Tuesday. August 3, 1920 THE HEPPNER HERALD. HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE FIVE 0 0 III Local Happenings From Neighboring Towns CECIL MOWS I I V. G. Piilmalur of "Windy Look" was a Cecil caller on Sunday. Edmund Briston of lone is visiting with Jackie Hynd for a few days.. Willie Geo. Wilson is spending a few days around Heppner. his brother Ed. who is treatment at the hospital. Ed is improving nicely. receiving We hear Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hynd left But terly Flats for the Hynd Bros, ranch "The Pines" at Ukiah on Tuesday. They intend to rusticate awhile be fore returning home. came Monday and will visit for a f.nv days with her mother Mrs. Mai v Hale Mrs. J. X. Piefer of Walla Walla arrived last week and will visit at tite homo of her brother Ben Judy. Miss Eva Wilcox, who has been spending the past two weeks with her sister Miss Alverta Wilcox, left Sat urday for Portland. IN U. 8, FLYING The 01 i Miss Ruth May arrived in Cecil on Sunday from Wasco and will spend her vacation with her parents at the Lone Star ranch. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Lowe of the Highway House left on Wednesday for Portland and other points. Mrs. J. H. Franklin of Erving spent Sunday with Mrs. Jack Hynd of Butterly Flats. Miss Bernice Franklin of Erving was the week end guest of Miss Doris. Logan of Fairview. Walter Pope left on the local for Prescott, Wash., w'Are he will visit for sometime. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Krebs and H. Krebs of "The Last Camp" and Miss A. C. Lowe of the Highway House were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Phil. Brady of lone on Sunday. Mrs. E. J. Logan, who has been, visiting friends around Cecil for the last few weeks, returned to her home in Portland on Sunday, accompanied by her son Boyd Logan of Four-mile. Mr. Dwight Misner ' and friends returned on Sunday from Portland where Mr. Misner invested in a fine Reo truck. The "Mayor" of Cecil was amongst the party and declares Mr. Misner gave him the biggest treat he has had for some time by bringing him over the ColumbiaHigh way to Cecil. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Brown of the Gooseberry country are enjoying a visit from their daughter Mrs. Read and her little daughter of Weston. Mr. and Mrs. X. E. Thomas and son of Maupin came Saturday ana pend a few days with Mrs. will Thomas son Robert Hildenbrand. All Metal Plane Will Revolutionize Aircraft Design and Construction. :ean beag at the Mouth of the Columbia River are a Gtarsous Delieht ii RESORTS D.R. Engelman catneSaturday and will spend a few days in lone with friends. Mr. Engelman has been spending several weeks in California. Dr. C. C. Chick and Mrs. C. Chicle and son. Charles spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Chick's pister Mrs. J. Wilt. ' Mrs. Andrew Douglas left Saturday for The Dalles where she was called on account of the serious illness of her mother Mrs. Ganger. Mrs. Miont McMurray and children who live near Lewiston, Idaho, ar rived several days ago and will visit with her brother A. A. Agee and oth er relatives. John and Henry Tannler of Port land arrived at "The Last Camp" on Thursday where they will spend a few weeks. Miss Kathleen Slocum of Arling ton spend the last week with Miss Georgia Summers of the "Last Camp." 1OXI0 MOWS Miss Margaret Jones, local post mistress, has returned from her two weeks vacation spent at Portland. Misses O'Xeill and Case of Hepp ner were the guests of Miss Violet! low Hynd of Butterly Flats during the week. Bert Barlow returned Friday from the Valley where he spent the past months. Mr. and Mrs. F. Baker and family and Mrs. M. L. Van Sclioiack and children of Arlington were callers on their Cecil friends on Sunday. Mr. Mathiew, traveling salesman of The Dalles, was a business visitor in our city Monday. Mr.' and Mrs. C. A. Lowe and her daughter Mrs. Laxlon McMurray and her son Nolan Page returned home Friday from a two weeks vacation spent at Shephard Springs. Moaners V. J. and J. 11. Blake re turned home Friday from Coatbridge Idaho, where they were called several weeks ago on account of the illness of their mother Mrs. Miller, who pas sed away the 15th of July. 0. B. sporty m to Heppner Thur ompanicd by his ide a d.-y. wife bu trip Go. 1!. M.eUnn of Hie Lookout left for The Dalles in Tuesday to visit .in alter Car.m of Heppner County clerk Waters of Heppner came Sunday and spent the day with his aunt. Mrs.. C. T. Walker who will leave this week for Long Beach, Cal., Where she expects lo make her future home. Mit prise grand l)ou ., i Florence Turret- of F'licr s a g":;t at I lie home of he parents Vv. and Mrs. A. 1. sr.. Miss Turner has tn en visit f Star Theatre I ins; for s' her aunt m li.ue at Mrs. ,1am' I'liiiib ;en with Mi a" r. : to Arlingto j accompaiii" ! !!OS'' ( iil'l ! 'lane!,' rs ! tOll .i in '.vb ', s and friends. Mrs. C B. Snorry molnri d : Saturday. Tliey v. en il by tin if daughter Mis. and her two littb Ii ft on I he I rain f' they will vis-It l'elat iv (iOVIOIlXMKST llVXil I.ATION. l'NC,K SAM'S exK-rN luivc le v I hi1 winiP very Intricately eflliieut Tax I('KiiIatloiiN, mid INSIST ITON TIIKS10 TAT.:i IlKINti COI.UOCTKh. Th iil'kT th r ilelili lire pnlil. the winner will Ik- tree fmni tax utlim. . .T'lrr I n tax levied on vT ml liilttuiire lo n I'Mure slum-, except for rlilMicn I'Mtl.lt lx rs of acf. Tin " llll.l'lti:V" mlmllliiiK" pi-Ire it ! imly lo children wlio luue rvmliMl their ltli liiiihiln lull Mir iil )H Iwehe war 1 nuc The AIXI.I" mtinlH.iti. i i"' iiiili'H lo !) mie IweUc Jems nii'1 older. v. in ii li t il iini Ai l. m: i HM i Tin i: III I.I I.AllONs. Iiniiuer ! Bewai'e Star Theatre d. c. Mr.snr.r-, oi.i: ow n r:n A woman who was too economical to subscribe for her home paper sent her little son to borrow the copy tak en by lier neighbor. In his haste tin boy ran over a four dolar stand of bees and In ten minutes looked like a warty Slimmer rqunsh. His cries reached his father, who ran to hisas Hlutance. and fulling to notice a barb ed wire fence, rr.n Into It breaking It down, rutting a handful of flesh from his anatomy and ruining a five dollar pair of pants. The old cow took ad vantage of the (tap In the fence and got Into thecornflelil and killed her self eating rorn. Hearing the racket, the mother ran, upset a four gallon rhurn of rich cream into a bucket of kittens, drowning the whole Utter In her hurry she. dropped and broke, pa.it all hope of mending, a twenty five dollar set of false teeth. The baby, li lt alone, crawled through tin sullied rtcam and Into the parlor, ruining a twenty dollar carpet. llur lug til" ( X'it' iiietit the I'ldi'ct daught er ran i' way with the hind man, the do;; bi4 e up i levi n setting In t.s and tin- r.ilv'M got out und (ii"'d tl-i talis tf of io'ir line ihltt. And all to f-iw lifty ! tits; Mni.il: Sulnrribe (or Ihe ll'r.'ld lit iiii'i- ht.'l piiit'-'t yiiirs'll limn nil' Ii i u I a 1 1 1 1 1 1 . Jiton Ltiry Crcinr. 3. "n fi H.c i.-ii'li-r "f Hie Ar:"v nniiiir cm -.iiiii.t, in t.ni k t r i ' I 'I'l.e iUlU li'eht nf tila inline In llnrli 14 Itie bi-filer "f M'-lM'T. .Iai,li in i. t t t n ii' trniiylil up ii'i'lif I 'Infill. (iriM.k m lb M.w rnil f.ir ii,mi iiml l 111 In nn"n iti". Iiuiiiiii.', iiiu'i" Olid I'ri.f.li.-rv. Jiiv.if, (ff "t l-l' I !"!! u l it exM"! H"n HiHi H e sr- g.iinutu In i'i..t i.f Jr.!.!. n I ! Jit ri Mwiiri-I tl.! t.y Mm ; l .f ?.. d , N ir rv wliii fe'l til .ie Mi'li Mm. S'l - p"i'f le i I. in fn tn i' l.ii" t.feiiil.lig I, re Bid ti'if. !'b .rn" whlrb :o n nit f.. In nrili-r to ' f rt I n tt (!"". !' V"i to pt". Mib !'. prtilwtr'l Mm from It," arn.,t nifti lio t r.-.i.g up fr.n il" tniE"n'ii tf-Mi wl irli f-, m r. Ti r.-t j t' f tn the r. ' l. M"tn fM wlih lvn ti'1 tb tr-rm und irnrrlH fit"i. To yenr luiir Ji n'nr.'l. hwl In-f I fr ti Imd tvut i. rH 'rui. whom Jifio t'l ili ti rmiiiH to nmrry. BIG ADVANCE SCIENCE Frail Spruce and Linen Ship That Did Its Bit in War and Has Been Used in Commerce Will Be Displaced by All Metal Type. New York. The presence In Amer ica of John M. Larsen's JL-0 all metal monoplane will completely revolution ize aircraft design and construction, according to statements made here by leading airplane manufacturers. The frail spruce and linen ship that did Its bit in the war and that has been used successfully, though pre cariously, in commerce will soon be displaced by the sturdy all metal type brought out after'' the war by the Germans, almost every ueronautlcnl expert who has witnessed the per formance of the JL-0 agrees. One American manufacturing company hns already announced Its Intention of discontinuing operations. The War Plane Passes. There Is little comparison between the JL-0 and the old type plane. The only type of airplane that was successful prior to the JL-(!'s appear ance was the wood and linen biplane. The wing beams, the long fuselage, the engine bearers, the struts, the under-ciirriage were made of either spruce or ash and the wings were covered with Irish linen. The fuse lage between the wings gave support to Ihe panels. It was a strong ship; only a cyclotfo or a crash could warp the wings around t lie fuselage. Hut It appears as fragile and deli cate as a china vase beside the JL-0. There Is an nil metal fuselage. One metal wing spreads from each side of the body, a win;,' that measures eight or ten inches In thickness at the lead ing edge, and has a trailing edge as thick as the blade of yor knife. There are no Intorwing struts to offer wind resistance, no control horns on the ailerons, no Hying or landing wires, no control wires free to the wind. It has been said that the Hying, landing and control wires of the old type ship cut down Its speeil by as much as twenty-live miles an hour. Wings Survive Side Slip. The wings of the ,ll.-(i are so rigid flint only a bead on crush will Injur them. .One plane that side slipped to the earth was Immediately righted and Hnwn nuay after a new propellei had been put on. Not even I lie fuse- age to which the metal panels are iitlaehed was Injured, lOigluy-live men have stooil muni Hie liiriy seveli loot spread without ran. lug any ill ffccls. The body of the plane contains a luxuriously furnished couipartineiit that will seat in upholstered chairs ix people. Two pilois may be seated In the control compartment. The mo tive power Is furnished by a 100 horse power Mercedes engine. It reipiires live gallons of gasoline to fly UK) mile, l'reseiit iierwiiautlcal motors require from ten to llfteen gallium for llnit distance. The motor Is uliuost silent, compared to the deafening rimr of the Liberty. A conversation can be curried on In the cuhln with the motor wide open. According to Mr. Ijirnrn, the JL-fl represents Ihe greatest step forward In flying In nil lime. He lias pur chased all American rights, from the Junker company of lieriniiny, which first perfected Ihe all inelal plane. It uns from an nil metal buttle plane tluil the Ixxlie shot down MuJ. Itanul l.iirberry In Ihe most heroic air battle of Ihe war. Ir. Hugo Junker, leTiniin engineer. In Ihe original designer of the all inelal uhlp. for residents of the interior i nil are at the height of their glory Just now North Beach Resorts Clatsop Beaches Tillamook Beaches are all spemlidly equipped and afford the keenest of beach pleasures. The Round Trip Fare to Any of them is d A A Q jr Plus 8';i. War Tax 4) I TTiOJ The added pleasure of a trip through the delightfully picturesque Columbia River Gorge is assured if your ticket is purchased of the (Oregon-W ashing ton Iluilroai) & Navigation Co. NorthBeach visitors have the option of rail or river route from Portland, but choice should be made when ticket is purchased. Let our agent, explain all particulars, make reserva tion and arrange your trip. 1VJI. McMlKliAY, (ieneial I'asscnger Agent KKTI UNS I'ltOM I1X- J KMll'l) UI KOI'K.W Toi l! T. 0. Dennisee, local contractor, has returned from an extended trip to his old home in Holland where he went last December to visit his rela tives. Mr. Deunir.eo says he had a splendid trip besides visiting his re latives he also visited many parts of Europe. llusiness conditions are mostly very good on the continent and much restoration work is being done. Not much, if any more is known of actual conditions in Itussia and Poland in Ihe pari of Kuropo he visited Ihan is known here, .Mr. Dennisee says. On his return Mr. Dennisee visited many points in the east and south on his way back to Ore in. sinner, at his office, at Heppner, Ore gon. Any person is at libe.'ty to protest this mirchase before entry, or initiate a contest at any time before pi'tent issues, by tiling a corroborated alh davit in this office, alleging facts which would defeat Ihe entry. C. DI'NN, Register. First publication August ?,, Last publication October .12, 11120. DOIX l'-AHM lit r.KAl PAY'.' OTI Il i ( lit ITHI II' VI'KI'i Department e Land Ol'lice at July 2:1. IH2II. NOTICi: is he .1 A M 1 :s v hose post o; !i e the ln'ei'ior, 1'. La Grande, Ore;', One day's work of farm bureau auspices, as observed by (I. W. Kable county agent of Itonton, included the following: Herd of registered Jer sey going into Alsea valley; improve ment of coiiiniiioit v grounds at l'lv- liooulh by menilii rs Willi wagons and j truck!'.; farmi rs of Independence diss jtiicl building a telephone line; farm ers of Ingram Island winking on road. 1 I y g i mi th 1I1GGINS .... Il.llll'"l:l is I l I'llSI I V i ' Olill M.'.V I M'il I .".IS .Morrow Counl; 2 Tt Ii dc v of An ol tice Sworn .'.'a!i 1 lion, No. 0 ' i;i!l I, I Wi SK'i, Section r,, Town South, Itange 2'l Mast, Will; na, I he hi. 1 Oregon, did, on 11. t. t:i 111, lile in :!i no nl and Applica- punliase Hie N- hip I incite I (I'onjim;,., I v.anl during (In mate easterners ! the stale I'tlivel'l Were under the rem 1 Meridian, and the limber llicnon, under the provisions of the act of June :!, 1S7S, and ncls amendatory, known as Ihe "Timber and Stone Law," at such value as might be IU ed by appralseuieni, and thai, pursu ant lo such n, pi catinti. the land and timber thereon have been appraised, ut SHiOIMI, the timber estimated at 11111,(1011 board feel at fl.oo per M, und Ihe land IHH.IMI; that said ap plicant will otter fitii'l proof In sup port of his ap.ilicaCon und sworn statement on the 15 day of October, 1920. before Vnited Slates Conrnls- llieel hid ity. Impri 1 stl- I ) Wil l I lie I Ihe sie ill- All I ;io!;e In ision that wo had live or six I liuu-'ii ml si nib 111s, f ad Ihe letter from llayward, "and were greatly niiirised to know thai we had an enrollment less than two I honsainl." The trip bark east was taken III easy stages, ucconllng to llayward. with frequent stops for rest and work outs. The longest stop was In Mon treal, where Ihe Oregon men held a good woikout. The members of Ihe Olympic team expect lo return to this country in September. Meets have been airang eil for Ihe Anierleiiiis In Paris, Lon don and Stockholm, and probably in N01 way und Deliiniu k. NEED WEAPONS FOR SAFETY Cermin Firmer Reluctant to Surren. dr Their Firearms, &ay Cabinet Minuter. IS. rl tn.- I he purl of " 11: render Ih'-i vlilimile i.- li. I II rebl' tllle'e I'll ;i,e ! riiiiin fiinneri In r !.! 11 rin. due In "I l,e re I" pl.!i" t the r li"ai'' iigntii-l nun ini'let -." M nl-nr "f Aricult 111 P.. nun Mild to 11 Tn I. 'all ri-piciitalH... II" ii'l'lid. I,iiinr, that 11 number . f fiirlne.s I. in" l"" ti '-'iritig linn- ;. I'luTii'.-ly t'.r nitiii'-iii' pur ," dill l.e nal lllil tin e wire leil lis 1 1 1 1 ll.'-r ill w Ii" ei-neriiily l.e'irve'l. "If the "P'e only will keep ibilr I ' a'l. , rr Itiiiuii niil'l. I !" I "' t.ellett there Will I.I' llllJT M.'lll)"! ...I'hrwilc In the I'l 'ir fnl'il". 'I be cirlil ltili!..tl lit ll.ll lime lli-pi'' a li'li li' 1." BUY- Your Clothes with Bolh Eyes Open 'I tie I billies I liutke llllil sell slilllll fnl Hie lib 11 tluil Hie m I M ill I I liMiMY In I I Mill H is In l.'t WIIV in Mill KIM. mi.l MllllKMAWIIP. fr. ' I- , ,., , ip .... ' , .1 MiW l Ihe l-llt I )lllll- ili;lil Him' fur imi lit '', Vpf Rnrpiun Mnrcj ? Due H.H! Century Ijitiiliiff 'I-'! I'h'l ir ti-i erali". "m. Ii Ii- .1" Hi m le 'IvH iip fr'.in it..- !.'.., .. I, m ibiM 1; ' ! ! . 'i I. i f h 111, It'T if.i. I. "i, il i. I, .r. f lln -i ' ' fc." f ' 'I t'etl their ut, ni'l lem.i) iit. l laii-r-I Tl.rji "r tin iiM' u n who Iti.bur'y tr.ii.-l kI f, am -s.,ii. Pall Suit I hImi t hi) n lw litilti' hihI mi n'" K-rtiil, rt) tf f fl It h I Im.iii-1 f I i l (fUl ffilltfiill III H 1 1 l ItM 1 1 1 liiKt of w aid r. j ! -(ii liiilor hhI 1 h an r f4 21 ). I'f Ml' I f4! til llM 1 I ,Mli ' iiii'i M'"'1 MliU I'HIM'I IIII'I r 4- ... 1 M .4lll HMII . . l ItM'l tljl I itdi'V stirt , . , , imi hmI tip Heppner Tailoring and Cleaning Shop .. I lltW.I V I'mtulrl'ir lUppner lUr.14 only 2 60 yr. fttrtMKKrfefttftAfti.tfifci