p June 29, 1920. x iiuiv iiuniii, nr,rf ihe.r, WICUUIN PAGE FIVE t. ........ 1 " ClX-IIi XKWS " Miss Winters and niece, Miss Ha zel Winters of "Shady Dell", spent Saturday in lone. Leon Logan and family of Four mile called on their friends around Cecil Friday. C. A. Minor and sister Mrs. Wells, o Heppner, spent Friday at the"Last Camp," leaving Saturday morning for Portland. Ed Milton of "The Lookout" was ) a business visitor in lone Saturdav, ! The misses Mildred Henriksen and Bernice Deeson of Rhea were callers in Cecil Saturday. Mrs. George Krebs of "The Last Camp" spent Monday at The Dalles visiting her sister Mrs. Wallace who has recently gone through an opera tion at The Dalles hospital. Clifford Winters and sister Miss Hazel of "Shady Del" were callers at "Willow Creek" ranch on, Mon day. Jack Fenwick the prominent pain ter of lone has been busy during the week painting, etc., at "TheHigh way House" for postmaster Lowe. J. M. Melton, of "The Loolcout" spent Thursday with his old friend J. W. Osborn at Cecil. Mr. and Mrs. Phil. Brady arrived in Cecil from Portland on Thursday where they had been attending the Shn'ners festivities. Misses Gertie and Hazel Pettyjohn were in from their Morgan ranch on Monday. J. H. Franklin of Rhea called on "The Mayor" at Butter! v Flat on Fri day. A line band of pheep belonging to Mrs. Pat. Farley of "The Willows" passed through Cecil on their way to their summer range. Miles Shurte of Arlington was a busy man. amongst his Cecil friends on Friday. W. H. Cronk of Heppner was looking up his friends on, Willow creek on Saturday. Roy Stender and Miss Juanita Crabtree of "Dotheboy Hill" were in Cecil on Sunday. W. H. Barnes of Mountain Grove Missouri, arrived in Cecil on Satur day where he will visit friends for some time. - Cecil Ahalt who has been spending some weeks at Ritter Springs arrived in Cecil an Saturday and is now busy haymaking for Krebs Bros, at "The Last Camp." Misses Annie and Violet Hynd of "Butterly Flats" were the guests of Miss Bernice Franklin at Erving on Monday. A school meeting was held at Ce cil school district 8 on Monday where the following were elected. Henry Krebs, chairman; A. Henriksen and Geo. Krebs, directors and Oral Hen riksen clerk. lone was hor-ored during the week by a visit from the Mayor, Postmas ter and Marshall of Cecil. Jack Hynd and daughters Annie and Violet, JI. Henriksen and Henry Krebs autored to Heppner 0:1 Satur day. r.Iiss Georgia Summers of "The Lat Car.:: " spent Saturday vitiiMiss Esther Logan at Four Mile. I r ! ! ! llOAKDMAX SEWS .j. ? -V. J ........ V V V V V V V V V V V V V V At the annual school meeting- held Monday, the 21st, G. E. Broyles was elected director for 3 years in place of the retiring member J. R. John son. MJss Claire P. Harter was elect ed clerk vice Mrs. Margaret Cramer. The 192122 budget was adopted calling for a special tax some $4000 less than last year. 1 M. B. Signs, principal of the Boardman schools, has gone with his family to Eugene where he will at tend the summer school for six weeks. jlli Ease and Comfort HOW MUCH EASE ASD COMFORT YOU CAS GET OUT OF A PROPERLY REPAIRED OLD SHOE THROUGH THE HOT SUM MER DAYS. It's EASY AS AS OLD GLOVE AM) EVERY DAY'S WEAR YOU GET OUT. OF AX OLD PAIR MEANS THAT MUCH SAVED OX THE SEW PAIR M HEX THE STORMY SEASOX COMES. 15KIXG US THE OLD OSES AXD WE WILL MAKE THEM LIKE A XEW PAIR AC A SMALL COST. A XEW PAIR? IF YOU REALLY XEED A SEW PAIR WE CAS SAVE YOU MON EY AXD GUARAXTEE YOU SATISFACTION'. Bowers Shoe Shop Water Apparatus Permits Granted According to the records of Percy A. Cupper, State Engineer, between January 1st, and June 1st, of this year, two hundred sixty three per mits to appropriate water and ten permits to construct reservoirs have been issued. Of this number thirteen permits have been granted covering the appropriation of water for the de velopment of approximately 9300 horsepower, 198 permits covering the appropriation of water for the irrigation of 41,685 acres of land, and ten permits covering the appro priation of water for mining pur poses. The remaining forty-three permits cover domestic use, water for stock, and municipal, and various other uses. Under the various permits it is contenrplated that approximately two hundred forty miles of canals will be constructed, and the various features of construction work will cost ap proximately $1,600,000.00. In Mprrow County, permits have been granted to the City of Heppner, Oregon, covering the appropriation of water from Ditch Creek, for muni cipal supply, the estimated cost of construction being $3,000.00. To C. W. Valentine, of Heppner, acre Star The Wednesday, June 30th-- GLORIA SWANSON in "HER DECISION" A married woman fall in love with her husband. Thursday, July 1st "The Great Air Robbery" The Greatest Aeroplane picture ever produced. Admliwlon IKK- and BOc. Friday, July 2nd-- MARGUERITE CLARK , "Three Men and a Girl" ''Walk into my parlor said the spider to the flies" and they walked Saturday, July 3rd-- "Oh, Boy!" Jammed pack full of Girls and Ginger. One big laugh. Sunday, July 4th-- ENID BENNETT "Partners Three" A story of the American Desert, a Girl and the Man. Alto Mrs. SYDNEY DREW Comedy "Bunkered" She was shore SOME fixer Turkish OAfisncliil -1 . . blend am if o sir-ee, do pren"ums wit V-mv JT- Camels all quality! 'PAMELS aualitv dIus Came!?? ex- pert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos pass out the most wonderful cigarette smoke you ever drew into your mouth! And, the way to prove that statement is to compare Camels puff-by-puff with any cigarette in the world! Camels have a mild mellowness that is as new to you as it is delightful. Yet, that desirable "body" is all there! They are always refreshing they1 never tire your taste. Camels leave no unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste nor unpleasant cigaretty odorl Your say-so about Camels will be: 'My", but that's a great cigarette". Camea are mold everywhere in scientifically seated packages of 20 cifareffna for 7(1 r.mnt or tmn n.,.i- afiea 200 cigarettes) in a glaaame - paper -cove red carton. We atronfily recommend this carton for the, home or office aupply or when you travel. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. Winaton-Salem, N. C covering the appropriation of water from Willow creek for irrigation purposes. Also to the city of Heppner, Ore gon, covering appropriation of water from East Fork of Willow creek The for municipal water Riinnlv. construction cost of this water Bupply system is estimated to be $75,000.00. v (non fcldd) J ALONE in the tire fieSd f the Firestone 3!2 its place beside the hair dozen products of universal use which manufacturing genius has made standard. Built in a specialized 'ac tory -by experts with ail the economy of concentrated production. 5 car SReatre IJ. C. M'.-l l 1. ! I i A N I K r What the bulk of the peo ple accept as the standard f i oi value is right. t You owners of small cars can forget tire details you need not bother with meth ods, features, or guarantees. Call for the Firestone 2Vz. Gray Tube $3.75 Red Tube $4.50 Mmmt 4s li