Tuesday. July 27. 1920 THE HEPPNER HERALD. HEPPNER. OREGON PAGE THREE MOKKOW COUNTY SHOWS SUBSTANTIAL (iltOWTH ! QUEER REPTILE KILLS FISH The following report of Morrow county's population by precincts has , ... .1 ..l.i: I .1 1. ........ . 5 just been made public by the census bureau: Minor Civil Division 1920 Morrow County 5617 Alpine precinct 211- Castle Rock precinct 450.. Cecil precinct 271.. Dairy precinct, Incl. Hardman town.. 368.. Eight Mile precinct 189.. Gentry precinct, incl. part of Hepp- ner city 383.. Gooseberry precinct 133.. Heppner precinct, incl. part of Hepp- ner city .. 506.. Irrigon precinct 242.. Lena precinct 204.. Lexington precinct, incl. Lexington city 557-- Mat teson precinct, incl. part of Hepp ner city 331.. Mount Vernon precinct, incl. part of Heppner city - 807. North lone precinct, incl. part of lone city , SOS Parker's Mill precinct 50-- Pine City precinct 93.. South lone precinct, incl. part of lone city 516- Wells Spring precinct lone precinct Incorporated Place Hardman town I93- Heppner city '. 1324.. 439. 1910 4;5.-7 .. 137.. .. 155.. .. 46.. .. 229. 1900 4151 .. 62 .. 131 .. 312 .. 269 274.. 142- 436.. 381.. 429.. 621. 1-10. 11.. 393-98.. 340 157 920 213 406 511 110 50 587 Indiana Town Stirred by Reports of Depredations of Mysterious Water Creature. Marion, Ind. A reptile or nniinn of some strnnso species lias taken up its nbode in the waters of the Man ztinita Fishing club pond in southern Fnirinount, and is causing havoc among tish put there by the club several years ago, according to persons living in the vicinity of the pond. Those who claim to have seen it say the creature has the head of a horse and the body of an alligator. Some of the people living near the pond even state they are disturbed by unearthly noises coming trom the pond at times. Members of the club are said to take little stock in these reports, but, Inas much as an animal of some sort is de stroying the fish, state they will make determined effort to solve the mys tery. lone city Lexington city 264.. 191.. 185- .1146 . 223 'OREGON MEN QUALIFY FOR OLYMPIC GAMES i I I University of Oregon, Eugene, July 27. Two University of Oregon ath letes, William Kenneth Bartlett, of Estacada, and Arthur Tuck, of Red mond, have been selected as members of the United States track team to compete in the Olympic games at Ant werp, Belgium. They were named following the Olympic tryouts held last Saturday in the Harvard stadium at Boston in which they competed a gainst athletes from, every section of the country. Bartlett placed second in the discus in the national tryouts, and first in the junior Amateur Ath letic Association championships held the day before, establishing 'a new junior record in that event. In t He national tryouts, Bartlelt's throw of 141 feet, 9 inches, which won second place for him, did not come up to previous records he has made. In the coast Olympic tryouts Bartlett took first place with a heave of 143 feet 3 Inches. Gus Pope, of the University of Washington, who took first place in the national try outs placed second in the coast eli minations at Pasadena. In fact, the coast track season this year ha been, a series of contests between Bartlett and Pope for high honors in the discus. Early In the season In the Washington-Oregon dual meet. Pope beat Bartlett; later In the coast conference meet at Stanford, Bartlett retaliated by taking first place. Ap narently Bartlett won out in the friendly rivalry by again taking first place in the discus at the northwest conference meet. Now both men are members of the American Olympic team, and appear to be the strongest bets from this country to compete In the discus at Antwerp, Art Tuck, youthful phenom, has been at the University for only one year, was chosen largely on account of his past record In the Javelin. At the coast tryouts at Pasadena, he placed second In the Javelin while encumbered with a sore arm. His throw was 177 feet. On his way east Tuck pulled a tendon In his foot hlch keot him out of the final per jrmances at Boston. Heat at Bos- . .1.. .ffMta4 fha Dreffnn entries 1(111 HIKU p i i n i ' w -' - to a certain extent, according- to ad vices received from trainer mil Hay ward, who accompanied the Oregon men east. Out of five athletes entered by to 50 gallons of water applied as a spray is the standard application for commercial planting. Any finely divided dust will also prove effective in control. Sulfur, air slaked lime, sifted wood ashes or toad dust blown or sifted over the foliage, will quick ly end the infection". That destruction of Oregon timber by insects is alarming is pointed out by A. L. Lovett. Insects destroyed approximately 1,000,000 feet of tim ber along the coast in the Siuslaw national forest in 1919, according to a report by one of the rangers re ceived by Professor Lovett. Similar injudy in acreas along the Columbia river were reported in pre vious years. Prof. W. J. Chamberlin forest entomologist at O. A. C, en gaged at present, in fo.'est insect, in vestigations in Klamath county, is de veloping plans for a 'comprehensive urvey of the pets causing these se rious losses. None Dies In This Town. Cranmore, Cnl. This town asserts Itself as the healthiest community in the state, basing its claim upon the fact that the local cemetery has not had a grave dug since 1863, the date of the last funeral In Cranmore. Since that time several residents of the community have died In other sections of the state, but It Is a remarkable fact that not a single death has oc curred In the community since IStW. w iH'S ICE CREAM BEST IN THE WOULD 1 E mm SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY NEWS Hl RF.Al The present freight car situation on the railroads of the United States is revealed in a report Just issued by K, M. Nicols, chairman of the San Francisco committee on Car Service The Interest and co-operation shown by shippers in the Bay district is ap predated by members of the commit tee and attention is called to the ne cessity of keeping up the good worV Says Nicola: "In the eastern part of the country the movement of coal shows Improve ment, while the movement of Bteel and steel mill products shows a de crease amounting .to a congestion at mills in some sections, the scarcity of open top or coal carrying cars to gether with the Increased demand, being responsible for the ltuatlon. In the wheat growing sections the box car situation Is very serious. A large quantity of last year's crop of wheat and other grains awaiting ship ment fill the elevators and atorage places, and the new crop now about to be harvested, shows in some places a large Increase. "In the Northwest Minnesota, the Dakotas and Eastern Montana, where usually at this season are stored 15, 000 to 18,000 box cars ready to move tho crops, there Is actually a car shortage with elevators full of i old grain. Minneapolis and St. Paul ' 0 IE? McAtee & Aiken S. E. NOTSON ATTORN EY-AT-LAW Office in court noue Heppner Oregon Dr. R. J. VAUGHAN DENTIST Permanently located la Oddfellow's Bunldlng Heppner, Oregon WOODSON & SWEEK attorx:ys.at-lav Heppner Oregon Headquarters for cCormick Deering R 9 it owers, neaaers rider and Rakes We carry a complete stock of repair parts for these machines, Bin der Twine, and all small tools an d equipment needed for your t Harvest. GAS ENGINES I. H. C. and Fairbanks- Morse carried in stock. Larger sizes up to 15 h. p. ordered on short notice. Farmers and stockmen from Ritter and other northern Grant county points are invited jo make our big, new store their head ..., .quarters when in Heppner." Gilliam Bisbee "We Have It, Will Get It Or It Is Not Made". Wumumuwukoi amiawb OPERATES. N K SIS? OS INC . . mi DR. A. D. McMURDO PHYSICIAN & sii;eo.v Telephone 122 Office Patterson's Drug Store Heppner Oregon F. A. McMENAMIN LAWYKK Roberts Bldg. Heppner, Ore. Office Phone Main 613 Residence Phone Main 665 DR. CLYDE R. WALKER PHYSICmN AND aCItfiKO.f fhone Connexions lone, Oregon SAM E. VAN VACTOR ATTOKN EY-AT-LAW. Heppner Oregon Subht-tlbe for the Herald , COMPENSATION I OK DISAItl.EI) SOLDI EliS The time rapidly approaches when those who were disabled In service during the World War can no longer make claim for Federal Compensa tion. Under the Act of National Laws, it Is necessary to present this claim within one year from tho date of dis charge. It Is not necessary to claim com pensation. That may be done within one year. But If you were disabled In the service, or have dlsabilitlcR growing out of wounds, Injuries or sickness, It Is necessary to establish that fact now. There are reasons to believe that, there are a number of ex service m-ii who have not yet taken this action, by reason of not being familiar with the procedure. The Government provides a M-t form lor establishing disability. Ii Im known as Eorni G26 and may be obtained by applying In person or writing to the Statu Vocational Ofll cer, Depart ment Headquarters, The American Legion, 226 Morgan HlcU., Portland. All ex-service men are urged to bring this information to the atten tion of all "buddies" with whom they may come In contact. THE HEPPNER HERALD, ONLY $2.00 A YEAR - ... n. ,. ihn nl lie iil on me American team, the University of r particularly In bad shape, unable Oregon Is credited with two. This Is , '' wi enough cars to ke. p elevators the best record of any other coast In- j normally f.ee. stltutlon. as the other three athletes "The pacific Coast, and imperially were sent east through three differ- ( California, so dependent upon the ent schools. Other roast repn-M-nta-; steaily movement of box rats from tlves were entered under the colors J the East to handle Its product, w ill of athletic clubs. i In the n-sr future find the supply he- Trainer Hill Haywsrd Is credited In curtailed to a dangerous d tr.e. with having a good rhance to be se-jand to make the burden s light as lected as one of the trainers for the ; possible. California shippers are a ,tvn,r,le team. There Is only on ram utfd to take every possible V .Ti ncy In the list of trainers yet to 'means to conserve box rars. An im . Vlji'nlled but llarward has bn ron-j mediate survey should be made by '-lV . , ' cnanre at the position. ; every buMn-M Industry to where . j and how rsrs may ne ssveq Uj ro-i-1 Journsll-m ompm Agricultural FRAN II SHIVELY PAIUTICAt, IIOKKKMIOMl AT M III V M.lt'S IU.. KSMI1II SHOP Lame nml Interfering burse can-fully attended HEPPNER :o: OREGON F. R. BROWN agent for GUARANTEED LOW COST LIFE INSURANCE; FIRE, HAIL, ACCI DENT AND HEALTH INSURANCE TUOt.OOD III SII.IAt I S IN III PP.M It I oil SAM:. I KK I I) ItK.IIT A I.IMITI l AMOUNT OK I'KIYAli: MONI Y TO Ul.XS. Office Upstairs in UoIhtIs I'.tiilding I 'lionet licj.pncr, Oregon College. The foliate- f Pr ni rhrfr Is suffertnt from lh atUfk of th slut. Vount I", particularly, may be seriously injured by ' t rordint 10 A. L Lo'. profe.r of .ntnmology at ihe coliete. -The p-sr and th-m slimy hrown er-'r ,bu, 0B" fourth inch I'.n f"n4 .k-I"onH'n the surface of !'. !.' Th tdult of this slut I. f-- Uk' creature, which lays hr ft l 'h tluu Of Ihe laf. 'Is r-nt powder-1 pound rlers. Several well-known ni'-ttioos are at-ain ausx eio oounie i.i.u. pool shipments, load to maximum ra pacity, load and unload promptly, keep 10 rloe tnurh With carrlefa' tent, report anticipated release of rars, ordr only when rsdy to load and only rars that are r'tulrd from day to day. surrender bills of ladine In advanre of artll of rsrs when poM.l.'.e. and utilise itra and trmki for rswlnss and neatby mTniit. "All the. cr.nrern the shipper and are o"rrd in a plrlt of helpful ro operation tad etndency Msk in ear do Ihe work of two, and do It now." .s I s "PtRMANtNT AS THE PYRAMIDS" Concrete Pipe Company Manufacturers Sewer and Water Pipe Irrigation Pipe Culvert Pipe Hollow Silo Blocks Cement Products Phone 467 1003 North 10th St WaHa WaHa', Wash "LetMeTellYouThis" say 3 the Good Juclnc More men i vory dny arc fnu! Inft that It costs lest l to use tin? Kcal To tiarco Chew. The full rich taste laitn no Ions, a arnall chew natls fie; It's Just what you have teen IoiWIii4 for. That't why it coali you le. Any man who vsvn the Real Tohacco Chew will till you that. Put up In lu-o itL t RIGHT CUT U a hort-cut tohacco W-Il CUT h a otid fine-cut tobacco V7 'J' ,uia9