PAGE EIGHT THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday. August 3- 1020 number of bottles and loss of tbe j Judge Patterson has also resigned as ? O - 7 contents. Cnited States Commissioner and that Mr. Wa'ers has been recommended for that position. Judge Patterson is retiring from active business on account of ill health and it is understood he con templates removing his family to his former homo in Pennsylvania. Judge Patterson held the position of county judge litre for many years and is held in the highest esteem by practically every resident of Morrow county. IXWAL MAYS I'l l .MS I I ;.!.ir Thea'ie, 1 .njisday, August 5th: Charlie Chapiln, Mabel Normand, Marie Dressier i n 'I Il.I.nO'S I'UNCTl'KKD ROMAXCK' Tin-oil ore A mict ion was visiiov ! Mjiii Kiln mile in i (iuy. it li!HlH' iv. li rial u; - I .Mi,. M-sd-.iy Jaml. VVe,l-I'ort- Oiir etiod thinir a"lier is that v.'o hen it is over. about this hot will all be glad ! i ;j I r i u wet I I Mis. .1. W. IJeymer l.-f t Friday she will Why not let Ohio settle it. It's loo iiot to bother with politics in this man's country. nioi niiit; fur Newport v. ii ipi-Il'l I In: month of At! will bs y 00 WHF.AT M.U1KKT SHOT TO Mr. mid Mrs. little children I. JJ. front liusey upper and two Willow crock wore id 11 oss. in town Saturday on bu- .Mrs. . M. Hart and Iwo children Lucilo and liohhio, returned AVodnos day from a month's sojourn at Port land and toast, points. Charles fiperry, democratic war .liorso of lono, and nominoe of liis party for shorilT of Morrow counly, was a business visitor in Heppner on Tliu rsday. Mr. and Mrs. Malson and daughter May, of Seattle, are the guests tliis week of Mr. and Mrs. (!. W. Mjlhol land. Mis. Matson is a sister of Mrs. Milholland. Misses O'Neill and Ose v.'ero the puests of Miss Violet Hynd of But terly Flats during last week. .). A'. Stevens was in from hiijllard mnn ranch Saturday reporting that crops are looking well in his section. The spring wheat is looking particu larly well and promises a good crop. Kinmolt Moore, well known cattle man of the Lone Ro'k country, was in town Thursday on his way from Vorlland whore he marketed a car of beef steers, lb; reports the mar ket very good. Mr. 0. Schanessy, traveling auditor from the general office of the Tiim A Lit in company at Walla Walla, was here several days last week on a re gular business trip. W. d on I'. Mahoney and family picnic Ditch creek Sunday. ikc i:s Deputy Sheriff Iioardman Thursdi n ess. Chidsey went to y on official busi- S. J. Stephens and family were in town yesterday from their ranch home near Lexington. M.r. and Mrs. Hanson Hughes and Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Patlison spent Sunday at Hughes camp on upper Willow creek. Mr. and Mrs. Heney returned Sun day evening from an enjoyable three weeks vacation spent at Nye Creek lieach, near Newport. Mrs. Edward Gonty is spending a lew days at their summer camp on upper Willow creek. The wheat market seems to be a minus quantity this week according to local buyers who, when questioned about market conditions reply that practically there is no such animal. The price has been steadily falling until last Friday and Saturday the quotations were around $2.10. This morning loca 1 buyers refused to quote any price. Men who are keeping in close touch with business conditions seem to think there is little liklihood of the market recovering this fall and some go so far as to express the be lief that anything better than $2.00 is unlikely in the near future. Many farmers will be forced to sell at least a portion of their crop this rammer to get expense money and that class will not be pleased with conditions if the price should jump to $3.00 next spring. A carload of lodge room furniture arrived Sunday evening for the new Elks building and for the Masonic lodge room. Star Theatre, Thursday, August 5lh: Chai lie Chaplin, Mabel Normand, Marie Dress If r in TILLIK'S PUNCTl'Iti:!) ROM A NCI Waller Beckett was in from Eight mile Wednesday making final ar rangements for tdartlng his harvest operations the follow Ing day. M'v. Ilecketl says the hot weather of last week had a bad effect on the late Holds of spring wheat In his neigh borhood. Mrs. Sam F. Van Vactor returned from Portland Wednesday evening where she has been for a couple of week under medical treatment. She is much Improved In health and ex peclH lo return to the city next weclt for further treatment. (Iuy M. Anderson, deputy county clerk, returned Wednesday evening from a visit to Salem and Portland. Mr. Andeison attended the SlntcCoti eiittini of Flka lit Hie apilol city last ve"k and sayn th"V had II very i iicre Ml ) 1 meet in;:. He stopped over at I' i : I rid for it ft w il lys Jut t lie cut ' it i- It'.lll'l 'I lh" ft nciples of any s i n ( ii er.oiiij ,i I i pass hi- to" ii i ; l: lit rlay- Mrs. L. 0. Hen-en wont to Port land Sunday to look over fall offer ings in the millinery line. She will spend a week or more in the metro polis. Star Theatre, Thursday, August 5th: Charlie Chapiln, Mabel Normand, Marie Dressier TILLIK'S Pl'NCTURFD ROMANCE' Chas. Dykstra was in town this morning. He reports line hay rrops in his neighborhood and haying work i progressing rapidly. News in scarce as hen's teeth this morning but here is one real news item: Vee (lenity was in town this morning in his green car. Divorce Petition of Colorado Man Con tains a Long List of Grievances. Denver. One of the longest lists of grievance against a wife ever (lied In the district court Is contained In a bill of particulars In support of John r.nth well's complaint in divorce against Margaret Bolhwell. These ore some of the nets of which P.othwel! complains : "That she told bis friends that lie was entertaining and as funny as a crutch. "That she was n confirmed flirt, and by her actions prompted men to stop find talk with her. "That she smoked cigarettes. "That she told him she did not love him, and named nnother man whom she said she did love. "That she repulsed his detnonstrn tlons of affection and told him she couldn't stand having him n'round. That she told him he had n hum .lob nnd wasn't earning enough money." i I at ! I At the matchless style and value of the new models of and II. O. llauman, prosperous farmer of the Lexington district, was in town this morning looking for har vest hands. Men arc rather scarce this week as most of the farmers are now getting their harvest under way. t 1 r i: r t. Hrn .,1 I daw 1 1 ! 1 1 1 I. mi ! lonfi r ,.,1 Hie c i l.:l:il;-' tor Mi :,.. el IV. t the V a . .1 mil Padberg was in town Monday and reports that his big, new fresh ing out ill Is working line. Four headers and 12 header boxes fail to keep the big machine's appetite for grain and then more grain, satisfied. Hanson Hughes returned Thurs day evening from trip to Omaha and other middle west points. He rays they ate having lots of rain In the Missouri river country and crop-, are looking line. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Christensen left Monday for Moscow. Idaho, where they will visit his mother. Mr.Chris- lenseii has bein with the Mjiii-row Coi'iiiy Ah-iracl Co. ler almost a .ear but is now considering engaging In tin- taiiiiliii; business. Din Han-hew v. bo has lnn In the M xii e ho plial for Mtenil weeks il!i a bull, broken ankle, was aM to I" la I ii. i . i ,:l le I lltrll to III P'lli Ml iy. ale o'l t rill v, hu h he S Hill Ih'lbiW ho'llt' lie lies h is now pi el!.V i tips ,., II 111 Dttlli-ill. v tut I: I . d Pi I ll. able to elllloi I ; in le i TWO MILLIONS TO CHARITY Harriet Blanchard Will Alio Leave Bequests to Churches and Edu cational Institutions. Philadelphia. Charitable and re ligious organization were left more than $2,(XXUXH) under the will of Harriet lilanchani of this city, who died iibout u year ago. The will was probated. The bequests Include $'"0,noo to the domestic and foreign missionary society of the Protestant Fplscopnl church, J'.'.'.IHKI to the trustees of the general clergy relief fund of the Prot estant Episcopal church. Others were : I'nlverslty of Pennsylvania, JliHl,. IXHI; American Church Institute for Negroes. JliHi.iKm; Hampton Nm-niiil nnd Agricultural Institute, Sl'i k i.i X m ; Tuk. 'gee Institute. Jliii.ixii), orse that we are now showing, in both back and front lace models, designed to meet the requirements of every figure type. A wide variety of handsome fabrics in white or pink Contel or Broche. If you desire smart Corsets at modest prices for every occasion it will pay you to see these Corsets. IS HEPPNER, ORE. I ' I I I I i I I a - FASHIONABLE PRKSSMAIUXO Remodeling and Ladies Tailoring. Mrs. Curren, Church street. 37t( WOItK HORSES FOR HIRE Six good work horses for hire through harvest. Enquire of Walter Rood, Heppner, Oregon. 13-14 FOR SALE Separator, equipment nine miles Thirty-two inch Case cook house and other for sale at my ranch northeast of lone. J. LOST From running-board of car In Stengle canyon, near Rector ranch, 9 mm Luger revolver. Re turn to or notify L. V. Gentry, Heppner, Ore. Suitable reward. 13-tf. Strct Boss Quits Job to Be Bolter Paid Laborer IVentisc laborer he einploveil In st re. I nr.' niakilo; more than the .xi n mmi-h paid hint fur dii-.-ctinj il... unit. .Inl'ii AeMey has pies, -hi, ., reslg nail.iii a s:iv.-t eiiMiiilssioiier to the colllieil of H l.'l.ett 1 I.e. II N. .1 I', nil el l, I : y tl ni'ietl l.i. .. .,-1 d lh.' .a fer in !,!!'. m liilmi-. hut n ,-!'. el.. 1 ; j a i i. r, II. Imtis, lone. Ore. 13-1 C FOR SALH: 1917 Buick, completely overhauled, a real bargain. $8 50 Terms to responsible parties. 1917 Dodge, newly overhauled, In excellent condition. Another bar gain. $650. Terms as above. Heppner Garage 1 3 Lf . FOR SALE Ford car In fine con dition. New engine, Cord tires, thoroughly overhauled recently. Call on or address L. Van Marter, Heppner, Ore. 12tf FOR SALE A-l grade Holsteln heifer giving 4 gal. daily. $100 cash. A. L. Strait, lone, Ore., Box 373 FOR SALE Six gcod work mules with or without harness. See Guy Boyer, Heppner, Ore. 14-17 wvp .it !' It. ii' II" . I n- In .. I I I' P. a- l In- i :, n v !- i ii. i, i.i i: '..I .1 ...eiM I, t- en t '. .n I 's mi ii h id in . ,.k ! more '. a Job .!' part- i - r.rM M. i r D.:y P, I, I ml I ! , I'--' ' I 1 in l' t.. Il.i . I'm .1 .1. r '-.! .ii i.i i la r. j . P i' . . - , IM I ,.( x,. M.. . i i ii . 1 1 e I. I' i'i.. I....I..' i ... ked 'f i, tie if j-et-.l III.' .Ij'Hi' I'i'Mil) ciinn.'.l lo the 1'in.Vtiii! of -l"i . ' i '...ik -in' t d . I oil ..1,-1 in lh.' h !l . m (tun! I .... in i ii ! t. . i.ti.l 1 1 . 1 1 in k Nt I s i! M ;,M. .1 ,iiii nnd ;.tv M n..ten b.-IU 'if. t ' It. tit. t It,-.- Itu. . - ..f .lii.l.,,' . r - ,i', , .i, a',,1 ,; like it ci I!,,. I. .,,. i-i I, .-,. row I'jl'.t.en ll,l OlMjt..l 111 i.' (a.- It'iiit ii.. . I.ite-n... f,.r iiiitfv t. ... it .i.i I,. 1. 1 i . ,tVt.h... on rtt.n ne bn tint It in un..-rtotti that ! -! r I. I K""l Cell l.t en t.-ni. 1 : r. . t i . -. tmikh or I' iii'i' en c. m- i ,'ie fill- ' . . ! a. n . ..r c s'.t ' .l.t h.r.K 'l I. rit -' '. Is M tt , P. i! t no. v t.t r ti I..- ; 'Minn'. .i t.-t . I). ".!. . ' In Ae 11 H '-' rtaro if : ', r.v h rt -! J M.-Co! ' . n or fhott. "f is i r Do You Need a Ford Truck This Fall ill tlHI HWi: A h,.,i. a, , ;,,u 1 Kruit. .tu,,. (ret n tvrllrn' It.-d-n Mm A V. t-;H" - o ! I " . ,t 7 I iC Ti . If )..u tl.t ll (I!.1 jmir t.i-.le:' I.I t.ti. e. t run make .tnlii. tie. Iici) tf IIU K. .ileti-il mitt liul . .'it nut km tt ho.i roiiililitiiik limy l In Ihe future, HI I Il iS fl. I. V. i:i U T oci:. LATOURELL AUTO COMPANY Authorized Ford Sales and Service HEPPNER, OREGON I' J