PAGE SIX THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday. Tulv 20, 1020 TELL SHIPS OF OCEAN NOISES Secret Ears to Be Placed on Mer chant Ships by the Government. TEST PROVES IT A SUCCESS Hydrophone, Government Controlled Invention, Can Explain Many Sea Mysteries Tried Out on Destroyer. Nov York. In olden times when Chinese p!pliiiilili-rs desiirned utitl din vtrneted their lntfpii-rlKK''I craft for war or eoinmeri'litl purposes, promi nent It lid ofl times feroeiohs "eyes" Mere Ideated on either side of the bow. Today modern Amerlen, now thp lending nation In ship construction, Is proposing to eipilp her riierclinnt ves sels with "ears," the location of which, like the eyes on tin; Chinese Junk, tire on the ship's hows, but under instead of over the water. While supersti tion induced the Chlnnuiiin to equip his fclilp so It could "see" Its enemies nnd work Its way Into u safe port through nhoal water, hidden rocks nnd through crowded waterways, science has de signed the "ears" for the same pur pose. Test Is Made. Willi the destroyer lireckenrldge equipped as a demonstration ship, -III or more representatives of leading steamship lines have Just hud an op portunity lo see nnd test the efficacy of (lie listening device. It Is now a goveninieut cont rolled Invention, used on lighting ships during the war as a protccllon against submarines and olli clnlly designated by the navy as "(lie M. V. type, hydrophone." Its object Is to disclose in surrounding waters the presence of other craft, to foretell the approach lo shoal waters, apprise 1he navigator of the vicinity of light- Khlps equipped with submarine bell signaling devices. It Is ex ted also to disclose with a remarkable degree of accuracy the depth of water where in the ship so equipped Is Moating. Tells Depth of Water. The apparatus Includes -Is hydro phone receivers located In a tank of water In the bow of the vessel so thai mi equal number Is on either side. In the test (I,,, s.iund of the propellers of II steamer li lies di-lant was heard. The depth of the water is ac orlained by ll-teihiig to the iioNe made by the propellers of the vevsol carrying tin hydrophone as It Is echoed back from tin' hoiiom of the son. In depihs he ond bl fathoms, however, the hydro phone refuses to record, it was ex plained, but as a majority of collisions occur loar a coast line and at con gested harbor entrances, the Inventors himI otlhers of the navy predict that Its adoption will remove many of the biennis of nawgaiioii now caused bv fog. I'r. II ' Hayes, formerly of Swartl. tliole college, said the device had been Installed on one transport, Von Steu ben, and 011 one occasion probably mimmI (lie s,p troin running aground ill the Long Island shore dining n lit-nvy fog. i,,oior Hayes also claims that the Invention will enable a mar Inep lo local.' hcbcri(, ihrontli the 10 k In the operator from the Mihmeiged portion of a dangerous Win the s.miiil of Hie operatliiK hilly' I'Wli pfopelleis. LEGAL NOTICES VOTK i: W I l At, SKTTI.KMK.VI IN THK COUNTY COURT OF TIHC STATE OF ORKGON, FOR -MORROW COUNTY. . In the Matter of the Estate of Iiitha Wigle.sworth, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, Administrator of the Estate of Iiitha Wiglesworth, deceas ed, has tiled his final account in the County Court of Morrow County, Ore gon, and that Wednesday, the 2 5th day of August, 1920, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, and the County Court room in the County Court House at Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, is the time and place set for the hearing of objections thereto, and the settle ment thereof. W. E. WIG EES WORTH, Administrator of the Estate of Bitha Wiglesworth, Deceased. First Publ. June 29, 1920. Last l'ubl. Aug. 24, 1920. NOTICE TO CUKDITOKS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR MOR ROW COUNTY. In the Matter of the Estate of Albert Matteson, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Julia Matteson has been duly appointed by tlie County Court of Morrow County, Oregon, Administratrix of the Estate of Albert Matteson, deceased. All persons having claims against said Estate are notified to present the same to tne at the office of my attorney, Sam K. Van Vactor, at lleppner, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication hereof, with the proper vouchers duly verified. Dated and first published this 29th day of J one, 1 920. JUI.IA MATTESON Administratrix of the Estate of Al bert Matteson, deceased. First I'lihl. June 29, 1 920. East l'ubl. Aug. 24, 1920. XOTK ( i; 1 OK I'UIll.ICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Eand office at La Grande, Oregon, May 15, 1920. Notice is hereby given that KATHERIXE DOHEHTY, of Lena, Oregon, who, on March 23, 1916, made Homestead Entry No. 015C87, for fc'EU, Section 32, Town ship 1 South, Range 29 East, ainl Lots 1 and 2 and S'2 NE'i, Section 5, Township 2 South, Range 29 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three-year proof, to establish claim to the lancKabove described, before J. A. Waters, Clerk of County Court, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 22nd day of July, 1920. Claimant names as wittnesses: Francis McCabe, John Keegan, Phil Hirl, Mack McGuire, all of Lena, Oregon. C. S. DUNN, 3-8 Register. Claimant names rs witnesses: George Pearson, Howard Pearscn, Frank MtCabe, Jr.rsh Courtney, all of Lena, Oregon. C. S. DUNN, Register. NOTICE FOIl I'l'BMCATIOX Department of the Interior, U. S. Land office, at The Dalles, Oregon, May 15th, 1920. Notice is hereby given that JOHN P. CONDEIt, of Heppner, Oregon, who, on March 15, 1917, made Hometsead Entry No. 018 585, for Lots 1-2 S NE, Section 2, Township 1 North, Range 26 East, Willamette Meridian, has filet', notice of intention to make final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before J. A. Waters, Clerk of the Circuit Court, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 7th day of July, 1S20. Claimant names witnesses: Bernard P. Doherty, of Echo, Ore gon; Cornelius Melville, of Echo, Ore gon; Oness V. Gibson, of Echo, Ore gon; William B. Finley, of Lexing ton, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, 4-9 Register ADD VARIETY TO DAILY FARE Marinti Prefer Alligator Steak Broiled Luard for a Steady Diet. to MneiiLila, u iiihiiiih IVrlni (111 I'tilor 1.1. -a!-. Hoiibl iier appeal to the fnMl'llou .Hoots n, el,,,, ri'sliu rants but Tinted Stale, marines tin bi d lo the inert. mi b lliltlell gimrd llo v are the real NOTICE I OK I'l III. H A HON Department of the Interior, V . S. Land (It'lice at The Dalles, Oregon, June 17th, 1920. Notice is hereby given that l-.I.IZAl'.ETll STAMPER of Lexington, Oregon, who, on Nov. 19111, made lloineslead Entry ,o. oi ;::. I'm- s'jN Vi, N'isnvi. Section 22, Township 1 South, Range 20 East, Willamette Meridian, lias tiled notice of intention to make final three-year I'loof, to cstnblbh claim to the land above described, before J. A. Waters, Clerk of the Circuit Court, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 4th day of August, 1920. Claimant names as witnesses: Dan J. Way, W. J. Lauder. (!. II. Svvuggeit, II. F. Swaggeit, nil of Lex ington, Oregon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK Register. XOTK i: I Oil I'l HI. K ATION Department of the Interior, V. S Land Office at La Grande, Oregon June 15, 1 920. Notice is hereby riven that GEORGE M. VINSON of Lena, Oregon, who on August 9 1910. made Additional Homestead Entry, No. 01B29H, for NWV4 NE'i K'4 NWVi and NEVi SW Section 22, To-.-nship 1 South. Range 29 East Willamette Meridian, lias tiled notice of indention to make three-year ; - oof, 'o establish claim to the land above described, before Clerk of County Court, Morrow County, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 4th day of August 1920. XOTK E I Oil PUBLICATION" Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, June 15, 1920. Notice is hereby given that WILLIAM F. PETTYJOHN Echo, Oregon, who. on December 23. 196, made Homestead Entry, No. 016878, for SW NWVi, N4 SW SEVt SW, S SEU, NE14 SEVi, SE NE14, Section 34, Tp. 1 N., R. I 28 E and on March 1, 1920, made Ad. H. E. No. 019493, for KE4 NE14, NWVi NW14, NW SEVi, Sec. 34, Tp. 1 N., R. 2 8 E. and Lot Sec. 2, Tp. 1 S., R. 28 E., Willa mette Meridian, has filed notice of in tention to make three-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Clerk of County Court, Morrow County, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 3rd day of August, 1920. Claimant names as witnesses: W. E. Wiglesworth of Echo, Ore gon, Geo. Cummins of Lena, Oregon, Mack Gentry of Lena, Oregon,, Fred Coxen of Lena, Oregon. C. S. DUNN, Register. StocTtraising homestead entry, Act December 29, 1916, (39 Stats., 862.) NOTICE TO CUKDITOKS Notice is hereby given that John McCartan has been duly appointed administrator of the estate of Frank McCartan, deceased, by the County Court of Morrow county, Oregon. All persons having claims against said estate are notified to present the same to me at the office of my attor ney, F. A. McMenamin, in Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice, with vouchers duly verified. Dated and first published this 8th day of June, A. D. 1920. JOHN McCARTAN, Adminnsvtrator of the estate of Frank McCarttan, deceased. 6-10 I 1 The longest orchard in the world listhivt oM.he Dulur Land and Or chard company, seven miles from, The Dalles. It is nine miles in leng'h occupies fjonii acres and is mostly apples. Subscribe for tiie all the county news. Herald and get Only $2 a year. .NOTICE OK I'l lll.H'ATION 1 - ticre. n H't'lll.l I iqaa M. -I. 1 illy t en ll! f!-- Tl e I lol !, , I ill An,. 1 U I. to, I.I .ft. I III : III II ll Ik' II 1 ii f, r e v I -,.l. tb ri-!tim-. fit jiill eir Into 11 it ( the rl 1 In I hi ll. the I, II l--r to Department i.r the Interior, V. S. Land olllee ut La tJraude, Oregon, May 15, 1920. Notice in hereby given that, FltlKDItlCIl RAVCH. uf Krho, Oit-Kon. who, on November 2, IS15, madii HmiicMi-ad Entry No. j 0 1 036 1 lor EV Section 20, and on MurcU k, 1920, made Additional Hotnesteud Eutry No. 017354. for SW'i, Sect ton 20, and K4 NW1. Section X, Townnhlp 1 North, Range 21 l.ast. Willamette Meildiun, liai f.i...i ..... r it,i..,,f i,.n t.t tiiukt ion guard thing fo- Itbiee ye.ii pioof. In eHt.ililish claim lo the laud above 4es 1 Hied, tiefoie J. A. WatiTs. Cleik of County I'ouit, at ll-l'l'iiei, (iiegou, on the 2olh day of July. l'.'n. n;iinen at itni'ssfw; Ton) Vi-v. Price Mutikcm, Ftatik Iimiii. Julian ll.uii h. a'.l of Ui ho. Ol I toll C. S DUNN. f R. gtMer iig liniiii hi ,ul i tili), ,r fare. e ibiilv iiiiike a -.p ting nlheattit sli 11k, ari- I of till- thll ! I 1 1 1 : 1 r (i t I v l!.n.-r .-f li.i'l II ..f f in- 1 or l inn! -be I lo li e 111 1 I I or f.-r 11 o .ir h. 1 h.m. . i.t let Alfalfa Ranch For Sale With hay felling readily In the stack at from $16 to 30 per ton In this great permanent stock country, and three and four large crops each year, an alfalfa ranch is a sure winner. Here it Is: 1 60 Acres on Lower Willow Creek 120 acre under the ditch and worlds of free Irrigating water. About 75 acre of growing alfalfa and more ground already prepared for ieed. Fair Improrements. In the best alfalfa region of Morrow county. Get thll quick and raise your own feed or help supply the hay market. E. M. SHUTT The Real Estate Man Up-stairs in Court House Man Fell Into Bear Pit: Arm and Log Torn Away Dec. 11, 1,. I p' u. ct! sun . A"''i'i Kiil lir a in.-.' .ui in linl ui l' 1 ne, Soltn rtniol. I. I 1 III i,,i,u!, , I I , .,.i, Ii i vlii-ar p i ut tt.e i.m-I.'K . l gnt bin be I'K'I flbll hlle lie ll row I .11 lot to lln ni Hi- ml.. 11 iii the li". ltl lu a .fun. ! It !. Il. l(t b i i d ! fl nun belli i-ii!n ly .' i . P. Ii .1 Mi. I r.-i t e iiiit . n!ii the Viutl In "11.. Ilniii.n.t inii'i !, f..r 11. r .'m'h i I-, f teii .net. I brl.- K Dntia .'oil, I t'.l t'lil WtlMra toil eft ltv r. ' r of lb rtlf",1 III -h ! I'M rritl. t ef It 'Ml i. i.ii.e, 1.1 f..r ltr l'l at I 1 1 jtll . Hi i n '' rl,-'lii.i,'lk M'lli i: lult 11 III l VIit Di I'.lltinelll (if flu. IllU'tlor. 1'. ! Ijiii.i luti.i- m ., Crjinlo. iiteKoti, Julie I "i. I'l 2 a Notiie in bi-i.l.v u.-h Hut fllFHMAN SHAW of H.'i'i'iur. (ii.-ioti. Hbo n oiiii. ber 13. Ilt. 1, m.le Additiorml ll..u,e ttn.l Fnti). No OUTJ'i. r-r N NK and N', W , He. lion 26, ' p i jSoiitti. )ijnn 7 Vt. WllUm. tie j Me, id imi r, h.m iili d notice 0,' inn ii jtu it lo likn thi.M- )er I'r.M'f, to j.litlt h 1 1,11m ! the In nil ;!' j if- 1 tb. , .e(re t'U-fk of t'ouiity I'ouM .i'ii ('.Miiili. itt ll.piii.r. t.'ii. en tl,r th ilit of Auraat. ri..liiijit tiaiiip 11 witnri' T 1 M-ll.'.k. Ho.r r,..;ph Jn-. Kii k UUiU. all vl II. 1 pa- r. tirti ,' C. WW Choice Cuts of the Best Meats EVERY HOUSEWIFE WANTS TO SERVE THE best in Meats to her family.. She can be assured she h di'inu mi if -lie ltiy her Meat at thi xh-'ii which i ctultuttl in conformity with inulcrn method of sanitary mat kttiiiK. Central Market McNAHER & SORENSON, Props, Dread LiKe Mother Used to Mahe You can have it if you use our famous White Star Flour For Your Baking We have just received a car load of Spring Beardless Barley for Seed We pay highest cash prices for Hides, Pelts and Furs Heppner Farmers Elevator Co. Cutting ivsaois fiery- For the Harvest Season THE NEW DANE MOWER Built by the John Deere Company, is giv ing excellent satisfaction. Let us show you the merits of this machine. We are agents for CASE THRESHING MACHINES Are the Best. CASE KEROSENE TRACTORS, Have no superiors. Ask about prices and terms on these high grade machines. 6 6 Peoples Hardware Company The Moral Risk Vhi-n th tini conic to i-rk credit, bunk lll want In know what you AUK an well a what you HAVE. Tliat'a whrrr th mural hainril conn- In. And you can't mtabllnh credit ovrr nlclit. Rather, It In a matter of becoming- KNOWN at your bank, of . Ubthlng confidence by the way In which you hav kipt your account. fcardl.-M of the amount you have to your ciedtt. Get acquainted that' the flmt thlnu Then defelop that acquaintance Into trlemUhlp. It will Hand you la pplendid atead when the time comra l;menib.-r-In al, that thla bank otfrra you a rnm flvt bank Inf aervlce. Fanners & Stodgrowers National Bank HEPPNER, OREGON. 'wa 0.)