Tuesday, Tulv 20. 1020 PAGE EIGHT ,1. IXX AL XKWS ITEMS .J. A fjood many of Hie Eishinule rs 11 ' er.s were in town Saturday. Win. Kirk wik dinvn from hisBalm fork ranch Th ir.sday. Fred AshbatiKh wan in from tlx1 Asliliiius?li fawniill Saturday. Dr. I!. V. ISnilor retui nod Friday fv.'nin',' from a business trip to Sa lem and Portland. 0 Mike Marshall, prominent sheep- man of Iioardman, was a business': visitor hero Saturday. THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON llll h) . j pi I F. A. Case and family are prepar ing lo move to the Luper residence in southeast lleppner. Frank Bors and little son, of Mis soula, Montana, are visiting for a few davs with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Borg. Mr. and Mrs. James G. Harratt re turned Sunday from Portland where t hey spent last week. Miss Faye Keat. of Bonnets ferry is spending a few weeks with Miss Vera Mahoney. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beckett, of the KiKhlmile country were in town Saturday. M'r. and Mrs. S. K. Van Vaclor went lo I'oriland Thursday. Mr. Van returned today. Miss Mary Van Vaclor is spending Hie week at lone with her sisler, Mrs. Kllis Minor. eautifu o brics for pi Walter hiii'kiiiiin, farmer of the Butler creek section, was a business visitor lion- Wednesday. l'r"d I.uias was' up from his I.cx limton raneh Wednesday and reporl ei everyl !iui u lovely in his section. II is undoc-li od thai Mr. and .Airs Omv r Hoi : v, ill move into the Joe W.ileis i on Court and May t I I'el-IS. Mr. slid Mis. Eph. Kslio..in. of ; ' . i ' ( : : l . 1,1 in 'I'liursday and were (he quests of Judfte and Mrs. W. T. Cample II. Whether in cottons or silks, we can surely please you. -:- Our stock is very complete for these times of scarce merchandise and you can find almost anything you wish to supply your needs. 1a jrr !Wr IT,, -.'!' 'J iv ..V'r.vV ..) I - - - w I Flaxons, Organdies, Voiles, Ginghams and Tissues Silk and Georgette Crepes Satins, Chiffons, Laces Silk Nets .1. W.Wiidemn, an exlensive wheat raiser, was in town, Saturday KetHn;? ready lo commence harvest inn his wheal crop which lie says promises to lie very line. II Miss Kiilalia Butler entertained lit tin Tuesday afternoon In honor of her friend Miss Altn l.ydoti, of Ta- conia, who Is spend in K a few weeks with Misii Butler. C. I., lo'il'uley, of the Inc. I olllci of the 1 '01 1 s'seiA Ice, who was sup- povil to lie 11 an. .11 red to lViidloio'i )i some time ami. Is still (11 llepmcr l i.iid exiei'ts to remain here at leasl until I CI. Mi . t '. ) c.n,' roan . i t!o h.i: '11 i n . 'M,ii ; h " i i a .1 p.i : I e'.i ; i , nnr It. hp I h I i l.e t i da.' da.' Si i i I ll ui lii i i : ! V . II I 1 1 ml . v. el ' Wirthmore and Wclvvorth Cotton Blouses $1.50 and up. Wirthmorc Silk Blouses the Silk Blouse Bargain $6.25 Willwear Outing Garments for Men and Women The Garment that excells all others. Childrens' Gingham Dresses and Rompers -:- New Colors in Shetland Floss for Sweaters HEPPER Oregon COMPANY W. I' ( ."!!;. who r nily puirli 'iU ... . d ll!.. T Mi l;..h"l ' 4 pi. .pelt' . s I il C'. pl...'e 1 . l ied.'1. A i i i. I -in i e.ut..i.'. an ! ilu ' I,,., ...... ... ... ,,,,..,, . ri.t.'il ii Monition an i luiol nuife in I whin have a KUinmor rottaiie. Mr. I Once there was a woman who ho- SUITABLE REWARD for Infornia- . ! . ' 'lit 1'i.nb' e .1 . I. ,i I Irwin an the weather wan delight-I lived thai her hUKband'a folks were fill while In- wan at the count ami ; quite aa good a lid. Hernauiewoa the lieiu Ii dwellem put on a niont i Eve. i M.,1 i, . in ii-, Mr and Mih. lid. Ilnt.t ro"'. - 'ilu. ion. n'iii'tl. i 1 !,.. i 1 1 h .i ii I I..I Jetr ll.iimer. foi inei Iv of llepi'Iler. . u . . ,' , ,.,,,.,.,, i .,, , -, Hi .i mi and l.inii! 1 -1 1 ilil ,..r...nlv lumrhi the KmIi (k.don 'onderlul celebration July 4H. Mr !..i .. v.e I v . . I en a., eniii ot b ii.iII iio'i iuiit ..i Albany. Hn '-.on. on , .,, .. ,. win,, , i ,.. !i bet een 1 ! I'P ! '" a'"1 "" '" ,!,'"' l-i h. Ion I ne.lv. w.i- en He -i.-.-i ni nlen. ,1 l..:-.n. and ."..-tiie t... , r ,, Loxiiikioii. and will make h'ni """ ' 1,11111 S,,f - "'"..''i' Ii in i .' He". home Iheie. Mr. It. aim r and fa ulv j ,"m,,,'r- , VJs ;. ti. t t: . . e i.iuiii'.- 1 1 f. l.i.im to- I'i. K. u. ot .i.ni:tn. w,.r,. u. w.Pi ,,f Mr. ar.d Mm. ' : .,1 I,. ... bu .0. - . Ite.l with Mr end Mi- M.i. mi U-id Miirlm ,., , K,U). , ,, s.ii.n.l.iy. iSam K. Van Vacter returned from ; pust. I rortland Monday a-d reooi'ii ttie n . . e i,. 1 1.. eel 'I, Dr. I. 11. II WI.OU l ye .spit lalUt will b" in lleppner the (km week In .ta ll It d III 11m; t 'ie . ' t . I- lit I'l.lll I .It , ' to. M e. .in.'. Mi iiii.l M" Jo- l o t. 'I and Mm M I i lit n I'lol il.'iutili r l.o.t e N ! i... i. t!.. . . i u,:, f . r II' I. ell 1 .! Ill L..MI l.'l .1 .'.I e in ? I 1 1' i t I'll S 1 1 11 1 il ,1 1 , I i ' 11 1 11 ,1 ,1 ;l .Mr 1,1. V .. I, lie CI ( K ?! , v i ., I i I', i i . ni .1 a It.io. i, . "I leu IV. ie.,itl Av'i Y' .Hid M I I'l'i ' e.'l'.M'.l W el .1 Many lonl mibneribi m to I'le br: I Ktf of betnU of the lrti.li lit pub! C iiiiu.-d Hen Iu iiiIk iluiitii; the mt i roadn iiiit Sherman county In bad Hon renardinn or return of white saddle, tiorie branded PL 8 llie PL connected. E. E. Clark, lleppner, Oregon. 10-12 roil SALE A-l grade Ilolitein heifer (IvIbk 4 Kill, daily. $100 cmh. A. L. Strait, lone. Ore., Ilm 373 li.ipe due to tti-lioutu in th" reci'iit cloiidbumi. Mr. Van V in tor w ho l AMIION AUl i: riU.SSM kI.N(i I i Vl.'li.l I ni Hi. .1. a' I. ..: i-.i lei.'h' r t v. . m Wll'l.u.i l'.. -e.it Juni . v. ,,. e . .1 i.. Ii. It. 1 ' ' -"! I i I : , 1 ' i' ii . ' I l.e t ' ' ' it I ' ' I ' i I ,,1 I ! . t n . I t . ef I' 1 '- ! ei II. p i . r a I. ,, . . i .i : . - ; i v r . .' i i. M.i.'.a Mt ti VI llll'U' ll ,t I '. I I..!' Week Tin' ImiioU H t .' Hlt'ailHc 111 .t. p.'..!' .tin e and leoullni nfti I 111. ,l:Mi K. imblic 1 iiit. rn.itinii ill r. ii'itiil. d. tl;.- will draw !i 'j I"t i i-nt iii'ei.M and will tie i. ib tMiatdi' w II Ii n em' )i -at . W f lUlt'en. fe acceiuiMiili d him to roriliuid lal week v ill teriain in the city for a collide ef week.) under bo dual Ileal- - R.'iiioilellng ami Ladie Tallorina. Mm. Cunen, Churc'.j mreet. 3Ttr laellt. I ine 11. mi )i I 'nr .ile I Mi. and Mm. Oatl ll.,ie-y ami ItMb on. left S.iliitd.iy o.nitit, tor t'o Ol.'k'en ri'.i-t In re He V l xp.'ii In riAUGAIN Two mrond hand Eord car, imltabl.i tor rutiaiabotit woik. $2. fin eah. Il.ppner fiJiae. Ill of. KOI! SALE Eonl car in fine con dition. New etimne. Cord tlren, t loToiitlily oet!iiitile. recently. fail on or addn-F L. V.m Mallei H-ppn.r. Oi... 12t i i I I ' ' il ..., m.v.,"w- ti itliiv !r I' - no"' e. II" I I'M.', iniv. iiin;i. .' . I'ei t r I. i ,i'i e net !al 1,1 1 i I"? a t. ! i. it w i!i e'.i tii. ii,: !!.: Ii..ik in," il'if !.',";' lli'i ' el i ; 1 ' e ).' ..' ' il I I . tl :!' '.. ,,. ,,. ef it.- . '.' I'.;., Il.iln.y Ivil.H it ie '.oi" 'de fe.ii' .T, til the l'i.- Nato'-.-l I- T! ' i M, it l.i r 111 I lii-t el t ii.-lr ( -i . .:i Ibe inai' a I t-i.li-s Mii'h ot n...., i ...i .... ..1. I .r. c t I it 1. .1 e .!!-. I am offi'iili.: toy tatich, S m tl eon i h .it f lea H.j.; in r. Bt a cood ImrB.iln. The pl.t' .- rontaif.n 4' ' acre. I.'..) ot which l E' od. r.'.laMe land wild 2".". net. now In iuit.a. tool. New 4 loo'ii "ei. .fid t 'nl lam " 2 n . S.Ae-al t d .pr.n.. on 'p'.are with ptlnii ai.t f-i ! 1 '! 1 1........ ivice I.:. p. r T r j i . I It tl.i; Ii et.nu binder I'tac- in tin Ami o.,l i.l iar in K.....I t.-.lljr tw. Kor fu-Hur ln.'..rma- I.IOIIT HtH-.-tr.KKniNf, rooiim. Sic Mri C I.. KriH,i.; plume GO t 11.12 a i. ,i. iKii.il I d t:i . the H.i.il l i, mi tot in Pa ni a Mi ("ladm l..ir" l.i rinpi'd a i m.' tinn V.'u Hetikup. 1 1 i ,1..,, b',,1. .ie. th.i ii. :,;r-..n. ' IU, k rontt Ions ti ,i a , .. . . I V. . k t'.. I It b.l. ... 4 Ml , sti. . . V p. t 4 III Cue In'. lb. ll. w ' in. ,u I' ,. : Inula. ii i, wrton u, jii.i 1 em Jlinn. w tin !! t-.-'u n l'ie b m I rem mrnl t',t i dim .'.(. 11.,,,:,., ...,r H ue p.-rt- JmU- lUitten I. luhl aln iil the H a" ' "Vc"m . it.it In .Hie at Halein, he Pnal'.y iir mi. I that thin In plon-il rnt ttieu'd " I! While, of in at I i t ei inn. lin liN.inl m riii.tptiM-. Wallowa Cinin- le ina.li nme fl W. Hpencer rr'umcd from Me nu - ........... .-.i,....! he li tni..IJ. V.lt! itll I' nit TI! Vtlf ... . Mr 1.1. i.. I ftet m.nure de- "" " - . I lion of Mln nor-ence -i wno win .team ot Mrrri n.r wim inn chain hrn. and l.aht bucty I" T C Itedwell. Ilrppnr. Ore 12 13 !-, tioa call at my pta.e at Smith pi.tiii" AUo "in M.t, I,. 1 tiino. T-4P.I CHRIST MUI.IINKE ion t.n: Oo 1! foot McCortnlrk Header lo tJ"d eoldltloa. Two good draper. tiuf!e fprmi. Mun-Uy after pnd I'OR iAt.E-A hoq,e and tto lota P( lr 299 rall fn)t Q tMpoB(,. ln the week end thrre Mm p'n- rruit. had- tree, ard lit ce!.at blg ptrUm l ii.,,i...l .in,b.-r tor a n i.id i. wbr..- Jobnu-n unir. lo to tiiuii lh llebi'tier l1-imi n.llhate thrlt c.Pt ..f the llmlit for- W 11 Irwin rr. ur ni! TtiurftJaff 1 Ina runm M ll and wilt proceed to'waul.d r Jobn.o. who U a etrainc (rem Hoik. war lleirh. 'ilcer will t-main It th uprmi t.r a, ani.o Jim. . r. ninn. rrecl a Bae dwelim prefewnleaal iralaed iuiae, ha ac- the Tillamook cnat. mber the lr-cott?le of weka , '., A W. OAMHELL. Lt'tek racjo