PAGE SIX THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday. August 3. 1020 SYLVIA'S VANTS By ELIZABETH Q. DAY. PRESENCE OF ORGANDIE HATS "YeS, T.M1I I'll i-Tiiteii Sylviit so n n l.lliin-if o i'riilne. Sylvin, i.. ( : 1 1 1 -? r T:r :t-l. with Imif 1n.wi i-hinii.l'll::; for of her fnnip.-my, jin or, the hum!, raff, (3 :i r Sy lejlcale. I tiimry you," roti that Tu..i was i- I, hriiiiiuit, pnpn th" voiiiil' m'li ir I'VI'II line evell'llf! op!::,:; 'I'om Ti'.-iin-'letermineil von'i',' hunk clerk with a mniloriito salary fuel very modern to prospects for tin' fu ture. Truly II was iimimn;;! It hud l.'iken Tom three years to smaiuoti suf t'a'ii hi cnui'iiee to propose, iiiul now he wimilereil f ir a inoiiient why lie hsnl hoi done it liefore. Tiki well lie know I His limited r-Ir-cimisliinecs 1 1 ; i I at one lime seemed an insiii'inounlalile liarrier lietween tlictn; hut now that In; Inn saved a little and was Helling on heltcr at Hi? lianlc he had miisl ereil the neeessary ciliM8( to "pep" tl:e MUeslion. "Ves, and we'll have a church wed ding and six hriilcsmaids iind all the. fi x iii'k,' and, Tutu, I know a dear lit tle house I'd like to live In, hranil new, and only $!U.KK. There's a duel; of u arai;e where we can keep our own Utile car, for we'll surely have one, won't we, dear? Anil, Tom, I saw a llvliij,' room suite in town the other day for .fToO, and a solid mahogany se. for only $1.UX). You see. dear, 1 sort of had a hunch you'd ask me soon, so I've lieeu scoulim,' around, for I am a firm heliever in pre i:i redness, you know." Tom was hotfinnln:,' to have "hunches" In several different direc tion.. Mow, Tom thought he had sized Sylvia up heller than thai. He knew lier father was very "well off" tl.nik'li not wealthy; that they hail a "lliv ver," as did iiiiniKl everyone in the llirifly little town, hut where had Svl via acquired such ext ra vacant tastes? Oh, hut he had hee;i a fool to dream of winniiiK' her and keeping her. lie had won her, hut how ahoul keepinn her'i Wns she. after all, like some other emply-hoaded irls he knew, with aspirations lor a rich hushand? Surely lie had never lived in a manner that would cause Sylvia to' helieve that he had money. Miserahly lie thought of the $-l,iH1 lie had manured In save, at no small sacrllice, either. Well, he was doom ed to he an old hachnlor, lor he never could love anyone hut Sylvia. He was disappointed In her, to lie sure, for he had lielleved her the sinceresl, truest type of womanhood. Imt he loved her none the less for Ins dis appointment. Sylvia, apparently mistaking his si lence for hliss. was chattering on hap pily aliont n "ducky" kitchen cahinet mil llreless cooker anil no end of alu minum ware, the purchase of which would mean hankruptcy for Tom. He must speak, he must tell her that nil these things could not lie. for yearn mid years anywuy, and rnhahly never, "Sylvia" he Iipkiiii, miserably. "Yen?" with Home Asperity. "I love you," Mulshed Tom lamely. "Of course you do, dear, and I love cm o distract Ion. and that Is why I can hardly wait for all the lovely thinn He are uoitiu to Ket loelher." So Hint was It; she hived Iran not for himself iilniie. "Sylvia," he he-nn nuiilti. and then "topped. Then a courage niuie to him, ;i cimra-'o h, ha I not Ihouht piissilile, I' was clear that In' mii-l speak. lie ihl not 11., to take tier hand or 1 en to loo', at her. 1 It ipplnn his I lllli l,l.' to ;e'h '!', he it Illc'ci t . "I. I. ten, u, 1 a 111 'i 1 11 : !. s.vlvin. I 11 lor 1 1 1 ! i 1 1 to Itn-e , pi HI lliil!i;s I lit I sin 1 I I IU-.I hue if 1 oil I Inn', At Least One Piece cf This Charming Heaogear Is Regarded Necessary by All '.'ornen. Organdie hats are just now diverse and luautiiul. A few seasons nK they jiopped into the horizon as a pns sihility and were );iveu more or less passim; and amused attention, but now cveryhody is lining at least out oi'Kiindio hat. It is u hat to lead women astray and to lure trom their poekeihook.s much more money thar they had planned to let slip away ll that direction, for such hats are uptto lie so heconiin that, hi spite of the fact thai they are perishable in the extreme, they are Irresistible. In nistel shades and colorings these organdie hais have reached their high est development. The violets and pinks and yellows are fascinatini;. often they ar" trimmed witli notliinn at all, but are so constructed and shaped that their rolling brims and their softly folded crowns take care of the whole duly of a hut. Then there are some which are trimmed with big splashing bows of the same material. Others are done with (luted bows to chime in with the frocks which the hats are designed to accompany. One of these organdie hats was made of white anil was trimmed with a large and sweeping bow of wide black vel vet ribbon across the front. One could picture it worn with the whitest of white dresses made also of the crispy white organdie material. An other organdie hat hail n hand of pur ple faille ribbon wound closely about the base of Ihe draped crown of mauve. Another bad a basket of fresh and modern posies embroidered on the front of a draped pink organdie crown. They are done in all manners these transparent huts of summer and each one Is most charming. DAISIES USED AS TRIMMING XOTH'K TO CREDITORS IX THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR MOR ROW COUNTY". In the Matter of the Estate of Albert Matteson, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Julia Matteson has been duly appointed by the County Court of Morrow County, Oregon, Administratrix of the Estate of Albert Matteson, deceased. All persons hawing claims against said Estate are notified to present the same to me at the office of my attorney, Sam E. Van Vactor, at Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication hereof, with the proper vouchers duly verified. Dated and first published this 29th day of June, 1020. JULIA MATTESON Administratrix of the Estate of Al bert Matteson, deceased. First Publ. June 20, 1920. Last Publ. Aug. 24, 1920. NOTICE VOll PVIIUCATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land office at La Grande, Oregon, May 15, 1920. Notice is hereby given that, FRIEDRICH RAUCH, of Echo, Oregon, who, on November 2, 1915, made Homestead Entry No. 015?64 for EVz, Section 20, and on March 8, 1920, made Additional Homestead Entry No. 017354, for Section 20, and E NW'i, Section 8, Township 1 North, Range 28 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before J. A. Waters, Clerk of County Court, at Hoppner, Oregon, on the 20th day of July, 1920. Claimanat names ap witnesses: Tony Vey, Price Hunkers, Frank Irwin, Julian Riiuch, all of Echo, I Oregon. C. S. DUNN, 4-f Register. Stockraising homestead entry, Act December 29, 191 6, (39 Slats., 862.) NOTICE FOIl I1 M.IC.VnOY The daisy trimmed straw chapeau a hat finished at the edges with tnffe. ta daisies is one of the latest Parisian fashions. Department of the Interior, U. S Land Office at La Grande, Oregon June 1 5, 1920. Notice is hereby given that SHERMAN SHAW ol Heppner, Oregon, who on Novem ber 13, 1916, made Additional Home stead Entry, No. 016735, for N NE 4 and N NW'4, Section 26, Tp. South, Range 27 East, Willamette Meridianr, has filed notice of inten Hon to make three-year Proof, to establish tdaim to the land above described, before Clerk of County Court, Morrow County, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 9th day of August, Ii20. Claimant names as witnesses: T. J. Matlock, Guy Boyer, Ralph Jones, Frank Rrsnius, all of Heppner, Oregon. C. S. DUNN, Register. XOTH'K FOIl I'l ISI.IC.mOX Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, June 15, 1920. Notice is hereby given that GEORGE M. VINSON of Lena, Oregon, who on August 9, 1916, made Additional Homestead Entry, No. 016299, for NWi NE , E!i NW and NE SW, Section 22, Tov.-ns-hip 1 South, Range 29 East Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three-year - roof; o establish claim, to the land above described, before Clerk of County Court, Morrow County, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 4th day of August, 1920. Claimant names as witnesses: George Pearson, Howard Pearson, Frank McCabe, Jjrrsh Courtney, all of Lena, Oregon. C. S. DUNN, Register. NOTICE FOIl PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Crande, Oregon, June 15, 1 920. Notice is hereby given that WILLIAM F. TETTYJOHN Echo, Oregon, who, on December 23. 1916, made Homestead Entry: No. 015878, for SW'Vi NW4, N SW'A SEi S'.VVi. S SEi,i, NE Vt SEU. SEU NE',1, Section 34. To. 1 N.. R. 28 E and on March 1, 1920,-made d. H. E. No. 019493, for NE Vi N Eli, NW'i NWVi, NW!4 SEVi, Sec. 3 4, Tp. 1 N., R. 28 E. and Lot 1, Sec. 2, Tp. 1 S., R. 28 E., Willa mette Meridian, has filed notice of in tontion to make three-year proof, to tablish claim to the land above described, before Clerk of County Court, Morrow County, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 3rd day of August, 1D20. Claimant names as witnesses: W. E. Wiglesworth of Echo, Ore gon. Ceo. Cummins of Lena, Oregon, Mack Gentry of Lena, Oregon, Fred Coxen of Lena, Oregon. C. S. DUNN, Register. Stoclcraislnt; homestead entry. Act December 29, 1916, (39 Stats., 862.) Bread LiKe Mother Used to MaKe You can have it if you use our famous White Star Flour For Your Baking We have just received a car load of Spring Beardless Barley for Seed We pay highest cash prices for Hides, Pelts and Furs Heppner Farmers Elevator Co. i can iiil-'id U'l-ll t I'l "1 in ri: , .i I''.'. I e I hud ii 1, ! Ill w :llll . i tine 'i HCile'V ; ! I . I hi I - .1 i, II N-.l.tMl InillH' li'l lit t ' inr h of d all -oil of me. iiiul iheiiu-'it Simple Logic. The earl of I'ortnrlington, who wns one of the first to volunteer for ritv- lr during the railway slrlkf in Eiik liind, relate the following Ntory : A boy scout mi duty at one of the Lon don termini, feeling the pangs of hun ger about eleven o'clock one morning, began a vigorous attack on a substan tial lunch he had brought with him. A gentleman passing by was moved to remark: "My boy. If you eat much now you Hoo t have any appetite for ynnr dinner." To which the smart little fellnw replied: "Well, I glless If I haven't anv appetite I shan't want any ilini er." The ceiilleinati bad no autre to say. Ccnson cf Peril, At this se.i'.ini of the ear It I folly to i liter yu'iv lieili'nnm witliniil lurii !'iu on ihe light. A I -1 iln net attempt to it en the ch.e of the leil IMlVsi Joll n-e I,-.. ! Im-.I n ih. 1 1'( f,,r this In I'lld !- viim unlit I le In t ivili -e rrl it'.e Ite'ln -.1 lie. , 'h.'Im' i 'eaniiu lit" ,'t.;!,- max iijir dec 'ill the o'hi-r Mile Vt'lir. sit In well . I'll l.t' t-r i I'll lell. Ihe wnliietl 'It . I tt. put the I oil tf llie roiiln this til I ireful, fur Knnv MeMii:er. ef l-llt till T'i. t Du: I :,le fjt'culcj Be ETrctive. ."ii I ' i " ' 1 1 1 1 me f.r. iit- A syi AKK DEAL IX IJEAL ESTATE. What has brought the real estate business largely into disrepute Is that all the failures who huve tried nearly everything else and most of the professional liars ultimately drift into the real estate game. They would skin their own mothers-in-law to get a commission. Of course they don't last 'ontt, but others come to take their places, and the public has become leary of buying or selling land through real estate agents. J . There are miiiio Straight Shooters In the Ileal Estate IiiisIiicm the name as in the mercantile busine-.s. the banking business or in any other legitir ate line of endeavor in which mci hava reputations oto uphold and defend. A si: my clents on both sides of the numer iiuh r al estate deals I have made, nml iti every instance they are satisfied ctlstt.mei s. It is Ihe only way. When you have Bry land to sell if buy, come In and see me. E. M. SHUTT The P.eal lis! ate Man Up-stairs in Court House IVSacliiiiry For the Harvest Season THE NEW DANE MOWER '. Built by the John Deere Company, is giv ing excellent satisfaction. Let u& show you the merits of this machine. Wc are agents for CASE THRESHING MACHINES, Are the Best. CASE KEROSENE TRACTORS, Have no superiors. Ask about prices and terms on these high grade machines. Peoples Hardware Company I ,:i I me t' ' id a . h I i. .t I'' PI'- if ieel"lt( " 11 t' t' I 1 1-1 , II' l.litl I.I'.1 h:te owed Mrs," r.di- 8 f'-r- A LEGAL NOTICES I .. n I I oi-l I" . i to :i II til I 'I UH i: u I t l. M I II I MI NT in i nr. i ni m y t iu ii i' ni-- ti;i; s ; 1 1: i i)i;i:i;o.. rti; Mm; Ki'W t'l NT Y. Ill the M iitei nt the I'ttatt. IMh.i H ! f i th. pe. ,.,m, , Nt iiiidi II c. .1 Ifitliy k"tii Xillllltllsll.ltf I 1'i'h.i '. I l.c u tui t "i Vi h I , I "' I ' t ' 1 I. ... I . II " I I.'. It I y st h.. i.ut. i it, '"' llll'l 1 ' in ntir lei i. iiiel Inn . I ' t '. tit ! the i-U- Choice Cuts of the Best n i in Itctt VII . ,e . II I lltel P t h'T -eiiiIe I w ti.i : mi t Uw i- le.- ciifiutt f.-r -i'll, tn at ' t, 'i rt IIV Hit I ' l ot ) (u'tLcrT lnl Hut H'iH I n (s t? .1 ..' Vil ii t' 11 " . '". K I ll 1 , ..1.1 I'..' I .111.1 ,..' , 11 1' I Cfll't .';.,' .1 i M.'i i-iiv 't'iint . IM ..ii. tl lee .llltl I I.I' o B. t f t').' In- el. le t item hen to, and the mi nt thi rntf w. i: wii.i i swimii ii. Atl'iilnlttli'r of the lt.tte i f llenfth. IWenmil Ku l I'util )n- :. l:o, ut I'ui.i auk :i. n:o. ;:veky Ho;.;s::vi s-:: wants to serve the best i.i Meats m her f.vnilv.. Sl'.c can be ryruicd slie t it i in. "i fettle l. tin I i r.'ti s.iiiit.i .' i; rlcil ui tl tn.u ki'ti!1 nor Mcih , with i: I t;:i-i.Urn w liU'ii !1K'1'.U,U 'f Central Market McNAMER & SORENSON. Props. The Moral Risk Wlu-n ;l.e t:..,,. ti.iiiri 1 1 t-. . U i t. n hank v. Ill w ant to know what u Al;".: ; i Well us whit yiei HAVE. That'll wheie th.. h;..inl i oinm In. ou ran't i t..lili h credit o..r r.UI.t. Kather. It li ii matter ol liei o.nini KNtiW'X nt your hank, of en Lililixhinit con I'ler.i e hy the way In whiih you Imvo kit jour oceount, havi- lo your ri nlit. it'.'-i of (he minium you f'.et acnuain'" 1 that's the fn,t t; !pu that ai'iiti.'.:.! 'm ii n tiltt.."' ,p. It In ! n 1.4 ' 1 v.h r. 'he tt-i,. rxn.v I.' !'.. ll:. t t! : I. f.U i : t- "i ;. ,u .i It,; HIVIli' Tlfrl llevelop iil ftaml yiiii . Uenu'ii.her--"ii.I.I-ti' bank- Farmers a Stockgrowers National Bank HEPPNER, OREGON. n