Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, July 13, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    Tuesdav. July 13. 1020
At Last the Secret (?) Is Given to the
World, and by an English
' man, Too.
' Writing about 1 lip jazz minimis rap
that llie subject is nf such importance
that (1 lime; cMileu'rSiTil was recently
sent from London oorieernin;; the ori
t'in of tin; "word. Accordinc; to the
cablegram, the secret is out, nnd It is
toi Kiiclishman who Cs'ives us the valu
able information. .
He tells ns that, while Englishmen
should not he held rcsiiti-ih!! for the
vernacular of their brethren in the
Western continent, the word jazz, he
Mhails, is now as much a household
word in Ijidand as in Aniori'-a. And
then lie noes on to say that the word
came from the South and from the ne
eroes. Now in the South, ho tolls us.
there is a term known as the hook
worm, which nlTools all 1 cue southern
ers. Home unkind einiloers call it
"lonfer-llis." The white employer, ac
cording to the erudite Englishman, In
the South has many thousands of ne-f-'tocs
working for him, and conse
uenlly runny overseers. So, not being
utile lo remember the names of nil his
foremen, he generally names each inun
,7asier, which, according to this Kng
llshtnun, Is n term of the highest es
teem. Through the very humun love
of nbhrevlntlon, Jasper became "Jus,"
nnd ns the overseer's principal means
of get lint; work out of his underlings
Is throuLh harsh and abusive tongue,
b" was often requested to ".lass tcjt"
the wor!-. Tno Southern drawl nuikes
"Jass" sound like "Jazz." Ami tjiere
we. have the won! Itself. And jazz
niu-dc, no matter what classic-loving
rritlcs may say about it, nt least In
spires energy. Hence the derivation.
Musical America.
Uefore the consoliilation I held an
ai'ency lor om- of the old express com
panies, dm- day Severn! patrons were
in the ollice when the superintendent
Mill two other oilicials of the company
nme In um-xpoctedly. A woman had
just a
ly the
l!iisteivd me,
the on hand
; nything list
I he count it.
I mm lb" tele
there is not!
cusl onier wn
r u package, and evident
ted visit of the officials
for, after looking over
register nnd not finding
I'd for her, I returned to
took down the receiver
phone, and said : "Hello,
ling here for you." My
s standing right near the
telephone, and every
Cnlcago Tribune.
one laughed.-
No Cork Wasted Now.
The best cork has hitherto come
from Spain, but the richest forests of
fair grade cork nre now In Sardinia.
High prices are now paid for cork that
was not salable n few years ago, for
even the refuse Is valuable now In
making conglomerate for building aud
for insulating refrigerators, cork being
the best non-conductor of beat and
Famous Khanr.te of C?n.ral Asia Ha
Definitely Rejected the Chains
of Despotism.
So Khiva, the khanate In Central
Asia through which Col. Fred Ilurmiby
once rode on horseback to the capital,
has declared itself an independent re
public! That prodigious English sol
dier and traveler who won military
glory fighting outside the endangered
square at Abu Klea, in the Sudan,
would smile hugely, no doubt, were he
able to rend the news. Eor the semi
harbnrie city of Kliiva as he found it
on that famous ride in the seventies,
or rather as the Russians found it just
two or three 5 ears before, to he exact,
was filled with slaves captured from
the Persians by Turkoman raiders. Its
whitewashed houses, scattered amid
the elms and poplars, produced a wel
come effect, however, after the count
less miles of arid steppes which had
to be negotiated before it could be
reached. Its citizens were those
weirdly named "cousins" of the
Turks, the Uzbegs, Kirghiz, Sarts, Ta
jaks nnd the Kara-Kalpaks, or Black
lionnets of the Turkl tribe whom the
caliph would fain gather Into the fam
ily fold. The khanate Is but the relic
of the once.great kingdom of Choras
mla, over which King Darius ruled by
means of his satraps. Christian
Science Monitor.
HPT" " j
I 1 jP7F Ymuk
The End of a Perfect Day
- 1T
T- A "MCc,',7m?ui7iyrn3 T ...iu'wj rr-"
liv t'.:y uMi.tmi worn l.n ijfta
m mM Ml
J .1.., -; I "T ; j ' ' IV ' j
Socialistic Council of Bradford, Eng
land, Is Considering the Adoption
of Remarkable Scheme.
When it became necessary to erect
a new secondary school In Bradford,
the rich wool textile center of Eng
land, the usual estimates were asked
for. and reported, In the total sum of
!f."ll ),()().
Socialists, who have a considerable
majority on the Bradford education
conmiitlee, nt once decided to break
free from tradition, and ndopted the
idea of buying a suitable seagoing ship
for that amount, one big enough for a
couple of hundred children. These
children will be sent to sea for a six
months or lL'-tnonlhs period, if a sub
sequent suggestion is adopted.
It is still to be settled whether the
ship schonlliouse will remain moored
in Bradford canal docks, only going to
sea lis a freighter during vacation pe
riods, or whether It would not be In
the Interests of a general educaiion to
let the scholars See glimpses of for
eign ports, learning their languages
among natives, (lie ship at (he same
time In lie: leaded with cargoes that
would pay full maintenance expenses,
pro' n'.ly even of the boarding of the
What is more refreshing those i hot days than
a glass of iced tea tfor luncheon or dinner?
You can suit yourself as to quality and flavor
from our stock of. FINE TEAS, which includes
Japan, Gunpowder, English
Breakfast and Ceylon.
Fine 8oo-acre creek ranch, only three miles
from town. Ninety acres of this ranch under
ditch, good orchard, good new house, fair
barn, etc. 600 acres tillable. Price $30.00
an acre. Easy terms.
The hail storm season is here and no farmer
can afford to take chances on losing his crop
when a few dollars invested in one of our
Hail Insurance Policies will give complete
It's the dry, dangerous season just now.
Iktter sec that your policies arc alive and if
they arc about to expire call on or phone me
and I will give you proper protection.
I il It ' ju-t opened II
Qeanirsg and
1 1. y t 1 4 ii 2.
3 2
Auto Worked Chrtn;e.
He used to lie a pretty coy-going
fellow hefo'e lie bought his machine.
Soni" days his name would decorate
ibe. Minio hoard at the i'il- barn nnd
onie ili s it wouiini 1 , lor in' ami wo.u
vero not linn fronds.
But now how different, lie nmtrtvt
d the nutomoblle fever. The machine
was the result. Now, buying an nuln
is easy. But keeping it running and
taking your girl out is number thing.
'hat requires coin of the renin).
lie has developed Into a terrible
bar!;. Ills face is now n familiar fig
nre on (lie .North i.aston one ami 11
there are any spare trips laying
-wound loose tie Is right up to the win
low leaning on both elbows.
We should have made nn exception
ns to Sunday. Ah. that Is the day he
shines. The little machine rolls mer
rily along.
"It's worth It at that, to hp a million
aire one day n week," he remarked ns
he nnlluibcrcd his portly form nfter
II hours' labor the other night on n
Vorlh linston hack. Brockton I'uter
Better order a few bottles of
which, with the addition of a few crackers and a bit
of cheese will furnish you with a near-Dutch lunch.
Just think how refreshing this kind of weather.
We can fill your order.
Grocery Co.
Notice Is hereby tdven to all own-
rs of cattle and horses now running
ut large on lands owned or leased by
Nut Butter It Wholesome.
('neon butter, as mil butter l railed
in Khichind. mi not accepted with en
thusiasm by the British public when
natural butler became scarce during
the war. li e food committee of the
llnvnl soi let v iiutde some elaborate
irt of Its efi'ccts on Inn . an being.
The New York Medical Journal sum
miir!e iheriult, whhh
-PlPiI) les of th ftit of 1
M 1111 t f lli-'t of real bntte:
l.v the body: It i:ii'' 1
iroble: Bp. 'II I ''i-Ve
ipi:l! 'it e It las 11 -1 -: 1 1 : !
feet, nod In f. 1 ..tii I II U
who!, e t .1
io-v that
:i butter
' ut 'I, red
fUija That Bird 1"
. I. w
, h'.i 1 1 in- r. ' r "-i i: i i' i
' M.
it I'M' ' :l.l i
, , ,,:,! ii ; to r e ;.er ,. 1 , ' a'f f
, l, d ;. i , it ..i).p h.-l ' : S''itr
I bo , -Pmiil .; ..( !. Mu
i.!r I .. .... ..I t:.! - .'A
luiiI ii. v I,.. !i ,. ,. i , ,. ., :;h
.i,mi u l i PI I'o 1 1 i - i 1 - i
: . h V I ' " I ! ef ,, ; ,, i or
e' '. . , ' ' " e . r
I iii v' 111.' ' ' - M I i el .
J, :' h t 'i ' it' No
I i
.1 I.
Hals CScar.cc; and Blocked
i - .....
nyi'ini; tiiiil Rcpiiirini; Orders
Mitit.U II rb'l'ii;. i'i-r l.iln Mv'l. Itifpoi'i, Poii'ii
l'ixel IShiI Or .ter rv.lbttr,! mid (,trn r ll llciitlxl
j us In Morrow county, Oregon, that
If such cattle nnd horses are not
taken off our property within two
weeks from the date of this notU-e
that we will take up all such stock
and proceed to sell same according to
Dated at Heppner, Oregon, this
22nd day of June, 1920.
8-10 ' HYND BItOS.
Buyers of Printing
Just a few words to the Business Man who desires to
have his Printing produced accurately and promptly
OULDNT it be a great relief if you could
say to your printer, "I need a catalogue, a
circular, some letterheads and envelopes,"
and then be able to entirely dismiss the matter from
. your mind in the confidence that he will do the work
to your entire satisfaction. The printer comes to you
with a proposition that pleases; that has a strong ad
vertising value in the suggested copy, in the proposed
typography, in the color arrangement, and in the
general h'ycut. What a satisfaction to have an as
sured confidence that the finished product will meet
with your approv
b r.'.
M , I
Tior.35 v F " ift
f'e'h- It . :o I , r .''i',
I'M ! . -I t ..' ' . f V- pi'
It-iC 1,' 1 1 ' ot i'iii ! i i- ,-r.!tu
Ut rl.e 1 ,! 1 1 tet re-ot ,,( t, .1 prep
e-'v t' e i.. e. t 0,0 ifc. r ef M e -l-,'
ril!(M t! to hi1. r d l.-ole
f.e:ii.t it etr n Into I ( h',-
l.i holii'lea gn nook, it$
I'l'r nnd t'fnifr Ims-Ii tin. I mh t
h lu ef III 4'VV-l.ttrn-til (Km'
The ptintrr who enn do that for yoj nuit offer efficient
crvicc. Th.t i what we re giving lo our numeroui cu.
tomrr, en4 we are rrrdy lo do the erre for jtu,