE X f if Local Happenings rrom Tb? IE ring l owns CIXIL MOWS "Mayor" Hynd was a county seat visitor during the week. Bert Mason of lone iiasbt-d through Cecil 011 Thursday. J. W. Osborn of Cecil spent Thurs day and Friday in Heppner. Lester Goodrich of Fairview Sunday in lone. spent A. Henriksen and Whit. Ewing were county seat visitors on Wednesday. tie dav.ehter Winifred and Mr. and Mrs. Clay Wood and daughter re j turned Tuesday from Hidav. ay I Springs where they spent a few ! weeks of the hot. weather. Jlr. and M-rs. Ike Howard and son James and Mr. and Mrs. John Hoss- ; ner and two children left Tuesday hy auto for Portland and Seaside where they will enjoy their summers : vacation. Mrs. Charley McNabb, of Lyle, Washington, came last Monday to be at the bed side of her husband, who is quite ill at the home of his broth ers V. T. McNabb. We are glad to learn Mr. McNabb slowly improving. and (rude, like tlioso of taoclj.'.ics, ,JS3 are in themselves simple, however, I : complex the machinery may be to which they appiy. I b In t lie c;ue of cotton textiles the fj Sout h saw i'.'.e wisdom of building the ' , factory m-xt io the cotton field, and i the result has been an industrial ac ;tiviiyin certain of the Southern I stales which has made their material I progress pronounced in comparison j with tneir sister states ot tne same Everett Logan, and family autoed to Heppner on Sunday returning home on Monday. Ed. Melton who has been in The Dalles for the past week returned to his home, the "Lookout" on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Krebs of the Last Camp were business callers in Arlington on Tuesday. Miss Grace Gilmore of Portland came last Sunday and will spend a four weeks vacation on her uncle's ranch, Robert Mathison, of the lone neighborhood. Miss Gilmore is a private exchange operator for Bal four .Guthrie Co. of Portland and has been with this company for the' past 19 years. Mr. and Mrs. Ed.Fanchier of Four mile were Cecil business callers on Tuesday. Bernice Franklin of Ewing spent Thursday afternoon with Miss Geor gia Summers. Miss Annie. C. llynd of Butterly Flats was (he guest of Miss Mildred Henriksen of Rhea on Friday. Miss Gwendolen Jones, who has been visiting her sisters Misses Mar garet and Catherine Jones, returned Wednesday to her home at Challis, Idaho. Miss Jones will teach school this year at that place. Mirs Ci'the rina accompanied her sister home and will spend a two weeks vacation at the home of her father, Kev. J. L. Jones. C. W. McXamer made a business trip to Portland the first of the wee'k returning Friday. group. We need a touch of that same wis dom and the practical application of that same enterprise here on the Pa cific coast, that has made it a com munity builder in the South. Indus try, widespread and established as closely as may be to the sources 'of raw material supply and profitable market, is the policy of greatest en richment and progress to the entire country. Portland Telegram. The same line of reasoning may be applied to Heppner. What's the use in paying freight on our wheat to Portland, give that city the profit of manufacturing the wheat in to flour and then pay freight on the flour back to Heppner? It must be that Heppner does this because she thinks that the railroad company and Portland need the money. Also what's the use in shipping nearly all of our hogs to Po-tland and then shipping our hams, bacon and lard back when we could just as well save tjjat freight and keep the money at home. And bread: Why send our money to Portland bakers when we have a good baker in Heppner. The reason must be. that too many of us have the fool idea that any thing made away from home must be better than the home product. 1 V T S- 7 H- L'si ' S " V si than any rubber soled shoe. Miss Ada Nash, who has been visit ing for srtme time in The Dal' en re turned home on Friday. Misses Helen Barrr.it and Doris MahoivT of Heppner spent the week j end ac Willow Crook ranch, the homo of Mr. and Mrs. A. Henriksen. We understand, (iie Ford Garage, owne d by Turrisli and Bant rni'oind. have been soi l to Hvm.r and Hale, real csiatc dealers of lone. -liter Ma r-.co. IT. Krei.8 and de.'i; Miss Margaret, aecui:i.).-'.ii-i by Mi;--Mabil Scmnierl'i '1. all of Portland, a'rived at (be Liisi Camp or. fund ay where they will visit for an indefinite 1 hue. Mrs. C. T. Walker left last. Wed nesday for Long TVa' h, Ca'., where she expects to mai;e her home. Mfs. Walker bun r Hide! con . innm ly in lone for a number of years a, id has M'"!" many l"r-: nils who ret re! In r leaving. We join in v. isliirg l.er :-r-cs i,s in her m w local ion. Misses Sarah and Mr'iiidaMay viui have been in Mniee.nth for the past few weeks arrive d in Cecil on Sunday where they will visit villi t'.eir par ents of Fouriuile. P. M. Nash, who has been spend ing the past month in and around C"cll left on the local for Beavtrton on Saturday where he will take up hia school work. Ms. Jau-l. week will .. Vi -i. niece M '.mi :.: i-Ml L.-lim y a In Salem, Ore., Aug. !). Every in dustry in the Flate depending upon railroad transportation for the dis posal of lis product will be cheered by a promise recently given, by the Southern Pacific railroad to distri bute 100 empty cars daily over its lines north of Ashland. Many Ore gon Industries, particularly the lum ber mills, are now hampered by the acute car shortage. I? -b !- t s-i Tlli:.Ti;i'. MAYS The HOOD SHOE is built like an auto tire and will outwear any leather shoe at $8.00 a pair. Men's Shoe $3.50 Boys' Shoe $3.25 Childs size 1 1 to 2 $2.75 NOTICE All canvas rubber soled shoes went up 25 percent the first of August So save $$$ on your foot wear by buying now. We have a big stock of these shoes, that we bought before prices went up. Store REPAIRING NEATLY DONE. ! ! v "Tin; .ioi ror.'.iAi.;" liii.i," 1 1. 1st is iii;i:o. ' left (I n Sjpi'ilr s 1 ' V.eehs 1 u a( -on 'panied b- i.'iss Alma Wilis of Pee Moore' Hand. and Mrs. N. K. Thomr.n and son left Wednesday for Manpin af er spending a few dayu with .Vis. Tho mas con liobert Hildenbrand. WHAT IS TIIK I SK? t. j. j. . t A IOXE NEWS j. . 4. . .. 4. 4. j Carl Vount, local grain dealer mo tored to Arlington Saturday .'h'li he met his wife and children. hc JUBt returned from near Lewlnton, -V"daho, where they ipc t wv.ral '"week with Mrs. Yount's patents. Mr. Ford, In bin paper, asks the question: "What is the use of haul ing a live Kteer all the way from Texas, turning It Into beef at Chi cago and hauling It ull (he way back l;to Texas again! Was Is the ue of hauling wheat thousands of miles as wheat a.Dl (hen hauling it back again as flour?" Mr. Fold might have (XMndcd Lis questionnaire, had he been so din poed, to Include a query as (o why Years ago the kkI.o was ll.e big st tlir.g in the West. Il was Hip occasion wiieii ail the wild riders, bronelio In, -Hers and lie' rh.Ks of (he W't t assembled lo display llndr pniwe. -. .Such a scene is revived in "The Money Corral", u new Arlerafl picture slurring William S. Hart, which will be shown at Hie Star The atre next Friday. Il was written by Mr. Hart and Lambert Hlllyer and also collaborated in lis direction. The rodeo scene of this picture was expensive and took lols of (line, but It Justified the effort for It gives a touch of realism that could not otherwise have been Kecured. Many punchers, Indians, Mexicans, cow girls and oilier came to Hollywood lo make the rodeo scene and over a thousand persons appeared therein. "The Money Corral" Is said to be (he most exclling film that has been produced in months. 1 tZ2 m a 1 b0 TBfb HH? II l!i that wool Is hauled three thou Mrs. Charles O'Nelt end little sin' sand miles from the Pacific (o the Rex and sls(er Miss Bessie llaltw.-U ; Ailanilc coast and (he Unified pro- returned Friday from rorllnnd wlioio (nici in ciom or carinrms are in. n they spent several weeks. ' Mrs. Sara Ticket, who hn bn vUltlng for tl. past (wo weeks with her daughter Mrs. Ira P" "t Vml land, rviinn-d h' Fr.day. Mr.'..' I-u k'et wii aecimpmii' -d borne bv V' r daughter and Utile ron. HATIITl IW AUK KINK IN 7.KI. rill.lN lt llH SAYS MISS I.ISH haukd three thousand mile from 1 l.e Atlantic to (he Pacific fonct. And there are oth'T iU'-mions of like im- port imd fcpnowlc .nl-reri ( lies nni Miner fcv",ons of the rount i y vrhleh oi.7t be niitiiiuiu' d In ih on k ewitl lii'iuiiy. V.'l.l.l I i 11'" u'-e? The air--A-r li-: T! '-i" Ik ihi u" 1?,4- etd,in:illiin lit- 111 ttl'' (at! (hat Mi, t'lva Tni'.tison. of r,l..d.tr,.N Ce In.lu.iriul the,,-.t and lb- In arrlv.,1 Th'trsday nd Is a sn wl dns.rUl l.abit have not ..-n d-vl- of her roUidn Mf -Min- opt n in .11- i'n"' ,e.- '.- .... Mis Tiot-dM.li t-M"1"' '" in' nii.'.-riiil l piodur-.l. We tunc I't.t t'.ait.l. allt-n tniti a riili.in lir:i n.. i-n l ,. (no much of thf Il tl t K- lot lllMtlllll . . , , r.K-hran I' d Friday un In Hi" ttan-.oit.ilim a-...uni, ... i...n,ll..tnn htre sh wnh relatives nd fri-nd". .w. will he lnine.1 In ih VU' in "... - Tuiure by her psr-m who their borne In V ndl' ion. the home Tto.don. 't-arh school .i',1 and lhi r.itntii hi. p riieil until Ml Xh iiuan of (ran-p" 'U"H ' ',lr rt-nr ri.tntiiBtvl sre tiv rt rt. d d. I'.l tnak" Mr. Jim .prr- of I'f" " ,nj..),n a visit i'h Mary '"h"r r'',iv' Vli.f I r Mrs llavinc, in mil. sn rifr to t!i (.i.t urn. now at.- . . ui.i.jr r-ondillen Itirfl H dir!'.'? Tl.'-te is I. -il tin" ('ttnal ii.fl.t.l We le'i"' cultivate Hie tlii!iltr al tft, In ever) rt. in n iitiil)- 'hot Is sn ti.liiiti. fi-ti-i r fer r ti'' r i l. A ' hnnc rw pr'l-ir sn-l ihe as'-nry Mi h triif'ft. it Into II. ln.- of h lenn imo wi nillt ititmni-e ih- pt t!'- r.i-t m.Ii' r.f t.M lis'1 f iUr m eti, I. r n( Hi" rmit.'tj t li.riri Ad I'd itj'i.e in U... cri'l'i'' "', n Mi l il l u! I. i if-' means s e.n.t.r .f t'-Mi Add'd rtpen"e in rnrdift in in" n"i nt of He tners. f e n or of it.e Mr. and Mrs. J. H Pr)-nn iti4 '(nat f n i U'e mri th . sons sod Mrs Mnt M-K.r sn-t l.t. ihine f -f ir-. w-try Mr.. Crti- r-.c!.i..n.V.'l.ln vUitlng Hh Trl-mc f'" P;'1 io ...-k rnurnt-d Tu.d .y '' r t,oin at Walla Wall. Mrs A W. C.H.k f .tend. s"B. arrived Tu-dy s"i :t v ' f"r a few Us at it' of h.T du.!i ler Mrs. Kenneth Iliik". Firsthand In'otoiatlun (is (o what the average, t'.vllbn did In London I during Hid 'cppelin air raid can best j bo fit.tfOTi.d by viewing "fiords", the tinl'Uf- rharacier piny In which be wiIMiIiib young lni-riby f'.ish, of M.lHle liiKttiib.r" (.inn . v.-ill appear al I be .-"lar Tin ntn- n xi Sunday M'l.h I si l it. wtiileti a nd Ki.id lib- mil lie- aitlo'ii of ti e p-i.ple ii'inar Hi.."- 1 1 j n limes w'n-n Hi" '' r te..ii m. pt oe ibe city and dropped their Ions of d'l.th on ll.e f- ur Mrlr-k-n p"pul.i'len l:m Mi-s ;ish shows Jusl wluil .'o'!e In tli'-lr bomes did. and Mlfs (iili "i .now ',,r i,"' p. rl mti'd rune a r r. ids during In r slay in London. Th'te Is no air rid in V- p,r lute, noi I Ho re a l.' iiuMn. f'.r I' Is an alter ll.e war pUv that b n-.tbilig wl.alevi-r In do with Imtll'S ot borrnrs t.f Htai riainte. H it Hn te Is sn ev(.!oi..ii in it i.'i' !.M.(". H e I" K r,..t. lilHe :-r In Hi I..i) l''n l.tMi'l i'f I '.'!"'- h.ars ii li- 1'if.ws a i.n .'.".!' r over b'-r bead snd rt !s uti.l-r H," rink M s J ke o' I y st a'' Hint It was a common wnit. IS'" f'r pf.pl" In London n t ave Hi' -ir 'i s so ttani r. i i two p;" '" I'd rrawl iitid'-r tie itll'll'il I'll. Bid H' l" lr ' ih. io s ft... i t.i n.- i ' "s ir, rase r!o ' tis ,ould n" ir fio.e n t'.e I..,.!.! 1. 1 t ' bn'l l ib folios d an ' r.t tion lint t'.e way Itor'.l'y d- It I" p.. ,, 1. f it.r . '. 1 J im d-.n't tMlik ti'ar as srtio-i'y abosji H.e a f ra d ) d-.'s ( .. ;.- A " ,'favf-v-- 10 cents a Loaf ,ro(!iirt .f ihc IIfn'r Ilakti y ;irc all ina!f riylit lily ami !n'a1l!i.u!tiv tlu-y an- llic ual .l tlif l'u"-t in Orc-roii. icic in I lfiiinT ati'l in u,i I'.akti' I'miliirt anywlnic , In iiit ' s ) ct ni s i .I i try ri illar 'f I a in iint in inatel i.:N. lilH, lihl and w a In- ainl -"i's m' i.i Ik r cm t!) fvtTy lay liiiini'H aii'l li iiir ''h ii-ts. I lt'1'jincr I'H' 1 1 nl. l,it . iiii'icli'.i-.3 tli.it tru l iii.ilc ni'I Win- tn. i 1i.li. iii l.iiil.l itn vr.ur own l"A ii I'V 1 u in lT 1 1 I l n r niatlf I'.rrad ollu'r h.iki'r's i'r'lufl iii-Hal nl' iMti"iiiiii lahis in n i I i 1 jin.iliirls wlm srti'l iitt-til. mil of i-vriy u df i.tir litratl money In I 'ml laii'l In In ! LiiiM iti that city at the e.cii-e of i.ur nun little town. What do Portland bakers do to help build up Mcppncr ? Not'iinj;. Then ly Ci.ntiiiile In eti'l tin-in nur bread iimiiey when by m ! i n yni are helj.itit tn j.n'l down a hnnie Think it oer. ni' hivtrvth.it iith'in what it can tn lit !. build up 1 1 1 1 n r. Try a loaf f'-r ).',ir innt nin;r loat. ItV only loients a ln.if at Tl.oiii.'.n lb''- . I'li-!., '".roi -ry Co. or at The Heppner Bakery A HOME INDUSTRY i:i if