PAGE EIGHT THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday. Tulv n. IQ20 um ai, m:vs itkms Terry I'eterson, rtoekman of Hard man, was in town Wednesday. Percy .lamina, Butter creek alfalfa f-'r'rt tf, was in town Wednesday. Alex'ireen, of Heppnor flat, was in town Wednesday. j liill l.owon, of Haidinan, was in town Wednesday. ; Jesse boos was in town from Tleiip lier Junction during Die week. ' SiliiH Harris Mas in from I'arkorp i Mill for a day or two last week. 3'liil Griffin and wife were in from EinhUnile during Hie week. Andrew Rood, sr., returned from Hot Lake Sunday. W. H. Prophet, merchant of the thriving town, of Hardman, was a business visitor here Wednesday. Park Carmichael, of Lcxlngto was here on business last Wcdnr day. I ,ch Mrs. Ed. Duran, was In town day from the big Duran wheat 1 north of Lexington. Mr. and Mrs. George K. Slurry, prosperous fanners of Rhea .voe'k, were In town I tiesday. Tilden Robiiit-'on, ICiuhlmilo wheat farmer, was a visitor liere during 1he week. Walter Drum, resident of Ihe Hard man country, was in town during the week. Lloyd Kweok, a rancher of Ihe Mo nument country, was in town on bus iness during I he week. C. L. Swook, well known local at torney, is coiihned to his home with a n all ark of mum ps. Win. Ayers. pa-time proprieter of llaidman. was i'i city W'i nil business. f. W. Straiu'.,i. well known farmer of the lone country, was a buslnei-.s isitor here Wednesday. ; .1 Owen and I'zz Krench went to lone Wednesday to till end the funeral of their niece, Airs. Frank Grlllin. Mrs. K. M. Outran nnd her molher, M.h. Meek, of Portland, arrived Sat urday to visit with Mrs. W. P. Scri vener, who Is Mrs. Mock's dull) liter, i ltlley Judy and wife, of Portland, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Hughes niitl other relatives and Irietidn during (he week. . Hen Tlueu.n :ind family, well Icown v. he it y.rt wers of the Ktgh' leilo count r . v. . r.' vi'itors here dur ::g the v.e"I. Wei. ( i,a . ham. i f !.' 'i.i. ha . I 'lieli.i i.mI Malcolm I'liiMi li pri l- . ! lie:ir I..- d ,i;;d I". lum !l ; I i - I ;u, i tly ( ' u " to be near bun! !: ib Wi'k.ti i rue ii frui'i !"' tee V.ooi'o'a in : c,..,;i W. ilneiidav . Tbe M I ,C;p b:o4 I" en Itltl'.e.l ftil'll I'llctl ! 11 h v. h-'i c iol; N a I li" .!, i n. all i ii. id . I , ?e3 m -TmfHM) '"v- m hj C 4 6 .- I TpS Beayteful Fabrics for Whether in cottons? or silks, we can surely please you. -:- Our stock is very complete for these times of scarce merchandise and you can find almost anything you wish to .supply your needs. (m 11 4 -l1 4 A i Flaxons, Organdies, Voiles, Ginghams and Tissues Silk and Georgette Crepes Satins, Chiffons, Laces 2 Silk Nets Wirthmorc and Welworth Cotton Blouses $1.50 and up. Wirthmore Silk Blouses - the Silk. Blouse Bargain - $6.25 Willwear Outing Garments for Men and Women The Garment that excells all others. Childrens' Gingham Dresses and Rompers -:- New Colors in Shetland Floss for Sweaters i COMPANY HEPPER Oregon It In K " ' I 1 U IS ! , 1 ' T . VI- i n.l Piiilbiim Hiey eiicoiinti red a rleiininK und preHxiiiK Mr. Hutrhln-la wliole tuotnh ve not touched a running at lartte on nld premlKen. , Sl'ITAIJLK r.EWAItl) for Infornia O I'i ir .. n ! to have hii I. -i' ,-Ji.ip leli'iell ii lei MUHi WllllHi n d i or tun .rer ben i; elided Inl me Utile a. . . lilll nf : I l.lllpi III In. ! a in i!y jieriMii- dii:t Ktnriii which nuide noli will necuie order lor dyolni: drop of iinytliini:. I've nacl noiuh James Curty. Hieiii ion;', inr i; e liiihlleiH iituio- ii ud reiairiiiK mil tiietitt und ilmi to buy me a htaw oak coffin with I Dated and (lint published thin 13tli fideie of (.mill, old ll'Ppller. Mn apii'lal alii tit ion to 1. elicit win it I .ii.d V ; .it. i I'i' v ii l. I .'!:. ' 1 . ei : "! i' I : I '.Ik. i;ontv Inn returned Jeff Joiiik ban returned from n . . fieri a pli.i -.iiil at riil!aiii. trip to Vr.iii te City Un ie lie went In 11 liiul. r. t'lilr' - fpe'id tlie I mil 1 1, with hi Inother, cnil le r f.;i n i.Mi - A S Kii nnd f.iinilv relumed John Jon. 'i. The tun l-e'liem had t Tat - i. i t.i I e,!nei.l.( (i, .mi ,i .!.M-.:iiit i-ii nh ""r - Kr .! . am tun !ntl I Hey , Nn(1(,(, .,.,,,y , ttii(t j ,). H .l 'id. iv v, '... , hi ii" m' r. Mr-. Mr . ), at led.leii oi ine iei eciii.. u rarn inner tin- ; i . i!, (it. ii.ti .e h'li.ten ni. ! brans IuiihIIck nr.d Iiiiimi n iil.. nnd If j day of July, l:20. I'l'.i a leeiot.iler tor a'M'her month 1 ! Khali be' It." New Yi:ik 1 UAHGAIN' Two necoml hand Kurd (i'.obe. cite, puitable for loiiHtabouf wotl;. :.",o and 3J0. H.ppner (luuu'e. lltof. irn r. i .1 Mi , .,! '.! - m .1 i . . K i -.1 '. 1 of K'e 1 i I I! Mi I! M II. Hi ,.!,! I,i t. 1 .1 . n . ill le - I l. i 1 I I: e'.i I I . Ii I I'i :il.u I , : 11 la I mi; b'l .1 i ..I at IV' t !,.! ai d !! nndi i - -utile.!, ui.d. i I!, i !.n. of the Mate of 1 1-. . ni . !,.ne lakitl up tbe " " ; nlilmal in : e.n.i 'i . r di-it.beil while In . I. II. llM.lll i runnin : at l.i-vf en m pi - mien tn lie M i ialiol .nii; , narl'ii-'b Kurk, mi o ., .1 .- i'i il.o In !l I hi i i. .1-1 i ,., it fi. ,. ep .1 i. ; ii It III -i i - - I II i '.. .pull ,1 fin I p !'. Hit Ml'.e'.l'l, V. ell 11. n II n'lnp f p , ,1 ii. .1 tin ...ii alt., r man ' '' ' I'" 1 1 .1 ai.ill i uint'. a u l I n f. 'in. II I In-.:., i l,'l.i- ti.le H',.!,.n r.i i- in ! . l.lil v.. ppni r (ir. ::..ti. Kill! SAl.K - A hoe. ii ml two loi I'r.t.t. fliade free nnd tin exei li.-tit Sail. i u. Mm. A. i'.. tl:nn. 11,13 pit. i.ic.irr iiin'i:Kt:i:!.iM; mono. lion recardlng or return of whltp Huddle home branded jl S the I'L cotinecled. K. K. Chirk, Heppnir, Orenon. 10-12 foil SAI.K Al grade HolMeln heifer giving 4 pal. daily, floo cuh. A. 1.. Strait, lone. Or"., Ilm 373 Mr f. I.. Keithle); plum fii'.t 11 1: .ii 1 .a.' iillt ; . . w ...I fell. i'liin 1'hi.l ."eti I'. it 1 ,.u . 1 ef tbe X'pife ' 'ei k Hi lew n !i.i.i ii an. I -I "'e 11 and a bum Ii ef olio 1 i ,. 1 t'liu k ..i.n.. unit i. '.n.t tioi 1111 pi'i.!:i',. brand. l I' en Ii ! i-l-in lder. I 1 H'lf l n . .11. ii.-!it I bout Soil -" K:.,vi, rj , ,,,, , Ji;iv 1.1 A pound, r.ih le km.- roll, mnie ilf.VAUI for letutn tn thl ti. iv f!.Mv 1, . .'.r.-.l' Kl'matn ' '!- i'h nn.S.-r .m 1 -U !.... . "'""' r!iirt.-r do im.tid UVpln I',: . i,', .,1 , .1...,nl..l lM July Ind. lipd I.IKT At John llay bat.riiw ft So. i i:it!iiun Aiitocrapblc Kodak. Kin der notify V. (). Kitig. lloardtnan. Oitgui, and rereive reward. "If V.Ti:i-(;irl or woman for light home woik. Apply Mm. Arthur A. McAlie. Ileppner. 9tf. of the ki 1, .1 1 f 1 i 1 1 daik i-roun 1 ,u!e. wei.;ht hIki-iI e ,1 . a 1 ' 1 ,',.., , ......v li.-. , e p..a.!.. b'.rnl.-.! 2 b ft hii!.r ' ( ! it I I'i I I .1 I i ,1 . 1 ' I .' .1 K i. Ii:.l.ee0 ' peua.n. fc-an.l 1 may none 1:111 pound" llliUN HWIMi i '' ""' ''"-'"! "l '""' in - 'bra-ibd Men! t (.heciib r j.J. '.l Uelinble farm Klirtrle .;. , . ,1, ,..!i..ti ut.eiit iM ,,.t,.I.L. '1..wt,.t, !,.! ,ii till- t M Hr ) 1 ,,...l ..,,rl -is (,.:t. I.tamd I l.Uht KUtil mnutr-ur.r, .. j ,,,.p I ,. -P-' ate P' .. 1.1 H. t 11. uh .- I'll Saimdav i.....mnK t..r j That I will in Saturday, July 31, J nt nin for Morrow cminiy .J. I 1. el, 1... I a iull 1" ' ii'.e ef "eal.-i in 1 ' ..f ntup,,,,.,,! f Tint.!! Mtiiv 1, Vnirt ji Jimt. 1 '1 :.i, m 1 he bei.r of 1 " mi uVIih k In J Wlil gl rtrlulf li-rrllory . 1 ... .i... bai n b.. 11 l,4tit:- injitnd .'i"e 'k Mi I! J net l pteud i. burnt roni.ried ihe , ,hw flU,n,,n .f ily. unb tb and furni.h lint of liv- p-n-.J. I Hie ii.i it i- of t ii w.e ' " in on i nn mi emir, Mr ptKij. M ilrutihnl in a tMiitmh town - - - lluiibi. will . ( f 1 i.ii.I at ,. ,,, ami in.h.cnl him he wan th local W ! Malum. and faml.y H tntn ' '"'ine in M,.., nni .ml Mr I'mwfurd .lun. r to s. I up ..n th plat- 1 mil... m.rth of l.rnnton. O.-rgen. i4 ttionr. br falling on lh A ..I M.m.1.1) limn llenm-r K. r ""I hi. blether In t,,, furm and te.tify. Thi. I. how he ' , ,,14 rounty. !! ch and ail of ranrht-ra now for Tall lilry. 4 '' ''" ' "W !"" 1 '''- i Jul i. .,ui animal, lo th hlh. and Wl ji Tut a ampl plant 00 your .nt we. h rrl.l.i.U ig Ihe Kouith and j Mo?. I lluirhin...n. who arrival1 -tr frt.-n.t ti. ..1,1. - fr ! bidder for rah lo hand for th pur- 4 utomobll and forr lb foun- 4 toiling filiiid. They re..rt a j from KettUnd a wnk ago ha. I.-....J thwht lo aland upon thi. pl.vtform pa of paying lh co.n of taking up. 'r thoroughly. Addr-a fart 4 .l ieiiuui trip in. 1...... . a loom in in Ah.u.h building with h proot on on .id of m holding and alllr .aid animal lo- TltK P.IVIw O. I IMIIoviltl.K MU sMtKIN(j Iitn.).lelln and t.adi- Tailoring. Mr.. Curmn. Cburrh atrrrt. j;tf mil hu.i: IMtll Cn IJ-fooi vjcCormlrk )lr.,t 1. tenoon ef aii flay. uni. tr. ami lurni.n 11m 01 n p-n- .j. . . . .hall ha t e.n rt-rm-l. at P riht man. M hav, ! T, r tt ." "7 . . . 1 ... ...... .5. rH rn.g to rp.,B.. y t, IK n in junip'r ranfen. limili "" (".in inn jm rn ni.. " bit Pinlm Slf tWPOB.I- A. W. CAMMCLU Islington r.gioa Itm Hti( ring bladf Praa. uaally b . for fartbrr inform a- " I " "-"--i uiniu.n. .im in. provo.i on on. .Id of m Bolding ana riiirg .ail animaia io- f 1 1. r i'i n 1 tla fall at air 6'r .1 m- ',r ""!l" ' ' ,h r. n-r. b. I. oprnlng a cleaning and and toon flk on IV llh.r .Id of 'gflbw with frawnabl. damage for IM townh - rrlUi.d. . j u..h ' iteiu.iung Hund.y b.-twrra Hp..l.n p,.ing .bep la addition lo doing m. a,r thotht , fof 0- ,m, f,aW by ...4 aoio.aU 4. 4. .J. . .J. j CMRI9T llOKKxiM0' !