THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON . Tuesday, June 29, 1920 I PAGE EIGHT liOCAL NEWS ITEMS A A A A A A A . It's no use worrying about Hepp Tiei ladies benig "dainty". They were born that way. Mrs. Clyde Wells spent last week at Portland visiting friends and relatives. till tk! I tttt" t ntv .rlk um, Wa are Shown. WU George McDuffee, high sheriff of Morrow county, was away from the office a day or two last week cn of ficial business. Kiss Gladys Uozlee, of Portland, a classmate of Miss Gwendolyn Darbee, and a relative of Mis. Carver, arrived Thursday evening from the Rose city to -visit for several days with her ll'ppner friends. Fred Lucas was in from his Lex int;ton ranch Thursday and reports that barring a bit too much Jim Hill mustard, the wheat crop is doing splendidly. W. P. Mahoney slipped away from business cares last Wednesday and (spent the rest of the week in Portland giving the big Shriner show the once over. Judge Campbell, W. L. M.iCaleb and Oscar Minor went out over the new Hitter road Thursday on a tour of inspection to deter nine what, if any, other work might be required to make the road safe and sane for the lieppn.oi- excursion to Hitter July 4th. Jake Wells and Joe Waters stole away from their duties at the court house Thursday for a trip to the gi.-;n alfalfa Ileitis and bubbling diKhes of tile ISoardiuan project. Malcolm Church and far.ily left Sunday rooming for l;oo, Oregon, in the Hood River valley, whe.-e they have purchased a tract of land and will make their future hone. They sliip' d a carload r.f household goodsi and farm equipment with thei.i. Whether it is a Suit for the Boy or Man, a Dress for the Girl or Mother, Shoes, Hosiery or whatever you need, we can supply your wants satisfactorily. WE HAVE THE GOODS. Sincerity Clothes and Gorcion JjiVTi WIRTHMORE Blouses for par- Mil HI Hats for Men and Boys. Pv-"- ticular Women $1.50 to $6.75 I jj "WILLWEAR" Khaki Outing fl ffj MINA TAYLOR .Dresses for L, . Garments for Men and Women j I , r Mother and Daughter P' fhAk) O-uJPWvx " , Beau Brummell Shirts for Father &MfM " : t, J f STROOTMAN and Sincerity and Son, several styles. I raliKtt!? ih.tsi W'fi'A I Shoes for Women and Chldren I Napa-Tan and M a s t e r m a d e "V"; V raf ' f Classic Coats and Suits, Silk and Shoes, Comfort, Style and Ser- JnL, ' J. 1 rA Serge Dresses and Skirts for I vice, for Men and Boys. ll ' Womenfolks, jj A fine won was born, to M,r. and Mrs. Karl Gilliam, Sinday, June 20. Mother and child are reported doing nicily and Karl is tho best pleased luokln ; dougliboy that ever returned from France. , U. J. liiddle, who alses wheat in j th lone country, waa In to'vn Sat- I unlay afternoon and reports that the rop prospects in bis neighborhood j an line. II. J. Is also considerably I Inlt esled In t''0 big pow wow atSan l'-ancisco this week and ex.iects to j mm a four time winner selected and PH in (raining for the big event In N .iv em her. I S. i:. NolS(.n wan called to Port land laHt Wednesday by the alarming condition of his old friend, William l'.m i-hell, formerly of Lexington, who is in a Portland hoHpltal HUllering frou a malignant growth In the i threat. Mr. Huu-hell lias been a lie M her of the Portland police force loi cvcial years. Finley, who farms extern holy in what used to be called "the sand ! ceiui''y", -0 miles north if l.cxing l ii, was In town Thursday on biisl ii. ,- '. Mr. Fliiley had wilh him nain pb of Ihiiii biw farm which e an lliuiii:h a heavy cop Is a-eur i ! The I I II II i.i well In-i'ded and e to I"' t . I ' i ' n'.fc'.) and look: I I.- I r, or Ue lilt .!. 1 v heat. v i.i ' V - W. II. I'nr oil ef I -'.t. M' IHe is.llliK l.l the I el I'e ! d Ill ",'ilel Mis. Cm. K Ye. 1 ill I J V lt;i I'll TheV 111. IV lln in I' i .i.i I i.i 1 1 ti w ith ; ,i ml dim. lit '.'!ih e e:lv in ; in; M I; Mil: I I n , .1 1 1 . '! 1 . ',ll,e I 'I. 'I'll pli-M l l.eed tl l! I . ih l,,!:-t In. i!i lil.ii i ii i.iiI.iiiih . i 1 Me 1,1 !i 1 ke 1 1 .11 I el : l.ll i ll i ii.. r i it. I! Our Grocery Department Manager wants to figure with you on your table needs. Prices are right Make Our Store Your Headquarters When In Heppner 1 i L)! i "9a "7 HEPPER Oregon IHI -r -L ' 1 J John Aduiii". a t.' i ht el Hie Haul inbuilt tile came an l.e did that day man count:)-, vv.nln town Friday. j Max and A:t fnuml lilm hollerln" In J the lain li.uTi 1. ( I'li.ulie ! i : v..n In fioii! thi' 1 i I'.nk. i : Mill-di-..,.t I. r a cn-ple ol Hemy Schwait. r ll i d.iv last week. known i-eildein nf Heppner where be; vv an engaued In the meat ImioneKS A! Hill ve. . Ini. ,n- k mall nl Haul' l"r "evcial years, now an opulent w.m a vl-:iu; in pfti.T Fit- ,'i,ul" of Haniilt'm. (tngon, linn K iv M mi.-, prepl leltM i! 'hel , been ih town fur u !' davit hhal.lnu M loi-ii I. i, .,tii lli it lllw.iiuli . ' li.iudH Willi liln old friend and look-i , Hie I'.l 1 I u.ll.l I lllei 1,1, . -I j J,,,, Shelld.ill. Mill kllwll l.eep " Mtl'T l ' I I tl -. Ill.ll tem. Ilinryl Iiiiiiii! rli.ui i iii. ill ef I be ul . iii .nl v M.itu lli'Mi .im the ll.iiiilllini ci'!in:i y In IhP best i " ' i -i .i ' i ! 1 1. n I ' ' i ' N 1 nil. i-lii in"- a' I' l ; ls. T M Hnl Fl i.l.iv ' ' il.M i I .. . i . . ,1 lit e lie li ,u II I'l l .. .ii in i I. .ii i.. ..! I lie j I . IV e ..1 i,1 1 1 ! i i! .1,11 1 1 I l,e .. tl!lV I III I'l ! .! i lite I ' I Hie Ii, 1 1 . 1 I . I - I ii lll ll I II 'i 1 I ' -l j.l.V - I. ll I I'.nv I'.i ml li. w he I h .ii i en ;hc eli. w.m iii lnwn i :: : ti .t ilm::; lie c'lej .l!l; i-vei. Hie'le lat and bile, tin1 bT.imi 'en Ho- li.tlx waviiiit I k" a Morrow- inuiily be,ii lu l l ami milk and honey I! iw ni: down ui'n-t iveiy can- )on. W.itl i;... .n.i.n. el M.n i.'b F..IN. ll.itieit leliirncl fiom S.i- it ti n. tui a i.vv .'i ;; I i' U-nt i ii 1 1 - evi iiui v ! he J'.it J . -.i i 1 1 1 : ii ' .. I',l I'l I .e. I . , 11 ,1 ... I n M ', nu, tin r el ' I'.. I I F, .1, , v h i 1 . ' , . 1 l I, ,ll -t Ml,! Hi,"' v ! ! . k III ill I. I V, . 1 I , I" iT I tj. . i i . e I', i n ii I,,- ". ,i. , h i e I. r ti l 1 ..l cum ji'iil. d the h'th i, !ui coilie at' .'.ii ! ill) 'i',. mil "111111" w.m a' i 1 ; k I''? J' !' ticnre in In, h m nid wmk : .1 ' i- v tin: i.. I e : . ! )..i! luii. ; e.l In! HI - , 1 vi :. I Willi i., el i'l 1 ' l'lir',1!', il'ttii.ll lleW. 1 1',. ( I i. h t I w i I". a ; . i' - i .... ; i , tn ...idl- . i i t . , hi' l.e y,. . :. .i . I', n'.i l -I .-1 i ..; !'.. : i -i di b.iiiriK . I .' ' . tl. ' I. .,'!' i ' i i .i a a i ii-'I Fii! M. . V-ij -,l )er" M.ili"h'V - ii .in.l , I n iU.I u lii.'tie.l ! i' -i . I"'... C iiidiy urn- CIN'CE the pt.M nj In i jUtor in. f i'.e a battrry cannot te Iffll, tbf trajrniafll i n the outtide U par. In-u!arty important. The Thrcud Rubber r.rrle of the Still D--trr Willnr.l mranj the hattcry won't b ive to be t rn down tjf IC-UUuUtivUa I. Iii trie lUitct) eli e Malbm 3. W. I It I T H f II County ConiinlKMioner Oeo Illealt- nian, who operateii n hardware More and a parage in home tow n when he In home, was In, town Monday morning. FOR SALK A-l (trade Holntein heifer plvlng 4 gal. daily. $100 raxll. A. I.. Strait. lone, Ore., Ho 373 IKHtSFS ASTK.W. ItKWAItll. .3 Ksirayed from near Poardman. Oreiton. 1 black Kelding. three veani old with one white hind foot and one black mare with one front and one hind white foot, lloth branded with hatchet on right tlfle. Reward. No tify J. A. Howell, Iloardinan, Ore. 7-9 WANTF.P 20 head of honeii for 4 month pHUiuxe. Hate $2.5') per month. 3 mile went of Hoard nun; Jack Cirham. 7 S rtioiie H.I Hi pin r, IHv. I.OT At John Pa)" bill ecu a No. 1 K.iKlman Autoiirapblc Kodak. Kin der nt 1 1 y W. ). Kins, Hoardmun. lireKon, and ren-ive reward. 7tr rAsllKiNAUI.F tRKSsMAKI.(i Remodeling and I.adle Tallorlns. Mr. Curren. Church atrei-t. 37tf Ftm h.I'K nuiAi" ne rfliteted Perrheron Mallilk For full Information Inquire nfj'tr wtl'e . Waller flood. Iloppner, Ore. s fn. COtf WASTI1 -I'.'il or wonan fur likl.i h.oi-e w ik Apply Mi- Artliur A. M'-At .'., M' I K sw.i: i. 1 1 ' i i n I. ; , - . . I'-, .i .i i ,i ",ir . - li.lV 0,-l.e II I , . I , ,,,,,, , el I.i ii. ik I" i'.' Jim' mm i ! ,. e mi, wne,,. , , unrnll) com- !,. II,,. t l. 'i V. u'e It... ' pl' led ,er j inn r " i Itlt'lpt'. I'fW , i i . it ei . ii el it n 1 1, i . i ll ,-iU'k w iii run. I., i Jin h Mm 1.4 tu'cq tuitmt: ber i M Mei' il M 'H- j up ilU.w ri...'. i.iM.ih ,ti) to'tpr and enj.-,ii r,e f.nlHitu In- , , n .,'Vin "'xs'ii .V.'-' "lew' and f'r k " P Mr HM",h '"' 'i "r ' ridrnl to tbe il e i.t the .liol jrrar I. ..,-n d'1'- ' 10 to0 Saiaid)- tut Ihe pi.( monHi 1 Mtin i: ir I vruiv ,-:ir.iv.d t i my Uce S'iit i.i'y l?2'. one r-. I.' year old H.-t. tr. iiiAiked mid !'atill follow: One .ii.if'.i ill '.(h rtt and i;ndetti;l ii r,i,it i- t'.randed N I' M ''. and thtr hnl !onil b-tin n fist. I ide, l'n; i ner ral' l"! the M"t and pny p.;ure and adwrtiin' ci.! he will be mid f'-r an-e O:oer t. C'lrtie. Willi-. Ot'son I'util. June and July 12. (m 12 foot XI. Cot mi. k Header in i i"d cond.tion. Two kim.4 drapet. I' he l; io. Fall tern. til lpiinl-til- art.e. A. W, r. . MM KM.. I.exinati'ii tec ma j lU l I l'-.rSn; binder prae. jtb'alljr new. For farther inf irma liii'n call at my p!e at South Alao 3a. W;ttai vaon. T lpJ CHKI.-'T MOf HNKK Hrt-er Herald Want Ad bring h la," the b. run.