AGE TWO THE HEPPNER HERALD. HEPPNER. OREGON Tuesday, August 3. 1020 ! 1 Principal Provisions of the "Motor Vehicle Operator's Law" of Oregon I linil ions. ; 'rict ro.v!. j',.!- st '. lv( r. "w;y ot tjt; h!;e v-,y r.i ny c '.!."'. r-! - y ovn or vi!!;':--. xce ; a: y ::.'-iiv;-y -.vl.i'-h tnriv ,.. ;-' t bpi-.rt l.y j i'.r he ix."iu.-:ve u-e cf hor.-e.--. l!''h c;a-rlatri-s or pi-:-?rri(ii.. (.-?':. a 1. I';.; .-. i. -a,. I'.l''.) 2. T!i -r.e, "mo-tor v .!;: '" a usf'i in !.- h.w iiKiudf-s ;.li .'-! :"-;- prop-l'.-f! by :;ry povci r other l.'an .ntm-ukr lov.-e.-. (Section 1, C!.;:j)-'-r ".')'., La-.v 3't!''. 3. An "operator" is Wiri'-d as any per.-on o' ?i'-r than a chauffeur, who op'-ryes drives a r.ioior vliicle the "liiehway" of the state. (?: lion Chapt. r 3, J.avs ,;nrial ses sion, 2f20.) yuiilifii al imis fur Obtaining 0Kia toi's License. i. No p'-r.-on. other than a licensed enauffeur, .'-hall operate or diive a motor vehicle in Ore:,oj after July J, 3 520, unless he shall have issued to hurt an operator's license by the sec retary of state. And further, no op erator's licence can t? issued by htc secretary of state to any person less than 16 yea is of aze and who lias not had at least five days of experience in th- operation and drivine of mo tor vehicles, (.-'eft inn 4. Chapter 3, Laws Sp.-cial iv-ssion. 1 ' 2 0 . Procedure for Obtaining Operator's License. ',. Applications for "operator's" n 1 1 - shall !,' inade to t d n cre tary o: o:i bh nks f u-nh 'bed by that official anil shal be sirt.eil by the appliean'.. Hu'-li applications ."hall contain the applicant's l'.l! "A'-ii-'lit, ) cupai ion, color of, color of i . !. date of bil l h and a : tati'in'-nt o:' his cp. i noo in ll.o operai ion :i i:l d.ivin of .,nt..r ve il icle anil that h' is not im-ii'-tily or jihysii'.'i !ly ine: pacilat-il ;,, law di'lini'S, anil b- accoiiiiaiii"d vi ii il:" prescribed f. i nf 27, ci-llt. I'li-onv l,i".s 'I ban Hi tars (I .V;e nn V,l Operate Molm Vehicles. . Th" la v pyo-.iil's l.i. son, vh": h' " nr ant n v n f i: mill or t .jd . ,.., i4 . . i i '.. .: fr t !!. v. I : " ' y . ' com p' i ?: I ', o h ii" I'-- ii). ; ' i ' ::ss .ifliti- : : . I:.w .. r lriv a v v inotoi h ' ; r Jiubl ic h !. '.' y i .1 I i l i M ? . 7. r:11. ! n i'i.r.!i';i. ! H .: : : vt'-h v.-h:-.-:' S y.-ars of t n:. i H-d ' r e' a'.or r r i I-'.inr.; il ')i I i'.ifirs' Licenses ami iMipliiates. ri. T: - i;' i ii c.ry of state upon r ' -i,v of an bfipIVaUon io.- an op-t.-t-r's ii. r-i, f he hnd? 'he same ia -i-j'- foria anl the applicant measures : up to tae rijuiri-.-iiems of the law. i.-.-u s a license to the applicant, v hie'n i:cens- is numbered and con tains the description of the applicant las set forth in his application. Up on the p-ceipt of a license from the secretary of state the license must af : fix his usual signature thereto, other j wise it will not be valid, when it will ; remain continuously in force except durinu a period of suspension or un til revoked as the law provides. In ras of loss or mutilation the license may obtain a duplicate of hi.s opera- j tor's license from the secretary of state upon Cling an affidavit with that official showing the fact of loss or destruction and paying a fee of 2 5 cents therefor. Also every licens ed operator must notify the secretary of state of any change in his place of residence within one week after I surh change is made. Such license : must be carried by the licensee at all ! times when operating a motor vehicle land must be produced by him for in spection upon request of any peace j officer. , llei kless anil Negligent Opel -aloes May be Hefiist-il l.ieen-es. , In. The seer, tai y of state may re : ;u-e to issue a license to any appii 'caiit for an operato.'s or chauffeur'11 ! lie ii: who is shown by proper evid , i-r.C" to he a reckless or negligent op- e, i,: i!ii, r endangering the n l' i ty of ihe pubiic, or an habitual vio lator of the provi.-ions: of i ho mo'.ir ; v-ii :! iaw. I'en iltic-. for iolalions of (be l.a-.v. r 11. I'er.-'o:i who';ol.iie ( ! ill - provi. ions of 'he law or who f.'iil 'to provide thein-elv-s w i t h the pt' i pel permit, license or lirer"".', the;'' - I in pn-.-rl liieil, J.;.- Mlhjecl to p.t'li h- 1 no i.i I y 1. : not i:i ".-!' of tou- ..!::iiiid ..!Hi;-, or by ii'ipri.- on!-" r ' ti i o' n' y j il! no! to d : : . or .... h i re and imi.ri.-r v.," i:i ii . I'!. el ii.p nf the cou't .'!- accon.pany.n? sucii magistrate's. -heri:i's. chiefs of police, cr city or tov.-n raarshal's request that the holder thereof is an improper or in competent person or physically or H,er:'a;y'ect to operate or drive a Riotor vehicle, yut in eithe of such cases to be governed by th-safe-y of the public, and not to exer- :c s'jc.i fui.-.ority in an arbitrary n.acn-r. ar.d neither onerator's or chauffeur's license shall' be restored but shall become revoked and annul led for a period of one vear from the date of suspension, unless upon appli cation within thirty days after res- pension, and upon a hearing, the sec retary of state shall determine that the operator or chauffeur shall again be permitted to drive motor vehicles in this state. ! !! ! ft -n ! j i , . , . , '. j ! i! What is more refreshing thoseihot days than j ! I Saturday there was to much wind off Sandy Hook and on Monday there was not enough breeze to make a race. The suspense must be hard on those most concerned. But the wheat price is still pretty good, despite that drop. j Heppner Herald Want Ads bring ! home the br con. It has been a tragic year for Pendleton. MHIHIH How? Ask Us! All batteries wear cut in time. Many a battery dies long before its time. You can't prevent battery death but you can postpone it. Threaded Rubber In sulation has been selectedby 136manu facturers of passen ger cars end motor trucks. What is more refreshing thoseihot days than a glass of iced tea for luncheon or dinner? You can suit yourself as to quality and flavor from our stock of FINE TEAS, which includes Japan, Gunpowder, English Breakfast and Ceylon. Better order a few bottles of i GRAPE JUICE or SODA which, with the addition of a few crackers and a bit of cheese will furnish you with a near-Dutch lunch. Just think how refreshing this kind of weather. We can fill your order. 1! ? -i r.: in ' m i; lull j'i ' (,..'' .1 i o'li''- to My ; r ! ,! ' """I" S 1' l '.Ml I - ' ' ' i ' rot nr h ' v. bo b. ' ce t at. . o hid.. I.;- o . i :. I. :i oi '! at. . pe , (,',i tov ,., ,: -, !,..!. f,o. ,.n . ,ii v t .. ' '.' I.; ; ('. Ol I ' lil i- "f . . ! I i ! 'f I II. up I' loll ! I olil I he rVff!'iV mi i J I grocery Coe ii !! I m jL. I ifemk ' HI JfiH..,4tRI.rr?-tSJ ! Not if.WsCXiI3L Wil .irH 1 TI(i: T i.WNKKS OK Si.Ki,. t- in :.'nv, ,v; c-urt;-. 0'. ;on. tie . nd I tvi cc! to sell sa::, accord' " ' ' ;I''' f-: i.ois.s; !:w. not h,-,v. is h.i.ty liv.n to v , wn- tai i ,.;f . tlr froperty within tv.o I.a.ed at ll-t,, ner. r.r.-on. i 'Xo I at large on lar.ds our.e.l or li as"! by that we v. ill t r, ,., i: cif, HV.D BROS. SMliX No tK.JhJ" bob! it m s. .. ir w irVRK!sn fj rrv(, r.-i7 I' J VI MN'f f. V,5 Is W 1 sir-ee, No premiums with Camels all quality! '''AMELS au.'Jitv dIus Camels cx- V- pert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos pass out the tW most wonderful cigarette smoke you ever drew into your mouth 1 And, the way to prove that statement is to compare Camels putT-by-puff with any cigarette in the world! Camels have a mild mellowness that is as new to you as it is delightful Yet, that desirably "ly." in all there! They are always refreshing they) never tire your tcytc. Camels I'.'ave no unpleasant cfoarctty aftcr taste ncr unpleasant cig.iretty txiorS Your say-so al-out Camels will bj: "My, but that's a Jreaf caretre". R. J. Kr.YNOlPS TOBACCO CO. S . i. (- Wnv, fi, C. n V.; ri- ! i Buyers of Printing Jut a few word to the Business Man who desires to have his Printing produced accurately and promptly OULDNT it be a great relief if you could say to your printer, "I need a catalogue, a circular, some letterheads and envelonN and then be able to entirely dismiss the matter from your mind in the confidence that he will do the work to your entire satisfaction. The printer comes to you with a proposition that pleases; that has a strong ad vertising value in the suggested copy, in the proposed typography, in the color arrangement, and in the general layout. What a satisfaction to have an as. sured confidence that the finished product will meet wilh your approval The printer who can do that for you muit ffer efficient service. That it what w are giving to our numerous cu. tomers, and we are ready to do the tame for you. THE HEPPNER HERALD HEPPNER, OREGON I