J mil r OMX gOVdTHE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, Tulv 20. 1020 Spring Revels at Bryn Mawr College if . ; I I l 'I ) ! I Ji J I ?UZ v 4&Mi ' r' -v v an 1 ii 2k k kt L Th- Mm.v,,o1, about whi,!, ,iiny L.-autifuI scenes uere .,,-, r fod". beinK Uniwn l,y oxen .luring the Iiryu iluwr ''H " "'ls' ami I,!K'!iiit. It. was tin.- most elaborate spetlncle ever attempted by the colle-e. col- SEA FURNISHES MUCH FOOD United States Has Pt-haps the Most Valuable Fishery in Which All Coast States Share. Tli Unllert Sillies lias w hat Is said to bo Hie most valuable fishery in the worlil, hut probably not one person In ten can name it. It is condncleil in every .seacoiist slate from Cape Coil n the Hio Grand'', and from I'unet MJiind up to San Francisco, and It yields annually itliout llo.lMM) tons of foeil as prepared for consumption, an quivalent of 4lK),MKt dressed steers. It employs about. tiT.OlX) persons, mid lip annual product, as It comes from the wafer, Is valued at over ,f 15,(11 10, "(10. There are oilier fisheries that possibly exceed il In tin- ulliniale aliic of their proilueis, but in such inSi's mui'li labor and material and a heavy investment of eapilal have been Cfiiicci'iH'd in loiHiufie't urinu' operalimis to prepare the product for the con Minicr; as, for eaniile, the caimcd-i-almoii imliislry of the IVe-iiic coast, 'lie- Ameriean llsher.v for codti-h on tiie Allan'ic coast, v.liieb has been tie e.iuse of much diriloi., il ic discussion mid of urine Inleriial ional ;( in - dens, ap is ulniost insiuuilicanl In roiiiHirisou, Its value In normal times l.ctore t!ic yieat war beliitf aboiu ?:!, ( x M if t v . arly; and the shad li -hery, lie- pl'o-;ieels of which cjlcll sl'illU call fol th 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 c. nil I in n I ill the public !'e-:, pro.bicr-i not ohelcplh as much food. The most valuable fishery Is tlint which furnishes us with oysters. Hie bureau of fisheries lias more than once railed attention to this vast food resource and the possibilities for In. creasing it nrul using It to better ad CHINESE TURNING TO SPORTS Necessity for Physical Culture Is Be ginning to Be Recognized in the New Republic. Physical culture and nil types of athletics were, until very recently, held In contempt by the Chinese, and onseiiiently the Shanghai boys did net, know what the joy of Indulging la baseball and oilier spurts mount, says Hoys' Life, Ages hum chariot driving, irchery and the other classic sports played an important part in Chinese ediicallon. With the dawning of China's literary golden age, however, the scholars coubl not see liovv menial perfection could he att'iiined f there was nny thought of ; 1 1 1 1 1 -1 i - prowess, Muscles and braun, tbev said, be longed to tin. peasant, and the gcnlle nan of culture should show his gum: breeding by a scholary pallor, stooped rhoublers and a Lvicial uiihcuPhv an. pearimce. j This altitude tov;ip phjsi.-al , level- I opmeiit H-riti-! f.- c. t.i u ties, in,, t ' hi's I en unly vv ii liia th,. !,it few do- i ' I'eH ill" I'eM I vouch- I fofed In sports. With the introduc tion of new educational methods and the entrance of occidental theories Into the orient, athletics once more came Into their own and the Chinese student tucked up his cue and his dignity and went In for pole vaulting and hurdling. China has now the Idea that a na tion's economic progress depends large ly on the healthy bodies and minds of Its citizens, and missionaries find little difficulty in winning subscrip. Hons for athletic fields for the schools. A BAR BAIN IF SOLD SOON. Fine 8oo-acre creek ranch, only three miles from town. Ninety acres of this ranch under ditch, good orchard, good new house, fair barn, etc. 600 acres tillable. Price $30.00 an acre. Easy terms. 1. 1. HAIL INSURANCE. The hail storm season is here and no farmer can afford to take chances on losing his crop when a few dollars in-csted in one of our Hail Insurance Policies will give complete protection. FIR E I NSUKANCE. It's the dry, dangerous season just now. Hotter see that your policies are alive and if they are about to expire call on or phone me aiU 1 will give you proper protection. . . .1 ROY V. YVHITEIS KF.AL ESTATE and INSURANCE Announcement I li.ne J11-1 i.m ncd a modem Cleaning and Pressing Parlor In II... X.I.I. .11 I, IIii.Miok ltrl ,,( ,V 1.1 .1.1.: 1 . 1.. i. 11 ,r M i;t li 1 in I I WIN.. I III ,,,,,1 . r IUI. I U'll s 1. ;; m , x , , x, n I & Sals Cleaned and Blocked ' 'Id I 1 nyviiti; iiutJ Itqhiiriii!; Orders LIOYD HUTCHINSON li.ir.i li.i'l.liiiii, I,, ,., M ,1111 Hiri-rl, M.' .iei. ti,k,.,i Whether or not the average citizen welcomes the Idea of Individual air planes Jaunting about In the air over Ids head, the inventors are busy enough trying to invent them. Sev eral small planes are already more or less on the way to such use In Kng. land, Italy and I'rance. One reads of planes already perfected, and that "small and light, and capable of being landed at low speed, thev are lust the type for Hitting about the country, I from one club to another." Italy Is said to have produced the smallest, a tri-plae.e only 1 1 1 i feet wide, and re nuiring for its operation "about as much skill as the attachment of a side-car to a motorcycle." Seeing, fays the adage. Is believing; and the ' pedestrian who tidies scant pleasure in this notion of u gentleman Hilling about th,. country frtnn one club to ' another t. ay well wonder lew soon ' he Will r.t ve to believe In them. Peanut Oil Gaining Favor. The production of peanut oil. includ ing both the cold pressed and the hot prossed, in tin- 1'iilted Slates has In creased from -iril.tllli) pounds hi 1!H2 to :i."i,!l.",l.iNN) pounds In 1 :U S, an Increase of more than '.'1,11(1(1 per cent. The itn portntliwi of peanut oil Inclvavd Onm 7,fi3i.iHH) pounds in IflPi to (is, Itlfl.dOO pounds In 11I1S. rrnetically nil the Im ported peanut oil Is hot -pressed. Com plete statistics for l'.H'.l are not jet available. It Is apparent, say specialists, that cold pressed peanut oil Is winning fot Itself a place on the American table. Justified by its flavor, nutritive value and dlgestibilitv. What is more refreshing thoseihot days than a glass of iced tea (for luncheon or dinner? You can suit yourself as to quality and flavor from our stock of: FINE TEAS, which includes Japan, Gunpowder, English Breakfast and Ceylon. Better order a few bottles of i, GRAPE JUICE or SODA which, with the addition of a few crackers and a bit of cheese will furnish you with a near-Dutch lunch. Just think how refreshing this kind of veather. We can fill your order. Grocery Co. The custom of laying the corner ' f public building with cere- " practiced by the lltielelils. At the laying of the cornerstone whm the capilol of Home was rebuilt a pro-ccN-ii, ,n ,,f vestal virgins, robed !n white, surrounded tbe st..i nd con secrated li with libations of living water A prayer to the gods followed, and then ihe magistrates, priest. rn- iiiors ami knights lu, hold of rop. s and moved Ihe mb-bl v StOlli Its yt- i cr position. In a hollow cut in Im- stone were pi d Ingots of g"l I. silver nd oilo r metals which ll;i I I'.'l been lliell.-.l M y funuloe. no I lie Jews t il ncr-toln otislib ied mi emblem of i.ovver they also perforin, il i en monies at laving. In medieval tin,,., n, was taken up bv ihe order ..f tiiii-ons Mn bus by thorn h.-on brought down I,, modern davs. the M isonlc cereiiioi.v of tiiyiiig u roineiMiiii be lli lllbolh ,i. t In to was it ml Its rife Kroe Out of Plact. ie h.eue freip av nioiti in. it.d. When ii!,, vv h.it be vmt lltin.ili ,:, i hur. h the ,,i,er Sun "I on VV lien was wrong .1,.. iin,,ver.-d ih , ITI'Mlk't I II, c e ,, ,, .tl,.r r,,y. "II. ' 111 II, Ml , , ,.r, !,. ',,. ( (.(v,. fnnl . r .- l.ii,:. fon .;. iih:.i! ,n, , "I .1 lo t hi..- aiiv of it,,. , l,,,.r." ;,.. P i XOTICi: TO OWXKI1S OF STOCK. , us In Morrow county, Oregon, that I if such cattle and horses are not Notice Is hereby given to all own-; taken off our property within two ers of cattle and horses now running J weeks from the date of this notice at large on lands owned or leased by , that we will take up all such stock and proceed to sell same according to law. Dated at Heppner, Oregon, this 22nd day of June, 1920. 8-10 HYND BK03. f Ul.:.lil..-.l !-v Wore loo , - J,. lo..l,li f. . i . hvi ii.s at A I i'iool'.' " I ' . .t : ! ,: ' I, . 'l tl,. I II. e . .,, . II I ,i I, e V . 'I ' ! .v.. . . , 't V I ol . !..:, . I or. lb uie . icg. 'If..,, I'lnn i ..: il e I ,rd.' " , '. w V . o . ,:,:(, H 'I 1" tl ..,.. I.,S' . " '..-'o. ai'lioi.l, : W- V, P,.- i - . .... ..f h', "! ' , I, I ' ' 1 v, . Mr, ' . ... j ! W. ,r S, .,1, Buyers of Printing Just a few words to the Business Man who desires to have his Printing produced accurately and promptly OULDNT it be a great relief if you could say to your printer, "I need a catalogue, a circular, some letterheads and envelopes." and then be able to entirely dismiss the matter from your mind in the confidence that he will do the work to your entire satisfaction. The printer comes to you with a proposition that pleases; that has a strong ad vertising value in the suggested copy, in the proposed typography, in the color arrangement, and in the general layout. What a satisfaction to have an as sured confidence that the finished product will meet with your approval The printer who can do that for you mut ffcr efficient irrvice. That is what we are jiving to our numerous cut tomer. and wc are ready to do tbe same for jcu. t. , s I ,,, ' U . ! .. .- ...... I- : - ' ' " ' '' ' b 'iel Hi ,1 I e ft .v .'. tl ,.f ,,,. , , , .,,,, )lirm r I, ,.,,r- . : ( I : rii It. ciii I an. t-n eoy , f !,w frllon, ,n fl( u.'i. Ii in. i tl t r ilmn la h.d " THE HEPPNER HERALD HEPPNER, OREGON vr