Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, June 22, 1920, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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MMS3i& sssssss
Bread LiKe Mother
Used to MaKe
You can have it if you use our famous
White Star
For Your Baking
We have just received a car load of Spring
Beardless Barley for Seed
We pay highest cash prices for
Hides, Pelts and Furs
Heppner Farmers
Elevator Co.
When your Plumbing goes
nimrrw a
We make a specialty of quick repair work, keep
ing always ready the materials and men for im
mediate service. "
If you have new work that you wish us to figure
on we will he very glad to submit prices.
Our work is guaranteed to give you perfect satis
faction and if you are not pleased in every partic
ular we will spare neither time nor money to
make it 1 ijj'it.
Peoples Hardware
The Moral Risk
When the t tin nam' In prrk rii'ilit, a bunk will want
l.i U li.it iai AUK an will uk what on IIAVK.
Th.it'a whete the inor.il Iiiw.ii.I roiiii'H 111.
An. I im t.in'i il.itill!.!i titilii m.T niKlil. It.ithcr, It
l iii.il . I-or tin melng KNOWN at your bunk, nf e
l tliU-hnu; nun Hi in by the way In which you have
lii'I'l imu nrfiiiini, fiijnl li'sn of Hit niiKiunl you
Ii.ii' to i'in i"i'iit
t.ct A. .ii.uiil.'.l Knit's the l!iiii, Then iti'Vflo
ti-ii i.iiiiianut tutu It irii.! .Iiip. It will Maml you
111 ;li ii,i,. pl.'jil lien lln liiiii mm in. I ; -1 1 1 1 1 b l -lug
ul.. ib.il Ihn b.ink nffca ymi a complete bank-
IH I, ! ! I H I'
Farmers & Stockgrowers
National Bank
Subscribers to Budget Will
Have Voice In Matter
of Expenditures.
Tuesday, June 22. 19 2 o
"After I have subscribed In th rw.
gon State Chamber of Commerce, w"at
part will I have In the organization?"
This question is freauentlv hoard in
connection with the State Chamber ex
pansion movement now in progress.
The answer Is that all anhanrihom
will have a voice In saying how the
money will be soent. Bv thta unH
other methods the fundamental demo
cracy of the organization i
Of course the Board of Directors, to
wmcn every member is elielhle win
actually expend the funds of the organ
ization; but they will be guided in
their expenditures by the wishes of the
To determine what the Hllhscrthers
want the State Chamber to do, group
meetings will be held in every nontur
of population In the state, when all nh-
scribers will be called together and
asked to answer. In writing, the fol
lowing questions:
1. What can the Oregon State Cham.
ber of Commerce do to improve condi
tions or opportunities in vour own line
of business or profession?
2. What do you believe' tha n
State Chamber of Commerce should do
to advanae the interests of your own
3. What In your opinion as a citizen.
U the thing Of first ImnnrtAnni. fnr
the Oregon State Chamber of Com
merce to do for the good of the 11.1.
as a whole?
After these grotin nmntlnn hn
been held under the direction nf th
executive committee in charge of the
campaign, each district will select one
representative to attend a convention
with the officers and directors of th
State Chamber, and the answer to the
questions will be formulated Into a
program of activities designed to unite
the entire state on definite tasks.
The .program of work will aljo. con
trol expenditures.' When work Is start
ed on this program the directors wilt
follow their present practice of submit
ting questions of wide Importance by
means of referendum.
The Directors represent everv cltv
and county In the state. Representa
tion on the Board is arranged a-en.
graphically and not based nn nnnnla.
tion. Eastern Oregon is represented by
live Directors, western Oregon by five,
Multnomah County by two. and there
are three at large; making a total of
nrteen, which avoids the possibility
of control by any one section.
To sum up: The State Chamber will
do what the subscribers themselves say
should be done. It" will function
through a Board of Directors elected
by delegates and officers, Including an
executive secretary elected by" the
Board. . Voting will be done by consti
tuent members. Individual subscribers
help make up the program of activities
and curry them to completion through
committee service.
Department of the Interior. U. S.
Land Office at La Grande. Oregon!
June 15, 1920.
Notice is hereby given that
of Lena, Oregon, -who on August 9,
1916, made Additional Homestead
Entry, No. 016299, for NW NE
E NW'i and NEy4 SW, Section
22, Township 1 South, Range 29 East
Willamette Meridian, has filoa -,fi
of intention to make fhree-year proof,
io estaonsn claim to the lanrt nhm..
described, before Clerk nf fnt
ourt, aiorrow County, at Heppner,
uregon, on the 4th day of August,
Claimant names r.s witnesses-
George Pearson, Howard Pearscn,
frank McCabe, fci-.rsh Courtney, all
of Lena, Oregon.
Department of the Interior, TJ. S.
Land Office at La Grande. Oregon,,
June 15, 1920.
Notice is hereby given that
Echo, Oregon, who, on December 23,
1916, made Homestead Entry, No.
016878, for SWU NW . N SWU.
SE14 swyt, sy2 sEy4, ne se,
SEH NE14, Section 34, Tp. 1 N., R.
iS E and on March 1. 1920. marie
Ad. H. E. No. 019493, for NE
NE4, NWU NW14, NWVt SE14,
Sec. 34. Tp. 1 N., R. 28 E. and Lot
1, Sec. 2, Tp. 1 S., R. 28 E., Willa
mette Meridian, has filed notice of in
tention to make three-year proof, to
establish claim to the land above
described, before Clerk of County
Court, Morrow County, at Heppner,
Oregon, on the 3rd day of August,
Claimant names as witnesses:
W. E. Wiglesworth of Echo, Ore
gon, Geo. Cummins of Lena, Oregon,
Mack Gentry of Lena, Oregon, Fred
Coxen of Lena, Oregon.-
Stoc'kraising homestead entry, Act
December 29. 1916, (39 Stats., 862.)
1 From the poorest republic In the
world to the tidiest la what tourists
Iravel did for Switzerland. That little
republic practically unknown a century
mo is now recognized thi world over
is a playground lor tourists b cause
,;u scenic beauties were capitalized.
Da'a bhnwjng what the umrlt tnsl
iesn bus done lor Sw itzerland has hen
ir. pared by Alfred A. Aya r"presctit!ng
h Swift interests lu Oregon ami
criied over to I no Oregon Sae Cham
jer of Commerce to he ucil In connic
lonwlth Us state wide expanalju caai
ilnn now in progress.
It has a direct bearing on the mm
paUn by reon of the fact thai one o(
.he chief itriiiimcnts beinit ui-,1 oy the
Chamber U that cities ar- up. ml-
inn huge sums to ailvertls" their In-
leresta alenx c!v!c Indiitr'al lines.
In the article nr"iiuril bv Mr At
lhowl.1 the economic value if,;nurlt
ravel h aaya:
"It I intlmsteil that tiiiirla'i aiw
dually spend more than IT50 imiij.Oih) in
tne l niii'il Stites. (.if thi mrn It la
ptlinat 'il Miilne and Colnral i receive
lime to I iii.U IO.o )i; Hie 'v Ktisland
its:s In' 1.) JMd iiii'i.uiiii; Klnrlila
rlcse tu l.'uo.iioii.'iii.i and n-iiriie-n t'.ili.
unia be in 1 Ihiuhh mi 1-!.!',,.
tUH It a pi!iiib'i iI that 11- hi with
in-ry tuiiiiiil tu none hi th.. wo.-i,!
r 'ceind If ih;in i,0'ni, 1 ,) tr im this
Thf bet etampli In th nr J , f h
icmblKM' of lh iniir tu fau-.in- fa ia
l!r!;itiil. ilh an ar nf i.9Hi
HUr mil 1 or aboMi mi- h ! r I U.ri. r
1 4ii Mam y niun In i-w-rsi Orenn
The S i did not culi"'.j'n'y !"tla
lve(,n, ;i" nf the t i'r!- barman
m'il atHitt lm) .-a' afn. n'afina
111 t! !tial gi.-t In th pr"
1,1-1 until today ih Iti'U rciiiliHc
lu. ! it . I, :i 10 fie Ulral ho' I aulde.
1 het.-la and il.erbl Ha n.inulalioii
fin tally !hmuh tiur!t ( .
'If l'.t' tllia- of M ..1 It,
t ir flft t. !. rwinn'.: L.n
'i l j fni ttiiirinia "
hMcifii rltt riPi t,v cr ni,t
tu ajvett: their n. i ltitai iitrin.i.
hamb.'r Hnt ar :"n.ln h ue a ir...
j.i r": a-ie.-. hi, .1 .
'""I ' " '''. !!! nn ,,.-44'
1 rn-i iR " 1
M-h ..f Jl I). 1 , ..,,;.,
t ; 4 1.
Notice is hereby eiven tlint th
County Superintendent of Morrow i
county, Oregon, will hold the .regular!
examinataion of applicants for State
Certificates at Court House as fol
lows: Commencing Wednesday, June 30,
1920, at 9 o'clock a. m., and contin
uing until Saturday, at 4 o'clock p.
m July 3, 1920.
Weiliiesdny I'oreniMin.
United States History, Writing
(Penmanship), Music, Drawing.
Wednesday Afternoon.
Physiology, Reading, Manual
training. Composition, Domestic Sci
ence, Methods in Reading, Course of
Study for Drawing, Methods of Arith
metic. T1mii-1:i,v Kuri'niMin.
Arithmetic, History of Education.
Psychology, Methods In Geography,
Mechunicul Drawing, Domestic Ait.
Course of Study for Domestic Art.
Thursday Afternoon.
Gram nar, Geogrrnhy. Stenogra
phy. American Literature, riivslcs
Typewriting. Methods in Language,
Thesis for Primary Certificate
Kiiilny I'liieiiiMin,
Theory ami Practice, Orthography
(Spelin.;V. Physical Oeoir-aiihv. Kn-
gli.h Literature. Chemlstrv.
l-i l.lay iftci iidihi.
School I,aw, Geolnev. Alaebni.
Civil Govet niuent.
Sat utility l-'oreiiiMiii.
Geometry, Botuny.
S it unlay Afternimn.
Genaral History, Itirnkkeeping
Very truly yours.
J. A. CHi nClULL.
Superintendent of Public Instruction.
Alfalfa Ranch For Sale
With hay selling readily in the stack at from $16 to $30 per
ton in this great permanent stock country, and three and four
large crops each year, an alfalfa ranch is a sure winner.
Here it is:
1 60 Acres on Lower
Willow Creek
120 acres under the ditch and worlds of free irrigating water.
About 75 acres of growing alfalfa and more ground already
prepared for seed. Fair improvements. In the best alfalfa
region of Morrow county. Get this quick and raise your own
feed or help supply the hay market.
The Real Estate Man
Up-stairs in Court House
Choice Cuts of the
Best Meats
best in Meats to her family.. She can be assured she
is doing so if she buys her Meats at this sWo which
is conducted in conformity with modern methods of
sanitary marketing.
Central Market
each, and all of said
highest and best bidder for fiiZl
and, for the purpose of paying the epido, brand on riht s d '
Ti... . 7..
costs of taking up. holding and sel
ling said animals, together with rea
sonable damages for the injury
caused by said animals running at
'urge on my premises.
Dated and first published this 8th
day of June, 1920. 6-7
Notic U hereby fjvm that. I. ti
underaiKiieil. under the laws of the
rtt.lle :f Oretfnn hnve l,ik,n
- " ..... .(, IMI- - .. ...t, ftll'IIBIII
miiitat hereinafter dcm'tlbcd while 1" dr of June, A. I. 1920
'linn m at lare on my premUen nmr ! JOHN McCAllTAN"
CaMle Him k. Oretfnn. to-lf i Ait iiitinitntur nf t'i. i.i,ii-,.f t'.,.Ki,
Notice is hereby given to all own
crs f cattle and horses now running
ni urge on lands owned or leased
hy me. In Morrow Cm.niv n..,..
that If such cattle and horses are
not taken off my property within two
wee-ks from the date of this notice,
thnt I wnlt take un all muh ...i.'
and proreedd to sell same accordnng
to Inw.
Dated at Lexington. Oregon. June 8.
" " 6-8Pd
xotick to citi:niToi:s
Notice l.i hereby a-lven i, t..i.
. . " ' ' " KUIIII
vet artan lias been dnlv nn,.ii..a
administrator of the estate nt vv.,i.
McCsrtan. decensed, by the County
i.uun en .Morrow county, Oregon. All
peraons liavin claims ainlnHt ..in
Ktate are notified to preaent the
same to me at the office of my atior
ney, F. A. McMenamln. in
Oregon, within six months from the
date of the first publication of thit
notice, with nuchert duly verified
uaien anil first tub lhe.l im.
1 rn.in talllun, 2 years old. bobtnll 1 McCartUn. ilereaai-d.
tth while fjee, lets and tail. !rt '
pmindi. Spider brand on risht 1
1 It.iti ray r.uir t'0 pounda. i?l-!
tier bran 1 on risht a!iould"r.
Not ee j hetrhy gtvpn ,ha, (h
lin.I'M C limtrr Ihm U .
r4 brown mare, yearllnt. t!. t itv of Oregon. ImVe taken up the
p: lr btand n right alioulder, anlmula hereinafter Hrih..i
1 ir.e )e..rlin. boblail. wlute ; runnlnf at larte on ro prei,., BPr
hind l,-4t ami ulrlpe on fare, apider t'aalle Urn k, Oreenn. to-wit
btanJ ..n tiiiht ahi.ulder. black mare, J J 01) pounds brand-
1 .!.-. 1 erl n: mare, flat niane'ed SK connected on ritht ahoulder
ti'l un. b-btali. aplder br.ind un I 1 bay teldmf. hoUt tno pounds
risht l,o.!er. i brands H over HI on rl.lit .houl.lee
1 ..rte n,,r hut .io pound.. !l I bay mar, about HA pound
I p.n n.-'.t aiioulit-r. J brand-.! hi brand on risht hip
I bay l.,iar.'.lil mar, white! 1 bar ltl.nf about ot0 pmisdt
t' p. o-i ',c no h-aml hal b and on rmht hip. lu front
Tl t 1 1 a-ll on Thuraday. lb f.mi and ri.hi h!nd ft white. m,
Jltb Ji of Jua. IJI). at ihs hmsron fofe!.,)
'f II oVt..k la th foreman of and 1 bar t-l'lmf vbout ,) pm,
dy. nlni the aam shall :a bea ' han 1-. p on left shoulder, whitt
fi.tee -ie I. t hat kflnan aa M r, 1 11 H -m 1.. .
1 oiue roan stallion, about 1000
pounds, spider brand on right shoul
der. brown mar wiht spod dO-d Ir04
1 brown mare with sucking colt,
about 1000 pounds, SI on left hip.
1 roan mare, about 1000 pounds,
spider brand on right shoulder, suck
Ing coalt with white face.
1 bay gelding, about 1100 pounds,
spider brand on right shoulder.
1 bay yearling no brand.
That I will, on
1.1.0, at the hour of eleven o'clock
!u the forenoon, of said d.iv. nnlc.
the same shall have been redeemed,
at what Is known as Marshall's cor
rails, about 4 miles west of rnui
Hock, in said county sell each nH n
of said animals to the highest and
uesi uiu-ier, for cash in hand, for the
purpose of paying the costs of taking
up. holding and selling said snim-i.
together with reasonable damages for
the Injury caused by said animals
running at large on said premises.
Dated and first published this 1st
any or June, 1920.
Not lea It herebr CfVfifl that r M
" "wt, v. fll,
rarnsworth , administrate f .k.
estate of O. K. Farnsworth. deceased.
.... 1 i.ea ner final account of her
adtnlniaiatlon of anid nn I u Irt aulas.
th County Court of the State of
Oregon for Morrow County, and that
asld court ha flxe Monday, ,he tth
dy of July. 1920. t the hour of
oiioci, m the foreniKio of said
Jay a the time. Bnd
rourt room, at the Court House, at
"-Mi'..rr. m .Morrow County. Oregon
lh pr for hearln nhin...
"Id final account and the final sett-
,wmrai 01 ' tt. and alt per.
ons liavlni objet-tiona to ..1.1
rcount ,r. hereby required to file
th , with a,id .urt on or be.
for lh. dat fiied for th be.rlnt
Daiedihi. fit day of jun.
I - VA hnmwouth.
xotm K
My wife. Cora Al:. - . ....
my b,d end b...,d L . " "
... ... . , - i"-n
"h':b! B""n- 1 win B, b.
br her from (hia dat.
hil' -n-x uul.-n we.t I t bur mr .- 0lia,,, ,
M"d ( tta.H-,. 0refoa
'" I. Ii;g ' . ,