Tuesday, June 29, 1920, THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE THREE DEVELOP RESOURCES, STATE CHAMBER'S AIM Expansion Movement Now In Progress Will Allow Broader Activities. What does Oregon need? What if It were possible to name the chief factor does it most need in order to develop with a maximum of success? V The question la impossiDie to answer. v,rinro 1b nn "rhtfif factor. Tne SOIU- but many. Oregon today, facing an era of de velopment unparalleled in its history, must fill these needs if it expects to go ahead. Of the many factors that must be employed if the Btate is to progress immigration and colonization stand pre-eminent in order to solve the vital problem of land settlement. Irrigation, reclamation of land and drainage must be developed as another method of bringing about the solution of this problem. Farm labor must be brought in. Homeaeekers who in turn become food producers, must be en couraged and made to see the possi bilities that await them in the great northwest. Good roads must be built. As the vast tracts of wilderness with thejr billions of feet of timber are concerted .'nto lumber, highways must be pro- L SLamed over vun;u cuuum-iue tau uc . jBiri'led and the scenic beauties o the . .State viewed by the tourist. Among other nerds are industrial ex pansion, raiiixad extension and water power development. Ad'-erueip.'; mul publicity must be CALVIN COOLIDGE I Morrow County, Oregon, is the time and place set fof the hearing of objections thereto, and the settle ment thereof. W E. WIG LES WORTH, Administrator of the Estate of Bitha Wiglesworth, Deceased. First Publ. June 29, 1920. Last Publ. Aug. 24, 1920. Named by Republicans for Vice Pre ' sident. NOTICE OF FIXAIi SETTLEMENT on it' Ore"! as a count :y Opp'W.ir to ne nv.v.le !; hotnoscfl;- eevt 0 to olltuv t.: CKIT known ?.' cr viii'i'i set be Et'.raet t iYo,:i t'u 0. ee- ft.' rve.ii. ;',-" M:avs c- -I hey !: Burl ni Or'.'l'.ou le.-.'.et. lie-' trr.njr.;rtatii'a, its i.i porta ami jeai'u out I and it must devlep I dure the e;.port:; which are to i;o down to the sea in ships. It rawst txpaiul its educational laeiiitien as an addi tional advance to hold out to the tumi'-seeiirr with (I'.iidren to edtieate. TIib Ore;;on State Chamber of Com merce is the most logical aer-ney to carry on this development work simply because a siate organization of this nature can work for the mutual good of all communities i:i the siate with out favoring ar.y particular one, IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FO$ MOR ROW COtJNTY. In the Matter of the Estate of Bitha Wiglesworth, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, Administrator of the Estate of Bitha Wiglesworth, deceas ed, has filed his final account in the County Court of Morrow County, Ore gon, and that Wednesday, the 2 5th day of August, 1920, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, and. the County Court room in the County Court House at Keppiu r NOTICE TO OWN ERS OF STOCK. Notice is hereby given, to all own ers of cattle and horses now running at large on lands owned or leased by us in Morrow county, Oregon, that if such cattle and horses are not taken off our property within two weeks from the date of this notice that we will take up all such stocW and proceed to sell same according to law. Dated at Heppner, Oregon, this 22nd day of June, 1920. 8-10 HYND BROS. Headquarters for cCormick 1 Peering Binders owers, Headers and Rakes NOTICE TO WATER USERS. . E. NOTSON TT'..;.V-AT l.A.V Office in coii'.'t Koae eppner ' Oresos 'op it:.; v: ae.al bkiv. I. ;- - 11 tr to pro- VAUGHAN & BUTLER DENTIST Permanently Heppner, located iH Oddfellow's Budding Oregon Notice is hereby given that owing to the limited supply of city water during the dry season, the Council at the regular meeting held June 7th has adopted the following regulations relating to the use of city water for irrigation purposes. Beginning on Monday, June 14th the city will be divided into two districts, being North and South of May street. The district North of May street begin ning' on Monday, June 14th is per mitted to use the city water on said Monday and every other day there after, and the district South of May street on the alternate days. The houre at which the water may be used will be regulated by the Power House v.hietlo and all persons are requested not to us-'C the water for irrigation pmpor.es at any other time and the.i tiiey must have a nozzle or :-iriiik:er rUae'ied to their ho:ve. 'lii e-f.e rofcV.aiit.ns have boon ad-p-'tod for the benefit of all citizens, ami , any person i'ona l using t'.;e city water ! for irrigation purposes at any other time or manner than above provided, the water will be immediately cut o.f from their premises. THOMAS HUGHES, Recorder. Dated this Stli day of June, 1920. 6-8 We carry a complete stock of repair parts for these machines, Bin der Twine, and all small tools and equipment needed for your Harvest. GAS ENGINES I. H. C. and Fairbanks- Morse carried in stock. Larger sizes up to 15 h. p. ordered on short notice. Farmers and stockmen from Rit ter and other northern Grant county points are invited to make our big, new store their head , .quarters when in Heppner. 4 1 l 1 v ku-" l-j vj, txt nn jJ OREGON PLAYGROUND FOR TOURISTS AIM OF STATE CHAMBER Switzerland UBed to be the poorest country, per capita, in the world. Now It is the richest. Tourist travel did it. Main and Colorado each re ceive $50,000,000 per year from their tourlsU; Florida gets $250, 000,000; California, half a bil lion a year. Oregon gets $5,000, 000. A three yenr's advertising cam paign by the Oregon State Cham ber of Commerce may be expect ed to bring In at least one-half of what Main and Colorado get, or 125,000.009, which should la cream; on a rising scale. DR. A. D. McMURDO PHYSICIAN' it SUIM5KO.V Telephone 122 Office Patterson's Drug Store Heppner Oregon WOODSON & SWEEK ATTOKNEYS-AT-IiAW Heppner . Oregon ; F. A. McMENAMIN I LAW Y EH Roberts Bldg. Heppner, Ore ! Office Phone Main 643. Residence Phone Main 665 DR. CLYDE R. WALKER niYKICPAN' AND sritUKO.N ' Phone Connections lone, Oregon SAM E. VAN VACTOR I ATTOUXKY-AT-I.AW. H'ppner Oregon ,SV,TE CHAMBER SEEKS TO DOUBLE POPULATION ON FARMS IN 3 YEARS - i Oregon ha au r reourr to lr rlRHiH 4.0'o.uoO acrei of land now un productive, ami which would support in comfort, 200,000 new population, or about 40. on') new fsmllli's. If In in three year' campaign to put families on Oregon's vacant land, the Oregon 8tat Chambr of Com merce ran brine l.ooo families (o ut II lie :hls land an4 water. It will mean In xpencllturei alonti for such comninrll tls as clothing, food, fjrnlt'irf. etc.. ?f ll.oon.uurt. calculating in extendi tures fur an entire- family at only 10oo p-r yi-ar. to say tnilMn of th, falth produced by these new settlors. Land sctilvuent Is one of lh chief t)f th oreron Stats Chamber of ere "'" p'osrstu In Its ami to aid In the development of at. Or-cn has IS." .m.doo arrt-s of till ablo land cow unruttlvatrd. Orrgon proilucd :0,4o0,000 buhls of wbst In VAi. If Oregon s H OOO OuO acru of till abls but unculiitatrd land wre piant'd lo wheat and ib yield wr th Ors ion aerag for tn yrs 21 bushfts pr acr new production would be la1.400.00 bushels which, at the prtce today of U Pi bushl. would Baaa cash value of ll.or, I :10 000. The Oregon tau C'baaiber of fom taerce p-c!S lo double the eumbr f fsrmefe la three years. If this means doubt th eh'at crip. It will men as additional yl'id of 14 00.&O bushels of wtei. whlrh at the rw HcAtee & Aiken tatllng price would sa a rash ealue I (fcyyprtysyavf ,:yTr jv..jn-g ww la aee rnowi of l.:o.OM. I WE HANDLE ICE m BEST IN THE WORLD MR II IE A BUCKET HIE .NOTICE Notice is hereby given, that I, the undersigned under the laws of the State of Oregon, have taken up the animals hereinafter described while running at large on my premises near Castle Rock, Oregon, to-wit: 1 Brown stallioii, 3 years old, about 900 pounds, no brand. 1 gray mare, 6 years old, about 1000 pounds, spider brand on right shoulder. 4 bobtail yearlings, spider brand on right shoulder. 1 bobtail black stallion, 5 years old about 6o0 pounds, Bpider brand on right shoulder. 1 gray mare, 8 years old, about 1000 pounds, wth sucking colt; spid er brand on right shoulder. 1 gray mare with sucking colt, branded bar over triangle on right shoulder; !l years old, about 800 lbs 1 black stallion, 3 years old, about 900 pounds, spider brand on right shoulder. 1 black mare, 3 years old, about 900 pounds, spider brand on right shoulder. That I will, on THI'IISDA Y, THE 8 DAY OF JULY 1920, at the hour of eleven o'clock In the forenoon, of said clay, unli-s the same shall have been redeemed at what la known as Marshall's cor- V - -,! S 5v X '"''r''"' U-.rC- J I - KWf "We Have It, Will Get It Or It Is Not Made". . vr , .. i rails, about 4 miles west of Castle Mock, In said county sell each and all of said animals to the highest and best bidder, for cash In hnnd, for the purpose of paying; the costs of taking up, holding and selling said animals, together with reasonable damages for the injury caused by said animals running at large on said premises. M. C. MARSHAL!,, Dated and first published this 22nd day of June, 1920. XBsacaassBi XOTH'K TO OWM ItS OK STOCK. Notice is hereby given to all own ers of rattle and hoi Hen now running at largo on lands owned or leawd by us In Morrow county, Oregon, that If such cattle ami horse nrn not taken off our property within two wiH'ks from the dato of thin notice that wo will take up nil such stork and proceed to wll rame according to law. Dated at Heppner, Oregon, this lfth day of June, 1920. 7-9 KKNNY 1IKALEY. Save Money on that Suit I'or a limited lime I mil nil TA 1 1 t-.M A I) 1 0 SI ITS from (lie Chicago Tailoring II,, use of kiilin lli-os. at u lHheount. of 15--Per Ccnt--15 from regular price. Oiilcr a new Milt for (lie I'oiirlh mill sae ciiougli liionej to celebiute on, Heppner Tailoring and Clothing Shop rletor (i. I ltN.l:, I Yon THE HEPPNER HERALD, ONLY $2.00 A YEAR FRANK. SHIVELY I'AIUTICAI, IIOllMMHiK.U AT M ILI NKK'H lll..( KSMITII HIIOl Ijtme ami Intei-ferliiglion-- rr fully Mtrndnl HEPPNER :o: OREGON F. R. DROWN agent for GUARANTEED LOW COST LIFE INSURANCE; FIRE, HAIL, ACCI DENT AND HEALTH INSURANCE is l III 1TM It I oil SAI.I Ttto 0000 iii:miia( i;h.mt. run i:n A I IMIM D AMOI NT OK I'ltlVATK MONKY TO l-OAN. Office U)stairs in Kolu-rts IlniMing I'lione 1 lt )iiicr, Oregon 'm "PtRMANtNT AS THE PYRAMIDS" Concrete Pipe Company Mdnufacturrrs Sewer and Water Pipe Irrigation Pipe Culvert Pipe Hollow Silo Blocks Cement Products 1003 North 10th St Phone 467 Wafld Walla, Wash "There's Good Reason for Joy" says the Good Judge In the Heal To- .--. naccotJiew. 1011 et satisfaction. A little of thlsclasi of tobacco lasts so much longer than the eld kind. And you don't need a fresh chew nearly as often so it costs you less. Any man who uses the Keal Tobacco Chew Mill tell you that. Put up in tuKjttyUi niCHT CUT It a hort-cut tobacco W-B CUT is a lonji fine-cut tobacco w 3