Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, July 06, 1920, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Tuesday. Tulv 6. 1020
J. V. Fritur-h anil family went to
V- mill tun Saturday to tpi-nd t!"-'jj!
i OHIIU V.l'll i 1 l' 1MI.1 :' i.... J-
Sam !;. Van Vaclor and family
i-pnnl thei Kourl !i at. their summer
i lino on upper Willow creek.
4. EO( Al. NEWS ITEMS 4. ,,3 " I
I t'yMli ill -rav La awttitwi r wijstW
It. A. Thompson shipped four ears
f eallle to the Portland market.
Monday morning.
Dr. Ilii'lei- and family drove io
1 j; 1 fill $W ill!. Mml
i w
Condon ;-' t n ni ay to spei.d h: Fourth , Ifj
-.ili liv-ml.-i iii thai ci'y.
H anybody 1 -lin'ks it ia ar a
. - a l t, lo write a. new a-paper in 1 1 '!- 1 i 1
, .i.,. (i-crvliiiilv is out. vacation.-i L?
I !
; Just l"t. him try il once.
Many lleppner people sought so
lace from the hot wave mid the cool
!n? breezes of Parkers Mill during
t!. Fourth vacation days.
Mfu-lin lleid Ikih completed his new
apartment liouse and it is already
1 illy oocupied. There is still need
for much more housing facilities in
Martin lleid and family went to
J'-ndletoii and Walla Walla Saturday
l upend the Fourth reluming Sun
day evening.
Many lleppner families got away
from I lie heat and dust, as well as
Imsin.eKS cares hy spending Saturday
and Sunday camping on upper Wil
low creek.
W. I'. Mahoney and family left In
I'eir car Friday evening for Iheir
former home at Ilonners Ferry, Ida
ho, to upend the GloriousKourth villi
S. W. Spencer and I.enlie. Mtitlork
p-luiucd from l'orlland I his morn
ing where Mr. Spencer went on busi
ness Saturday. Mr. Matlock lias been
in the metropolis for several weeks.
Whether it is a Suit for the Boy or Man, a Dress for the Girl or Mother, Shoes, Hosiery or
whatever you need, we can supply your wants satisfactorily. WE HAVE THE GOODS.
Sincerity Clothes and Gordon
Hats for Men and Boys.
"WILLWEAR" Khaki Outing
Garments for Men and Women
Beau Brummell Shirts for Father
and Son, several styles.
Carpenters commenced work Mon
day iioiniiiig on an addition to the j
! -e hospital in south lleppner. 1
Additional room is much needed lo
tal(o care id' the numerous- palienls!
king admission.
Mi. and Mrs. W. II. Crolik return- j
r, loai l'orlland Monday evening
In . . I In y t pen! Shrine week . A I : -r
Pit' 1 -i i t : 1 .1 1 il I'slivilies were ended
y an ! C, s. Cronk slient a day or
two al S aside and then went to llo
oai.i:n, Wardiinglon, for a vaiii'c
s.l w .1 h relal ives.
A ii.'iiliUorliood picnic pnrly ob
nn.il tiie Clorious Fourth Stimlay
by having a basket dinner on the
i.iwi al tin' M. I., fuse home. Fan.i
l.oh no . at were the S. F.. N.otson's,
I'. A I ase's, A. M. l'llelps', K. M.
i'lmu'.t. M'. It. Case's und Mrs. Kelly.
M Cweiidolj u Uarbee gavi' an
h-vable dancing party lasl Wed
to s.'. i eveiilni; 111 honor of hei I
lne ol, 1s.' I'.ladys lloslee,, of I'ort
iall.l. vvl. i li lief house guerl. Abolll
a ilii-.i o iiles of the younger net
w . i pi l'-..'lil,
V 0. M.. i'.irly Is about to eompleli
a n -w scvu room residence on Ii If
lane i. ei. ry Inch of Ihe lumber hav
III,; in', ii t I'ieii fioiu tin1 material sal
vag.-l 1 1 o-ii the obi school house,
which Mi McOuriy bought ami wreck
.1 l.i it filing. In Hildition to the
a v inn! liiu he Iiiih already sold hcv
el.ll Hindi.-, I lollan, woilh of lumber
; d ..! I.- has eno'U h left In build
t .,i ,i. ;!. .-. moic hoiisi s oil bus he
I A i . i ... t i II
1 I.. . I;, of Si I. -ui.-. f.
I !.iv i , Ho; I" lie e.llle.l
;- ' 1 I hi i ! hi. I-. illm i
. ' , ha , .i . ii in II,.' l."ii
, l . 1 '-al ; .'in
. " ., ir-e ii" ,n il In.iMih
II ,i , t en ll. . I. .1 v .lii
i i a I, .c!i .i'" a i . .1 lo I
. .,.;io n ,.n ' ' !
,i I I " ..v I-. il'.- I . ' i I' i-
. i, i ,1 i ii. :-. , .I v, ,:i
. . . -,. -i
Napa-Tan and Master made
Shoes, Comfort, Style and Ser
vice, for Men and Boys.
I 1 i
WIRTHMORE Blouses for par
ticular Women $1.50 to $6.75
MINA TAYLOR Dresses for
Mother and Daughter
STROOTMAN and Sincerity
Shoes for Women and Chldren
Classic Coats and Suits, Silk and
Serge Dresses and Skirts for
the Womenfolks.
Our Grocery Department Manager wants to figure with you on your
table needs. Prices are right
Make Our Store Your Headquarters When In lleppner
Hi! 7 1
1 lev , i,c . v k nir vf ' . .' . -.. a . 1 y ,.r ar y . . -f
" 1 1 - - , . - A I s -to itt xrr TJH T TX Tjr-v 1
H S : '.I V"'. I 11 HI El I M V- M Vi I
v : . ; m 1 vk k tip
J V!i rnnrn OMIm
..re. That department .eems to b.'to "iH' " Omsnn Inl. res.e.l
Pcsibly Hf Hd. 'bi eaklnt I he Hewn that hither prices : In oKi lcull tire a a niii.-i.e-.n ... ...
A I .! patina 11 yard where .n of K.-illn ,, ,lir ,,. , t. expected, s'vm ' """ ,he Ja" nlmv' m''M"
rhll.lr.-n were phivlie: I saw il blHe,,, j,.,H ,,,. .i,.;,.,,.,! i.e.-oi dini! 'to id III Ihe din. in lom of the l'ot I land
fell. .w fall f '"ui a hi-h perch mil. lie . , ,, .,.., ( luuiiher of c'.i ainerre. Mr. Mmv-
I, ( ,.l - . .' " I 1' ;l id la e'
I I .,1 'i I ad I"! - !"
11 f " , 1 : i I'.i-i Mm " '
... I , . .... I If 1 ... -
nl of Aoi.'Ultilie thai Ihe ro.l of MH '"'ieci win ue
luring .1 hiliel of wheal 111 I'.UO N I" of .Ur:. il lure.
w.i.s:i... Hie pilce euaiiiliii-.u o n!1u,.,i ml law
l'Miiland on t! at day should nnim'i 1 "ll """ '"r
. Ml.iHl .he .umheon. The produclliit. In dec aied to .e
lone i.l the imml b.inilfiil ever mad
land the r.ml l pt aei ieally nil 1'ar.
; Kailit i ne Mellon,:'.!. ..r.e of Ihe b. -t
known Herein f;ni.rit.i. has the bad
In: role, whole Milion s.lin. Ja. i
Mo.t und Tlivmlore Hub. rin have lm
pori.int parti. Th" ii:p!'ol t wlim ..l'-v
in 111 Ihe I"" I.
did eel mine f.T a Inhmie n I ran t-i
his .Mall. e. b'll when I reachc'l
lo,,. I... I i . .1 .. . 1 no .in his feel ii l .Ii.l r-
n - in h ' 't
"Whj. r ar bltle bin." 1 'Id. 'ihe Cm i I n an lit la.-H v.ar ($2 2i'i al
I -. :i v.i, -. urn., he li-itl. I am I hi.an), v an t . e.-ib il by pr.ulue
e .. I ' ...i'. have I i had I had ueh ,,m ,.-t. b.-cau e clean Iiik, Morai;.-. "
a I ill."" at.d In ..hi bioiu-hi 11,. ei Irinal e I M l S I I'll Dll'.l IS It s r I
el pi.i.lii. -in. it rroiii I", up pa-t tlo- I II I. IS 4r I'.'IKIiNM. sMV
i.ua-ai',1.' -.1 to "ce ' - -
I i ...i il'.'ii' li.ii b.'. II Thi K Itii: I'liii of the S'liry of " The
en ...clii e in pii uiii ..n 111-.1.. iii U'liil.in I hull l.iili-1 'e"
i : ,. , ,).,! .,i ',,.'. ...i- i -'nclii'v I. . r
v " i' i v : i ' r s i;r . ,.,,....,...., ... ,.,, , , t , .1...1 ia,i r .t. rn.ii 1.- .,.'
, I tl al hi. 'o 1 -ni..'.. 1 in d 1 ...I p.iM-.' !' ''
w,; .. '..nl I Seii'h I'.d.it- r an -'. 1 1 k I !.
. 1 , . 1 (.,,,;,. - a', ni.t ,-,,.( ti I hi I if I- -1 1 hi M..1 1 .'I t'oni. il e ad tv f"!.
,.,-. i.i.i, it -. -n ..." mil i:-. !",. 1, in-. ti ihe - it iir lm.. h'M
1 , .1 i n.. 1, .. i . 1 1.1 .en .. I ..' i 1. . a b"i . t;M'l" d ill e .
I,,!, I !..,' ! I ' . p.. ei .-! v. I. 'I 1 ' 1 1 I. 1 I Id il. ' .1 1'.' at'l Hoi all '
' . ! .:;; " , -i 11 t '' ' ' I a'. 1 ,' lid V"' a:
, I. I " ..n " I'"'"' ';,,i i ' " ! . :!. '""!!" " '"
. , ,1 .- ... 1! I-, '".re! U M . i.-..".l. I..-1 I i .1 .
. , .... - , i ., . a. i l. I . '' Ihe p ' ' I ' :: T'-.'.i
'I II.-. I l .-.If "'I'll'
ll.'W I I ' 4 the I.'-' I '
;ti I I II III IN r ' ''" il IVr.-' .! ' r-.. -i
,1 :"'.,! h, II hi ' I
i , I' .' . 'i ii t: ' !
knnwIcilKo nilnht be nlar(?ed.
The South Folar feature I merely
one Inrlilent of the plrture which will
he nhown at the Star theatre on
Friday, anil which telln the story of
Mary .MaeNelll. placed In. the most
terrible position a woman roubt or
ciipy, and of her Htrunslen n:alii: t
tlon regard I iir or return of whit
saddle horse branded 1'L S the TL
connected. K. K. Clark, lleppner,
Oregon. 10-12
FOR SAI.K A-l (trade Holt-teln
heifer Kivhu 4 Kul. dally. 10U
A. L. Sitait, lone. Ore., Ilox 373
1 ; : 1 i 1 11 in 1:1 v l I' n
t;!:w m;1 J "i for Hti.i .1 lo tl.ii.
old..' n( rlifter il .1 1 til liiKtiii
I.OsT At John Hay barren a No.
1 Eastman Auio riaphle Kodak. Eln
der notily W. u. K i n t . Hoard num.
On-con, and receive rew..u.
WAN'TlMl r.hl or woman for l.uhl
h.'ii e wi.;!;. App'y Mi. Ar'h- &
A. M'Al.e. H-pfil'T. '.If
July i'l'l
1 i
I I'. M I
M"" I I '
1 !,. 1 ,,!, . nil I .' ".I 11 V. .11
1 '. l ,Hr . nl iv ,.!
I . IJ'lai ' ...III ' I !'
. t 1 '.. t ..' i'. i n n'.', I i" a '
. .! .- i. in'ii. r 1 ' ii . 1 '.i'. I i" '- -
,.i t r.e. !i it :t m'i"f'ii l ! 1
- 1 ,'t ..i 1 .. 1 .. allM . I h I. IL '"I
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11 . 1 ' V ..'' in.; e"
1 .
,.. ...i, !.,.. !'(.. n-! 11,;
,'t w ' I, "' I 'I' '" I '' 1" I
f ... .. i, . e i.v r .'!. lni'' '.
-4ir f . , he.l -...-rirn. l th. , ,', ....- . .
.;. .;. .;. .'. .;. : ;
.;. sin svr w w (Mi ii !
j. ii:. ;:. ..-.: K. n-i El- "- ' j
.J. I,. .,t l i.il. 1 1 1 . . 1 1 r I a ' 1 -li-; j
v.,m'. 11 .111 M.i"i v.- . ".r.iv. .J- j
V. I I Vt-Iiv ' :""""
.'. i.-l I ' i- Il 'h I ' '' I-'' ! e- V '
!..,;..! 1,1 t . I I I : .n t t ,il
1. Mali! ..i-. ..-! c.,-1 Il''
r .,1 i.i.n.i bv r a. '. in; on il- v
. t.,n. h. t r...w l".:I il' .ivety. .;.
.J. I'm a Mi.'l!.' I a"" "n .""ii .,
.o-i...bile r..-f Ihe r'Ho .J. ,,,,, 7l l-riiv"
.1 inn .Mi.ir... .ui.- v .: n. yt "
. rii:himi'i'i. : ,. ,.,'j r. . . .. j
.'. inn h iirth M.. ri-r lind, er.
I siliiAlu E MIIsM(klli
- I'.ei. .I.;, hr.r. . n I I....U. T.iH.u im:,
Mr.. Cutren. Ch'if'.i sti.-.t. r,Ttf
n.. 1: f..et M. .,., :; M'.id.r In
k-.i." Oilai Imr,. Two lC'.f, dtajetf:.
1'! "'" E.'.l t. r-,. t.i . p,,n o-
b'.e I SI tl. .
A W. (1 A M M I.!. I.,
I.. V
H t' te n
r f'rar.
r iti'nrina.
HI l-'?l
nr.. A.". ". n M t ' . it
V V ! V V V V '' V V V V T-p4 !l- i-T ..f;i!SKK
1 1