THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, June 22, 1920 J eej .J. IiOCAI, .NEWS ITKMS -i- j j j j ? ? ? Mrs. K. N Gonty went to Portland Sunday where she will upend several weeks vacation. Miss Sadie Huddleson, of I. one i Lock, is spending the week at the I home ot Miss Eulalia Iiutler. GOOD GOODS." Mrs. Frank Turner and little daughter, Annabelle, left this morn ing to apend the week in Portland. Miss GwendolynDarbee has return ed from Portland where she has been a student in one of the high shools of that city. PAGE EIGHT 1 Mrs. Clara G. Essor, state bible school superintendent addressed Sunday School workers at the Christ ian church last evening. Prof. Powers, soil and irrigation expert of O. A. C, was here during (tie week investigation proposed irri nation reservoir sites on Willow and Jthca creeks. Miss Opal Weimar, a Iteed college Htudent, and who is supervisor of Junior Chautauqua work for theWest Coast company, was the guest of Miss Ituth Van Vactor while in the city. Mrs. J.W. Stevens and her daught er, Miss Mildred, left for Portland Sunday morning an1 alter a few days in the city will visit friends at dif ferent points in the Willamette val ley. Guy Boyer and Enwnett Cochran have returned from Montana where they each shipped two bi'nds of sheep for Kiimr.ii'.r rang?. The gentlemen report splvidid feed on the ranges they secured and fine weather in that section. W. H. Cronk and family left for Portland Sunday morning to help en Hhriue Shrine week and all visiting Shrinem. The Cronk family and the Devins family of lone, have rented a furnished house for the week and will live right. Mr. and Mrs. W. 13. Barrett went to Portland Sunday to enjoy the fest ivities of Shrine week while visiting rdalivei. and finn'i. While in the city l.hey will be hoisc guests at the home tt Mrs. Barrett's brother, II. V. Hynd. Vc. and Mrs. C. 11. Summers and son Hale, of Andover, South Dakota, wer I he guests of Mr. uml Mrs. Paul last week having slopped here on tln;r way to Portland to at tend the Shrine convention. They left lor the Hose City Sunday morn ing. Mots Ceoiglu Shipley, former well known unit popular llepptier girl, ram. In from Portland Friday for a vac it ion viHlt with relutivca ami triouils. Miss Shipley graduated from l.Uoiln high school In Portland re cent! al'er iietving as president of tu i class for lh past veui. 1) . .1 P. ('under h;is itH-eiviil n le'i"r I rout M. (). Ilennett, division niiiee. lor the state highway com-oii-.ioii. r uy it tc th:it he will be ready li meet willi the tomiiilllce appolnl i Min-.f 1 1 ill,' Hgu to look over the I r ee..e,l llepptier Lena Lexington ,.'. roil toiile soon utter June . M. It: own, of l.nne Hock, nnd her i.pi ;hl ". . Miit. I.riwdco, of Pol I l.iil.l, i line I n vlt.illng Mm, llolieil 'lii i'ipsoii lor Hcvcuil dais, were pas- :fi",ei:t on Saturday' tiiiin (or Port Lull Mri Thompson Is also a il.i iishler of Mm. Iltuwii. MlHit Kita s . Mm Tlii'iiipMin'n daughter, ac- t nji.iii e ier riandiuoilier and mint In I'oi tl.'.hil for a few weeks i .1 J W, tllliliti. a trapper entplovnl h ,t hiuiiher slici pincit III Hie Hill l.i V e i euiillll) Willi tnMililurtet(l .it the Kilkenny I (I lull, Icpoll 'lull the putt 17 lljts lie Jul killed J I r.iote mid fmir liolictl. An Ik- -' i. a bonus nf 2 'ill eai It tiinii it i ' . .pini ii for every varmint Vll !e I he Is III llkillg plcll) linn. I HiHil Mi t.ililn ellt In 1'nttl.llld In ielli A tew Ull. I II in' 11 Inn l.l nil Mill bull tun family to ll.pp iter. Mr mid Mm ' McMi-namm tnl Mi II V liutler iltotf to pen.l i. 'mi ) adetiiiHin fur . ..'il'le ul d.i l ull. ill Mi Men li It .ii. Illtlteit til ple.tin mrrl ti l't li" K II t. Mo nf t'ehlmliu l-t iii.iii lii tt.r Itmiti.t up rllf hrti I f J i i e M stun, tinlieltitl tlilxf lor tlii- K nf (' I'll' met i f limn t ni tin" I'tlurli'nl t"lirr Vr V. Mi tiii.i Hint ti built IriJ inr an .l lir in ' i;iiuittt urtiun Ptnblrnn," in l.l. h rn-t I" ii I'Hitii'ular UBIU. la tb to .b litu l tb Jvhm Vt ItrajKl. 'k YOU Mts, Com lliitncll. who vimh the attest ot her ciiumii. Mm. S. A. Put-' IIhiiii lor I'll iI.inh, let ui tied to her ' home In poill.itid Saturday. I Harry Selby, iio luis the coulraet j of deluding the pipe fur the mw grutlty mater syitmn up illow creek reMinie.1 hauHng lat Thursday alter I seten'l dav J a) n:t oiniMil by the solt 1 mads following the leeeni rami. - U-t v. o insnene, minister ol Ihe t htiKiian ihuich, went to petiill' l .ii Tbtitsilay to attend a meet- 1 IUk o! Ihe iiiiiimti'is nl that id nom I- iiuiinn wti nli mas In se,ioti In that ;i,l) 1!. in s. lay. Krlia an! Saturday - i Mr ami Mi W K, nf 1'niiii. il lilutfs. Iowa, aiiiteil liill' i'P- i tier nirlv l-t week loi a week'a tlsit with her tn m her A M Pluip an l tu tauiilv Mr. nd Mm Mct'oonell came .t tli rol to altelld the I ,ttt mem loi eting In 1'oitl.lll.l ! V U I'wHi and l.niiily, areom- pniei bv V l CU'k. and dituhtet !M4rjot), Uit lot poitland ftatur.lsr atteinoon to spend III Weit ttltlillg I it h the nthef Stu Ine,. The ItW'IU will .i In thrir rottase at Korkawiy I bmch fm be aiimmer following the , Hhrlne in.-, t eg and the Clark fmil Ul spi'Dd oii.e lime la Pnrtland Herbert t! loslone. who lk after cv Italy rwad work In tha L'na aeighborbeod. wa la towa rrldar Calling "BEAU i WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED OUR NEW SPRING AND SUMMER DRESS SHIRTS AND ARE SHOWING AN ASSORTMENT OF PRETTY PATTERNS THAT IS CER TAINLY WORTH YOUR INSPECTION. SHOWN IN SILKS, SILK STRIPES, MADRAS AND PERCALE You have good reason for wearing "BEAU BRUMMEL" SHIRTS They fit: The shoulders are rightly proportioned the sleeves and cuffs are tailored for Style and Comfort in fact it is A REAL MAY HAVE THEM PLAIN, FANCY, OR EXTRA MINORCgLC Heppner, Ore. taking out a road grader with which to iii end the broken, placed In the road of bin district caused by recent i heavy rains. Conilderable damage J was done In Franklin canyon and Mr. Instone w kept busy for a (lay or two pulling stranded nut on out of the mite. J0,n Maldinent. oil time Mrrknian s 0f the Lone ltock country, and pr"- lent roinmlssi'iner uf ijitlinu rounty. I " a visitor In H 'iipn "i Satuulay. 'Mr. Maldinent .i line ..ii. , In Hie tnany ti-w bullditu: vt : i h ue been ' elected atnee hi last visit here a : cll other mihslanllal rtidenrea of liiiprovement. Mr. Maldinent wa lone sheepman ho pl.i)eil a lucky band last fall for after being In the l"'p buine for many year and proUling by the hhmI prlren of heep , ""d w""' P" ' ) he sold i "u' " ' heep and most of hi land fall Jul before that hard winter tote tome nnd. by the same token, not long before wool and theep pr.-r hit the HepptiT Herald Wrnit Ad bring hon e Hi,, liaion, Muny riant Contain Hugar It i aa Interring fart, that sugar ett But only la the rn. beet-rout , ni maple, but alo in, the aap of ,nuut on hudred and ninety other p!aat aad Uww. your Attention to BRUMMEL" SHIRTS SHIRT FOR REAL NOTU'K Notlc Is hereby given that I, the undemignetl under the lawa of the Slate of Oregon, have taken Up the animal hereinafter denctibeil while running at large on m) premise near ! Castle Itock, Oregon, to-wlt: I j Drown atalllon. 3 year old. 'about 00 pound, no brand. 1 (ray mare, S year ld, about 1000 pound. Mplder brand on right ahoulder. 4 bobtail yeatllng, ap.iler brand on rluhl ahoulder. I bobtail black atalllon. 6 )ram old about (50 poiindn. spider btand on; right ahoulder. . I I gray mare. 1 year old. about' lOuO mind. win aurklng colt; spid-i er brand on right ahoulder. 1 gray mar with aurslng branded bar over triangle on tlaht tin older; year t'M. aMiul u0 lb. 1 blark atalllon. 3 yrar old. about 900 pound. pider biwnd on right) boulder. I I blark mare. 3 year old. about , 0t pound, apijer brand on r 'M ahoulder. (at Urge oa land owa4 or teaaed by That I will, oa ju la Morrow rounty. Oregon, that THl'K!I'V, THE I DAY Or JILY.lf aurh rattle and horw are not t 20. at Ihe hour of elevmt oVIork .take off our property wtthm two la the forencMin. of aald day. unl" wek from the date of thla aetlce the aame ahall have b"B rvdemt, we will take all eurh atwk at what I Vnowa a Marihall a mr and pmcevd to awll aame aerordlsi to ' rail, about 4 mil "l of t at!e Kork, a aald rouaey aell eai-h aai all f aald animal I t th i 1 and b-M b tidet. ier rsh la haad. f r the MEN fPj FANCY COME AND purpose of paying the coata of taking up, holding and lelllnn aald animal, toRi'tber with reanunable damaxea for the injury caused by aald anlmala running at large on aald premise. M. C. MARSHALL, Dated and first published this 22nd day of June, l!0. t'On SALE A-l grad HoUteln heifer giving 4 gal. dally. tlVO ranh. A. L. Strait. lone. Ore., Hot 373 WAXTKD 20 head of hore for 4 lnonlh pasture. Rate 12. 50 er month, i in l le met of Hoard man; Jack (iorl .n. 7 f, 1 HT At John !ajf barer ue a So. ,1 Kasiman Autographic Ko.Uk. Fin rolt.liW notify W, O. King, tloardman. Oregon, and receive reward. 7tf VTt K T OHNHtw OK ftTcx K. Notice t hereby given to all own- I er of rttl-and Dor-a now running Ut tHted at lleppaer. Oregoa. thl lit day of Juae. 12. 7 KDVY A MIALKY. SEE HOItSKS ASTItAT. ItKWAItl). Kslrayed from near Hoardlt Oregon, 1 black geldlac. three old with on white hind foot and one black mare with one front and one hind white toot. Both branded with hatchet on right itlfle. Reward. No tifr J. A. Howell, Boardman. Ore. 7- KASIIIONAIUR PRI'.SNMAklXt. Heuiodi-lliif and Ladle Tailoring. Mr. Currea, Church atreeL J7tf tXHX H.H K HKAI One reglalered Ptrrheron atallloo. For full laformatloa Inaulre of or write to Walter Rood, lleppaer, Ore- ton, r KOK HAI.K Ooe 12 foot MrCormlrg Header la goo4 niBdition. Two good draper. Prlre 1200. Tall term to re.pon.l ble par tin. A. W. OA MM ELL. " Letiagioa region rtill mi..tfing hinder ptae. tlcally new. for farther infnrwa- jttoa rail at my pure at goUU) j8priag. A lie 3;n. M.trfcaJi wagoa 1'9 CHRIST Mor.HNKK M'Ppaer Herald aat Ad knag hoae Ihe hea e