Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, June 22, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Tuesday, June 22,1920.
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Ma1, and Mrs. Frank Engelman and
son Eugene left Monday morning for
Portland where they expect to spend
a weeks vacation.
Archie Holeman of Eugene spent
(.Sunday at the home of his brother
lm.es Holeman leaving Monday for
..ndleton. Mr. Holeman only had a
Veeks vacation and had to make his
visit short.
Miss Vera Engelman returned
home the first of last week from Port
land where she spent several weeks
with friends. Miss Vera was joined
at Portland by her sister Miss Zelma
who has been attending the O. A. C.
at Corvallis. Miss Zelma completed
her freshman year.
Harvey Kegley and his brother
Lawrence left Tuesday for Portland
where they will spend a short vaca
tion with their sister Mrs. Frack.
John Williams is here' this week
from. Portland to attend to some
business matters.
'P rMiiTloa PnfiTirftn rptiirtipH tinme nn
i"turday from Seattle where he has
oeen attending the U. of W. Charles
is no longer a freshman as he com
pleted the first years work. He was
accompanied home by one of his
school chums, Ed. Burns, who will
spend the summer in Eastern Oregon
working. The other lone U. of W,
student, Eldred Corson, is expected
home Monday evening. He also fin
ished his freshman year.
C. A. Minor was looking after bis
Cecil interests on Monday, returning
to Heppner Tuesday.
Mrs. John Nash of Erving left on
Monday for The Dalles where she
will visit for sometime with her
sister Mrs. Sarah Hanison, who we
understand is very ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude L. Murray of
lone spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Ben Barnes of "Poplar Grove."
Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Logan and fam
ily who have been spenting the last
few months in Portland, arrived in
Cecil on Sunday and will visit at the
home of Leon Logan for some time.
Geo.' A. Miller of "Highview", also
Mrs. T. H. Lowe of "The Highway
House" took dinner with "The Ma
yor" and his family at Butterly Flat
on Monday.
Miss Minnie H. Lowe returned to
her home in Cecil on Sunday where
she will spend her vacation before
returning to her studies at Washing
ton High school Portland.
btill not able to use his hands which
were so severely burned some time
Misses Malinda and Sara A. May
of Lone Star ranch left on the local
on Friday for Monmouth where they
will attend Summer school.
Zenneth Logan who has been visit
ing his home in Portland arrived in
Cecil on Wednesday and is now
working for "The Mayor" at Butter
ly Flats.
Mr. and Mrs. 0?car Lundell and
family are the busiest people on Wil
low creek haymaking all, day and
taking in the Chautauqua every evening.
Harold Ahalt who has been visit
ing in Portland for a few days re
turned to Cecil on Sunday and is now
at work again for Leon Logan at
Four Mile.
Miss Leo Gypsele.- of Portland ar
rived at Willow Creek ranch on
Thursday and w'll visit for some
time with her friend Mrs. A. Henrik
sen. Real estate around Cecil has been
changing hands during the week. We
are informed that Krebs Bros., have
bought the Cruters ranch from Minor
& Brady and Fred Pettyjohn has
bought the ranch known as the Sul
livan place near Morgan. Pat Med-
lock and family will reside at the
Cruters ranch.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cason and
daughter Guyla spent a few dajie last
week in Heppner visiting Mr. Cason's
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Walter Cason
and attending the Chautauqua.
Mrs. Ralph Kaiser and two child
ren Winifred and Ralph left Wednes
day for their home at Maupin after
spending the past three weeks with
her father Frank Griffin and brother
Francis and other relatives.
Born near Ion-J to Mr. and Mrs. I..
Douglas, Friday, June 18tn, a son.
Mother and baby are doing nicely.
Mrs. J. Smith and little daughter
Elenor came Saturday evening from
Dallas and will spend the summer
with her parents Mr. and Mrs. C.
M. Shriver. Mrs. Smith1 lias been
teaching school at D:il's and h:is
been reelected as 010 of their f.Ul
Geo. W. Wilson returned to Cecil
on Thursday after delivering a band
of yearlings at Stevenson, Wash., for
Hyud Bros.
Leo Huston and Landon Regile of
Canby are rusticating at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hendriksen at
Mrs. Geo. Krebs and Miss Georgia
Summers- of "The Last Camp" also
Misses A. C, and M. H. Lowe of
"The Highway House" were callers
at "Butterly Flats" on Thursday.
This week offers a fine 800-acre creek ranch only three miles from town,
at a rare bargain.
Ninety acres of this fine ranch is under the ditch, there is a fine orchard on
the place, a good, new house, fair barn and other outbuildings.
Six hundred acres of the place is tillable land and the place must be seen to
be fully appreciated. This place is offered at
A BARGAIN if sold within
Wheat farmers for once In their
lives are wearing broad smiles and
can we blame them after all the fine
rains which have fallen during the
past week.
Walter Pope arrived in Cecil on
Monday from The Dalles hospital
where he has been receiving treat
ments for the last four months.
Walter is feeling much better, but
H. C. Githens and Mrs. Githens,
with their daughter Bernice, left Frl
day morning for Portland where they
will spend Shrine week before con
tinuing their journey to Berkeley,
California, where they expect to lo
cate permanently. They are making
the trip by auto. Mr. and Mirs. Gith
ens have resided In Heppner for sev
eral years- and have made many
friends here who will unite in, best
wishes for their success in their new
Subscribe for the Herald and get
all the county news. Only $2 a year.
30 Days
lira. J. N. ri'irfor ( Walla Wnlla
vacation with her brother Ben Jvxt.iy
and her sister Mrs. Magnle Ci.lUins.
Mis. W. P. McMillan of Lx;r.t;t.-1
Ri-rut r.iday In cmlo wit". ..'en.!-.
Mrs. U. F. Wilmot of Portland, who
is vlsltlns at the McMillan home.
While here Mr". Wilmot d'.Kp'wod of
four of her city lots on Second street
to Willie Swanww. We understand
Mr. Swanson will use the lots for a
wood yard.
Mr. Marshal, traveling snWman
for the Tru Illu Biscuit Co. of Port-
land was a business visitor
city Thurrday.
In our
Anion some or the lone people
who lett Sunday for Portland to
spend Shrlners week were Mr. and
Mrs. J. C. Devln and children. Mt.
and Mrs. W. J. Wake and son Ted.
Mrs. J. H. Illake. Mrs. John Wilt and
Frank Chrlstenson. local diuitKlst.
Mr. and Mrs. C.uy Cason left Mon
day for rrtlnn.l where they will -n-Joy
a week vacation. They were r
rimipnnled by their Biitil Mis. Cliy
, A. Amv f T!w ti.i'l-
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Hail Insurance
The season for HAIL STORMS is here and no farmer can afford to take
chances on losing his crop when a few d ollars invested in one of our
Hail Insurance Policies
will give you complete protection.
The crop prospect is the best ever and the outlook for a record price was
never better.
Fire Insurance
is another important item to look after at this season. You simply
can't afford to be without it now. Better look up your policies and if
they are about to expire call on or phone me at once and I will see that
you are given proper protection.
Yours for protection,
All Morrow County News Our Specialty.
Buyers of Printing
Just a few words to the Business Man who desires to
have his Printing produced accurately and promptly
OULDN'T it be a great relief if you could
say to your printer, "1 need a catalogue, a
circular, some letterheads and envelopes,"
and then be able to entirely dismiss the matter from
your mind in the confidence that h will do the work
to your entire satiifaction. The printer comes to you
with a proposition that please; that has a strong ad
vertising value in the suggested copy, in the proposed
typography, in the color arrangement, and in the
general layout. What a satisfaction to have an as
sured confidence that the finished product will meet
with your approval
Th printer who can do that for you must offer efficient
service. That i what we are giving to our numerous cus
tomers, and we are ready to do the same for you.