THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, June 29, 1920 PAGE SIX N.'il NOTICE FOK Pt'BI.ICATIOX Department of the Interior, U. S. Land office at The Dalles, Oregon, Way 15th, 1920. Notice is hereby given that JOHN P. CONDEIt, of Heppner, Oregon, who, on March 15, 1917, made Hometnead Entry No. 0185S5, for Lots 1-2 SV4 NE. Section 2, Township 1 North, Range f.R East. Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before J. A. Waters, Clerk of the Circuit Court, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 7th day of July, 1320. Claimant names- witnesses: liernard P. Doherty, of Echo, Ore gon; Cornelius Melville, of Echo, Ore gon; Oness V. Gibson, of Echo, Ore gon; William B. Finley, of Lexing ton, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, 4-1) Register. Heppner Herald Want Ads bring home the bacon. KOTICCK FOR 1'UBIilCATIOX Department of the Interior, U. S. Land office at La Grande, Oregon May 15, 1920. Notice is hereby given that KATHERINE DOHERTY, , of Lena, Oregon, who, on March 23 l!)lfi, made Homestead Entry No 015687, for KE',4, Section 32, Town ship 1 South, Range 20 East, and Lois 1 arid 2 and S 'A NE, Section 5. Township 2 Range 2!) East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three-year proof, NOTIC E FOR I'UBIJC ATIOX Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, June 15, 1920. Notice is hereby rjiven that GEORGE M. VINSON of Lena, Oregon, who on August 9, 1916, made Additional Homestead Entry, No. 016299, for NWVi NE i, , K, NW'U and NE SV, Section 22, Township 1 South, Range 29 East Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three-year proof, to establish c'.aim to the land above described, before Clerk of County Court, Morrow County, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 4th day of August, 1920. Claimant names f.s witnesses: George Pearson, Howard Pearscn, Frank McCabe, Jjr.rsh Courtney, all of Lena, Oregon. C. S. DUNN, Register. NOTICE FOR 1'l IiUCATION to I deSC III' I' on ! iblih chim to the ml, liel'nr'- .1. A. W n i y ('null, n::!d th.v .11: ill I' 'I'll land above iters, Clerk eppiier, Oregon, 'u!y, 19110. will in " f : Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, June 15, 1920. Notice is hereby given that WILLIAM F. PETTYJOHN Echo, Oregon,, who, on December 23, 1916, made Homestead Entry, No. 01 6878, for SWM NW14, N SWU sev4 sw, sy2 se, ne4 se, SEV4 NE, Section 34, Tp. 1 N R. 28 E and on March 1, 1920, made Ad. II. E. No. 019493, for NE'4 NIO'i, NW'4 NWi, NW'i SEVi, Sec. 34, Tp. 1 N., R. 28 K. and Lot 1, Sec 2, Tp. 1 S., R. 28 K., Willa mette Meridian, has filed notice of in tenlion to iiinko three-year proof, to each and all of said animals to the highest and best bidder for cash in hand, for the purpose of paying the costs of taking up, holding and sel ling Bald animals, together with rea sonable damages for the injury caused by said animals running at large on my premises. Dated and first published this 8th day of June, 1920. 6-7 M. C. MARSHALL NOTICE Notice is hereby given to all own ers of cattle and horses now running at large on lands owned or leased by me, in Morrow County, Oregon, that i such cattle and horses are not taken off my property within two weeks from the date of this notice, that I wnll take up all suh stock and proceedd to sell same accordnng to law. Dated at Lexington, Oregon, June 8, 1920. 6-8pd JAMES CARTY. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ivtablish H'1, M- de claim bel'oi to the lsv,(l i Clerl; of (' Jul, K. r:i n , 1, V. ill 1. 1 !.. r Cmi'i ! ;:vd i,' o.-- -1 I f. ;o: nay c, ihove j mi v m-i-, ;-!s t. Notice is hereby given that John McCartan has been duly appointed administrator of the estate of Frank McCartan, deceased, by the County Court of Morrow county, Oregon. All persons having claims against said estate are notified to present the same to me at the office of my attor ney, F. A. McMenamin, in Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice, with vouchers duly verified Dated and first .published this 8th day of June, A. D. 1920. JOHN MeCARTAN, Adminnstrator of the estate of Frar McCartiari, deceased. 6-10 stripe on face, white left hind foot. 1 gray gelding, about 1000 pounds, spider brand on right shoulder. 1 blue roan stallion, about 1000 pounds, spider brand on right shoulder. brown mare wiht spod dO-d $r04 1' brown mare with sucking colt, about 1000 pounds, SI on left hip. 1 roan mare, about 1000 pounds, spider brand on right shoulder, suck ing coalt with white face. 1 bay gelding, about 1100 pounds, spider brand on right shoulder. 1 bay yearling no brand. That I will, oa THURSDAY, THE 17 DAY OF JUNE 1920, at the hour of eleven o'clock in the forenoon, of said day, unless the same shall have been redeemed at what is known as Marshall's cor- rails, about 4 miles west of Castle Rock, in said county sell each and all of said animals to the highest and best bidder, for cash in hand, for the purpose of paying the costs of taking up, holding and selling said animals, together with reasonable damages for the injury caused by said animals running at large on said premises. M. C. MARSHALL, Dated and first published this 1st day of June, 1920. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT (7 Notice is here'oy given that C. M. Farnsworth , administratrix of the estate of O. E. Farnsworth, deceased, has filed her final account of her adminisration of said estate with the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, and that said court lias fixed Monday, the 5th day of July, 1 920, at the hour of lo:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said d.iv NO I'H'M 'of it- hr'.'oby 1 1 II d l I ill-!' I, f time, rt th Mor;n -.11 and the County Court House, at v County, Orison iriii't objection to ivl l;:e final scU at. all p.;r- ti No'! '.: ,!'.U 1(1 I )! 11 l Lam .line- I ,oi ; i of I. -Alll'-JOIl, 2 lib, 1 '' 1 6. I No. iiir.iir,::. !'.( ii.n 2'J, T' 211 East, Wil L l Dalies On I !l2. hereby Til op"; try sl!'-.i-.ii. i:v: li;m-:-i;,:ul i-i-J i December 29, 1 'I I (, (:!'.) Sin: s., -,C2. i - i vi 11 thai. .-t. sii.i; in. v. ho, on N lie Ho.iiesteatl En r S'.iN'i. N'iSE' n-diii 1 Smith, linn nelii' .Meridian, lias tiled m, lice ol iiilenliim to make final three-year I'lim!', to eslabllsli claim to (lie lind above described, before J. A. Waters, Clerk of the Circuit Court, ill lleipner, Oregon, on the till day of August. 1920. Claimant names an witnesses: inn .1. Way, V. J. I.auder, C. R. Svar.;;eil, 1!. !-'. Svai;gert, all of l.ex Innleti. II. l'UAN'K. WOODCOCK Register. re c;ii luliaci ihe I ii all II: the "VS. Herald only $ and get I r. year. vhh i: i 'i: iti.i h vn:" .Mi.-. hi .i. i)-,i I and Mav 1 Nop. i : l-'iilliM nf la bo. " 2. I'M :.. ! oi ;::'. I p .MipIi II. nil" I-.. SV i , , S' Si'l'l III! S 2S tiled;-.' I'll ee i-.i I I' llie I. in. I -i'ki .i' .'i .. t ! M-'I'i"" Jalv. I ' - 'I. ( I. inn an a Tiin e- a" the I'lterior. I'. S. Cl.inde, OP :;ill, by riven thai, li HATCH. i. a. w ho. mi Nm eirlii r ,.,1 !i inn- lead l-lnti y No. r li ' . , Sei-t ii-n 20, mill on ; 0. made Additional ! l-iiit-y No. OlTllfit. for . n M, ami K s NW1,. Thai:. -hip 1 Ninth. Kani'e Will.uiirtli' Meiidlall, ban a of Irn-lit l"li to iniilie , in ei l.ibli- li claim in . i ibed. Iielnie J. A. el fp;ni y ChuiI, at i:i. en ttie llnth il:.y of !i.inie-i iin MiH'M a I'llie Mllllkelil, Xoliee is hereby given that t1 Counly Suiierinlendent. of Morrow coiMiiy, Oregon, will hold the regular exaininalainn of applicants for Slate Certil'icates at Court House as fol lows: Coinniencl:v; Wednesday, June 30, 1 9 20, aj 9 o'clock n. m., and contin uing until Saturday, at 4 o'clock p. m., July 3, 1920. Wednesday Forenoon. Fulled States lUMnry, Writing (Penmanship). Music, Drawing. 1 Wednesday Afternoon. Physiology, Reading, Manual training, Comimsitlon. Domestic Sci ence, Methods in Heading, Course of Studv for Drawing, Methods of Arith metic. Tluii'Mlay Forenoon. Arithmetic, History of Education, 1': yi-holoi'V. Mellaids in Geography, Me, liaiileal Drawing, Dmnesiic Art, Course of Sillily lor Ilo.nestic Alt. Tliiitxlny Aftemooii. G:ai.i".i;ir, (leogr; idiy, Stenogra phy, Ameriiai!"ratu:e, I'l-.ynlis, Tvpewrilliv;-. M.'lhods in I,:-.n.;iia!;e, "'I.e. is lor Primary Cci lil'icate l i'ilay I'lireniMiu. The i- v and practice. Oi t I '-n aphy Clie'i'.ini:). Physical (li nr. I ;i I' li ;'. En glish Literature, Chemistry. I ihliij Afternoon. School Law. Ceoliigy. Algebra, Civil (lovei nnieiit. SuiurilHy FonniMin. Geomcliy, Hotany. Sal lllday Afteliiiwiii. CeniMal llltoiy, llookkeeping Ve; y truly your. J. A. ( Ill KCIUI.I.. S'lpeiinlcml. lit vt Public Itiati uclioti, iie llo.-l;, 1 bl-i-'ii mare, ' eoaneel;' 1 b u- i-eblini and. d Ti over 1 bay in".'-'1, iiidei! hat r. 1 bay gelding 1 in:' roam".'-, b !:..' d i. a ri?iit s'louli! r. :, aiioiit !'(.0 p'.ni'.i'.l--. IH on right rhouMrr. a'ooiit 1 1 S 0 poiiiKis. mil on right hip. ; about 1000 pounds, right hip, left fronl hind foot while, star hat brand on foot and riiiht on forehead. 1 bay geldin branded P on stripe on face. 1 bay mare about 9 50 pounds-, branded HI on right shoulder, white ;; t ho ut 960 pounds, left shoulder, white the st day of C. .Tune '. O i d f:avd t a li-e or b -'T . 1920. ITU, lin'-.-tratrr. NO'i'jCil My wjfe, Cora Alice White, having left roy'bea! and board, all persons are hereby notiiicd thai I will not be responsible for any de-blB contracted by her from this date. CLAUDE WTHITE. Dated at Boardnian, Oregon, Juno 1, 1920. 5-8 Alfalfa Ranch For Safe With hay selling readily in the stack at from $16 to $30 per ton In this great permanent stock country, and three and four large crops each your, an alfalfa ranch Is a suro w inner. Here it ia: 1 60 Acres on Lower WiS low Creek 120 acres under the ditch and worlds of free Irrigating water. About 75 cores of growing alfalfa and more ground already prepared for seed. Fair improvement a. In the beU a' frill a legion of Morrow county. Get this iiuiil; and raise your own feed or help nupply the hay market. E. M. SHUTT The Real Estate Man Up-stairs in Court House Frank li in, Oief.oll 4 1 Julian llalich, till of Echo. C. S. HCNS. i;.--iKt.-r. ,!! iii it liomi'to.iil ctHiy. Act r ; i. pi hi. ( sut . tiii; ) Mil li I. I HI! 'l Ml IC A HON nl of the Intetliir. V. S. ,1 Or. Hide. Oieron, 1 -!.. "ii I a ml IMiloe at J aiiK I '.. 1 .''. Soil, e 1 1 lien I'V noil that Mil KM V Sll V of ll 'l lllel. Ulila'll. to oil Xl'li-111-lr lil. I'M. Ill.l le AdilltUOlllI llolll- K-4il I'ntr). Sii oltiTaa, tol N NK i, 'id N' NW. Sifiion :. Tp : sotii'i. I: nit :? i a i . w I'laiin'ttt' .. i.ln'ir. I' nle.1 tioll. r of tntoti Imn lo in ad ltm-" )tr I', in ,Ulditti olal'ii In lhi Un.l Imi w iiImsI, botiiri' Clerk of Cminty Court. Motto Counlf, t H'ppniT iiifcon. on lh fih Uy vt AtigtiM I Uuinnl tini ttnow' T J M(loik. t.ujr ltoir. lulph Jotit. l uck Uiniiu. ll l Hi-i'i'orr, 'troo. C. lA'SS. rtttr NOTHK Nottoe In hereby nwn tlial. I. !' UMd-iirin d. under the t i of tin' Slate ol Oiecoil h.10 taken II p the .immaU In n In.itler df'i i tin d while iinnini: lit IniRe oil my ircinlso-n near ilo Km k. OroKon, lo- It : 1 roan, ftalUo.i, 5 eai old, tiohlall wish white face, 1ok ml mi. w" pouinU. Spider biiiiul n rlclil nhoulder. iton ry iiinif loot round, ipl- i liiiitnl on Hlit nhoulder I dark blown nmt mi llntt. '- tall, tiptdi-r lirand on nhouhler 1 on-l )itlnu. lioMiill. whit'1 hind e' nl trtttpw on Lie, "plder bmnj on iiuiil nhould-r morel ynrlin ninr. flai nine tul tall. bobUU. UUr brnnj on I (boulder 1 ort.-l tnt tnut 100 l-oundt. II I on tlKht houuler. by wo your old mt, IHI tilp on f , no brnd. Tlinl I tll MI on Thurtdny. Ih 2 I h itf of Jun. 130. t lhi hour of It Q'fltxk In th fotnHn of I4 tly. unla thi ni hll h Wi ttnlavmrJ, t hl I kBua Vr hkll't fottull. bou 4 nitlr Mt ef Ctt Ilixk. U 4ld county. Choice Cuts of the Best Meats EVERY HOUSEWIFE WANTS TO SERVE THE best in Meats to her family.. She can be assured she i tloinn so if she Imys her Meats at tlii.i slirp which k conductrd in cunformity with modern method of sanitary- marketing. Central Market ' McNAMER & SORENSON, Pror. Bread LiKe Mother Used to MaKe You can have it if you use our famous White Star Flour For Your Baking We have just received a car load of Spring Beardless Barley for Seed We pay highest cash prices for Hides, Pelts and Furs Heppner f armors EI ev 4- Wrosig pi ti it ik'j a S i 3w ii none Us jii J l&.-yi v';. i J-at;j.r hi p tf lT' .Tuni.H'J ..' 1 I M'liuf vi':l. J .-.I II e?r-t, '..ii'Bi,"'.i'u"J l-l,''tf''",i We make a specialty of quick repair work, keep ing always ready the materials and men for im mediate service. If you have new work that you wish us to figure on wc will be very glad to submit prices. Our work is guaranteed to give you perfect satis faction and if you are not pleased in every partic ular we will spare neither time nor money to make it right. Peoples Hardware Company in The Moral Risk When Ih lime roinon to ii k rrodlt, a hank will want to know what you A I! K a will a what you HAVE. Tlint'n whor the moral hazard ronn in. AnJ you can't eMabllMi rrrdlt over night. Rather, It l a matter of beronilnc KNOWN at your bank, of en tahllnhlnn eonfldenre by Ihe way In whli-h you bav kept your aroount, rrRardlexa of the amount you tiae lo your credit. Oet acquainted Ihit'a the flrnt thln. Then develop ' that ciiialntnre Into frlendahlp. It will Hntti you In plcnJld ati-ad when the time cornea. I(emeniber Inn Ala. that thia bank ffi-ra you a complete bank' lag aertlce. Farmers & Stockgrowers National Bank HEPPNER, OREGON. 4