Tuesday, July 6, 1920. THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE THREE WILL AGAIN HONOR MAGELLAN TURBAN TRIMMED WITH TULLE 3V By MINNIE DEARBORNE. It V r r y (. 1920, by McCiure Newspaper Syndicate.) Jack Harding had two hours to wait before his train was due to leave. He was sauntering along with the crowd, when he felt a heavy hand on his shoulder, and turning around, he was exceedingly surprised to greet his Onld friend and college chum, Dick Ilar fngton. After the usual exclama . lions and hearty hand-shakes, thev proceeded to talK of their college days and buslnes interests. "Excuse me, I had quite forgotten to Inquire about Mrs. Jack Harding." Jack blew a puff of smoke into the air, and turn ing to his friend, said: "Dick, I have never had the pleasure of meeting Mrs. Jftck Harding." pick looked at Jack with a quizzical smile, and a merry twinkle in his dark eyes. "After I heard that Jean and you were en gaged, I expected every day to receive an Invitation to the wedding, and for some time I scanned the dallies to see where Jack Harding had succumbed to the charms of the beautiful Miss Jean Wetherbee. only daughter of Hon. and Mrs. Douglas Grant Weth erbee." Dick sudednly closed his re cital, as Jack moved uneasily, and toss ing his cigar a way, exclaimed with ap parent surprise: "Dick, Jean and I -wore very happy until her mother de-'-X'led to take Jean on a European trip 'N- r several months. After an absence of four months, which had seemed a lifetime to me, I received word that they were about to return, to which I was looking forward to a happy meet ing with Jean, and vowed nothing would separate us again, "Father called me into his office one morning and told me I must pack at once and sail for England. It was of the utmost Importance. The business had to be attended to at once. Father was not able to make the trip. I was to remain away at least three months, and then go to Paris for sev eral weeks. I tried In vain to per suade father to send Proctor, who had been for years in his employ. There was nothing left for me to do but pack and leave on the next boat for Liverpool. "I had just time to attend to these details and write a hurried note of regret to Jean's home to be delivered to her ori her arrival. I was not so busy but I found time to wri'e every day to Jean, hut nil my letters were returned to me unopened. This made me feel very down-hearted, as I had explained everything, If Jean had only been reasonable and read my letters. It was just live months to a day when I returned to the States. "It did not lake me long to spin In the direction of Jean's homo, only to find she had left the day before on a western trip. I could find out very little from the servants, until one of them fame with a package that Jean had left to be delivered lo me. It eontulned, with other presents, the enrogemeiit ring. That was five yearn ago. I have never seen her or heard from her since." Jack paused and hastily looking at. hi watch, exclaimed: "Well. Dick, It j The Hood, the mnnu-r mystery bnt hus got to be good hy. I have Just tleshlp, launched from the Clyde the time to make my train." Dick grasped other day, is fitted out with n large Jack's irm and with I firm but kindly j oil-fuel cooking galley. For several vole, exclaimed: "Do you suppose I years past the use of oil fuel has been iave found you to lose you so soon? common In the British navy for pro Tou are not going on that train. You I pulsion purposes, but Its employment are going home with me. I want you I for cooking Is quite an Innovation, to see Klsle agnln. You know Jean j The galley referred to Is capable of and K.lsle used to be the dearest ; rooking for 1,200 men. The heat Is of friends. I want you to see my new home ami how happy we are. I know i:ite will he delighted to meet an old friend." said Dh-k hurriedly, as be saw Jack was about to decline. After a few more urgent appeals Jark was convinced. Dick telephoned his office to F.lxle lie v as to Hi brlu.; home an old friend to dinner. Dick stopped Ms car at whut Jack thought the mot bi-nutlful house on th street. Jack was made to feel right at home by the delightful greet ing of F.tle, who caniij nut to inee them, looking up so dainty and fair Jack thought bow fortune always seemed to sndle on his dear old friend. Pick, while lie bis thongtus were cut short, as be win being titi ered Into it large clmimlngly ar- rang'"! living room, lint wlm was tb woman t the ..itm In wMf, a M-l m of liellne? Iii rli,j tli,. p pi:i' !i- teg fnoiirps and unlimited v ei. tl liuly turned. Their ees met. Tile nli-e rung out iinultnrieoii.j-. Mr. Klie llinde s ti'irrled erW In return to Ihe rtilii.iirr dep.iiliu. n!. rlnely fniliied l.y Dirk, In If tl.nn nix ni.iiiM.i there - 1 led SO'l'her deuUlirill Mldlirdiin hoiiie pre'ded o'er l.y Mr. mil Mr. J k llnrdiiu'. who r? )il in happy I. a tlij lsrr:niii.,1" )' itiorii'i.c j-'iir later !! k me - t Jii'k I'll the lr. t. t"; ..l to In fl' ire lmr la ?:. Jiii k llnr.l tie J.i' k. b t bun l"ii :h shifts. J--)?!!'; ' I rX''l!tied : "Hilt; Is iry eii add l J k. Jr Hill Ci ri'l Mr It : fii - 1 ' T.t't. t ' d Manx paper !,'. Ired Mill S "f'.r lleitiiBs" t.y f -i nt ! 1 I '"" dv I kn .n n'b U' I'T R'n f" k wtn t tit" I! l!,r IS In' I'V t UM bii b II I. '..r f' ' e,i f f-tef d hit. p'et ' i 1 d" 1-TeS re( 11, j r. , 1 f'.r 'mo f ;;jf tlMt l.sit left no r,t " , Sl1't ' I' - iH I! d llitl Csin. i'h or fivut tdt r.t I .ii.-li.ii ( 1,r.'tt' it. C5(iri,:jrtenn!al of His Famous Voy. Like'V to Be Appropriately Observed in 1921. Mnrrli. will he n pnnrt time to visit il.u rhillppini.q, fr it wni thon Se nn even JUO years since Fernando de M.iiralhiies, as hu was named in liis nnfive rortuetiese, although hotter known, as English usage afterward changed it, !y the name of Ferdinand Magellan, first visited the Islands, dis covering and taking possession of them for the crown of Spain. And plans are now under consideration to celebrate that anniversary in a way to outdn any celebration ever held In the Orient. One will hear, no doubt, n great deal about Magellan In the next 12 months, and the first naviga tor of the Pacific will reappear In newspaper columns and magazine ar ticles; nor is it unlikely that his counterfeit pnesentinent will redis cover the Philippines in a proper pngeant. The celebration, indeed, comes at an appropriate time, for the Pacific ocean is only just assuming reality in the thoughts of the great majority of Americans, and it provides historic background against which the modern Islands can display their prod ucts, their development, and their op portunities for the Investment of American capital. Like Columbus, Magellan was not seeking new lands for Spain. Ilo set out to find a pas sage from the Atlantic to the ocean that Calboa had seen some years earlier on the other side of the con tinent, and having passed through the straits of Magellan, he believed that he was steering for the Moluccas, or Spice .islands. And so, Incidentally, he found the Philippines. COMES OF ANCIENT FAMILY Danish Minister to Iceland Traces Origin to Firet White Man Born In America. Information has been received from Copenhagen that the Danish consul general in London, .1. F.. Roeggild, has been appointed Danish minister to Ice- hind. Mr. Koeggild is widely known j ii, nuiciiui, .Hiving nceu .'Uiuu iwti- sul In San Francisco and Chicngo, consul-general In New York and com mercial ndvlser to the Danish legation In Washington. Mr. lioegglld seems especially fitted for this post, as lie has Icelandic blood In his veins. On the maternal side he Is descended from the Tullnlus family of Iceland, which traces Its origin back to Thorhnn Knrlsefnl. one of the fa mous Norsemen who discovered Amer ica nearly one thousand years ago. Knrlsefnl. of whom n statue was re cently erected In Philadelphia, was the first white man to settle In America, spending two years In "Wlneland," where his wife. Gutrld, gave birth to a boy, who was called Snorrl. From Snorrl descended n numerous and dis tinguished lineage, among whom Is numbered the Tullnlus family, and the new minister to Iceland enn thus lay claim of being descended from the first white man born in America. De troit News. Cook With Oil on Wirshlp, obtained hy means of special burners, which consume the nil under pressure, compressed air being used to atomize the fuel. The result Is a white flame of extraordinary heat and cleanliness, which leaves no residue whatever and Is easily controlled. There Is nn en tire absence of smell a usual (Head- vantage In rooking by means of oil and there l no chance of the food bclnic contaminated. Ths Earth's Crust. The timet Important scientific In vextKvitlMti (,f ti,i pn-t year In any country has probably been tlm at tempt to measure the earth's eni!. We know ery little admit the shell on ttlikh we live. Scientists linve been slililyltiff the problem In 1 1 n nil. Ttiniiiiv an 'I Salvndor. where the up. 1 P'-rt unit f.,r line.tt.-:,!!.,-, nr.. -, chilly fiiwir.idlo, M.niv data dew to i'je!,ri dale been rnlleeteil f irrern- Ids the shell. Its ei'tnpo- thiii an I pr.ile able life. S!l;l other tes bint- l.een tnide In New South Wads, wf.ere a k'leit reservoir n.inniir'ii't nn lin t!e n .' t of er on a I'm. ted area, ai.d ln! -umenli brne l.een .. Vlel to lit. imiirw the liMtU-iurtit of the I'urth's rr"t uiider this i;k-hl. New llk'lit t.n - t ii been thnmii i tut UC- I in of A. ,iti. s. Hsrd.it Tool.:trl Vtt D'trevtrtd. Wli-n tiM, lieentliea Ipll!. tluil" I rt"ti're tu ; iirperi 11. nnd time In s l.4lC-dide le p Is c.l,te. A d.l .,,1 ........ri ,1. ...I ..1: k-t p lis i .;m wili te.'d till .e 11I1 I diMte ev. I eie'i ei r .-. 'rfe J. O Arn-ld. i f She" eld. I.i .- sii.d. Ii..i.ie- ! hr lltd y l.f '.. III Mi,;, II, e ;.eti, 1 iiii!i'l;n;:i os iifr"!a.e, t rulde I -tt 1 , f.uwer 4,'reu' r th. i'i 1 .1 l.f ' u. As a re -i r .- i . i IT"";-:" n.i' i eir . . lld'l. ., H I ITHUlll p t ! v e-1 s ' el of t r f ill I i- ll M It fi J the I ' . ' II- dss d "nier ' It ! ij line . :' . f'-nu 1 ;? 'e,,.; f ttit.t.ii wrt '( S'l ei.t tli i'i iMiui i-iim r- ' ldi ft f't " i-l ef It .. . of Id, e Meel 'T feet It It e f J . .1. fid ft-Ut. .. U Sr Mr l.Sliti S M. Headgear of Gray Hemp Embellished With Jet Band Forming Veil- ' like Trimming. 1 Lewis, of Paris, notes a fashion I writer, makes a fascinating little tur- ban, from which tulle iloals. It is of j gray hemp trimmed with a jet em- ! broidered band of black tulle, forming a veil-like trimming across the front and sides mid continuing across the back where it is tied in a wide Al satian bow. Another close-fitting hat Is of shiny white straw, with a brim turned up in the back and front and extending into Continental points at either side. Just above the points are bright pink roses. Over the crown of the hat is draped a large square veil of black net with an applique of lace. The drapery Is gathered to the left side to be swathed about the neck and chin of the wearer. Not all of tU.e lace trimmed hats are small. One model, which is very large and turned up sharply In the front, has a flowing veil held to the crown with a narrow ribbon. Tulle Is Popular. Much tulle Is the order of the min ute and this is bended and embroidered In the most Intricate fashion, even though the heaviness of the handwork Is applied to almost invisible fabric. S. E. NOTSON ATTOKX KY-AT-I.AW Office in Court Houe Heppner Oregon Dr. R. J. VAUGHAN DENTIST Permanently located la Oddfellow' Bunldlng Heppner, Oregon WOODSON & SWEEK ATTOIl.EYS.AT.!iAV Heppner Oregon ' Hli HE HANDLE j NORMAN'S Iff IM WSItalSUl mi BEST IN THE WORLD my ii ie Hie mm BIcAtee & Aiken FRANH SHIVELY PAIUTK AL II'i;-,i;mii K AT s i:ivm:ii's iii.m i.smiiii mioi l ame anil inlei fer Inn In i -e nin fiiH) nllemled HEPPNER :o: OREGON 'PLRMANtNT AS Concrete Pipe Company Manufacturers Sewer and Water Pipe Irrigation Pipe Culvert Pipe Hollow Silo Blocks Cement Products Phone 467 snick I'L Lor mowers. Headers and Rakes We carry a complete stock of repair parts for these machines, Bin der Twine, and all small tools an d equipment needed for your Harvest. GAS ENGINES I. H. C. and Fairbanks-Morse carried in stock. Larger sizes up to 15 h. p. ordered on short notice. Farmers and stockmen from Rit ter and other northern Grant county points are invited to make our big, new store their head--,., -. ,., , . .-quarters when in Heppner. Gilliam Bisbee "We Have It, Will Get Or It Is Not Made". DR. A. D. McMURDO niYSICLTO & SUIGEON Telephone 122 Office Patterson's Drug Store Heppner Oregon F. A. McMENAMIN LAWYER Roberts Bldg. Heppner, Ore. Office Phone Main 643 Residence Phone Main 665 DR. CLYDE R. WALKER niYSKtW AND KlIKiFjO Phone Connections lone, Oregon SAM E. VAN VACTOR ATTOKX KY-AT-LA W . H-ppner Oregon Subhrrlbe for the Herald ----- THE PYRAMIDS" 1 ' j I II Mil III llf . 1003 North 10th St Wdllj WjIIj, Wash I' ill 'J Headquarters for 1 Deerine Binders i - i 7- It OPERATES I Save Money l-'or n limited time from the ( bliiiuo Tailoring Mouse of Kuliii liiim. at n Discount of 15--Pcr Ccnt-15 from iriiiiliir prices. Order a new suit nml save i-iioukIi money to celebrate on. Heppner Tailoring and Clothing Shop ii. KRANXEN'i Proprietor THE HEPPNER HERALD, ONLY $2.00 A YEAR F. R. BROWN acnt for GUARANTEED LOW COST LIKE INSURANCE; FIRE, HAIL, ACCI DENT AND HEALTH INSURANCE TWO I.OOII 111 SIHIM I s IN III IIII.II T. A I.IMIII D AMol NT Of HtlWIi: MoM V To I4t Oil'ici I'll'llIC I i-t:nis in "As a Matter of Fact" says lha Good Judrrc -- It will actually cost you less to use i!ic Ileal To bacco Chew. Any iir.;i v.!. ;:. ihe IU-al 'ft: bacco C.hw v.ill till you that. The full, rich t:rtc I.i .ti longer and a f.uiil t h v lves more f fiuihio fi.atisfaction. I'tit U I I f.Ut !! RIfIII CLf h a f.hort W-Ii CUT h t immm WW ON KEROSENE on that Suit M II all T AIMMt-M I; si'lTS I'l'M U loll su: i;n 1 1 1 iIk 1 1 l'.iiilliii Irpjiiu 1 , )rci.n 'fe V . .IS.I..-E-- 11 V - cut tr.h a lona fine-cut tobacco 2H M.ttt,