-r r PAGE EIGHT THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday. July 27. 1020 SASH OF TODAY LENDSVAPJETY Fashion Decreed Earlier in Sea son Recalls Style of Days of Long, Long Ago. INCLUDE RI3SCNS OF STRAW Novelties Featured in Trimmings for Dressts Huge Bows Form Sort of Bustle Interest in Black and White. The kiisIi Is tlie thing. Tills fashion decreed curlier In the season. Every body seemingly Is charmed with the ideu. It has been ninny seasons, writes a prominent fashion correspond ent, since there has heen a big vogue for the old-fashioned ribbon sash. It twins like a return to the good old lnys of white muslin frocks with blue or pink ribbon snslies, except that the sash of today Is much more elaborate than any we have ever hud. A while frock with a dainty rih lion sash litis always been a type of dress infinitely gratifying to the nun of one's family, no doubt because a woman looks sweet and dainty In such a dress. It Is said that we women wear complicated and elaborate cos tumes to Impress other women, not to please men. The sash alone gives all the needed variety and novelty to the midsummer dress. Nothing Is more ('harming than a dainty organdie, batiste or cotton voile made in simple chemise or Idolis ing bodice style girdled low with a wide ribbon sash. What could be more novel than a plain georgette crepe dress with a lmely big sasb of primed georgette, the ground of the ribbon exactly mulching the malerial of the dress? This lias the advantage, too, of being one of the smarlest styles of the mo ment. Sashes Form Sort of Bustle. I'oulard dresses with huge sash news made from foulard ribbon print ed In ( haraclerlsllc designs are equal ly sniiirt. There are also lovely striped taffeta dresses with hlg sashes form ing a sort of bustle or balancing a 1 1 1 s I i 1 1 1 hip extension made from a ribbon exactly matching the silk. As for the wide plain ribbons, the lovely soft taffetas, the wonderful mi I ins anil the glistening moires all come In for attention. Klbbon iniinu facturi'is are excelling themselves to meet the (leimiiid for lovely snslies. Among the clever things they luivo made are those ribbons which mutch fabrics, such us printed georgette erepe, foulards and even cotton voiles end gauzes. Then comes an almost endless series of lame or metal brociidifl ribbons 111 marvelous colors and patterns. Like wise 11 whole big f 11 111 1 1 v of clre or wined ribbons In holh plain and fancy sweet little white froc. with a sash of blue ribbon a perfect dress for a young girl. The dress, of organdie. Is In low Mousing chemise style and is girdled with a sash of Nattier blue. The organdie Is heavily embroidered in white, with a delicate outline trac ing in black threads and a shadowy crossbar background, like the mesh of filet lace, in blue. The ribbon sash has a somewhat bold picot edge of alter nating black and white loops. A study of artistic simplicity in both color and line Is seen in this frock. These embroideries, with touches of black, are favorites of Mine. Lanvin. The same model is copied with a scar let sash and a delicate tracing of scar let threads back of the embroidery. In these colors it Is especially suitable for a dark-haired girl of Spanish type. For all its subtle beauty, there is a great deal that is practical In this I ; ; ; 1 LOCAL NEWS ITEMS 1 - 1 A. Hendriksen was up from Cecil Saturday on business. Will Hynd was in from Sand low Saturday. Hol- Charles Brown, of Condon, the city Friday on business. Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Basey from the Willow creek section visited the city Friday on business. V. A. McMenamin made a flying business trip to Portland during the week. Nels Justus, who runs sheep on Thorn creek, was a Heppner visitor Saturday. Wm. Howard, sheepman of Butter creek transacted business here one day last week. Ed. Neill, prominent sheepman of Butter creek, loked after business matters here last Tuesday afternoon. Theodore Anderson, prominent wheatgrower of Eightmile, is in town today on business. Earl Hunt, who farms on Rhea creek, was a business visitor here during the week. ii I I I HI QQ S. W. Spencer took a party of friends to Pendleton this morning to attend the Taylor funeral. Gene Spray, of Spray, shipped 12 cars or mutton to me umana maricet Sunday morning. 1 '-v5 H 'it A pi A H- .lj UHi't . U 1 4f!t V in O .-, l tr ) I junt nf J.ttt" '... ci I i'in , c W.th Ga'4 J"d t c ' " f .1 ' - U. J i c J i :i ul C.' cm T .i f : . Mr. and Mrs. Pete Farley are re joicing in the advent of a fine boy on Sunday, July 18th. Here Is Shown a Charming White Or gandie Dress Embroidered in Black With a Huge Sash of Black Tulle, Strictly in Keeping With the Popu lar Mode. model. Variations of It may be made by any woman who can sew tit all. A number of things could be sub stituted for this elaborate band em broidery. In the first place, the entire dress might be made of one of the iiiachlne-emlirolilereil voiles or organ dies. Especially beautiful ones have been created this year, and so tine is the workmanship that It Is dltllcult to listlngulsli It from hand embroidery. Or a cotton crepe or voile, printed In beautiful colors, could be used and sashed In a contrasting or harmoniz ing color. Fresh Interest In Black and White. There Is n cotton crepe, having A white background marked off with lit tle bins of gold, that would he effec tive. It tuny be sashed with white voile or plain white crepe, finished with rows of hemstitching done In yel- low thi'i'inls. Auiiln. sui'h n snsh would In' pretty finished at the ends with either II while or jcllcnv fringe of Cot- toll thnads. Typiflng the Inter"1"! In Murk mid ulilte are the hew oriMtidh' ilreios lth liemy eiubrilib'iies In Murk. Usually ranging in niiel form, falling hut feiiinl.il l"ii vklrts of organdie w Mil whit ihrniilen ; the Muck and Idle nl 'i ii 1 eg of liiii!ar design. A Iniue h.i-Ii t black Utile with limped hew eninpteti" surh a drem and 'at'ips It a be ii'i tlKl inctly of ibe mmiiI'iit of t!in. TImmc while or "intdie die-,i are try short 11 or I'J In. 'Iii'i fi.ii.i il;i' i;.iim - iiinl one end of the tulle l b lililu i vielnl llli'llel Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Boehmer spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Ba sey, at their ranch on upper Willow cfevk. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Penland have purchased the bungalow at the foot of Gale street near the concrete bridge from C. A. Minor. At the matchless style and value of the new models of and BON TON Corsets A fine daughter was horn to Mr. and Mrs. Merl Kirk in this city last Sunday and all are reported doing well. I I , Ed. Illain, of this city hns purch ased lumber from the Martin Reld PlanlngMill and will proceed to erect a fine 6-room Bungolow. Mrs. C. Darbee and daughter, Mfss Gwendolyn, left Sunday morning for Taconitt where they will visit rela tives for several weeks. O. E. Robertson and Campbell Brown, well known business men of Condon, wee In Heppner for a few hours Saturday.' Jltn Sheridan, well known sheep man of the Sand Hollow country, spent last Tuesday In town on busi ness. Eiu sUcni ; it dill! in; tie M::He on, well known re of the Pail.i'is Mill district business visitor in Heppner Hie week. that we are now showing, in both back and front lace models, designed to meet the requirements of every figure type. A wide variety of handsome fabrics in white or pink Contel or Broche. If you desire smart Corsets at modest prices for every occasion it will pay you to see these Corsets. MINOR & CO. HEPPNER, ORE. I I I : I : I I I I I I I ! j gr - - - l'ASHIOXAIlLE DRESSM A KINO Remodeling and Ladies Tailoring. Mrs. Curren, Church street. 37tf WORK HORSES FOR HIRE Six good work horses for hire through harvest. Enquire of Walter Rood, Heppner, Oregon. 13-14 FOR SALE Thirty-two Inch Case Separator, cook house and other equipment for sale at my ranch nine miles northeast of lone. J. 11. Imus, lone, Ore. 13-15 FOR SALE OR TRADE Nice little team of sorrel mares with butt chain harness and light buggy. See E. C. Bedwell, Heppner, Ore. 12-13 FOR SALE A house and two lots. Fruit, shade trees and an excellent garden. Mrs. A. E. Binns. 11 113 pd. FOR SALE A-l grade Holstein heifer giving 4 gal. dally. $100 cash. A. L. Strait, lone. Ore., Box 373 FOR SALE Ford car In fine con dition. New engine, Cord tires, thoroughly overhauled recently. Call on or address L. Van Marter, Heppner, Ore, 12tf FOR SALE One 12-foot McCormtck Header In good condition. Two good drapers. Price $200. Fall terms to responsi ble parties. A. W. GAMMELL. 5tf Lexington region behiw die he'll. Another incini into while oiva'i'l il I.' I t l!i:'e It brehl. t. d IM deli. of M;. I. I. e li.'P rill d e P.mrl Motifs cf Pr nt-d Foulards. f Intriidnelnif blriel, tiiiiU l tlininth " Mi n. of'i ii em i I..r. Hut!. i'iit' !imii lute or- Mr. r. ml Mv.i. L. V. Gentry i chimed Monday evening from n visit nt Cur lew, Wnshlng'cn. wheie (hey :pent a nek with Iticmls. W. IV M.tlioney drove to IVndli'toti t!iis morniiiE iii'i'uinpiinied bv sivr.il fiieniU to be pn nt :t tl.e rum r.il oi the !.:: riff T '.y!T. I h. .'I II: ,11-1 ,.l,, .1 -.1 I , ' I I el e !. lei,: r 'i ., I..e I I' !' ' i 'be lm i mi I . Ill I f-u . t i ex i Iii'i t'o.b. . MOtl' ' IH..I1. well; t..i , T l.l Vet hi i h..t p' ; Vi'V "t. wi !l kn v.n II ppt'i r b IS full'' In I'ei ivllls lo Conii... ter T..IM I Mr. a 1 1 . v 1 1 ' 'eM' i niii .ict i't it 111 l I" in. Ii. H. II !.U TI!E UNIVERSAL CAR i ,1" it.' Will be t'e r.iit i ft ,lui II, 1. II. I'll : s i i I ! ' ..l.ll T. i' I.. ri; t'" (IT Lit d. I. Car 1. 1 . . . ...! ' I r kme'l In il t I Si I I. 'MM I I..' I.' I i ' ; . t id bell of It'e him' i iIpi'u nii-l It r p -ti t Ille 11 r fi e'. I uf I e It j 1. I. ' . Tt I. .- II ell (!: Load of ORD CARS lM: T( AUKI V, IIY A Y THAI V. IM eiil ;iii'ii iit Ii1imi on Jul) H' Ii. noil N tiovt over line. ti. .".l b- Till l-.!M. i l!s iiinl OUT-.. b Inn. h I r j i i. - .! i.f N.i '. I ol l! r ' leilt 4.tt U Ihii 'I MPti ltie brH bl tsl'H A fl ''( tlii.rr ltt lm i'"m ink Irl.i the . 'i'. .t't uf t.,h .'U i 1.- k ri' b. nefel I 'l lli.'t if I. . f i't l-f ih'ik I'trn't I'll '.'t In Ml,l'imiM.'f1 f 'nU le.l fce.rt'" tti TI 04 !' "'it'l lal.tif su4 I ui uti Hi1 i-'u. a, imr in In Hii'i ( ii i n i u 1( . f; i,rt mi r unit his Ima .1 e rllll'll. t mm S.uirf tn..' Oi flo'liy 1. V ! Iltjb'e U ( '.Ii C J Mil il iint rt ii: lit'ier Hi Ni'U. .11. Iw tl ' LATOURELL AUTO COMPANY Authorized Ford Sales and Service HEPPNER, OREGON i,1 (3 if r -